Hope and Change

9/11 was a failure of the Bush Administration to protect America. Period.

It wasn't some inevitable, out of anyone's control, event.

How many times did terrorists attack us under Clinton? How many times did Clinton have a go/no go scenario to take out UBL and he cowered every time?

Yet you blame Bush. You are too much lol

Clinton came closer to killing Bin Laden than Bush ever did and Bush had an entire army on the ground and 3000 dead

Was that when he bombed those two camels and an empty mud hut or when he blew the hell out of that evil tylenol factory?
The Obama economy is creating a million jobs a month more than the failed Bush Presidency left him with

How's that Hopey Changey???

I'll never vote for that Bush guy again.

Meanwhile, the debt is $5 trillion higher and we still have fewer jobs than when Obama took office.

Somehow I don't think $5 gas was the change people were hoping for.....

The fact that you voted for incompetence in the first place puts a level of responsibility on you.

I didn't vote for Obama's incompetence.
No deflection

Romney is YOUR candidate and he can't even get 50% approval within your own party

How does it feel backing a loser?

Deflection is what you have when you change the topic from 0bama's dismal approval numbers to "Yeah, but what about some other dude who ISN'T the President"...

Please link to where I have stated Romney is my candidate...

Schooling you is so easy.... It's like you gave up when you realized 0bama was toast....

Stop the presses!

You mean House does not support Mitt Romney?

Now we know House does not support Obama, so that leaves Santorum, Gingrich or Paul

But of course we are talking about House here. House is on this board to attack the positions of others. He never actually says what HE believes or who HE supports........cowards are like that

How many times did terrorists attack us under Clinton? How many times did Clinton have a go/no go scenario to take out UBL and he cowered every time?

Yet you blame Bush. You are too much lol

Clinton came closer to killing Bin Laden than Bush ever did and Bush had an entire army on the ground and 3000 dead

Was that when he bombed those two camels and an empty mud hut or when he blew the hell out of that evil tylenol factory?

Missed him by about 40 minutes

How close did Bush come to catching the man who killed 3000 Americans on his watch? Want to discuss the blunder at Tora Bora?
Bush was given 4.1% unemployment by Clinton. He, in turn gave Obama a 7.8% unemployment rate

That's why we needed Hope and Change

How much did Clinton gut the Military? How does that correlate with his surplus?

Clinton had a little thing we like to call......The end of the Cold War

You are supposed to reduce Military. By your logic, unemployment under Clinton should have gone up as military contractors downsized and soldiers returned to civilian service
And that downsizing started under Bush The Wiser, initiated and championed by none other than Defense Secretary Dick Cheney - BIG TIME!
More deflection... Now the OP wants the thread to be about me...

Funny how this thread has CHANGED....:lol:

Looks like the OP isn't as confident in his initial topic...

Gee....look at that

House has just been called a coward in front of all these fine people. He still can't man up and actually tell us a single candidate he supports

Cowards are like that

Did House hurt your butt.... just wondering cuz you seem a little cranky.
Is Dr. House your charity for today?

Clinton came closer to killing Bin Laden than Bush ever did and Bush had an entire army on the ground and 3000 dead

Was that when he bombed those two camels and an empty mud hut or when he blew the hell out of that evil tylenol factory?

Missed him by about 40 minutes

How close did Bush come to catching the man who killed 3000 Americans on his watch? Want to discuss the blunder at Tora Bora?

I never claimed Bush prosecuted the war properly. In fact I believe he made many mistakes. I, however, never claimed that 9/11 was his fault. That's just plain stupid. We ignored terrorism for decades and as a result paid the price here at home. Taking the war to them is the right thing to do.
PM me for details....:badgrin:

This thread isn't about me Fluffer Boy....

Back to your Hopey Changey....


What kind of coward are you? You can come on this board daily and attack other peoples positions, but you don't have the sack to state your own?
I attack 0bama's positions and those that fluff for him... Pity you can't see that, but you're not the smartest fluffer here...

Give us a name coward..........Anybody but Obama doesn't cut it

Tell me, was it hard to switch from Hillary to your current object of desire back in 2008? How much did you have to spend to change the yard signs?
What a pussy you are. :lol:
The reason is because the failed Bush economy was still bleeding 700,000 jobs a month when Obama was sworn in. After the stimulus was passed, the job losses turned in a positive direction and hasn't looked back

How is that Hopey Changey workn for ya?

He added $5 trillion to the debt and we STILL have fewer jobs than the day he took office?

Not working too well.
$5 trillion, huh? :lol:

Break that down for us, please.

Total public debt outstanding Jan 20, 2009 $10,628,881,485,510.23

Total public debt outstanding Mar 14, 2012 $15,516,449,945,583.73

Looks like $4.887568 trillion.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Enough of a breakdown for you? :lol:
Barry sucks as POTUS and one doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to see it.

There will always be some who thinks he's doing an outstanding job no matter what reality tells them.

Good for them. Keep on plugging for your boy.

Just don't expect everyone else to go along for the ride.

This guy sucks big time.
RW makes it so much worse by responding:lol:.

Maybe a mutual fund? Which one? Opened ended or closed ended?

Don't worry, we all tell lies to support our partisan biases....well at least you do:lol:.
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I hope I have some change left in my pocket after we pay for all Bam Bam's wanton borrowing and spending.
9/11 would like to have a word with you


Booooooooooooooooooooosh is gone

Just sayin
9/11 was a failure of the Bush Administration to protect America. Period.

It wasn't some inevitable, out of anyone's control, event.

How many times did terrorists attack us under Clinton? How many times did Clinton have a go/no go scenario to take out UBL and he cowered every time?

Yet you blame Bush. You are too much lol

And those attacks were a failure of the Clinton administration.

But how did each of them respond?

Clinton used his CIA and FBI to hunt down and imprison those responsible. Like the blind cleric and his associates. And when he tried to do more, he was accused of wagging the dog, to take attention away from Monica.

Bush invaded the wrong country, let the perpetrators escape, gave out no-bid contracts to his buddies and his VP's buddies, and generally screwed the pooch, while simultaneously shredding the Constitution and America's reputation, through the use of torture, rendition, illegal wiretapping, due process violations, unaccountable private armies. On top of that, he put this nation in a multi-trillion dollar hole.
He added $5 trillion to the debt and we STILL have fewer jobs than the day he took office?

Not working too well.
$5 trillion, huh? :lol:

Break that down for us, please.

Total public debt outstanding Jan 20, 2009 $10,628,881,485,510.23

Total public debt outstanding Mar 14, 2012 $15,516,449,945,583.73

Looks like $4.887568 trillion.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Enough of a breakdown for you? :lol:

No, not even close. That's not a breakdown, it's a before/after.

Show how much was due to the stimulus. Then show how much was due to mandatory expenses, like paying China for all of Bush's credit card purchases.

Et cetera, et cetera.

You know, breakdown.
$5 trillion, huh? :lol:

Break that down for us, please.

Total public debt outstanding Jan 20, 2009 $10,628,881,485,510.23

Total public debt outstanding Mar 14, 2012 $15,516,449,945,583.73

Looks like $4.887568 trillion.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Enough of a breakdown for you? :lol:

No, not even close. That's not a breakdown, it's a before/after.

Show how much was due to the stimulus. Then show how much was due to mandatory expenses, like paying China for all of Bush's credit card purchases.

Et cetera, et cetera.

You know, breakdown.

If you want to breakdown the spending that contributed to the his nearly $5 trillion in added debt, feel free.
Total public debt outstanding Jan 20, 2009 $10,628,881,485,510.23

Total public debt outstanding Mar 14, 2012 $15,516,449,945,583.73

Looks like $4.887568 trillion.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Enough of a breakdown for you? :lol:

No, not even close. That's not a breakdown, it's a before/after.

Show how much was due to the stimulus. Then show how much was due to mandatory expenses, like paying China for all of Bush's credit card purchases.

Et cetera, et cetera.

You know, breakdown.

If you want to breakdown the spending that contributed to the his nearly $5 trillion in added debt, feel free.
You are the one making the accusation that it is due to Obama's spending.

Put up or shut up, loser.

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