CDZ Homophobic People Often Have Psychological Issues

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Homosexuality is, inherently, by its very nature—together with the manner in which sick perverts are trying to force this evil on society as a whole—ugly, disgusting, and vicious. Why should you expect it to not be described in such terms? If you willfully choose to take the side of that which is evil and disgusting, then expect to be treated accordingly.
That is your opinion; your opinion is not fact, and it is something with which the intellectually advanced, educated, reasonable, modern world disagrees.

Using biased, inflammatory, prejudicial language to imply that anyone who disagrees with you isn't "intellectually advanced" or "educated" or "reasonable" doesn't win your point. It exposes your dishonesty, though.

Weak debaters quite often try to play word games like that.
Good Lord, I'm not playing word games. Not only are the majority of citizens in the US supporting gay rights, all the advanced, modern countries in the world are supporting them. People are evolving in social and cultural terms, those people who live in modern, advanced, educated cultures. I am not using any language that is biased, prejudiced or inflammatory. Don't we all recognize that first world countries are more advanced than 3rd world countries? If you look around you and have any awareness of what is going on in other first world countries, you will see they are accepting gay rights across the globe. Therefore, it seems clear that educated, advanced, modern people are using reason instead of emotion to go toward acceptance and tolerance of others, whether it be homosexuality or something else, such as culture, race, gender, age, etc.

That may be the entire problem with most conservatives. They claim to hate Muslims and Muslim's rationale for life, yet they seem to want to imitate them in so many ways. They (those that are up in arms over same-sex marriage) want the country to accept their own twisted and unreasoned way of thinking. You don't have to accept homosexuality to be okay with laws that provide equality to them, but they can't even seem to be able to comprehend that. you're off on ANOTHER tangent...I think this thread is about done...

In other words, you are unable to explain your phobia toward homosexuality and therefore you don't want to discuss it other than to claim that the word was created to make you look bad. You don't want to admit that you think it is a sin, because I have already debunked that thought by comparing it to other sins. So, what is it that causes you grief about homosexuality?

people who disagree with homosexuality have no higher rate of psychological issues than any other cross section of the population so the premise for this thread is debunked.
People who disagree about anything usually have a reason(s) for their disagreement, but all you have been able to provide is your disdain and dislike for homosexuality and the word homophobe and you have yet to explain why it troubles you so. I bet if you analyze your reasons you will find that there is some "fear" attached to it, be it ever so small.

Since the above is true, it is also resolved: "homophobe" is therefore an invalid, manufactured word used for political or professional leverage.
You are very narrow-minded. Just because you believe something doesn't make it true. Provide some type of support for your claims, instead of just expecting everyone to agree with what you say. The majority of people have spoken and they are not on your side.

As to the word homophobe......perhaps you are more comfortable with "anti-gay" or "anti-homosexuality" but that still doesn't explain why you are that way. I suspect that some form of "fear" is involved.

“I coined the word homophobia to mean it was a phobia about homosexuals....It was a fear of homosexuals which seemed to be associated with a fear of contagion, a fear of reducing the things one fought for—home and family. It was a religious fear and it had led to great brutality as fear always does.”4
It isn't having a belief in something that is the problem; it is the way that belief is expressed through anger, hatred, vehemently expressed insults and censor, etc. You can't just live and let live, you have to be profoundly angry and against it and its entire people or you just aren't satisfied. You talk about name calling; it seems that the name you feel you are called, homophobe, is a minor thing compared to the ugly, disgusting, and vicious names you call homosexuals.

Homosexuality is, inherently, by its very nature—together with the manner in which sick perverts are trying to force this evil on society as a whole—ugly, disgusting, and vicious. Why should you expect it to not be described in such terms? If you willfully choose to take the side of that which is evil and disgusting, then expect to be treated accordingly.

The post above can be entered into evidence as exhibit A that the OP study correctly identifies homophobes with mental problems that present with symptoms of irrational fear, anger and hatred.
That is your opinion; your opinion is not fact, and it is something with which the intellectually advanced, educated, reasonable, modern world disagrees.

Using biased, inflammatory, prejudicial language to imply that anyone who disagrees with you isn't "intellectually advanced" or "educated" or "reasonable" doesn't win your point. It exposes your dishonesty, though.

Weak debaters quite often try to play word games like that.
Good Lord, I'm not playing word games. Not only are the majority of citizens in the US supporting gay rights, all the advanced, modern countries in the world are supporting them. People are evolving in social and cultural terms, those people who live in modern, advanced, educated cultures. I am not using any language that is biased, prejudiced or inflammatory. Don't we all recognize that first world countries are more advanced than 3rd world countries? If you look around you and have any awareness of what is going on in other first world countries, you will see they are accepting gay rights across the globe. Therefore, it seems clear that educated, advanced, modern people are using reason instead of emotion to go toward acceptance and tolerance of others, whether it be homosexuality or something else, such as culture, race, gender, age, etc.

That may be the entire problem with most conservatives. They claim to hate Muslims and Muslim's rationale for life, yet they seem to want to imitate them in so many ways. They (those that are up in arms over same-sex marriage) want the country to accept their own twisted and unreasoned way of thinking. You don't have to accept homosexuality to be okay with laws that provide equality to them, but they can't even seem to be able to comprehend that. you're off on ANOTHER tangent...I think this thread is about done...

In other words, you are unable to explain your phobia toward homosexuality and therefore you don't want to discuss it other than to claim that the word was created to make you look bad. You don't want to admit that you think it is a sin, because I have already debunked that thought by comparing it to other sins. So, what is it that causes you grief about homosexuality?

people who disagree with homosexuality have no higher rate of psychological issues than any other cross section of the population so the premise for this thread is debunked.
People who disagree about anything usually have a reason(s) for their disagreement, but all you have been able to provide is your disdain and dislike for homosexuality and the word homophobe and you have yet to explain why it troubles you so. I bet if you analyze your reasons you will find that there is some "fear" attached to it, be it ever so small.

Since the above is true, it is also resolved: "homophobe" is therefore an invalid, manufactured word used for political or professional leverage.
You are very narrow-minded. Just because you believe something doesn't make it true. Provide some type of support for your claims, instead of just expecting everyone to agree with what you say. The majority of people have spoken and they are not on your side.

As to the word homophobe......perhaps you are more comfortable with "anti-gay" or "anti-homosexuality" but that still doesn't explain why you are that way. I suspect that some form of "fear" is involved.

“I coined the word homophobia to mean it was a phobia about homosexuals....It was a fear of homosexuals which seemed to be associated with a fear of contagion, a fear of reducing the things one fought for—home and family. It was a religious fear and it had led to great brutality as fear always does.”4

You can run around in circles over the same ground, repeating the same things over and over as much as you the rules of debate, this one is done. I made my points and supported them.
It isn't having a belief in something that is the problem; it is the way that belief is expressed through anger, hatred, vehemently expressed insults and censor, etc. You can't just live and let live, you have to be profoundly angry and against it and its entire people or you just aren't satisfied. You talk about name calling; it seems that the name you feel you are called, homophobe, is a minor thing compared to the ugly, disgusting, and vicious names you call homosexuals.

Homosexuality is, inherently, by its very nature—together with the manner in which sick perverts are trying to force this evil on society as a whole—ugly, disgusting, and vicious. Why should you expect it to not be described in such terms? If you willfully choose to take the side of that which is evil and disgusting, then expect to be treated accordingly.
That is your opinion; your opinion is not fact, and it is something with which the intellectually advanced, educated, reasonable, modern world disagrees.

Using biased, inflammatory, prejudicial language to imply that anyone who disagrees with you isn't "intellectually advanced" or "educated" or "reasonable" doesn't win your point. It exposes your dishonesty, though.

Weak debaters quite often try to play word games like that.

Since none of the above is being done by the OP your fallacious allegations reflect poorly on yourself.

people who disagree with homosexuality have no higher rate of psychological issues than any other cross section of the population so the premise for this thread is debunked.

Since the above is true, it is also resolved: "homophobe" is therefore an invalid, manufactured word used for political or professional leverage.


You have failed to prove your claims and it is dishonest to pretend that you have done so.
Homosexuality is, inherently, by its very nature—together with the manner in which sick perverts are trying to force this evil on society as a whole—ugly, disgusting, and vicious. Why should you expect it to not be described in such terms? If you willfully choose to take the side of that which is evil and disgusting, then expect to be treated accordingly.

The way you describe homosexuals is "ugly, disgusting and vicious", so you, by your very nature are therefore subject to the same treatment you give them. Their lifestyle is no more your business than the lifestyle of straights who do ugly and disgusting things in their own private quarters. You don't have to accept homosexuality no more than I have to accept your bigotry and insensitivity to the rights of others. But name-calling and going against the law to uphold your own private beliefs is another matter. One that is no longer tolerated by the majority of Americans. If you willfully choose to be on the wrong side, then expect to be treated accordingly.
You should not hold it against Christians that find homophobic behavior offensive.
It's not because they are intolerant; it's because their Lord finds it an abomination.
If you have a deep relationship with God, you will take on his values and characteristics.
We are called to love one another, and, in a Christian's eyes, pointing out the error of other's ways is love.

Open your mind - narrow minded people!
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Using biased, inflammatory, prejudicial language to imply that anyone who disagrees with you isn't "intellectually advanced" or "educated" or "reasonable" doesn't win your point. It exposes your dishonesty, though.

Weak debaters quite often try to play word games like that.
Good Lord, I'm not playing word games. Not only are the majority of citizens in the US supporting gay rights, all the advanced, modern countries in the world are supporting them. People are evolving in social and cultural terms, those people who live in modern, advanced, educated cultures. I am not using any language that is biased, prejudiced or inflammatory. Don't we all recognize that first world countries are more advanced than 3rd world countries? If you look around you and have any awareness of what is going on in other first world countries, you will see they are accepting gay rights across the globe. Therefore, it seems clear that educated, advanced, modern people are using reason instead of emotion to go toward acceptance and tolerance of others, whether it be homosexuality or something else, such as culture, race, gender, age, etc.

That may be the entire problem with most conservatives. They claim to hate Muslims and Muslim's rationale for life, yet they seem to want to imitate them in so many ways. They (those that are up in arms over same-sex marriage) want the country to accept their own twisted and unreasoned way of thinking. You don't have to accept homosexuality to be okay with laws that provide equality to them, but they can't even seem to be able to comprehend that. you're off on ANOTHER tangent...I think this thread is about done...

In other words, you are unable to explain your phobia toward homosexuality and therefore you don't want to discuss it other than to claim that the word was created to make you look bad. You don't want to admit that you think it is a sin, because I have already debunked that thought by comparing it to other sins. So, what is it that causes you grief about homosexuality?

people who disagree with homosexuality have no higher rate of psychological issues than any other cross section of the population so the premise for this thread is debunked.
People who disagree about anything usually have a reason(s) for their disagreement, but all you have been able to provide is your disdain and dislike for homosexuality and the word homophobe and you have yet to explain why it troubles you so. I bet if you analyze your reasons you will find that there is some "fear" attached to it, be it ever so small.

Since the above is true, it is also resolved: "homophobe" is therefore an invalid, manufactured word used for political or professional leverage.
You are very narrow-minded. Just because you believe something doesn't make it true. Provide some type of support for your claims, instead of just expecting everyone to agree with what you say. The majority of people have spoken and they are not on your side.

As to the word homophobe......perhaps you are more comfortable with "anti-gay" or "anti-homosexuality" but that still doesn't explain why you are that way. I suspect that some form of "fear" is involved.

“I coined the word homophobia to mean it was a phobia about homosexuals....It was a fear of homosexuals which seemed to be associated with a fear of contagion, a fear of reducing the things one fought for—home and family. It was a religious fear and it had led to great brutality as fear always does.”4

You can run around in circles over the same ground, repeating the same things over and over as much as you the rules of debate, this one is done. I made my points and supported them.

You made your points but you didn't support or explain them. You have yet to explain why you have a disdain for "homosexuality".

You probably don't want to explain your disdain because you know it will appear foolish and unsupported by reason, so instead you choose to just hold on to that phobia.
Good Lord, I'm not playing word games. Not only are the majority of citizens in the US supporting gay rights, all the advanced, modern countries in the world are supporting them. People are evolving in social and cultural terms, those people who live in modern, advanced, educated cultures. I am not using any language that is biased, prejudiced or inflammatory. Don't we all recognize that first world countries are more advanced than 3rd world countries? If you look around you and have any awareness of what is going on in other first world countries, you will see they are accepting gay rights across the globe. Therefore, it seems clear that educated, advanced, modern people are using reason instead of emotion to go toward acceptance and tolerance of others, whether it be homosexuality or something else, such as culture, race, gender, age, etc.

That may be the entire problem with most conservatives. They claim to hate Muslims and Muslim's rationale for life, yet they seem to want to imitate them in so many ways. They (those that are up in arms over same-sex marriage) want the country to accept their own twisted and unreasoned way of thinking. You don't have to accept homosexuality to be okay with laws that provide equality to them, but they can't even seem to be able to comprehend that. you're off on ANOTHER tangent...I think this thread is about done...

In other words, you are unable to explain your phobia toward homosexuality and therefore you don't want to discuss it other than to claim that the word was created to make you look bad. You don't want to admit that you think it is a sin, because I have already debunked that thought by comparing it to other sins. So, what is it that causes you grief about homosexuality?

people who disagree with homosexuality have no higher rate of psychological issues than any other cross section of the population so the premise for this thread is debunked.
People who disagree about anything usually have a reason(s) for their disagreement, but all you have been able to provide is your disdain and dislike for homosexuality and the word homophobe and you have yet to explain why it troubles you so. I bet if you analyze your reasons you will find that there is some "fear" attached to it, be it ever so small.

Since the above is true, it is also resolved: "homophobe" is therefore an invalid, manufactured word used for political or professional leverage.
You are very narrow-minded. Just because you believe something doesn't make it true. Provide some type of support for your claims, instead of just expecting everyone to agree with what you say. The majority of people have spoken and they are not on your side.

As to the word homophobe......perhaps you are more comfortable with "anti-gay" or "anti-homosexuality" but that still doesn't explain why you are that way. I suspect that some form of "fear" is involved.

“I coined the word homophobia to mean it was a phobia about homosexuals....It was a fear of homosexuals which seemed to be associated with a fear of contagion, a fear of reducing the things one fought for—home and family. It was a religious fear and it had led to great brutality as fear always does.”4

You can run around in circles over the same ground, repeating the same things over and over as much as you the rules of debate, this one is done. I made my points and supported them.

You made your points but you didn't support or explain them. You have yet to explain why you have a disdain for "homosexuality".

You probably don't want to explain your disdain because you know it will appear foolish and unsupported by reason, so instead you choose to just hold on to that phobia. don't understand how a debate works...I made my points and supported them..You keep trying to change the subject and talk about me .....and toss in a few gratuitous ad homs on the side.

The issue is resolved...
Open your mind - narrow minded people!


It was narrow minded theists that were, and many still are, vilifying gays for no other reason than their religion.

This is a secular nation where everyone is equal.

Open minded people understand that.
That may be the entire problem with most conservatives. They claim to hate Muslims and Muslim's rationale for life, yet they seem to want to imitate them in so many ways. They (those that are up in arms over same-sex marriage) want the country to accept their own twisted and unreasoned way of thinking. You don't have to accept homosexuality to be okay with laws that provide equality to them, but they can't even seem to be able to comprehend that. you're off on ANOTHER tangent...I think this thread is about done...

In other words, you are unable to explain your phobia toward homosexuality and therefore you don't want to discuss it other than to claim that the word was created to make you look bad. You don't want to admit that you think it is a sin, because I have already debunked that thought by comparing it to other sins. So, what is it that causes you grief about homosexuality?

people who disagree with homosexuality have no higher rate of psychological issues than any other cross section of the population so the premise for this thread is debunked.
People who disagree about anything usually have a reason(s) for their disagreement, but all you have been able to provide is your disdain and dislike for homosexuality and the word homophobe and you have yet to explain why it troubles you so. I bet if you analyze your reasons you will find that there is some "fear" attached to it, be it ever so small.

Since the above is true, it is also resolved: "homophobe" is therefore an invalid, manufactured word used for political or professional leverage.
You are very narrow-minded. Just because you believe something doesn't make it true. Provide some type of support for your claims, instead of just expecting everyone to agree with what you say. The majority of people have spoken and they are not on your side.

As to the word homophobe......perhaps you are more comfortable with "anti-gay" or "anti-homosexuality" but that still doesn't explain why you are that way. I suspect that some form of "fear" is involved.

“I coined the word homophobia to mean it was a phobia about homosexuals....It was a fear of homosexuals which seemed to be associated with a fear of contagion, a fear of reducing the things one fought for—home and family. It was a religious fear and it had led to great brutality as fear always does.”4

You can run around in circles over the same ground, repeating the same things over and over as much as you the rules of debate, this one is done. I made my points and supported them.

You made your points but you didn't support or explain them. You have yet to explain why you have a disdain for "homosexuality".

You probably don't want to explain your disdain because you know it will appear foolish and unsupported by reason, so instead you choose to just hold on to that phobia. don't understand how a debate works...I made my points and supported them..You keep trying to change the subject and talk about me .....and toss in a few gratuitous ad homs on the side.

The issue is resolved...

No, you made claims but failed to provide any credible substantiation for them. Furthermore you have not refuted the study.
You should not hold it against Christian's the find homophobic behavior offensive.
It's not because they are intolerant; it's because their Lord finds it an abomination.
If you have a deep relationship with God, you will take on his value and characteristics.
We are called to love one another, and, in a Christian's eyes, pointing out the error of other's ways is love.

Open your mind - narrow minded people!

I hold it against them because no where in the Bible does Jesus tell people to insult or criticize people that don't believe the way they do. In fact, Jesus told his believers to "love" their neighbors without exception.

If you have a deep relationship with God, you will take on his value and characteristics and they are not to be hateful and mean and treat anyone unfairly. Christians are not called to hand out punishment or judgment on anyone and that is what those that are anti-homosexuality are doing. Christians don't answer for the perceived sins of are only responsible for your own sins.

And, since you brought it up, why is it that homosexuality is considered a more heinous sin than adultery? Isn't adultery a sin, too? Why aren't these sanctimonious and pious people going after all the leaders in the Republican party that have committed adultery? How about divorce? Trump has been married 4 times.....that means he has been divorced three times? Why aren't these same people making a big whoop-tee-doo over that?
Open your mind - narrow minded people!


It was narrow minded theists that were, and many still are, vilifying gays for no other reason than their religion.

This is a secular nation where everyone is equal.

Open minded people understand that.

Really? I used to be an atheist and fully supportive of the gay lifestyle.
I still recognize a person's right to choose that lifestyle, but never will I say it is in their best interests, because people don't know what is in their best interests... only God does.

It is a secular nation. It's a secular world. Christian's are WRONG to think they can change it. Even God Himself said that will not happen.

I understand it. But, people that are loyal and faithful to God get angry because they know the truth.
They let their dedication and commitment (passion) cloud what they know is prophesied and will come to pass.

We are not to sit back passively, but, to continue to speak TRUTH! Hear it! you're off on ANOTHER tangent...I think this thread is about done...

In other words, you are unable to explain your phobia toward homosexuality and therefore you don't want to discuss it other than to claim that the word was created to make you look bad. You don't want to admit that you think it is a sin, because I have already debunked that thought by comparing it to other sins. So, what is it that causes you grief about homosexuality?

people who disagree with homosexuality have no higher rate of psychological issues than any other cross section of the population so the premise for this thread is debunked.
People who disagree about anything usually have a reason(s) for their disagreement, but all you have been able to provide is your disdain and dislike for homosexuality and the word homophobe and you have yet to explain why it troubles you so. I bet if you analyze your reasons you will find that there is some "fear" attached to it, be it ever so small.

Since the above is true, it is also resolved: "homophobe" is therefore an invalid, manufactured word used for political or professional leverage.
You are very narrow-minded. Just because you believe something doesn't make it true. Provide some type of support for your claims, instead of just expecting everyone to agree with what you say. The majority of people have spoken and they are not on your side.

As to the word homophobe......perhaps you are more comfortable with "anti-gay" or "anti-homosexuality" but that still doesn't explain why you are that way. I suspect that some form of "fear" is involved.

“I coined the word homophobia to mean it was a phobia about homosexuals....It was a fear of homosexuals which seemed to be associated with a fear of contagion, a fear of reducing the things one fought for—home and family. It was a religious fear and it had led to great brutality as fear always does.”4

You can run around in circles over the same ground, repeating the same things over and over as much as you the rules of debate, this one is done. I made my points and supported them.

You made your points but you didn't support or explain them. You have yet to explain why you have a disdain for "homosexuality".

You probably don't want to explain your disdain because you know it will appear foolish and unsupported by reason, so instead you choose to just hold on to that phobia. don't understand how a debate works...I made my points and supported them..You keep trying to change the subject and talk about me .....and toss in a few gratuitous ad homs on the side.

The issue is resolved...

No, you made claims but failed to provide any credible substantiation for them. Furthermore you have not refuted the study.

Man's intelligence
Man's logic

We are not to sit back passively, but, to continue to speak TRUTH! Hear it!

But, most are taking it to much that they are going against other "truths" - like obeying your government.

As for Kim Davis, if she believes in trumpeting the truth....why doesn't she trumpet the truth about her 4 marriages? Or the fact that she committed adultery while married to her second husband and had a child by her third husband while married to her second husband? That is just hypocrisy and picking and choosing what you wish to speak the TRUTH about.

Matthew 7:5
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.
We are not to sit back passively, but, to continue to speak TRUTH! Hear it!

But, most are taking it to much that they are going against other "truths" - like obeying your government.

As for Kim Davis, if she believes in trumpeting the truth....why doesn't she trumpet the truth about her 4 marriages? Or the fact that she committed adultery while married to her second husband and had a child by her third husband while married to her second husband? That is just hypocrisy and picking and choosing what you wish to speak the TRUTH about.

Matthew 7:5
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.
Lord, thank you for accepting me, flaws and all. Help me do the same for others. Help me get my eyes off myself and my need to control, to protect myself. Help me to be more sensitive to the needs of others. Help me to be real with them. To build a relationship on acceptance and love. In Jesus' name . . .
We are not to sit back passively, but, to continue to speak TRUTH! Hear it!

But, most are taking it to much that they are going against other "truths" - like obeying your government.

As for Kim Davis, if she believes in trumpeting the truth....why doesn't she trumpet the truth about her 4 marriages? Or the fact that she committed adultery while married to her second husband and had a child by her third husband while married to her second husband? That is just hypocrisy and picking and choosing what you wish to speak the TRUTH about.

Matthew 7:5
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

We are to obey laws if they do not conflict with God's laws.
God never wants us to disobey him.
His apostles were thrown in jail for disobeying laws. They were(are) rewarded for this.

Kim was saved After her marriages from what I understand. That is not to say she did not necessarily do Christianity a favor in her actions, but, she was standing up for her beliefs regardless.

I have had 2 children out of wedlock, it makes me no less saved or a Christian
All it does is point out that anyone can become a Christian and usable by God.
Paul of the Bible was a murderer of Christians yet, wrote the bulk of the New Testament....
Don't get your panties all in a wad........I'm not going to read every damn post in this thread just so I can participate.......that isn't even part of the rules. If you have already mentioned it, then you could point me to your posts instead of getting all hissy about it. You're the one that responded to my post......and I'm sure as hell not going to go looking for all your posts just because you claim you have already demonstrated. It seems to me that you are deflecting.

and now ad hom, distraction and evasion.

My earlier points were well made and stand. :popcorn:

Yeah sure. I'm sure you weren't able to explain, so that is your best option.....deflect.

Why don't you just give your opinion on adultery.....or did you already cover that on another post?

Start a thread on adultery and I may offer an opinion...This thread isn't about adultery.
That's not necessary. I was pointing out that for those that claim homosexuality is a sin even though Jesus never mentioned it, adultery is and why they don't ever take exception to it. But, you know I'm right and you don't have a response to it, so you're finding excuses to not deal with it. That's called deflection.

Why are you trying to change the subject now?
I'm not changing the subject.....I'm comparing what some claim is a sin, (homosexuality) to another sin (adultery) and trying to get you to explain why one is so much more of a big deal than the other. You, on the other hand, can't seem to be able to explain why you have such a disdain for homosexuality and your reaction to it (that does not involve some type of fear) so you are making excuses and deflecting altogether.

but this thread isn't about adultery or sins or jesus...
"homophobe" is a word invented to marginalize, mischaracterize and attempt to disparage people who disagree with homosexuality..the word is invalid and (purposely) overly broad....very very few people are "afraid" of homosexuals
What is the difference between the intention of the term homophobe and the term xenophobe?
Homosexuality is, inherently, by its very nature—together with the manner in which sick perverts are trying to force this evil on society as a whole—ugly, disgusting, and vicious. Why should you expect it to not be described in such terms? If you willfully choose to take the side of that which is evil and disgusting, then expect to be treated accordingly.
That is your opinion; your opinion is not fact, and it is something with which the intellectually advanced, educated, reasonable, modern world disagrees.

Using biased, inflammatory, prejudicial language to imply that anyone who disagrees with you isn't "intellectually advanced" or "educated" or "reasonable" doesn't win your point. It exposes your dishonesty, though.

Weak debaters quite often try to play word games like that.
Good Lord, I'm not playing word games. Not only are the majority of citizens in the US supporting gay rights, all the advanced, modern countries in the world are supporting them. People are evolving in social and cultural terms, those people who live in modern, advanced, educated cultures. I am not using any language that is biased, prejudiced or inflammatory. Don't we all recognize that first world countries are more advanced than 3rd world countries? If you look around you and have any awareness of what is going on in other first world countries, you will see they are accepting gay rights across the globe. Therefore, it seems clear that educated, advanced, modern people are using reason instead of emotion to go toward acceptance and tolerance of others, whether it be homosexuality or something else, such as culture, race, gender, age, etc.

That may be the entire problem with most conservatives. They claim to hate Muslims and Muslim's rationale for life, yet they seem to want to imitate them in so many ways. They (those that are up in arms over same-sex marriage) want the country to accept their own twisted and unreasoned way of thinking. You don't have to accept homosexuality to be okay with laws that provide equality to them, but they can't even seem to be able to comprehend that. you're off on ANOTHER tangent...I think this thread is about done...


people who disagree with homosexuality have no higher rate of psychological issues than any other cross section of the population so the premise for this thread is debunked.

Since the above is true, it is also resolved: "homophobe" is therefore an invalid, manufactured word used for political or professional leverage.
The whole point of the thread is that people who have negative feelings of anger and hostility toward homosexuality DO HAVE A HIGHER RATE OF POOR MENTAL HEALTH THAN PEOPLE WHO DO NOT HAVE NEGATIVE AND HOSTILE FEELINGS ABOUT HOMOSEXUALS.
That is the point of the thread. That is what the study found. You can dispute it, but you have not cited any study that disproves it. You can disagree with it, but you do so only with your own personal opinion. Homophobe is not an invalid term, not any more than other terms which are widely use, internationally, to describe human behavior. You have not proved that the term is meant to degrade anyone. Just stating your personal opinion does not disprove anything.
That is your opinion; your opinion is not fact, and it is something with which the intellectually advanced, educated, reasonable, modern world disagrees.

Using biased, inflammatory, prejudicial language to imply that anyone who disagrees with you isn't "intellectually advanced" or "educated" or "reasonable" doesn't win your point. It exposes your dishonesty, though.

Weak debaters quite often try to play word games like that.
Good Lord, I'm not playing word games. Not only are the majority of citizens in the US supporting gay rights, all the advanced, modern countries in the world are supporting them. People are evolving in social and cultural terms, those people who live in modern, advanced, educated cultures. I am not using any language that is biased, prejudiced or inflammatory. Don't we all recognize that first world countries are more advanced than 3rd world countries? If you look around you and have any awareness of what is going on in other first world countries, you will see they are accepting gay rights across the globe. Therefore, it seems clear that educated, advanced, modern people are using reason instead of emotion to go toward acceptance and tolerance of others, whether it be homosexuality or something else, such as culture, race, gender, age, etc.

That may be the entire problem with most conservatives. They claim to hate Muslims and Muslim's rationale for life, yet they seem to want to imitate them in so many ways. They (those that are up in arms over same-sex marriage) want the country to accept their own twisted and unreasoned way of thinking. You don't have to accept homosexuality to be okay with laws that provide equality to them, but they can't even seem to be able to comprehend that. you're off on ANOTHER tangent...I think this thread is about done...


people who disagree with homosexuality have no higher rate of psychological issues than any other cross section of the population so the premise for this thread is debunked.

Since the above is true, it is also resolved: "homophobe" is therefore an invalid, manufactured word used for political or professional leverage.
The whole point of the thread is that people who have negative feelings of anger and hostility toward homosexuality DO HAVE A HIGHER RATE OF POOR MENTAL HEALTH THAN PEOPLE WHO DO NOT HAVE NEGATIVE AND HOSTILE FEELINGS ABOUT HOMOSEXUALS.
That is the point of the thread. That is what the study found. You can dispute it, but you have not cited any study that disproves it. You can disagree with it, but you do so only with your own personal opinion. Homophobe is not an invalid term, not any more than other terms which are widely use, internationally, to describe human behavior. You have not proved that the term is meant to degrade anyone. Just stating your personal opinion does not disprove anything.

I don't hate homosexuals.
but I'm very unstable... just sayin'
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