trump brings registered sex offender on stage

Just as Don surrounds himself with criminals so he doesn't stand out in a crowd so too with sex offenders. It coincides with his affinity for despots.
Did you listen to your own video? The man was a lifelong democrat until Trump became political. Guess when he got in trouble for soliciting an underaged prostitute: during his democrat years.
Nice rake-step.
Last Poll found Trump to have upped his game Big Time.
He now enjoys 30% approval from Blacks.
Trump got less than half that in 2020 { around 12 % }.
Blacks vote Democrat around 83 % of the time.
Not this year.

Trump is suing ABC News and George Stephanopoulos for defamation. Here's what to know about his claim.​

claiming comments made by Stephanopoulos during a recent interview were defamatory.

During a March 10 interview with Mace, Stephanopoulos said, "Judges and two separate juries have found him liable for rape," among other references to Trump being "found liable for rape."

In Trump's complaint, he accuses Stephanopoulos of acting "with actual malice or with a reckless disregard for the truth," and claims that Stephanopoulos "knows that these statements are patently and demonstrably false."

In order to prove defamation of a public figure, Trump must prove not just that the statement was incorrect, but that Stephanopoulos met the heightened standard of actual malice, showing that he had knowledge the statements were false or acted with reckless disregard of whether they were false or not. Trump has to prove actual malice by "clear and convincing evidence."

He will never prove it.
I doubt he needs to, not any more than E. Jean Carroll needed to prove he was a rapist.
Just as Don surrounds himself with criminals so he doesn't stand out in a crowd so too with sex offenders. It coincides with his affinity for despots.
However that makes about as much sense as dedicating one's
adult life to the pursuit of blowing up balloons better.
Trump has a history of out bettering hisself in whatever pursuit
he engages.Biden conversely has to Lie,cheat and use
his career { never held a public sector job } as a Politician
by hook and crook.
Last Poll found Trump to have upped his game Big Time.
He now enjoys 30% approval from Blacks.
Trump got less than half that in 2020 { around 12 % }.
Blacks vote Democrat around 83 % of the time.
Not this year.
Biden is a disaster and those who still support him are the epitome of useful idiots.
Trump was not found guilty of Rape.
A nutter lie pushed by the party of Liars { Dimocrats }.
What else is new.
Do you know how many rape convictions Trump made go away with hush money and NDA's? No you don't. But there have been many. Inserting your finger in a woman's vag unwanted or suddenly when you don't even know the person is sexual assault. Is sexual assault rape?

Do you know his first wife said he raped her.

This liberal troll is not being entirely truthful

Trump was not slurring his words or acting like biden before his daily booster shots
Did you know it was Trump and the National Enquirer who liked Ted Cruz' father to Lee Harvey Oswald?

National Enquirer made up the story about Ted Cruz's father and Lee Harvey Oswald, former publisher says​

The Texas senator told NBC News that he's "not interested in revisiting ancient."

What a pussy. Trump owns Ted Cruz.
Why is there outrage coming from biden voters? You would think you guys would embrace this.
Abysmally overdriven pap at best.Biden is about the most
horrible Democrat to have ever served.I mean,at this rate
L.B.J. is probably somewhere cussing out loud on some
too small 3-legged dunce stool waiting for his lunch.
Do you know how many rape convictions Trump made go away with hush money and NDA's? No you don't. But there have been many. Inserting your finger in a woman's vag unwanted or suddenly when you don't even know the person is sexual assault. Is sexual assault rape?

Do you know his first wife said he raped her.

View attachment 948075
Women { some but not many } are like that.
I think Sigmund Freud got close to what makes women
seem happiest when they can Lie about men.
Dems / Socialists are getting more desperate and more entertaining in their hysterics.
Women { some but not many } are like that.
I think Sigmund Freud got close to what makes women
seem happiest when they can lie about men.
In some ways that Republican kicker for the Chiefs is right about women. The most important job they can do is be a mom. Not CEO. Let your husband do that.
Dems / Socialists are getting more desperate and more entertaining in their hysterics.
Hardly ... just petty persistent blather.Not even old world
barbers could give a crap.The Democrats have virtually
used-up all their dirty tricks.They have no powder left.
There not even capable of running on empty.
There're all washed-up and don't even realize it.
After the E Jean Carroll guilty verdict, isn't Trump registered as a sex offender?
How many men has that dried up old hag accused of rape so far? I think it's around 7. Maybe 8.

She's one of those women you want to steer clear of.
Did you listen to your own video? The man was a lifelong democrat until Trump became political. Guess when he got in trouble for soliciting an underaged prostitute: during his democrat years.
Nice rake-step.
How does that contradict the OP?
In some ways that Republican kicker for the Chiefs is right about women. The most important job they can do is be a mom. Not CEO. Let your husband do that.
" Women represent the interests of the family and sexual
life; the work of civilization has become more and more
men's business; it confronts them with ever harder tasks,compels
them to sublimations of instinct which women are not easily
able to acheive. "
-- Sigmund Freud

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