How about reparations for victims of the housing meltdown?

I was thinking about this today. Reparations for the housing meltdown would make more sense than the other reparations the Democrats are promoting. What's the difference? Plenty.

Slavery reparations are not deserved because nobody in this country today was a slave, unless you were a victim of a crime. All the people in our government today had no control over what government representatives did so many years ago.

Sexual preference reparations also should not be appropriated because there was little to no financial harm by the state not recognizing gay marriage. In fact, marriage is not even mentioned in the US Constitution. To the chagrin of leftists, it's still not.

College reparations. Again, not applicable because people who took loans out for an advanced education did so knowingly. If you made it to college, you were obviously not ignorant. You knew what you were getting into when you signed those forms. Plus for many people, it was an investment that will eventually pay off.

The housing meltdown was 100% the fault of government. Government changed the rules to 0% down and no credit check. The federal government are co-conspirators with Fanny and Freddy. The representatives at the time knew they were creating a problem and did nothing about it. They took advantage of the ignorant, many of whom today cannot purchase a home even if they wanted to. Some have been financially ruined for life. Unlike slavery, we know who was at fault and who the real victims are.

As long as the Democrats found this magic money making machine to pacify all those who were harmed or think they are harmed, why not reparations for people who lost everything in the housing collapse?
So socialism when it fits your own narrative?
I was thinking about this today. Reparations for the housing meltdown would make more sense than the other reparations the Democrats are promoting. What's the difference? Plenty.

Slavery reparations are not deserved because nobody in this country today was a slave, unless you were a victim of a crime. All the people in our government today had no control over what government representatives did so many years ago.

Sexual preference reparations also should not be appropriated because there was little to no financial harm by the state not recognizing gay marriage. In fact, marriage is not even mentioned in the US Constitution. To the chagrin of leftists, it's still not.

College reparations. Again, not applicable because people who took loans out for an advanced education did so knowingly. If you made it to college, you were obviously not ignorant. You knew what you were getting into when you signed those forms. Plus for many people, it was an investment that will eventually pay off.

The housing meltdown was 100% the fault of government. Government changed the rules to 0% down and no credit check. The federal government are co-conspirators with Fanny and Freddy. The representatives at the time knew they were creating a problem and did nothing about it. They took advantage of the ignorant, many of whom today cannot purchase a home even if they wanted to. Some have been financially ruined for life. Unlike slavery, we know who was at fault and who the real victims are.

As long as the Democrats found this magic money making machine to pacify all those who were harmed or think they are harmed, why not reparations for people who lost everything in the housing collapse?
You got reparations already

We elected Obama and the housing meltdown was corrected

Obama did it? I there anything DumBama didn't do in your world? You know, cause the sun to rise? Cause food to grow from the ground? Bring the stars out in the sky at night????

View attachment 266403
Well let’s look at it this way Ray
Under Bush, houses lost 40 percent of their value
Under the Great Obama, those houses recouped their lost value and then some

One of the reasons he is known as the Great Obama
Want to hear more?

Who knows him as the great Obama except you? We refer to him as the great mistake.

The housing market was at the bottom. There was only one way it could go from that point, and Hussein didn't do a thing to help it.

But you on the left are always giving him credit for things he was never involved in. You and your ilk give him credit for this great economy that Trump created for us. Two and a half years later, and you actually are so deluded to think that Ears had anything to do with today.
Just gift everyone $10 million dollars then the entire country can retire on holiday.

Correct. 2020 is the year Democrats are promising the world. Reparations for everybody, free healthcare, free college, free personal time off of work. Aren't we fortunate to have Democrats in this country that can find a way to give us all these things while being 21 trillion in debt at the same time?

I swear, they must have a magic wand or something.

Of course, free handouts is all they can promise Trump has them crushed on all the important election issues.
Trump has them crushed on what issues exactly?
Just gift everyone $10 million dollars then the entire country can retire on holiday.

Correct. 2020 is the year Democrats are promising the world. Reparations for everybody, free healthcare, free college, free personal time off of work. Aren't we fortunate to have Democrats in this country that can find a way to give us all these things while being 21 trillion in debt at the same time?

I swear, they must have a magic wand or something.

Of course, free handouts is all they can promise Trump has them crushed on all the important election issues.
Trump has them crushed on what issues exactly?

Border security, national security, Vets, economy, jobs, tax cuts, you know all the issues traitor lowlife useless scum Dem's avoid like the plague. Plus energy independence, fuel prices, jobs killing regulations, jobs killing trade deals. Dem's have nothing.
Liberal scum on the left coast now tax the crap out of businesses that don't even make money. If your business breaks even, or loses money, tough shit they slam them with taxes anyway.

The Dem motto is...I'M A GET MINE, SCREW YOU.
This said by one of the wealthy for whom the tax cut Trump enacted was created and to whom went almost all of the benefits

The top 20% pay 80% of all collected income taxes. So who should tax cuts go to?
This thread is a huge fail.
Gonna thank Obama OP?

That's a good idea Lesh.

Thank you Obama for the slowest recovery since WWII.

Thank you Obama for destroying our healthcare.

Thank you Obama for adding 10 trillion to our debt.

Thank you Obama for turning Washington into Chicago DC by weaponizing our bureaucracies like the FBI and the IRS.

Thank you Obama for creating 40 million new government dependents from two social programs alone.

Anything else Lesh?
Liberal scum on the left coast now tax the crap out of businesses that don't even make money. If your business breaks even, or loses money, tough shit they slam them with taxes anyway.

The Dem motto is...I'M A GET MINE, SCREW YOU.
This said by one of the wealthy for whom the tax cut Trump enacted was created and to whom went almost all of the benefits

The top 20% pay 80% of all collected income taxes. So who should tax cuts go to?

The left lie and omit to demonize 'the rich' it doesn't matter that they already pay the lions share of the taxes. The left need a bad guy to demonize to divide voters otherwise they would never win an election. They attack Trump daily yet their own Harvey Weinstein now accused by over 90 women, its crickets.
This thread is a huge fail.
Gonna thank Obama OP?

That's a good idea Lesh.

Thank you Obama for the slowest recovery since WWII.

Thank you Obama for destroying our healthcare.

Thank you Obama for adding 10 trillion to our debt.

Thank you Obama for turning Washington into Chicago DC by weaponizing our bureaucracies like the FBI and the IRS.

Thank you Obama for creating 40 million new government dependents from two social programs alone.

Anything else Lesh?

But but but...Trump is taking credit for Obama's economy in 3...2...1. These liberal losers will never accept responsibilities for their failures.
Liberal scum on the left coast now tax the crap out of businesses that don't even make money. If your business breaks even, or loses money, tough shit they slam them with taxes anyway.

The Dem motto is...I'M A GET MINE, SCREW YOU.
This said by one of the wealthy for whom the tax cut Trump enacted was created and to whom went almost all of the benefits

The top 20% pay 80% of all collected income taxes. So who should tax cuts go to?

The left lie and omit to demonize 'the rich' it doesn't matter that they already pay the lions share of the taxes. The left need a bad guy to demonize to divide voters otherwise they would never win an election. They attack Trump daily yet their own Harvey Weinstein now accused by over 90 women, its crickets.

When Republicans create policy, it's for the benefit of most in our country regardless of political affiliation. When the left creates policy, it's to benefit mostly people that vote or will vote for them.
This thread is a huge fail.
Gonna thank Obama OP?

That's a good idea Lesh.

Thank you Obama for the slowest recovery since WWII.

Thank you Obama for destroying our healthcare.

Thank you Obama for adding 10 trillion to our debt.

Thank you Obama for turning Washington into Chicago DC by weaponizing our bureaucracies like the FBI and the IRS.

Thank you Obama for creating 40 million new government dependents from two social programs alone.

Anything else Lesh?

But but but...Trump is taking credit for Obama's economy in 3...2...1. These liberal losers will never accept responsibilities for their failures.

On one hand they tell us how this is Obama's economy. In the same breath, they complain that Trump reversed everything DumBama did. How can this be possible?

I do agree with the latter though. Trump promised to De-Bama the country when he ran for office, and that's exactly what he did.
Liberal scum on the left coast now tax the crap out of businesses that don't even make money. If your business breaks even, or loses money, tough shit they slam them with taxes anyway.

The Dem motto is...I'M A GET MINE, SCREW YOU.
This said by one of the wealthy for whom the tax cut Trump enacted was created and to whom went almost all of the benefits

The top 20% pay 80% of all collected income taxes. So who should tax cuts go to?

The left lie and omit to demonize 'the rich' it doesn't matter that they already pay the lions share of the taxes. The left need a bad guy to demonize to divide voters otherwise they would never win an election. They attack Trump daily yet their own Harvey Weinstein now accused by over 90 women, its crickets.

When Republicans create policy, it's for the benefit of most in our country regardless of political affiliation. When the left creates policy, it's to benefit mostly people that vote or will vote for them.

Or who will donate to their campaigns or drop tons of cash into their 'foundation' slush funds or pay them $500k for a speech.
I was thinking about this today. Reparations for the housing meltdown would make more sense than the other reparations the Democrats are promoting. What's the difference? Plenty.

Slavery reparations are not deserved because nobody in this country today was a slave, unless you were a victim of a crime. All the people in our government today had no control over what government representatives did so many years ago.

Sexual preference reparations also should not be appropriated because there was little to no financial harm by the state not recognizing gay marriage. In fact, marriage is not even mentioned in the US Constitution. To the chagrin of leftists, it's still not.

College reparations. Again, not applicable because people who took loans out for an advanced education did so knowingly. If you made it to college, you were obviously not ignorant. You knew what you were getting into when you signed those forms. Plus for many people, it was an investment that will eventually pay off.

The housing meltdown was 100% the fault of government. Government changed the rules to 0% down and no credit check. The federal government are co-conspirators with Fanny and Freddy. The representatives at the time knew they were creating a problem and did nothing about it. They took advantage of the ignorant, many of whom today cannot purchase a home even if they wanted to. Some have been financially ruined for life. Unlike slavery, we know who was at fault and who the real victims are.

As long as the Democrats found this magic money making machine to pacify all those who were harmed or think they are harmed, why not reparations for people who lost everything in the housing collapse?
So socialism when it fits your own narrative?

I would guess the sarcasm escaped you.
I was thinking about this today. Reparations for the housing meltdown would make more sense than the other reparations the Democrats are promoting. What's the difference? Plenty.

Slavery reparations are not deserved because nobody in this country today was a slave, unless you were a victim of a crime. All the people in our government today had no control over what government representatives did so many years ago.

Sexual preference reparations also should not be appropriated because there was little to no financial harm by the state not recognizing gay marriage. In fact, marriage is not even mentioned in the US Constitution. To the chagrin of leftists, it's still not.

College reparations. Again, not applicable because people who took loans out for an advanced education did so knowingly. If you made it to college, you were obviously not ignorant. You knew what you were getting into when you signed those forms. Plus for many people, it was an investment that will eventually pay off.

The housing meltdown was 100% the fault of government. Government changed the rules to 0% down and no credit check. The federal government are co-conspirators with Fanny and Freddy. The representatives at the time knew they were creating a problem and did nothing about it. They took advantage of the ignorant, many of whom today cannot purchase a home even if they wanted to. Some have been financially ruined for life. Unlike slavery, we know who was at fault and who the real victims are.

As long as the Democrats found this magic money making machine to pacify all those who were harmed or think they are harmed, why not reparations for people who lost everything in the housing collapse?
So socialism when it fits your own narrative?
Equality for all my brother. We all get reparated and the nation is whole and healed.
Well Trump is shouting loudly about keeping Obama's interest rates and QE2, LOL

But giving any potus credit for the econ is showing weak thinking in oversimplification

The President directs Quantitive Easing? I really thought that the President has nothing to do with that.
This thread is a huge fail.
Gonna thank Obama OP?

That's a good idea Lesh.

Thank you Obama for the slowest recovery since WWII.

Thank you Obama for destroying our healthcare.

Thank you Obama for adding 10 trillion to our debt.

Thank you Obama for turning Washington into Chicago DC by weaponizing our bureaucracies like the FBI and the IRS.

Thank you Obama for creating 40 million new government dependents from two social programs alone.

Anything else Lesh?

But but but...Trump is taking credit for Obama's economy in 3...2...1. These liberal losers will never accept responsibilities for their failures.

On one hand they tell us how this is Obama's economy. In the same breath, they complain that Trump reversed everything DumBama did. How can this be possible?

I do agree with the latter though. Trump promised to De-Bama the country when he ran for office, and that's exactly what he did.

The left tell so many lies they can't even speak without contradicting themselves. Every superpower in the past 5,000 years has fallen, its losers like the left who took them down.
I was thinking about this today. Reparations for the housing meltdown would make more sense than the other reparations the Democrats are promoting. What's the difference? Plenty.

Slavery reparations are not deserved because nobody in this country today was a slave, unless you were a victim of a crime. All the people in our government today had no control over what government representatives did so many years ago.

Sexual preference reparations also should not be appropriated because there was little to no financial harm by the state not recognizing gay marriage. In fact, marriage is not even mentioned in the US Constitution. To the chagrin of leftists, it's still not.

College reparations. Again, not applicable because people who took loans out for an advanced education did so knowingly. If you made it to college, you were obviously not ignorant. You knew what you were getting into when you signed those forms. Plus for many people, it was an investment that will eventually pay off.

The housing meltdown was 100% the fault of government. Government changed the rules to 0% down and no credit check. The federal government are co-conspirators with Fanny and Freddy. The representatives at the time knew they were creating a problem and did nothing about it. They took advantage of the ignorant, many of whom today cannot purchase a home even if they wanted to. Some have been financially ruined for life. Unlike slavery, we know who was at fault and who the real victims are.

As long as the Democrats found this magic money making machine to pacify all those who were harmed or think they are harmed, why not reparations for people who lost everything in the housing collapse?
You got reparations already

We elected Obama and the housing meltdown was corrected
Stop talking out of your azz. The housing downturn woud have happened a few years earlier with less volatility but Dodd/Frank and giving mortgages to people who never paid a bill down in their lives extended the good times and inflated home prices even more. Junk bonds increased massively. When the fall came, there were people who paid their bills down who got caught up in that for whatever reasons. They lost. Many never recovered. Then you voted in the biggest fraud in history who took the second whammy out on people with Obamacare. A knockout spread over several years to the people you always say are your concern. Now go rip the rich again and payoff the special interests of the working class who are the privileged. At least Dodd and Frank left. It took one of the most corrupted people ever in Harry Reid a few more ears to go but od Nancy. A broad's broad. She did nothing wrong. Remember......women don't die for the cause. And to many men are to stupid to realize they can lie. Just like them.
I was thinking about this today. Reparations for the housing meltdown would make more sense than the other reparations the Democrats are promoting. What's the difference? Plenty.

Slavery reparations are not deserved because nobody in this country today was a slave, unless you were a victim of a crime. All the people in our government today had no control over what government representatives did so many years ago.

Sexual preference reparations also should not be appropriated because there was little to no financial harm by the state not recognizing gay marriage. In fact, marriage is not even mentioned in the US Constitution. To the chagrin of leftists, it's still not.

College reparations. Again, not applicable because people who took loans out for an advanced education did so knowingly. If you made it to college, you were obviously not ignorant. You knew what you were getting into when you signed those forms. Plus for many people, it was an investment that will eventually pay off.

The housing meltdown was 100% the fault of government. Government changed the rules to 0% down and no credit check. The federal government are co-conspirators with Fanny and Freddy. The representatives at the time knew they were creating a problem and did nothing about it. They took advantage of the ignorant, many of whom today cannot purchase a home even if they wanted to. Some have been financially ruined for life. Unlike slavery, we know who was at fault and who the real victims are.

As long as the Democrats found this magic money making machine to pacify all those who were harmed or think they are harmed, why not reparations for people who lost everything in the housing collapse?
You got reparations already

We elected Obama and the housing meltdown was corrected

Obama did it? I there anything DumBama didn't do in your world? You know, cause the sun to rise? Cause food to grow from the ground? Bring the stars out in the sky at night????

View attachment 266403
Well let’s look at it this way Ray
Under Bush, houses lost 40 percent of their value
Under the Great Obama, those houses recouped their lost value and then some

One of the reasons he is known as the Great Obama
Want to hear more?

Who knows him as the great Obama except you? We refer to him as the great mistake.

The housing market was at the bottom. There was only one way it could go from that point, and Hussein didn't do a thing to help it.

But you on the left are always giving him credit for things he was never involved in. You and your ilk give him credit for this great economy that Trump created for us. Two and a half years later, and you actually are so deluded to think that Ears had anything to do with today.
The entire world honors the Great Obama
Even Cleveland

You are the one demanding reparations, I just informed you the Great Obama already took care of it
I was thinking about this today. Reparations for the housing meltdown would make more sense than the other reparations the Democrats are promoting. What's the difference? Plenty.

Slavery reparations are not deserved because nobody in this country today was a slave, unless you were a victim of a crime. All the people in our government today had no control over what government representatives did so many years ago.

Sexual preference reparations also should not be appropriated because there was little to no financial harm by the state not recognizing gay marriage. In fact, marriage is not even mentioned in the US Constitution. To the chagrin of leftists, it's still not.

College reparations. Again, not applicable because people who took loans out for an advanced education did so knowingly. If you made it to college, you were obviously not ignorant. You knew what you were getting into when you signed those forms. Plus for many people, it was an investment that will eventually pay off.

The housing meltdown was 100% the fault of government. Government changed the rules to 0% down and no credit check. The federal government are co-conspirators with Fanny and Freddy. The representatives at the time knew they were creating a problem and did nothing about it. They took advantage of the ignorant, many of whom today cannot purchase a home even if they wanted to. Some have been financially ruined for life. Unlike slavery, we know who was at fault and who the real victims are.

As long as the Democrats found this magic money making machine to pacify all those who were harmed or think they are harmed, why not reparations for people who lost everything in the housing collapse?

Congress already paid out reparations for victims of the housing meltdown, thanks to G. W. Bush.

The banks were BAILED OUT thanks to Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 - Wikipedia

The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 created the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program to purchase toxic assets from banks. The funds for purchase of distressed assets were mostly redirected to inject capital into banks and other financial institutions while the Treasury continued to examine the usefulness of targeted asset purchases.

See how those fucking Republicans care about the fucking little guy?

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