House Intelligence Committee - No White House Wrong Doing On Benghazi

Well there WAS an order given, but it was "Remain in place".

The order was given by Admiral Losey

....and then there's the whole lying about the Video for two weeks.
being wrong about something is a lie?

I'll remember that next time you're wrong.

the record proves that they knew it was not the video when they said it. Remember, obozo continued that lie two weeks later at the UN. When he clearly knew he was lying.

September 16 -- Susan Rice, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, on CNN's "State of the Union" with Candy Crowley

"There was a hateful video that was disseminated on the Internet. It had nothing to do with the United States government, and it's one that we find disgusting and reprehensible. It's been offensive to many, many people around the world. That sparked violence in various parts of the world, including violence directed against Western facilities including our embassies and consulates."

On CBS' "Face the Nation," Rice also said that, "We do not have information at present that leads us to conclude that this was premeditated or preplanned."


At time, the conflicts arise along the fault lines of race or tribe. And often they arise from the difficulties of reconciling tradition and faith with the diversity and interdependence of the modern world. In every country, there are those who find different religious beliefs threatening; in every culture, those who love freedom for themselves must ask themselves how much they’re willing to tolerate freedom for others.

That is what we saw play out in the last two weeks, as a crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world. Now, I have made it clear that the United States government had nothing to do with this video, and I believe its message must be rejected by all who respect our common humanity.

Conservatives don't need evidence. They've got the courage of their convictions...even when they're dead wrong.
the congressional investigation has proven that the attack was not caused by the video. The muslim brotherhood has confirmed that the attack was not caused by the video.

face it, dude, obama and clinton LIED about it.

So where is the lie again? Plus correct me (with links) if I'm wrong but didnt someone involved in the riots say that the video was the reason they were rioting?

Obama said it was caused by the video and you are calling him a liar claiming he KNEW it wasnt that. Help me out here. Who determined that people werent rioting because of the video?

Ahmed Abu Khatallah, the suspect captured by U.S. special forces on Tuesday for his role in the 2012 Benghazi attack, reportedly said he was motivated in part by the anti-Islam online video made in America, according to the New York Times.

Yep, but again, on a fact finding mission why ask the people involved when you can just scream liar? :lol:
Well there WAS an order given, but it was "Remain in place".

The order was given by Admiral Losey

....and then there's the whole lying about the Video for two weeks.

There was no "lying" about the video.

We actually CAUGHT one of the leaders of the attacks and he admitted it was the video that angered him. folks are thick thick thick.
Well there WAS an order given, but it was "Remain in place".

The order was given by Admiral Losey

....and then there's the whole lying about the Video for two weeks.

There was no "lying" about the video.

We actually CAUGHT one of the leaders of the attacks and he admitted it was the video that angered him. folks are thick thick thick.

among other things ... :lol:
I'm amused by the OP's contention that the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence SAID what he thinks they said. Did any of you actually READ the entire report? There is a majority report (which is all the Democrats on the Committee) and then there is the minority report (which is all of the Republicans on the Committee). The OP seems to feel that there was some sort of bi-partisan agreement on what happened in Benghazi and that all questions were answered. If you take the trouble to read the minority report you would see that is NOT the case at all. See for yourselves...
Here is a copy of the released PDB, which Bush released, you decide if what you said or what it says are the same thing.


The President's Daily Brief

Yes, that is a portion of the PDB, but not all! One can read the entire declassified report here: - Transcript: Bin Laden determined to strike in US - Apr 10, 2004

Note the last paragraphs which state:
"Nevertheless, FBI information since that time indicates patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks, including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York.

The FBI is conducting approximately 70 full-field investigations throughout the U.S. that it considers bin Laden-related. CIA and the FBI are investigating a call to our embassy in the UAE in May saying that a group of bin Laden supporters was in the U.S. planning attacks with explosives."

The then sitting President never followed up on that briefing. You may want to quibble about exactitudes of this or that, but then you would be going down the same path as the poster to whom I responded.

And you would have had him do what? Round up every middle eastern man and throw them into prison? What exactly do you think, based on the information you gave, that the president could have done that the FBI/CIA/ATF/local police didn't do?

What would you have done differently about a threat of hijacking? We were always on the alert to that possibility. It is not like we didn't have bomb and metal detectors at airports. So what would you have done differently?

The other bolded words said use explosives. Might I point out no explosives were used. Again, what would you have done?

Do you really expect the POTUS to get into the minute details? Really?

Then why didn't Obama act on the intelligence concerning the Boston Bombers? How did that happen even though there were bomb sniffing dogs and agents on the roof tops. They knew something was up but didn't act in time.

Why did Obama let our people go to a country where there were ample warnings? Where the British and the Red Cross pulled out because of those warnings? Why didn't he have contingency plans in place? Why did he leave them to fend for themselves in a country we just bombed the crap out of to dispose of their leader?

Get off your bloody high horse and stay on the original point of your dissatisfaction re: my post to another, rather than take this down another road as an excuse to cover your error.

Above what can be seen started out as a correction to the flawed logic of another, which lead to you trying to point out a flaw in my logic, which I showed was not my error but yours; an error of omission of the second page of the report, which revealed your contention in error regarding aircraft.

So in response you go off at a right angle to the topic in full obfuscation mode and launch a rant. For you to continue along your chosen path would not benefit anyone in general and you in particular. Admit it or's your character at stake not mine.
I'm amused by the OP's contention that the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence SAID what he thinks they said. Did any of you actually READ the entire report? There is a majority report (which is all the Democrats on the Committee) and then there is the minority report (which is all of the Republicans on the Committee). The OP seems to feel that there was some sort of bi-partisan agreement on what happened in Benghazi and that all questions were answered. If you take the trouble to read the minority report you would see that is NOT the case at all. See for yourselves...

DUTY of defendant to *?
DERELICTION OF DUTY can be demonstrated for defendant?
DAMAGES were caused by dereliction of said duty?
DIRECT cause of the damages was the dereliction of duty by defendant?

Unintentional wrongdoing is still wrongdoing.
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I'm amused by the OP's contention that the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence SAID what he thinks they said. Did any of you actually READ the entire report? There is a majority report (which is all the Democrats on the Committee) and then there is the minority report (which is all of the Republicans on the Committee). The OP seems to feel that there was some sort of bi-partisan agreement on what happened in Benghazi and that all questions were answered. If you take the trouble to read the minority report you would see that is NOT the case at all. See for yourselves...

Thank you I was just about to ask how many had actually read the whole report.
The report also confirms that the attack was NOT caused by the video as the whitehouse and the state dept claimed----------said another way, the report confirms that Obama and Clinton LIED about the cause of the attack for political purposes.

If lying to the american people is OK with you, then fine, continue to worship obama and HRC. If you think the the american deserve the truth from any administration, then wake up and see the truth---they lied to you.

I'd like to know what was in the hearts and minds of those who lead the attack. Did the video give them an excuse, did our invasion and occupation Iraq create their fervor, or maybe, just maybe, the youth in the ME read the post of Americans on web sites like this who hate them simply because of their faith?

Food for thought for those who think.
I'm amused by the OP's contention that the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence SAID what he thinks they said. Did any of you actually READ the entire report? There is a majority report (which is all the Democrats on the Committee) and then there is the minority report (which is all of the Republicans on the Committee). The OP seems to feel that there was some sort of bi-partisan agreement on what happened in Benghazi and that all questions were answered. If you take the trouble to read the minority report you would see that is NOT the case at all. See for yourselves...

What about it is so eye opening?
The report also confirms that the attack was NOT caused by the video as the whitehouse and the state dept claimed----------said another way, the report confirms that Obama and Clinton LIED about the cause of the attack for political purposes.

If lying to the american people is OK with you, then fine, continue to worship obama and HRC. If you think the the american deserve the truth from any administration, then wake up and see the truth---they lied to you.

I'd like to know what was in the hearts and minds of those who lead the attack. Did the video give them an excuse, did our invasion and occupation Iraq create their fervor, or maybe, just maybe, the youth in the ME read the post of Americans on web sites like this who hate them simply because of their faith?

Food for thought for those who think.

There is no food for thought there, just anti american silliness

The video had nothing to do with anything, everyone but the Bammy slurpers knows this.

What you know about Radical Islam is zero.

You know nothing,Radical Islam hates us because of OUR freedom and because to them we are "infidels".

They don't care what anybody "thinks" of them,their "faith" TEACHES them to hate all "unbelievers".
The report also confirms that the attack was NOT caused by the video as the whitehouse and the state dept claimed----------said another way, the report confirms that Obama and Clinton LIED about the cause of the attack for political purposes.

If lying to the american people is OK with you, then fine, continue to worship obama and HRC. If you think the the american deserve the truth from any administration, then wake up and see the truth---they lied to you.

I'd like to know what was in the hearts and minds of those who lead the attack. Did the video give them an excuse, did our invasion and occupation Iraq create their fervor, or maybe, just maybe, the youth in the ME read the post of Americans on web sites like this who hate them simply because of their faith?

Food for thought for those who think.

I don't think you are getting the main point of this poster.

He is holding out that the video had nothing to do with the attacks.

No one seems to remember, either, some of the bizarre and ridiculous allegations these folks were and are making despite the facts.

They thought that somehow, the President was covering up it was a terrorist attack.
They thought that the President gave an order to stand down.
They thought that the President left the White House of a fund raiser.
They thought that the President somehow was involved in arms trafficking through Turkey (That was Rand Paul).
They thought that the President was "lying" about the video.
They thought that the President watched on Television while the CIA agents and diplomats died.

Pretty fucked up shit.

And in reality? That's all because, Mitt Romney did something so despicable and disgusting, that Republicans had to scramble to make the President look somehow worse.

Romney, in an unprecedented move, criticized a sitting President for an attack by a foreign entity, WHILE THE ATTACK WAS ON GOING.

THAT was history making in the annals of fuckedupness.

The Romney name deserves to be on the shit heap of history for that one.

Instead? He's a contender again.

Now how fucked up is that?:mad:
the report also confirms that the attack was not caused by the video as the whitehouse and the state dept claimed----------said another way, the report confirms that obama and clinton lied about the cause of the attack for political purposes.

If lying to the american people is ok with you, then fine, continue to worship obama and hrc. If you think the the american deserve the truth from any administration, then wake up and see the truth---they lied to you.

i'd like to know what was in the hearts and minds of those who lead the attack. Did the video give them an excuse, did our invasion and occupation iraq create their fervor, or maybe, just maybe, the youth in the me read the post of americans on web sites like this who hate them simply because of their faith?

Food for thought for those who think.

there is no food for thought there, just anti american silliness

the video had nothing to do with anything, everyone but the bammy slurpers knows this.

What you know about radical islam is zero.

You know nothing,radical islam hates us because of our freedom and because to them we are "infidels".

They don't care what anybody "thinks" of them,their "faith" teaches them to hate all "unbelievers".

bull fucking shit.

I posted 2 articles in this very thread that put on display what a big fucking lie that is.

You fucks never give up on your lies.
i'd like to know what was in the hearts and minds of those who lead the attack. Did the video give them an excuse, did our invasion and occupation iraq create their fervor, or maybe, just maybe, the youth in the me read the post of americans on web sites like this who hate them simply because of their faith?

Food for thought for those who think.

there is no food for thought there, just anti american silliness

the video had nothing to do with anything, everyone but the bammy slurpers knows this.

What you know about radical islam is zero.

You know nothing,radical islam hates us because of our freedom and because to them we are "infidels".

They don't care what anybody "thinks" of them,their "faith" teaches them to hate all "unbelievers".

bull fucking shit.

I posted 2 articles in this very thread that put on display what a big fucking lie that is.

You fucks never give up on your lies.

(smile)You are quite ignorant Swallow.

General Ham said it WASN'T about the video, he was the General in charge.
Well there WAS an order given, but it was "Remain in place".

The order was given by Admiral Losey

....and then there's the whole lying about the Video for two weeks.

There was no "lying" about the video.

We actually CAUGHT one of the leaders of the attacks and he admitted it was the video that angered him. folks are thick thick thick.

LOL, yeah....sorry.

YOU are an idiot.Ham said NO video involvement, you lose.
you leftwing nuts still say Bush was guilty of criminal wrongdoing in Iraq

Because he was....ever heard of Abu Graib? Do you wonder why Rumsfeld resigned in 2006?

Did we ever find the WMD's?
And obamashitforbrains is still an incompetent fool. This report is probably not 100% accurate since you libtards are celebrating it.
i'd like to know what was in the hearts and minds of those who lead the attack. Did the video give them an excuse, did our invasion and occupation iraq create their fervor, or maybe, just maybe, the youth in the me read the post of americans on web sites like this who hate them simply because of their faith?

Food for thought for those who think.

there is no food for thought there, just anti american silliness

the video had nothing to do with anything, everyone but the bammy slurpers knows this.

What you know about radical islam is zero.

You know nothing,radical islam hates us because of our freedom and because to them we are "infidels".

They don't care what anybody "thinks" of them,their "faith" teaches them to hate all "unbelievers".

bull fucking shit.

I posted 2 articles in this very thread that put on display what a big fucking lie that is.

You fucks never give up on your lies.
Not as big a liar as you idiotice libtarded retards on the left. Swallow your masters dick and shut up fool.
The terrorists moved in next to the US compound and the scum in the DoS did nothing....until the attack happened then they covered up the entire mess by blaming it on a "movie riot."
there is no food for thought there, just anti american silliness

the video had nothing to do with anything, everyone but the bammy slurpers knows this.

What you know about radical islam is zero.

You know nothing,radical islam hates us because of our freedom and because to them we are "infidels".

They don't care what anybody "thinks" of them,their "faith" teaches them to hate all "unbelievers".

bull fucking shit.

I posted 2 articles in this very thread that put on display what a big fucking lie that is.

You fucks never give up on your lies.

(smile)You are quite ignorant Swallow.

General Ham said it WASN'T about the video, he was the General in charge.
Funny like all other libtards swallows swallows the lies and believes them, what an idiot.

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