CDZ Homophobic People Often Have Psychological Issues

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Good Lord, I'm not playing word games. Not only are the majority of citizens in the US supporting gay rights, all the advanced, modern countries in the world are supporting them. People are evolving in social and cultural terms, those people who live in modern, advanced, educated cultures. I am not using any language that is biased, prejudiced or inflammatory. Don't we all recognize that first world countries are more advanced than 3rd world countries? If you look around you and have any awareness of what is going on in other first world countries, you will see they are accepting gay rights across the globe. Therefore, it seems clear that educated, advanced, modern people are using reason instead of emotion to go toward acceptance and tolerance of others, whether it be homosexuality or something else, such as culture, race, gender, age, etc.
And yet, guns scare you; because of your irrational fear and hatred for them, you scream and cry for more restrictions.
Not surprising - hoplophobia is a mental disorder.
Not necessarily everyone, but it is more likely as opposed to people who do not express or feel such animosity and hostility toward homosexuality. You may not like or or not agree with it, but why so much disgust and animosity? Why so vehement? Why not just live as let live?

At one level, it just seems inherently disgusting to me,and I cannot really quite grasp how it doesn't seem disgusting to any normal, rational person.

I know it also, to be inherently immoral.

But really, that last sentence of yours is where the real problem comes in. “Why not just live as let live?” Why, indeed? Why can you sick, disgusting perverts not keep this crap to yourself, and leave the rest of us, who want no part of it, out of it? I'm willing to tolerate the existence and occurrence of behavior that I know to be wrong, so long as I don't have to be affected by it, and so long as other innocents don't have to be affected by it. I'm willing to “live and let live”; yours is the side that is not. Yours is the side that demands that one of society's most vital and sacred institutions be undermined and degraded and mocked, just to cater to your perversion. Yours is the side that demands that young children in school be brainwashed to accept your evil. Yours is the side that has abused the force of law to punish decent business owners for refusing to participate in your sick mockeries of weddings. Yours is the side that demands that we all embrace your evil and madness, and if we dare to object, we are condemned as “homophobic” and “hateful” and “bigoted”. And not stopping there, now you're cooking up bogus studies to try to make the case that not wanting to go along with this madness is a sign of mental health issues—that standing for basic standards of morality and decency is a form of mental illness.

I'm old enough to remember when all that you disgusting perverts demanded was “Don't force your morality on me!” But now you happily force your immorality, your sickness, and your madness on everyone else. It seems that to you, “live and let live” only goes in one direction.
I still recognize a person's right to choose that lifestyle, but never will I say it is in their best interests, because people don't know what is in their best interests... only God does.

Your imaginary deity doesn't know anything of the sort because it doesn't exist.

But, people that are loyal and faithful to God get angry because they know the truth.

Which is a violation of the word of your imaginary deity. You are not supposed to "get angry" at all.

Bible Verses About Anger - What Bible Says on Being Angry

Ephesians 4:26-31
26 "In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,
27 and do not give the devil a foothold.
28 He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands, that he may have something to share with those in need.
29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
30And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealedfor the day of redemption.
31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.

James 1:19-20

19 My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20 for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.
Colossians 3:8
8 But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips.
Plenty more of those at the link.

We are not to sit back passively, but, to continue to speak TRUTH! Hear it!

But you violate that "truth" when you do so with anger and hatred.
I still recognize a person's right to choose that lifestyle, but never will I say it is in their best interests, because people don't know what is in their best interests... only God does.

Your imaginary deity doesn't know anything of the sort because it doesn't exist.

But, people that are loyal and faithful to God get angry because they know the truth.

Which is a violation of the word of your imaginary deity. You are not supposed to "get angry" at all.

Bible Verses About Anger - What Bible Says on Being Angry

Ephesians 4:26-31
26 "In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,
27 and do not give the devil a foothold.
28 He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands, that he may have something to share with those in need.
29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
30And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealedfor the day of redemption.
31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.

James 1:19-20

19 My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20 for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.
Colossians 3:8
8 But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips.
Plenty more of those at the link.

We are not to sit back passively, but, to continue to speak TRUTH! Hear it!

But you violate that "truth" when you do so with anger and hatred.

I rarely exhibit anger and hatred.

Even so, let's say I'm not saved or not Christian (which, I guess, don't believe anyone really is since you think it's make believe... ) - even THEN, God can use me for His purposes.

I never said I was perfect. I do, however, claim to be a Christian.
And, if by your belief those scriptures make me NOT one, so be it.
I just happen to believe otherwise, and, like I said, God could still use me as his mouthpiece either way.

Your unbelief really doesn't matter.
I rarely exhibit anger and hatred.

In which case you are not one of those described in the OP study.

Your fellow christians who are spewing anger and hatred are the ones who meet the criteria in the OP.
Man's intelligence
Man's logic


Ironic given the fallibility of your "word of god".

No man is perfect.
Speaking from your view point, if you even CONSIDER the possibility of God, he MIGHT be perfect.

Where did I ever claim that man was infallible?

Your imaginary deity is exposed as being fallible by his "own word".

That is a "truth" that you seem to have a problem coming to terms with.
Good Lord, I'm not playing word games. Not only are the majority of citizens in the US supporting gay rights, all the advanced, modern countries in the world are supporting them. People are evolving in social and cultural terms, those people who live in modern, advanced, educated cultures. I am not using any language that is biased, prejudiced or inflammatory. Don't we all recognize that first world countries are more advanced than 3rd world countries? If you look around you and have any awareness of what is going on in other first world countries, you will see they are accepting gay rights across the globe. Therefore, it seems clear that educated, advanced, modern people are using reason instead of emotion to go toward acceptance and tolerance of others, whether it be homosexuality or something else, such as culture, race, gender, age, etc.
And yet, guns scare you; because of your irrational fear and hatred for them, you scream and cry for more restrictions.
Not surprising - hoplophobia is a mental disorder.
You're mixing issues and motivations. I am not afraid of guns. It is not a phobia. The gun culture of America is what the problem is. Again, you have no world vision, no broad vision of the greater world.

Countries with few restrictions on guns have greater gun violence overall on a national basis. Countries with strict gun control have far less gun violence. I don't like to see nearly every week in America a mass shooting, for example. We are the only country in the world like that. Modern, advanced countries do not live in such a violent climate.

IMO the people who are fearful are those who want guns. They are afraid to live without guns. They want to carry them around with them. I've lived in America without feeling the need to protect myself by arming myself. I'm not the one who is fearful; the ones who are fearful are those who think they need guns to protect themselves.

In any case, this is a very different thing from homophobia, which is like xenophobia: a fear of people or cultures that are strange and different.
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Not necessarily everyone, but it is more likely as opposed to people who do not express or feel such animosity and hostility toward homosexuality. You may not like or or not agree with it, but why so much disgust and animosity? Why so vehement? Why not just live as let live?

At one level, it just seems inherently disgusting to me,and I cannot really quite grasp how it doesn't seem disgusting to any normal, rational person.

I know it also, to be inherently immoral.

But really, that last sentence of yours is where the real problem comes in. “Why not just live as let live?” Why, indeed? Why can you sick, disgusting perverts not keep this crap to yourself, and leave the rest of us, who want no part of it, out of it? I'm willing to tolerate the existence and occurrence of behavior that I know to be wrong, so long as I don't have to be affected by it, and so long as other innocents don't have to be affected by it. I'm willing to “live and let live”; yours is the side that is not. Yours is the side that demands that one of society's most vital and sacred institutions be undermined and degraded and mocked, just to cater to your perversion. Yours is the side that demands that young children in school be brainwashed to accept your evil. Yours is the side that has abused the force of law to punish decent business owners for refusing to participate in your sick mockeries of weddings. Yours is the side that demands that we all embrace your evil and madness, and if we dare to object, we are condemned as “homophobic” and “hateful” and “bigoted”. And not stopping there, now you're cooking up bogus studies to try to make the case that not wanting to go along with this madness is a sign of mental health issues—that standing for basic standards of morality and decency is a form of mental illness.

I'm old enough to remember when all that you disgusting perverts demanded was “Don't force your morality on me!” But now you happily force your immorality, your sickness, and your madness on everyone else. It seems that to you, “live and let live” only goes in one direction.
1: You do not get to dictate what is moral for other people; this is a free country.
2. That something is disgusting to you does not mean that you can dictate other people can't engage in it. It is none of your business what consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedrooms.
3. Marriage is not a sacred institution. Look around you: married heterosexuals are engaging in 'perverted' behavior all over the place: anal sex, adultery, S&M, swinging, etc. Why are you not treating them the way you treat homosexuals?
Your attitude toward homosexuals singles them out and ignores all the perversion and sinning and weak morals of heterosexuals. Why? Because homosexuality is different and strange to you. You don't understand it or like it: you fear it. Just like xenophobes who don't understand another culture or religion or race dislike and fear it.
Not necessarily everyone, but it is more likely as opposed to people who do not express or feel such animosity and hostility toward homosexuality. You may not like or or not agree with it, but why so much disgust and animosity? Why so vehement? Why not just live as let live?

At one level, it just seems inherently disgusting to me,and I cannot really quite grasp how it doesn't seem disgusting to any normal, rational person.

I know it also, to be inherently immoral.

But really, that last sentence of yours is where the real problem comes in. “Why not just live as let live?” Why, indeed? Why can you sick, disgusting perverts not keep this crap to yourself, and leave the rest of us, who want no part of it, out of it? I'm willing to tolerate the existence and occurrence of behavior that I know to be wrong, so long as I don't have to be affected by it, and so long as other innocents don't have to be affected by it. I'm willing to “live and let live”; yours is the side that is not. Yours is the side that demands that one of society's most vital and sacred institutions be undermined and degraded and mocked, just to cater to your perversion. Yours is the side that demands that young children in school be brainwashed to accept your evil. Yours is the side that has abused the force of law to punish decent business owners for refusing to participate in your sick mockeries of weddings. Yours is the side that demands that we all embrace your evil and madness, and if we dare to object, we are condemned as “homophobic” and “hateful” and “bigoted”. And not stopping there, now you're cooking up bogus studies to try to make the case that not wanting to go along with this madness is a sign of mental health issues—that standing for basic standards of morality and decency is a form of mental illness.

I'm old enough to remember when all that you disgusting perverts demanded was “Don't force your morality on me!” But now you happily force your immorality, your sickness, and your madness on everyone else. It seems that to you, “live and let live” only goes in one direction.
You are the ones trying to force your morality on others. The majority of Americans support gay rights and gay marriage. The majority. Stop trying to force your morality on others.
Sorry I was out. My vacation was interrupted by work, both on my birthday and all day yesterday. Some vacation ... 15 hours of it spent at work and I have to go back in tomorrow.

I will try to respond to all I missed.

1. Figured out that all the links other people see, I was not able to see. I see blue links to follow the author or site on facebook and twitter, but not other links that people here saw and, thankfully, posted. Does it matter what kind of device one is on?

I was finally able to see methodology and data. Thank you derido. I would call this a study, although biased. It was strange for them to not mention that rates of mental illness are proven to be higher among homosexuals than heterosexuals.

Same-Sex Sexual Behavior and Psychiatric Disorders

I also disagree with anger and hostility being dysfuntion in heterosexuals but not in homosexuals.

2. Xenophobia is a medical diagnosis that does not include "anti illegal immigration," which is how one side uses it politically.

Xenophobia: Introduction
An unfounded morbid fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners. A person suffering from xenophobia might have symptoms
such as anxiety, sweating andincreased heart rate
and breathing. These symptoms are generally common to all phobias. ...
1: You do not get to dictate what is moral for other people; this is a free country.
2. That something is disgusting to you does not mean that you can dictate other people can't engage in it. It is none of your business what consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedrooms.
3. Marriage is not a sacred institution. Look around you: married heterosexuals are engaging in 'perverted' behavior all over the place: anal sex, adultery, S&M, swinging, etc. Why are you not treating them the way you treat homosexuals?
Your attitude toward homosexuals singles them out and ignores all the perversion and sinning and weak morals of heterosexuals. Why? Because homosexuality is different and strange to you. You don't understand it or like it: you fear it. Just like xenophobes who don't understand another culture or religion or race dislike and fear it.

You are the ones trying to force your morality on others. The majority of Americans support gay rights and gay marriage. The majority. Stop trying to force your morality on others.

So keep in in your bedrooms, keep it private, where I don't need to know about it, where I don't need to be affected by it, and where it is truly none of my business.

When you wave your sick perversions in the faces of decent people who want nothing to do with them, when you demand that we approve of them, when you call us terrible names for calling out this evil for what it truly is, then you are making it our business. Certainly, when you cause the force of government to be used to punish decent people for refusing to participate in your sickness, and to support it with our talents and labor; or when you corrupt the public educational system in order to brainwash our children into accepting and embracing this evil, then you are making it everyone else's business.

This conflict is not about us forcing our morality on you. It hasn't been, for a very long time. It is about you forcing your immorality on us.
The Clean Debate Zone is to be used for the clean debating of Government Policies, Candidates, Current News and Events ONLY. No personal attacks, name calling, flaming etc is allowed in this section
Which is why your op and thread title are a violation of the rules.
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