Homosexuality not a choice, It's caused by exposure to hormones in utero

rtwngAvngr said:
Homosexuality not a choice, It's caused by exposure to hormones in utero .

More later.

Maybe this could be in the 'born a homo' thread? Same subject. Again - nobody debates some people tend to enjoy homosexual sex more than others...the issue is, nobody is FORCED to be a homo. People can control urges, and 'not' allow somebody to rod them up the poop-shoot. :)
I heard a saying a long time ago pertaining to homosexuality, and it was from a psychiatrist who was being interviewed on a TV program segment about queer's, and he said "if everything is alright upstairs, then everything is alright downstairs". Simply put, "if you have urges to stick your johnson up another mans arse, then you're fucking nuts in the head". And that WAS the psychiatric communities position on homosexuality until the queers banded together and pressured them to change it.

I still think queers are just sick in the head. If they entertained the fact that getting help was just as viable of an option as packing their buddies fudge, then this whole queer problem would be miniscule, and the ones that "continued" to engage in disgusting queer sexual antics would be viewed as the sick fuckers they are, that refuse to get help.
Listen DK you've been here long enough to know that RWA is stirring shit again, this was dismissed as hogwash many moons ago. There is no factual evidence to support it, no case studies. And yes when this went around the first time I gave New Age the benefit of the doubt and checked it out. Guess what? Nothing, nada.
DKSuddeth said:
It obviously wasn't or it wouldn't continue to be an issue. :duh3:

I STILL Get that email about an Amber Alert...I Still get emails about The Draft...I Still get emails about the Email-Tax...



-=d=- said:
I STILL Get that email about an Amber Alert...I Still get emails about The Draft...I Still get emails about the Email-Tax...



and Dick Cheney STILL says that there are stockpiles of wmd's
OCA said:
Listen DK you've been here long enough to know that RWA is stirring shit again, this was dismissed as hogwash many moons ago. There is no factual evidence to support it, no case studies. And yes when this went around the first time I gave New Age the benefit of the doubt and checked it out. Guess what? Nothing, nada.
and you don't stir your fair share of shit? You consider it dismissed because thats what you want to believe, thats it. but until theres proof positive without a doubt in your face scientific irrefutable proof that its one way or the other, nobody can debunk the other. Have fun denying that.
DKSuddeth said:
and you don't stir your fair share of shit? You consider it dismissed because thats what you want to believe, thats it. but until theres proof positive without a doubt in your face scientific irrefutable proof that its one way or the other, nobody can debunk the other. Have fun denying that.

Oh I just get a kick at seeing all the untold millions of dollars that get wasted trying to find this "scientific evidence" of predisposition, come on DK you have some common sense, you seem educated, you know it isn't preordained, its a choice, hence the lack of a link up to this point. Its all so simple.
OCA said:
Oh I just get a kick at seeing all the untold millions of dollars that get wasted trying to find this "scientific evidence" of predisposition, come on DK you have some common sense, you seem educated, you know it isn't preordained, its a choice, hence the lack of a link up to this point. Its all so simple.
thinking its a choice sounds simple until one takes a look at why someone finds something appealing. Its like chocolate to a woman or a bikini clad woman(for most). It affects the brain. we see something thats appealing. Thats a reaction in the brain, not a choice.
DKSuddeth said:
thinking its a choice sounds simple until one takes a look at why someone finds something appealing. Its like chocolate to a woman or a bikini clad woman(for most). It affects the brain. we see something thats appealing. Thats a reaction in the brain, not a choice.
Nobody forces a woman to eat chocolate...nobody forces me to stalk-until-she-finally-gives-in said bikini clad woman. The issue you are leaving out is DEPSITE my urges to rob a bank - which are very real, and very strong, I choose NOT to. :)

Personal responsibility.
a few years back there was a huge upswing in the "God made me Gay" slogan...it was because scientists had thought the had discovered the "gay gene," it was debunked, and the slogan slowly faded in favor of "I'm here, I'm Queer Get Used to it" or "Hate is not a family value"...and others that did not stress where gayness "comes from" but rather acceptance and understanding. As of yet there has been NO CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE one way or another about what causes gayness...

I am not anti-gay, in fact I am in favor of gay marriage even though most here would probably label me conservative because of my other opinions on other issues. What I am is a young woman who has done the research, read the reports, and talked to my gay friends about the information that is out there.

If scientists could "PROVE" gayness, it would be a HUGE event...the gay community would be able to clear up, once and for all that it was not a psychological perversion (TRUST ME...the gay community WANTS to put an end to people saying they are gay because of a psychological problem!!!)....the anti-gay community could clamor for a "cure."

The reason there has NOT been an uproar is because, as of yet, there has been no significant discovery on why people are gay. You will find some who say its childhood trauma (no significant evidence), others who say it is chemical imbalances during pre-natal development (no significant evidence), others who say that every person on the planet is on a sliding scale of sexuality and can slide up or down towards hetero or homosexuality at different times and stages in life (no significant evidence).

The bottom line is still...we don't know why 2% or so of the human population seems to be homosexual.
Gem said:
a few years back there was a huge upswing in the "God made me Gay" slogan...it was because scientists had thought the had discovered the "gay gene," it was debunked, and the slogan slowly faded in favor of "I'm here, I'm Queer Get Used to it" or "Hate is not a family value"...and others that did not stress where gayness "comes from" but rather acceptance and understanding. As of yet there has been NO CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE one way or another about what causes gayness...

I am not anti-gay, in fact I am in favor of gay marriage even though most here would probably label me conservative because of my other opinions on other issues. What I am is a young woman who has done the research, read the reports, and talked to my gay friends about the information that is out there.

If scientists could "PROVE" gayness, it would be a HUGE event...the gay community would be able to clear up, once and for all that it was not a psychological perversion (TRUST ME...the gay community WANTS to put an end to people saying they are gay because of a psychological problem!!!)....the anti-gay community could clamor for a "cure."

The reason there has NOT been an uproar is because, as of yet, there has been no significant discovery on why people are gay. You will find some who say its childhood trauma (no significant evidence), others who say it is chemical imbalances during pre-natal development (no significant evidence), others who say that every person on the planet is on a sliding scale of sexuality and can slide up or down towards hetero or homosexuality at different times and stages in life (no significant evidence).

The bottom line is still...we don't know why 2% or so of the human population seems to be homosexual.

GayGene people are like those who believe in the Loch Ness Monster...dispite the lack of evidence, they hold on to their dreams. Frankly, unless something has been proven to exist, that thing does NOT, by default.
-=d=- said:
GayGene people are like those who believe in the Loch Ness Monster...dispite the lack of evidence, they hold on to their dreams. Frankly, unless something has been proven to exist, that thing does NOT, by default.

Absolutely friggin correct! The Lochness Monster, lol thats classic but oh so appropriate!
If there's no evidence one way or the other, why don't we just agree to disagree and stop claiming there's 'gay gene' or gays are 'sick in the head', and never talk about this again until there's more info?

Let's bury the hatchet, I'M SICK OF THIS ARGUMENT!! :chains:
nakedemperor said:
If there's no evidence one way or the other, why don't we just agree to disagree and stop claiming there's 'gay gene' or gays are 'sick in the head', and never talk about this again until there's more info?

Let's bury the hatchet, I'M SICK OF THIS ARGUMENT!! :chains:

No way. Homosexuality and the acceptance of it along with abortion are the two biggest domestic assaults upon the soul of America today.

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