Homeschooled student wins National Constitution Bee


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Not a big deal. Home schooled kids almost always win the National Spelling Bee too.

Not a big deal. Home schooled kids almost always win the National Spelling Bee too.

Not the first time, and won't be the last. The constitution isn't taught at all in most public schools.

The constitution is just another piece of paper that only uppity whites wrote because they wanted to be free to do whatever they wanted…

So let rid the nation of it and create the U.S.S.A. Where every child can be forced in pubic edukation and taught being smart is racist and whites are only a flaw of the Black man…

Ohhh, I will stop before you think I am being serious because I am not and congrats to the kid and proving Public Education is worthless and should be closed down until society purges the radical teachings from it system!
Not a big deal. Home schooled kids almost always win the National Spelling Bee too.

Proof once again that you could stand on one leg balancing plates on your nose and still do a better job educating your kids better than the government!

Too bad the government forces mom to work now rather than stay home because they do such a poor job enforcing wage laws while collecting so much in taxes that it now takes two parents working to survive!
proving Public Education is worthless

Public Education is fine, there are many teachers that care a lot for their students. It is the system itself that damages kids in the way it is organized that does the damage. The people that give their time, and devote their lives to try to make it work, they are all right.

It is PUBLIC SCHOOLING, and the philosophy behind that, which is the real problem.
Not a big deal. Home schooled kids almost always win the National Spelling Bee too.

But kids need the socialization of public school lockdowns and mask wearing so that when they finally get to class the teacher yells at them for trying to socialize.
You should see the home schooled kids in social settings. They fail for the most part.
Probably because the kids who are brain fried by public school are impossible to engage. My doctor's kids are homeschooled and everything about them is far superior to the other kids I've met lately. They are fun, bright, engaged, engaging and incredibly empathic.
Social intercourse is not learned in isolation settings.

Most home schooling parents socialize with groups of home schoolers and their children have great relationships with other home schooled children. You don't know what you're talking about!
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Not a big deal. Home schooled kids almost always win the National Spelling Bee too.

Your "homeschoolers are all great and excel" narrative is about to be busted up.

There is almost NO community more insular than the homeschooling community so you can bet that they don't see it coming, and will do nothing about it.

Believe that.

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