Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty

Apples and Oranges.

The "N" word was/is a term of oppression then as it is now. Saying it or writing it to be displayed puts the sender of such a message at least just a little bit on the side of "it is or was OK to oppress a group of people". A lot of so-called good people condoned if not in fact participated in slavery. It is a stain on our nation that will never wash out of our fabric.

"Japs" was a derogatory term of born out of a situation where a country was at war for it's very existence. The Japanese were indeed our enemy and at the time as far as anyone knew sneak attacked our Naval Base at Pearl Harbor in our territory protectorate of Hawaii. Our whole nation HAD to come together and focus on a single mission. It was THEM or US.

There was/is no justification for demeaning African Americans. Their recent ancestors didn't ask to be here. OUR white recent ancestors had no moral authority to aid in their capture by buying human beings at this end.

In WWII we definitely had the moral authority to do whatever it took within some reason up to and including dropping atomic weapons on their country to ensure that they knew they were licked.

Our Grandmothers and Grandfathers had every right to be a part of the single mindedness of defeating the Japanese. I for one applaud their efforts and the outcome of that effort.

The Japanese citizens made their own bed by assigning the value of their very being to the whim of their Emperor. Any dehumanization that followed was of their own doing.

The "N" word was/is a term of oppression then as it is now

Well ...... not really - in the current evolutionary stage of the language - it is more commonly used by African American juveniles as a greeting to one another such as " wassup my ****** " .

A lot of so-called good people condoned if not in fact participated in slavery. It is a stain on our nation that will never wash out of our fabric.

Slavery arose from African BY Africans ...Arabs first jumped into the slave trade followed by Europeans and Americans."

Is that the accepted revisionist history from Stormfront?

Europe always had slavery.

The history of the colonization of the Americas is one of slavery- but it didn't start with African slavery.

The first act of slavery by Europeans in the Americas was done by Columbus himself- taking natives as slaves and sending them back to Spain to be sold. Slavery already existed after all.

African slavery started because natives slaves were dying. So Europeans started importing slaves from Africa.

Yes- African's participated in the slave trade also.

And did the United States.

It was a terrible wrong, but we can't change the facts- we did participate. We did have legal slavery- and slavery was terrible.
WTF is this stormfront shit you keep spouting - thats not anyones slant on History - it is simply History . Sorry that it doesn't fit your narrative or Agenda - but is unfortunate fact

It is a Stormfront revisionist history- all to excuse our American culpability in slavery.

Certainly other nations were involved.

But to deny our own involvement in it is just bigotry on parade.

I know what Stormfront is. I've known for a little less than 2 years. I only know about that site because you Leftists kept bringing it up over and over again to people who, like GreenBean, don't know what the hell you're talking about. It's one more example that exposes the lie you Leftists tell in assuming we're racist, a radically stupid assumption since you all fit the label far better if racism is defined classically as treating people differently according to their skin color.

Conservatives don't read Stormfront and those bigots who do out themselves quickly because they can't resist saying hateful things about Jews; it's not hard to discern. And while many conservatives ignore these haters as they try to blend in on the right, I withstand them every time like I do with Stormfronter Steve_McGarrett. I actually hate them worse than any of you.

There's a special breed of asshole that frequents that site. Please stop confusing them with conservatives.

Sorry- Stormfront is a special breed of conservatives.

Just like the whacky wing of the right- they hate homosexuals, they think affirmative action is racism and they basically are the Conservative values on steroids.

Greenbean is a foul mouthed bigot who is right at home at Stormfront.

And note- I do not say that about you.
Yeah, everyone's grandparents use it. Are we so sure THEY'RE the ones who are wrong? Seems unlikely.

Really? You're going with "everyone did it, it must have been okay"? "Everyone" used the N word not that long ago. Does that mean it's an "okay" word to use?
No, everyone DIDNT use the N word. But everyone did say Japs. It wasn't a racial slur until the moronic Left made it one.

It wasn't a racial slur when the Japanese were our enemies.

Japan is now one our closest allies- and yes it is a slur to call a Japanese American a Jap.

Most Americans understand that.

Sorry, you don't speak for "most Americans" and nothing becomes a slur just because the Left says it is. Just like the word retarded, people aren't going to stop using it because today Leftwats are screaming "that's mean!".....the same people who said we must start saying "retarded" instead of "idiot child".

What's even more absurd is that the only time I ever use the word "Japs" is in reference to historical Japanese that attacked Pearl Harbor. They belonged to a nation that doesn't even exist anymore and have nothing to do with today's Japanese. But Leftwats will scream and holler when I use the historical term even though, according to you, it was an appropriate reference to country that had deceived and betrayed us.

By the way, when my 11 year old son tells his high functioning autistic 6 year old brother "you're retarded" I know what he's actually saying. All older brothers say that to their younger siblings. Amazing how things appear when you remove the Leftwat ideology and see them for what they are.

I wouldn't actually call Syriusly retarded - lets just say he's "Special" and leave it at that

I have no problem calling you what you are- a foul mouth juvenile bigot, obsessed with feces and anal sex.
Well ...... not really - in the current evolutionary stage of the language - it is more commonly used by African American juveniles as a greeting to one another such as " wassup my ****** " .

Slavery arose from African BY Africans ...Arabs first jumped into the slave trade followed by Europeans and Americans."

Is that the accepted revisionist history from Stormfront?

Europe always had slavery.

The history of the colonization of the Americas is one of slavery- but it didn't start with African slavery.

The first act of slavery by Europeans in the Americas was done by Columbus himself- taking natives as slaves and sending them back to Spain to be sold. Slavery already existed after all.

African slavery started because natives slaves were dying. So Europeans started importing slaves from Africa.

Yes- African's participated in the slave trade also.

And did the United States.

It was a terrible wrong, but we can't change the facts- we did participate. We did have legal slavery- and slavery was terrible.
WTF is this stormfront shit you keep spouting - thats not anyones slant on History - it is simply History . Sorry that it doesn't fit your narrative or Agenda - but is unfortunate fact

It is a Stormfront revisionist history- all to excuse our American culpability in slavery.

Certainly other nations were involved.

But to deny our own involvement in it is just bigotry on parade.

I know what Stormfront is. I've known for a little less than 2 years. I only know about that site because you Leftists kept bringing it up over and over again to people who, like GreenBean, don't know what the hell you're talking about. It's one more example that exposes the lie you Leftists tell in assuming we're racist, a radically stupid assumption since you all fit the label far better if racism is defined classically as treating people differently according to their skin color.

Conservatives don't read Stormfront and those bigots who do out themselves quickly because they can't resist saying hateful things about Jews; it's not hard to discern. And while many conservatives ignore these haters as they try to blend in on the right, I withstand them every time like I do with Stormfronter Steve_McGarrett. I actually hate them worse than any of you.

There's a special breed of asshole that frequents that site. Please stop confusing them with conservatives.

Sorry- Stormfront is a special breed of conservatives.

Just like the whacky wing of the right- they hate homosexuals, they think affirmative action is racism and they basically are the Conservative values on steroids.

Greenbean is a foul mouthed bigot who is right at home at Stormfront.

And note- I do not say that about you.
GB is just another baby dick for Jesus. afraid that the faggots will steal him away in the dead of night like a tooth for a quarter.
Apples and Oranges.

The "N" word was/is a term of oppression then as it is now. Saying it or writing it to be displayed puts the sender of such a message at least just a little bit on the side of "it is or was OK to oppress a group of people". A lot of so-called good people condoned if not in fact participated in slavery. It is a stain on our nation that will never wash out of our fabric.

"Japs" was a derogatory term of born out of a situation where a country was at war for it's very existence. The Japanese were indeed our enemy and at the time as far as anyone knew sneak attacked our Naval Base at Pearl Harbor in our territory protectorate of Hawaii. Our whole nation HAD to come together and focus on a single mission. It was THEM or US.

There was/is no justification for demeaning African Americans. Their recent ancestors didn't ask to be here. OUR white recent ancestors had no moral authority to aid in their capture by buying human beings at this end.

In WWII we definitely had the moral authority to do whatever it took within some reason up to and including dropping atomic weapons on their country to ensure that they knew they were licked.

Our Grandmothers and Grandfathers had every right to be a part of the single mindedness of defeating the Japanese. I for one applaud their efforts and the outcome of that effort.

The Japanese citizens made their own bed by assigning the value of their very being to the whim of their Emperor. Any dehumanization that followed was of their own doing.

The "N" word was/is a term of oppression then as it is now

Well ...... not really - in the current evolutionary stage of the language - it is more commonly used by African American juveniles as a greeting to one another such as " wassup my ****** " .

A lot of so-called good people condoned if not in fact participated in slavery. It is a stain on our nation that will never wash out of our fabric.

Slavery arose from African BY Africans ...Arabs first jumped into the slave trade followed by Europeans and Americans."

Is that the accepted revisionist history from Stormfront?

Europe always had slavery.

The history of the colonization of the Americas is one of slavery- but it didn't start with African slavery.

The first act of slavery by Europeans in the Americas was done by Columbus himself- taking natives as slaves and sending them back to Spain to be sold. Slavery already existed after all.

African slavery started because natives slaves were dying. So Europeans started importing slaves from Africa.

Yes- African's participated in the slave trade also.

And did the United States.

It was a terrible wrong, but we can't change the facts- we did participate. We did have legal slavery- and slavery was terrible.
WTF is this stormfront shit you keep spouting - thats not anyones slant on History - it is simply History . Sorry that it doesn't fit your narrative or Agenda - but is unfortunate fact

It is a Stormfront revisionist history- all to excuse our American culpability in slavery.

Certainly other nations were involved.

But to deny our own involvement in it is just bigotry on parade.

But to deny our own involvement in it is just bigotry on parade

Where did you ever see me deny slavery dumb-ass ? Never happened. I simply elaborated and clarified your propagandized syllabus of the left wing narrative - which is embedded in your mind solely for the purpose of inducing white guilt and promoting racial division.

You sought to deny our involvement in slavery by doing the usual revisionist history narrative- 'they did it first'

Slavery arose from African BY Africans ...Arabs first jumped into the slave trade followed by Europeans and Americans."

As I pointed out to you- that statement is flat out wrong- lets just call it what it is- a lie.

Slavery existed all over the world- what culture first developed it- who knows.

But Europeans came to the Americas, tried enslaving the local population(a practice done elsewhere) but the natives kept dying. So they started importing African slaves.

Yes African were involved in the slave trade. yes, Arabs were involved in the slave trade- but so were Americans.
Well ...... not really - in the current evolutionary stage of the language - it is more commonly used by African American juveniles as a greeting to one another such as " wassup my ****** " .

Slavery arose from African BY Africans ...Arabs first jumped into the slave trade followed by Europeans and Americans."

Is that the accepted revisionist history from Stormfront?

Europe always had slavery.

The history of the colonization of the Americas is one of slavery- but it didn't start with African slavery.

The first act of slavery by Europeans in the Americas was done by Columbus himself- taking natives as slaves and sending them back to Spain to be sold. Slavery already existed after all.

African slavery started because natives slaves were dying. So Europeans started importing slaves from Africa.

Yes- African's participated in the slave trade also.

And did the United States.

It was a terrible wrong, but we can't change the facts- we did participate. We did have legal slavery- and slavery was terrible.
WTF is this stormfront shit you keep spouting - thats not anyones slant on History - it is simply History . Sorry that it doesn't fit your narrative or Agenda - but is unfortunate fact

It is a Stormfront revisionist history- all to excuse our American culpability in slavery.

Certainly other nations were involved.

But to deny our own involvement in it is just bigotry on parade.

I know what Stormfront is. I've known for a little less than 2 years. I only know about that site because you Leftists kept bringing it up over and over again to people who, like GreenBean, don't know what the hell you're talking about. It's one more example that exposes the lie you Leftists tell in assuming we're racist, a radically stupid assumption since you all fit the label far better if racism is defined classically as treating people differently according to their skin color.

Conservatives don't read Stormfront and those bigots who do out themselves quickly because they can't resist saying hateful things about Jews; it's not hard to discern. And while many conservatives ignore these haters as they try to blend in on the right, I withstand them every time like I do with Stormfronter Steve_McGarrett. I actually hate them worse than any of you.

There's a special breed of asshole that frequents that site. Please stop confusing them with conservatives.

Sorry- Stormfront is a special breed of conservatives.

Just like the whacky wing of the right- they hate homosexuals, they think affirmative action is racism and they basically are the Conservative values on steroids.

Greenbean is a foul mouthed bigot who is right at home at Stormfront.

And note- I do not say that about you.

Apparently you are hard of hearing (or reading?) Stormfront bigots give themselves away by their anti semitic comments. Steve_McGarrett is the only Stormfronter I've seen on this site. Read his signature, he isn't even trying to hide it. None of them do.

And Stormfronters actually hate blacks, homosexuals, Jews, or any other minorities...including me I'm sure, though I don't know their official stance on Native Americans. Conservatives hate nobody for anything except a malformed character. If you can't tell the difference, then you're virtually admitting a low level of intelligence and sophistication.

But why am I even trying to argue with you. You'll waive "stormfront" around like a verbal missile just like you do "racist" and it doesn't matter if it's true or not.

And why the hell are you so familiar with what Stormfront teaches? I've never been on that site for longer than 10 seconds.
It's a derogatory term used a lot in ww2 era, my grandfather also uses it.
Yeah, everyone's grandparents use it. Are we so sure THEY'RE the ones who are wrong? Seems unlikely.

Really? You're going with "everyone did it, it must have been okay"? "Everyone" used the N word not that long ago. Does that mean it's an "okay" word to use?
No, everyone DIDNT use the N word. But everyone did say Japs. It wasn't a racial slur until the moronic Left made it one.

It wasn't a racial slur when the Japanese were our enemies.

Japan is now one our closest allies- and yes it is a slur to call a Japanese American a Jap.

Most Americans understand that.

Sorry, you don't speak for "most Americans" and nothing becomes a slur just because the Left says it is. Just like the word retarded, people aren't going to stop using it because today Leftwats are screaming "that's mean!".....the same people who said we must start saying "retarded" instead of "idiot child"..

Things become a slur when the Americans that are targeted by the phrase become offended by it- and when we start caring that they are offended.

No one was offended when Mark Twain used n*gger in Tom Sawyer- it was a common term of derision of the day. But African Americans grew offended by it- it wasn't because of the "Left"- it was because Americans started to realize that using that word was offensive to African Americans.

Likewise the term 'Jap' to describe Japanese Americans. And yes- Japanese Americans are offended even if you describe Japanese as Japs.

Maybe your social circle is different than mine- but no one I know- under the age of 75- uses the terms n*gger, c*nt, k*ke, or f*ggot in conversation- because we all understand- the only ones using those terms do so to offend.
Is that the accepted revisionist history from Stormfront?

Europe always had slavery.

The history of the colonization of the Americas is one of slavery- but it didn't start with African slavery.

The first act of slavery by Europeans in the Americas was done by Columbus himself- taking natives as slaves and sending them back to Spain to be sold. Slavery already existed after all.

African slavery started because natives slaves were dying. So Europeans started importing slaves from Africa.

Yes- African's participated in the slave trade also.

And did the United States.

It was a terrible wrong, but we can't change the facts- we did participate. We did have legal slavery- and slavery was terrible.
WTF is this stormfront shit you keep spouting - thats not anyones slant on History - it is simply History . Sorry that it doesn't fit your narrative or Agenda - but is unfortunate fact

It is a Stormfront revisionist history- all to excuse our American culpability in slavery.

Certainly other nations were involved.

But to deny our own involvement in it is just bigotry on parade.

I know what Stormfront is. I've known for a little less than 2 years. I only know about that site because you Leftists kept bringing it up over and over again to people who, like GreenBean, don't know what the hell you're talking about. It's one more example that exposes the lie you Leftists tell in assuming we're racist, a radically stupid assumption since you all fit the label far better if racism is defined classically as treating people differently according to their skin color.

Conservatives don't read Stormfront and those bigots who do out themselves quickly because they can't resist saying hateful things about Jews; it's not hard to discern. And while many conservatives ignore these haters as they try to blend in on the right, I withstand them every time like I do with Stormfronter Steve_McGarrett. I actually hate them worse than any of you.

There's a special breed of asshole that frequents that site. Please stop confusing them with conservatives.

Sorry- Stormfront is a special breed of conservatives.

Just like the whacky wing of the right- they hate homosexuals, they think affirmative action is racism and they basically are the Conservative values on steroids.

Greenbean is a foul mouthed bigot who is right at home at Stormfront.

And note- I do not say that about you.

Apparently you are hard of hearing (or reading?) Stormfront bigots give themselves away by their anti semitic comments. Steve_McGarrett is the only Stormfronter I've seen on this site. Read his signature, he isn't even trying to hide it. None of them do.

And Stormfronters actually hate blacks, homosexuals, Jews, or any other minorities...including me I'm sure, though I don't know their official stance on Native Americans. Conservatives hate nobody for anything except a malformed character. If you can't tell the difference, then you're virtually admitting a low level of intelligence and sophistication.

But why am I even trying to argue with you. You'll waive "stormfront" around like a verbal missile just like you do "racist" and it doesn't matter if it's true or not.

And why the hell are you so familiar with what Stormfront teaches? I've never been on that site for longer than 10 seconds.

Been there about the same length of time- ended up there after unfortunately clicking a link by a poster in another forum.

Since then I have seen the pattern.

And I am comfortable with calling Greenbean a bigot who belongs on Stormfront.
Yeah, everyone's grandparents use it. Are we so sure THEY'RE the ones who are wrong? Seems unlikely.

Really? You're going with "everyone did it, it must have been okay"? "Everyone" used the N word not that long ago. Does that mean it's an "okay" word to use?
No, everyone DIDNT use the N word. But everyone did say Japs. It wasn't a racial slur until the moronic Left made it one.

It wasn't a racial slur when the Japanese were our enemies.

Japan is now one our closest allies- and yes it is a slur to call a Japanese American a Jap.

Most Americans understand that.

Sorry, you don't speak for "most Americans" and nothing becomes a slur just because the Left says it is. Just like the word retarded, people aren't going to stop using it because today Leftwats are screaming "that's mean!".....the same people who said we must start saying "retarded" instead of "idiot child"..

Things become a slur when the Americans that are targeted by the phrase become offended by it- and when we start caring that they are offended.

No one was offended when Mark Twain used n*gger in Tom Sawyer- it was a common term of derision of the day. But African Americans grew offended by it- it wasn't because of the "Left"- it was because Americans started to realize that using that word was offensive to African Americans.

Likewise the term 'Jap' to describe Japanese Americans. And yes- Japanese Americans are offended even if you describe Japanese as Japs.

Maybe your social circle is different than mine- but no one I know- under the age of 75- uses the terms n*gger, c*nt, k*ke, or f*ggot in conversation- because we all understand- the only ones using those terms do so to offend.

All you're doing is expressing a different opinion. Surely you detect the futility. It's like the Washington Redskins that a few NA groups has said is offensive. Does that mean they speak for me or for my family or anyone I know? I don't know of a single NA, and I know a LOT, that are bothered by the Washington Redskins. In fact, we share one trait with white people, and that's our thick skin. There's nothing you can call us that will get us in an uproar. Savage? Injun? You can't hurt us.

The term "Japs" was used profusely in the making of the movie Pearl Harbor. I don't recall any Japanese Americans raising a stink about it. I guess they have the same viewpoint as I do about the use of that word......and probably hated those Japs too...

Or do you forget that Japanese immigrated here to get away from that country?
WTF is this stormfront shit you keep spouting - thats not anyones slant on History - it is simply History . Sorry that it doesn't fit your narrative or Agenda - but is unfortunate fact

It is a Stormfront revisionist history- all to excuse our American culpability in slavery.

Certainly other nations were involved.

But to deny our own involvement in it is just bigotry on parade.

I know what Stormfront is. I've known for a little less than 2 years. I only know about that site because you Leftists kept bringing it up over and over again to people who, like GreenBean, don't know what the hell you're talking about. It's one more example that exposes the lie you Leftists tell in assuming we're racist, a radically stupid assumption since you all fit the label far better if racism is defined classically as treating people differently according to their skin color.

Conservatives don't read Stormfront and those bigots who do out themselves quickly because they can't resist saying hateful things about Jews; it's not hard to discern. And while many conservatives ignore these haters as they try to blend in on the right, I withstand them every time like I do with Stormfronter Steve_McGarrett. I actually hate them worse than any of you.

There's a special breed of asshole that frequents that site. Please stop confusing them with conservatives.

Sorry- Stormfront is a special breed of conservatives.

Just like the whacky wing of the right- they hate homosexuals, they think affirmative action is racism and they basically are the Conservative values on steroids.

Greenbean is a foul mouthed bigot who is right at home at Stormfront.

And note- I do not say that about you.

Apparently you are hard of hearing (or reading?) Stormfront bigots give themselves away by their anti semitic comments. Steve_McGarrett is the only Stormfronter I've seen on this site. Read his signature, he isn't even trying to hide it. None of them do.

And Stormfronters actually hate blacks, homosexuals, Jews, or any other minorities...including me I'm sure, though I don't know their official stance on Native Americans. Conservatives hate nobody for anything except a malformed character. If you can't tell the difference, then you're virtually admitting a low level of intelligence and sophistication.

But why am I even trying to argue with you. You'll waive "stormfront" around like a verbal missile just like you do "racist" and it doesn't matter if it's true or not.

And why the hell are you so familiar with what Stormfront teaches? I've never been on that site for longer than 10 seconds.

Been there about the same length of time- ended up there after unfortunately clicking a link by a poster in another forum.

Since then I have seen the pattern.

And I am comfortable with calling Greenbean a bigot who belongs on Stormfront.

I doubt he's ever been there. I think he really didn't know what the hell you were talking about just like his post indicates. But whatever.
So what the takeaway from all this is ...that the only white guys that were involved with slavery were liberals that hung out in Africa trying to make black people's lives better by bringing them to the Americas. And that's how the democratic party got started.

It is a Stormfront revisionist history- all to excuse our American culpability in slavery.

Certainly other nations were involved.

But to deny our own involvement in it is just bigotry on parade.

I know what Stormfront is. I've known for a little less than 2 years. I only know about that site because you Leftists kept bringing it up over and over again to people who, like GreenBean, don't know what the hell you're talking about. It's one more example that exposes the lie you Leftists tell in assuming we're racist, a radically stupid assumption since you all fit the label far better if racism is defined classically as treating people differently according to their skin color.

Conservatives don't read Stormfront and those bigots who do out themselves quickly because they can't resist saying hateful things about Jews; it's not hard to discern. And while many conservatives ignore these haters as they try to blend in on the right, I withstand them every time like I do with Stormfronter Steve_McGarrett. I actually hate them worse than any of you.

There's a special breed of asshole that frequents that site. Please stop confusing them with conservatives.

Sorry- Stormfront is a special breed of conservatives.

Just like the whacky wing of the right- they hate homosexuals, they think affirmative action is racism and they basically are the Conservative values on steroids.

Greenbean is a foul mouthed bigot who is right at home at Stormfront.

And note- I do not say that about you.

Apparently you are hard of hearing (or reading?) Stormfront bigots give themselves away by their anti semitic comments. Steve_McGarrett is the only Stormfronter I've seen on this site. Read his signature, he isn't even trying to hide it. None of them do.

And Stormfronters actually hate blacks, homosexuals, Jews, or any other minorities...including me I'm sure, though I don't know their official stance on Native Americans. Conservatives hate nobody for anything except a malformed character. If you can't tell the difference, then you're virtually admitting a low level of intelligence and sophistication.

But why am I even trying to argue with you. You'll waive "stormfront" around like a verbal missile just like you do "racist" and it doesn't matter if it's true or not.

And why the hell are you so familiar with what Stormfront teaches? I've never been on that site for longer than 10 seconds.

Been there about the same length of time- ended up there after unfortunately clicking a link by a poster in another forum.

Since then I have seen the pattern.

And I am comfortable with calling Greenbean a bigot who belongs on Stormfront.

I doubt he's ever been there. I think he really didn't know what the hell you were talking about just like his post indicates. But whatever.

I don't think he knows what the hell he is talking about himself.

He is just parroting homophobic fecal fears.
So what the takeaway from all this is ...that the only white guys that were involved with slavery were liberals that hung out in Africa trying to make black people's lives better by bringing them to the Americas. And that's how the democratic party got started.


Was that an attempt at humor?
Really? You're going with "everyone did it, it must have been okay"? "Everyone" used the N word not that long ago. Does that mean it's an "okay" word to use?
No, everyone DIDNT use the N word. But everyone did say Japs. It wasn't a racial slur until the moronic Left made it one.

It wasn't a racial slur when the Japanese were our enemies.

Japan is now one our closest allies- and yes it is a slur to call a Japanese American a Jap.

Most Americans understand that.

Sorry, you don't speak for "most Americans" and nothing becomes a slur just because the Left says it is. Just like the word retarded, people aren't going to stop using it because today Leftwats are screaming "that's mean!".....the same people who said we must start saying "retarded" instead of "idiot child"..

Things become a slur when the Americans that are targeted by the phrase become offended by it- and when we start caring that they are offended.

No one was offended when Mark Twain used n*gger in Tom Sawyer- it was a common term of derision of the day. But African Americans grew offended by it- it wasn't because of the "Left"- it was because Americans started to realize that using that word was offensive to African Americans.

Likewise the term 'Jap' to describe Japanese Americans. And yes- Japanese Americans are offended even if you describe Japanese as Japs.

Maybe your social circle is different than mine- but no one I know- under the age of 75- uses the terms n*gger, c*nt, k*ke, or f*ggot in conversation- because we all understand- the only ones using those terms do so to offend.

All you're doing is expressing a different opinion. Surely you detect the futility. It's like the Washington Redskins that a few NA groups has said is offensive. Does that mean they speak for me or for my family or anyone I know? I don't know of a single NA, and I know a LOT, that are bothered by the Washington Redskins. In fact, we share one trait with white people, and that's our thick skin. There's nothing you can call us that will get us in an uproar. Savage? Injun? You can't hurt us.

The term "Japs" was used profusely in the making of the movie Pearl Harbor. I don't recall any Japanese Americans raising a stink about it. I guess they have the same viewpoint as I do about the use of that word......and probably hated those Japs too...

Or do you forget that Japanese immigrated here to get away from that country?

Do you use the term "Jap" to describing Japanese people in conversation? If you mention the Japanese Prime Minister do you refer to him as 'that 'Jap President'?

IF you are in a group of people that include Japanese Americans- when you refer to Japanese tourists- do you call them "Japs"?

If not- then I am not sure what your complaint is. If not you understand the basic idea that you don't use perjoratives to describe people unless you intend to offend.
No, everyone DIDNT use the N word. But everyone did say Japs. It wasn't a racial slur until the moronic Left made it one.

It wasn't a racial slur when the Japanese were our enemies.

Japan is now one our closest allies- and yes it is a slur to call a Japanese American a Jap.

Most Americans understand that.

Sorry, you don't speak for "most Americans" and nothing becomes a slur just because the Left says it is. Just like the word retarded, people aren't going to stop using it because today Leftwats are screaming "that's mean!".....the same people who said we must start saying "retarded" instead of "idiot child"..

Things become a slur when the Americans that are targeted by the phrase become offended by it- and when we start caring that they are offended.

No one was offended when Mark Twain used n*gger in Tom Sawyer- it was a common term of derision of the day. But African Americans grew offended by it- it wasn't because of the "Left"- it was because Americans started to realize that using that word was offensive to African Americans.

Likewise the term 'Jap' to describe Japanese Americans. And yes- Japanese Americans are offended even if you describe Japanese as Japs.

Maybe your social circle is different than mine- but no one I know- under the age of 75- uses the terms n*gger, c*nt, k*ke, or f*ggot in conversation- because we all understand- the only ones using those terms do so to offend.

All you're doing is expressing a different opinion. Surely you detect the futility. It's like the Washington Redskins that a few NA groups has said is offensive. Does that mean they speak for me or for my family or anyone I know? I don't know of a single NA, and I know a LOT, that are bothered by the Washington Redskins. In fact, we share one trait with white people, and that's our thick skin. There's nothing you can call us that will get us in an uproar. Savage? Injun? You can't hurt us.

The term "Japs" was used profusely in the making of the movie Pearl Harbor. I don't recall any Japanese Americans raising a stink about it. I guess they have the same viewpoint as I do about the use of that word......and probably hated those Japs too...

Or do you forget that Japanese immigrated here to get away from that country?

Do you use the term "Jap" to describing Japanese people in conversation? If you mention the Japanese Prime Minister do you refer to him as 'that 'Jap President'?

IF you are in a group of people that include Japanese Americans- when you refer to Japanese tourists- do you call them "Japs"?

If not- then I am not sure what your complaint is. If not you understand the basic idea that you don't use perjoratives to describe people unless you intend to offend.

I call people from the Empire of Japan, a country that doesn't exist anymore, who attacked us at Pearl Harbor Japs.

So what the takeaway from all this is ...that the only white guys that were involved with slavery were liberals that hung out in Africa trying to make black people's lives better by bringing them to the Americas. And that's how the democratic party got started.


Leftists don't touch Africa with an 8766 mile pole. That's why they turned their backs on Rwanda. Africans aren't even nggers, they're dirt:

So what the takeaway from all this is ...that the only white guys that were involved with slavery were liberals that hung out in Africa trying to make black people's lives better by bringing them to the Americas. And that's how the democratic party got started.


Leftists don't touch Africa with an 8766 mile pole. That's why they turned their backs on Rwanda. Africans aren't even nggers, they're dirt:

So what does that make 'Rightists' then exactly?

What exactly did Newt Gingrich demand we do for his 'blacks' in Rwanda?
WTF is this stormfront shit you keep spouting - thats not anyones slant on History - it is simply History . Sorry that it doesn't fit your narrative or Agenda - but is unfortunate fact

It is a Stormfront revisionist history- all to excuse our American culpability in slavery.

Certainly other nations were involved.

But to deny our own involvement in it is just bigotry on parade.

I know what Stormfront is. I've known for a little less than 2 years. I only know about that site because you Leftists kept bringing it up over and over again to people who, like GreenBean, don't know what the hell you're talking about. It's one more example that exposes the lie you Leftists tell in assuming we're racist, a radically stupid assumption since you all fit the label far better if racism is defined classically as treating people differently according to their skin color.

Conservatives don't read Stormfront and those bigots who do out themselves quickly because they can't resist saying hateful things about Jews; it's not hard to discern. And while many conservatives ignore these haters as they try to blend in on the right, I withstand them every time like I do with Stormfronter Steve_McGarrett. I actually hate them worse than any of you.

There's a special breed of asshole that frequents that site. Please stop confusing them with conservatives.

Sorry- Stormfront is a special breed of conservatives.

Just like the whacky wing of the right- they hate homosexuals, they think affirmative action is racism and they basically are the Conservative values on steroids.

Greenbean is a foul mouthed bigot who is right at home at Stormfront.

And note- I do not say that about you.

Apparently you are hard of hearing (or reading?) Stormfront bigots give themselves away by their anti semitic comments. Steve_McGarrett is the only Stormfronter I've seen on this site. Read his signature, he isn't even trying to hide it. None of them do.

And Stormfronters actually hate blacks, homosexuals, Jews, or any other minorities...including me I'm sure, though I don't know their official stance on Native Americans. Conservatives hate nobody for anything except a malformed character. If you can't tell the difference, then you're virtually admitting a low level of intelligence and sophistication.

But why am I even trying to argue with you. You'll waive "stormfront" around like a verbal missile just like you do "racist" and it doesn't matter if it's true or not.

And why the hell are you so familiar with what Stormfront teaches? I've never been on that site for longer than 10 seconds.

Been there about the same length of time- ended up there after unfortunately clicking a link by a poster in another forum.

Since then I have seen the pattern.

And I am comfortable with calling Greenbean a bigot who belongs on Stormfront.

Just googled it after reading some of the garbage you post - sorry pal, even if I were inclined to ally myself with your racist brethren - they wouldn't have me . I'm not white - not that race matters to anybody of substance -it only matters to pompous oxymoronic half wits such as yourself.
So what the takeaway from all this is ...that the only white guys that were involved with slavery were liberals that hung out in Africa trying to make black people's lives better by bringing them to the Americas. And that's how the democratic party got started.


If you want to educate yourself on American involvement in Africa in the era being discussed - you might want to look into the History of a country known as Liberia .. you might notice their flag is very similar to the American Flag. You might also take note that their capital city is Monrovia - named in honor of James Monroe . Now if you feel inclined to reply - go ahead and google it - come back and pretend you knew that all along and lets see what type of spin you put on it.

So what the takeaway from all this is ...that the only white guys that were involved with slavery were liberals that hung out in Africa trying to make black people's lives better by bringing them to the Americas. And that's how the democratic party got started.


Leftists don't touch Africa with an 8766 mile pole. That's why they turned their backs on Rwanda. Africans aren't even nggers, they're dirt:

So what does that make 'Rightists' then exactly?

What exactly did Newt Gingrich demand we do for his 'blacks' in Rwanda?

It was Clinton's decision not to go into Rwanda and assist....used the UN instead and we know how that went. Perhaps you slept during high school civics and government class because you don't know how our government works. The Speaker doesn't send troops.

It is a Stormfront revisionist history- all to excuse our American culpability in slavery.

Certainly other nations were involved.

But to deny our own involvement in it is just bigotry on parade.

I know what Stormfront is. I've known for a little less than 2 years. I only know about that site because you Leftists kept bringing it up over and over again to people who, like GreenBean, don't know what the hell you're talking about. It's one more example that exposes the lie you Leftists tell in assuming we're racist, a radically stupid assumption since you all fit the label far better if racism is defined classically as treating people differently according to their skin color.

Conservatives don't read Stormfront and those bigots who do out themselves quickly because they can't resist saying hateful things about Jews; it's not hard to discern. And while many conservatives ignore these haters as they try to blend in on the right, I withstand them every time like I do with Stormfronter Steve_McGarrett. I actually hate them worse than any of you.

There's a special breed of asshole that frequents that site. Please stop confusing them with conservatives.

Sorry- Stormfront is a special breed of conservatives.

Just like the whacky wing of the right- they hate homosexuals, they think affirmative action is racism and they basically are the Conservative values on steroids.

Greenbean is a foul mouthed bigot who is right at home at Stormfront.

And note- I do not say that about you.

Apparently you are hard of hearing (or reading?) Stormfront bigots give themselves away by their anti semitic comments. Steve_McGarrett is the only Stormfronter I've seen on this site. Read his signature, he isn't even trying to hide it. None of them do.

And Stormfronters actually hate blacks, homosexuals, Jews, or any other minorities...including me I'm sure, though I don't know their official stance on Native Americans. Conservatives hate nobody for anything except a malformed character. If you can't tell the difference, then you're virtually admitting a low level of intelligence and sophistication.

But why am I even trying to argue with you. You'll waive "stormfront" around like a verbal missile just like you do "racist" and it doesn't matter if it's true or not.

And why the hell are you so familiar with what Stormfront teaches? I've never been on that site for longer than 10 seconds.

Been there about the same length of time- ended up there after unfortunately clicking a link by a poster in another forum.

Since then I have seen the pattern.

And I am comfortable with calling Greenbean a bigot who belongs on Stormfront.

Just googled it after reading some of the garbage you post - sorry pal, even if I were inclined to ally myself with your racist brethren - they wouldn't have me . I'm not white - not that race matters to anybody of substance -it only matters to pompous oxymoronic half wits such as yourself.

Amazing how the Leftwats here all assume that we're white and by definition racist too. Not only am I Blackfoot Indian and conservative, but that's how I was raised too.

Yeah, a whole family of conservative NA's. Doesn't quite fit their narrative, does it? The racist Left continues to ASSUME and make an ASS out of themselves and themselves.

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