How complicated is it to understand.."Legal immigrants" GREAT! "illegal immigrants" NOT Good!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
My daughter-in-law is a Legal Immigrant. She took her citizenship tests, took the oath and is now a naturalized citizen. She followed these steps from this web site:
Citizenship Through Naturalization USCIS
I am all in favor of "legal immigrants". They follow the law. Great.
OUR country is founded on exceptional "legal citizens" and this is one of the many reasons the USA is an
EXCEPTIONAL country...i.e. we WANT Legal immigrants"!

So why are people especially the LIPs so against these "legal immigrants"?
The "illegal citizen" for the most part are good people. No question.
Can we deport the 11+ million? NOPE not feasible.
The solution is simple.
Do as the Communists did in Europe especially ... create extremely secure borders.... but for the opposite
purpose... i.e. Soviet Union did the Berlin wall to KEEP people in that WANTED to leave.

The USA must have extreme border security equal to the Russians during the Berlin Wall keep "illegals" out!

Do that first.
The US and Mexico share a common border of about 2,000-miles (3,200-km). As of February 10, 2012, the Department of Homeland Security had completed 651 miles of fencing out of nearly 652 miles mandated by Congress, including 299 miles of vehicle barriers and 352 miles of pedestrian fence.

Under the Secure Fence Act of 2006, Congress required that the entire border should be 100% operationally controlled by the Department of Homeland Security.
This was also the metric the Senate used as a trigger in the 2007 immigration bill. Under current law, operational control meant the prevention of all unlawful entries into the United States, including entries by terrorists, other unlawful aliens, instruments of terrorism, narcotics, and other contraband. S.744 substantially weakened current law by only requiring the southern border to be "90% effectively secured" [in SEC. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE TRIGGERS].

The `effectiveness rate', in the case of a border sector, is the percentage calculated by dividing the number of apprehensions and turn backs in the sector during a fiscal year by the total number of illegal entries in the sector during such fiscal year.

US-Mexico Border Fence Great Wall of Mexico
Paraphrasing Reagan's famous words..."Congress SECURE THE BORDER"!!!

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Some folks purposely conflate legal immigration and illegal immigration for rhetorical advantage only.

They know better. But if they say you're "against immigration", it makes you (the evil political opponent) look bad.

One of many examples of the dishonesty from partisan ideologues that continue to damage conversation.

How does one have constructive dialogue with a person who behaves this way? I don't know.

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How complicated is it to understand.."Legal immigrants" GREAT! "illegal immigrants" NOT Good!

It's not complicated to understand.

But to understand that, completely undermines the liberal agenda. If they can't pretend that conservatives oppose all immigration, then the liberals know they haven't got a leg to stand on.

So they will not understand.

They will most carefully not understand.

Their agenda is indefensible. They can only support it by lying and pretending.
Our quota system is profoundly dysfunctional, and it encourages illegal immigration.

Reform our immigration system. Simple.

But the GOP leadership is too cowardly to do it.

The reason? Bigots in the party holding them hostage. Just ask Eric Cantor.

No one believes for one second that the faux Right likes Mexicans.
To those who purposely conflate and confuse the debate to position those are against violation of immgration laws equal to against all immigration, I propose one of the following:

1) The US should adopt and enforce the same Immigration Laws as Mexico.

2) Make the pro-illegal side come out and propose Open Borders and scrap all immigration laws. By the same logic, if you are pro illegal, then you are in favor of Open Borders which makes you accountable for security of the US.
You really care about an administrative crime? Not the hundreds of thousands of crimes involving violence and the like?

If a legal immigrant is fine by you, but an illegal one isn't, but the only difference is some paperwork, why not express this same level of angst about other crimes? Why only the one involving foreigners?
Our quota system is profoundly dysfunctional, and it encourages illegal immigration.
Politicians constantly talking about amnesty for illegals, encourages illegal immigration far more than quotas ever could.

Reform our immigration system. Simple.
No, enforce the laws we have had for decades. There's a reason for the quotas.


...and required. It's the law.

But the GOP leadership is too cowardly to do it.
And the Democrat party gains advantage by not doing it. So they won't, either.

The reason? Bigots in the party holding them hostage. Just ask Eddie Cantor.
When people don't have a legitimate argument, they always resort to complaining about race. And I'm not talking about Eddie Cantor.
Our quota system is profoundly dysfunctional, and it encourages illegal immigration.

Reform our immigration system. Simple.

But the GOP is too cowardly to do it.

I agree. GOP leadership wants to be liked by the MSM and that's been the problem all along.
We got McCain in 2008 because the MSM liked him and promoted him. Then when McCain was selected...bam!
MSM pulled out all the stops to get Obama elected.
I remember when McCain..Senator John McCain gathered at a restaurant uptown with some of the biggest stars in journalism to celebrate his birthday. Among those mingling over cocktails and fine French food with Mr. McCain and his wife, Cindy, were Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Bob Schieffer, Maureen Dowd, Tim Russert,,,
McCain really thought he was a media darling and that's been the problem with the GOP leadership in general... constantly seeking MSM validation!
BE principled first GOP!
Reform our immigration system. Simple.
No, enforce the laws we have had for decades. There's a reason for the quotas.

There's a reason for quotas, but that does not in any way mean the present quota system is sensible.

It isn't.

The reason? Bigots in the party holding them hostage. Just ask Eddie Cantor.
When people don't have a legitimate argument, they always resort to complaining about race. And I'm not talking about Eddie Cantor.

I meant Eric Cantor, of course.

Cantor's loss in the primary to an anti-immigrant made the GOP shit its pants. They halted any forward movement on immigration reform in its tracks that day.

There are going to be a lot of confused and butt hurt faux right wingers when the GOP finally enacts real amnesty legislation, though.
Our quota system is profoundly dysfunctional, and it encourages illegal immigration.

Reform our immigration system. Simple.

But the GOP leadership is too cowardly to do it.

The reason? Bigots in the party holding them hostage. Just ask Eric Cantor.

No one believes for one second that the faux Right likes Mexicans.
Why do so many people conflate legal immigration with illegal immigration, as I refer to in post 2?

You really care about an administrative crime? Not the hundreds of thousands of crimes involving violence and the like?

If a legal immigrant is fine by you, but an illegal one isn't, but the only difference is some paperwork, why not express this same level of angst about other crimes? Why only the one involving foreigners?
Do you know how many thousand real violent crimes illegals commit? In NC THERE have been 5000 child sex crimes committed by illegals in the last yr alone
You really care about an administrative crime? Not the hundreds of thousands of crimes involving violence and the like?

If a legal immigrant is fine by you, but an illegal one isn't, but the only difference is some paperwork, why not express this same level of angst about other crimes? Why only the one involving foreigners?

I am being perceived as "anti-immigrant" and that is not the case obviously with a daughter-in-law that became a legal citizen!
So don't conflate the distinction! I love "legal immigrants"! These people like my daughter-in-law DON"T want to have the state take care of them...she
saw that premise FAIL in Europe the reason she GAVE up her country's citizenship to become an American!
But the majority of LIPs in this country (low information person) can't make those granular distinctions. They lump anyone who loves legal immigration
into the "anti-immigration" crowd which I find extremely ignorant and definitely offensive!
You really care about an administrative crime? Not the hundreds of thousands of crimes involving violence and the like?

If a legal immigrant is fine by you, but an illegal one isn't, but the only difference is some paperwork, why not express this same level of angst about other crimes? Why only the one involving foreigners?
Do you know how many thousand real violent crimes illegals commit? In NC THERE have been 5000 child sex crimes committed by illegals in the last yr alone
Our quota system is profoundly dysfunctional, and it encourages illegal immigration.
No one believes for one second that the faux Right likes Mexicans.
Why do so many people conflate legal immigration with illegal immigration, as I refer to in post 2?
Because they haven't got a leg to stand on, as I described in Post #3. They're wrong and they know it. So they lie a lot to try to get their agenda across anyway. Little g5000 is a typical example.
Our quota system is profoundly dysfunctional, and it encourages illegal immigration.
No one believes for one second that the faux Right likes Mexicans.
Why do so many people conflate legal immigration with illegal immigration, as I refer to in post 2?
Because they haven't got a leg to stand on, as I described in Post #3. They're wrong and they know it. So they lie a lot to try to get their agenda across anyway. Little g5000 is a typical example.
Show me where I lied.
Our quota system is profoundly dysfunctional, and it encourages illegal immigration.

Reform our immigration system. Simple.

But the GOP leadership is too cowardly to do it.

The reason? Bigots in the party holding them hostage. Just ask Eric Cantor.

No one believes for one second that the faux Right likes Mexicans.
Why do so many people conflate legal immigration with illegal immigration, as I refer to in post 2?


It is simple. It makes for politically correct psyche that is gobbled up by the gullible and fuzzy minded that put ideology ahead of thinking things through.

It is the same mentality that makes them post stupid stuff like:

If you promote lower taxes, you are promoting doing away with the tax system.

If you promote smaller government, you hate government and want no government.

If you point out the unintended bad consequences of the 'war on poverty', you hate poor people, drown puppies, and throw your grandmother out on the street.

So to them it is perfectly logical that if you see a benefit in secure borders, language, culture and object to illegal immigration, you hate immigrants.
Ah the eternal cry of link from the uninformed...and if I provide one so what, will be talked past ignored or explained away because dogma is all that matters.
Conservatives want a border fence but don't want to pay for it's construction. Maybe we should force illegal immigrants and prisonors to build it? Lot's of illegal immigrants are experienced construction workers.

Or we could re-allocate funds from our overbloated military to building a fence. I keep hearing about how our southern border poses a national security risk. Why are conservatives so hard pressed to get serious about securing our borders?

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