‘Homeland’ security coming to hotels, malls


VIP Member
Dec 27, 2010
‘Homeland’ security coming to hotels, malls | Raw Story

"We look at so-called soft targets -- the hotels, shopping malls, for example -- all of which we have reached out to in the past year and have done a fair amount of training for their own employees," Napolitano said.

Since an attempted bombing on a packed Saturday night in Times Square in May, New York, for example, has installed hundreds of security cameras as part of a plan to triple the number of cameras to 3,000.

DHS already put up this message inside Wal-Marts on their televisions stating "if you see something, say something"


It's a win-win for the security companies who are making a mighty dollar and the government who wants to keep a watchful eye over its populous.

Clever how the FBI baits mentally unstable poor folks by supplying them with phony bombs and entice them with cash reimbursement for their troubles, only to make an example out of them to justify more cameras and intrusive security measures and to perpetuate the illusion of terrorist threats and to keep the population scared shitless. It's clever enough that the majority of Americans don't catch onto the scheme and always rationalize in agreement with DHS or the government.

"Well, if it's for our safety then by all means keep us safe"

Most don't even know that America is almost a police state and probably won't find out until an agent knocks on their door asking the homeowner to bend over and rectally accept a microphone "for their safety".
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Janet and her henchmen at fatterland security are going to make terrorists of all of us, because I don't know about you panzies, but I won't put up with these stasi tactics.
If you don't oppose Democrats, because you believe both parties are the same, then you are part of the problem.
Why? Because both parties support the continuance of the security state and there is no other viable political option to choose from?

Obama is continuing Bush's policies and the democrats AND republicans go in lockstep with what the department of homeland security and the TSA is doing.

How does that make me the "problem"? The United States political system is a corrupt fiasco.
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Oh goody more government protection, I feel so safe and stuff :doubt: Will they be doing body scans and searches...geez, I can't wait
whoa! y'alls ain't goodthinkers! Time for Room 101 and a dose of El Submarino
I take it Napolitano's statement excludes the Mexican border? Did she consult with Obama before making the statement? I would think it flies in the face of Obama's "open arms" policy toward Mexicans. Or - is she finally admitting there's a problem at the Mexican border?

"It means, as we make the land borders harder to cross from a land border crossing standpoint, that we need to be looking out into our coasts and to the waters," said Napolitano.
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