Hitler returns as Germany passes Orwellian law banning "hate speech"

So how will liberals defend affirmative action programs??? Isn't it hate speech to say whites must be denied jobs in favor of less qualified blacks and muslims?

Germany Passes "Orwellian" Anti-Free-Speech "Facebook Law" | Zero Hedge

july 2 2017 The writing has been on the wall for months, but German lawmakers have now passed a controversial law under which Facebook, Twitter, and other social media companies could face fines of up to €50 million ($57 million) for failing to remove hate speech.

As AP reports, the measure approved is designed to enforce the country’s existing limits on speech, including the long-standing ban on Holocaust denial. Among other things, it would fine social networking sites if they persistently fail to remove illegal content within a week, including defamatory “fake news.”

“Freedom of speech ends where the criminal law begins,” said Justice Minister Heiko Maas, who was the driving force behind the bill.

Under the law, social media companies would face steep fines for failing to remove “obviously illegal” content — including hate speech, defamation, and incitements to violence — within 24 hours. They would face an initial fine of €5 million, which could rise to €50 million. Web companies would have up to one week to decide on cases that are less clear cut.
I wish we did the same.
OldLadys assualt on the free press continues :D

They think it won't turn back onto them that's why. They think they are in the special club. LOL
So how will liberals defend affirmative action programs??? Isn't it hate speech to say whites must be denied jobs in favor of less qualified blacks and muslims?

Germany Passes "Orwellian" Anti-Free-Speech "Facebook Law" | Zero Hedge

july 2 2017 The writing has been on the wall for months, but German lawmakers have now passed a controversial law under which Facebook, Twitter, and other social media companies could face fines of up to €50 million ($57 million) for failing to remove hate speech.

As AP reports, the measure approved is designed to enforce the country’s existing limits on speech, including the long-standing ban on Holocaust denial. Among other things, it would fine social networking sites if they persistently fail to remove illegal content within a week, including defamatory “fake news.”

“Freedom of speech ends where the criminal law begins,” said Justice Minister Heiko Maas, who was the driving force behind the bill.

Under the law, social media companies would face steep fines for failing to remove “obviously illegal” content — including hate speech, defamation, and incitements to violence — within 24 hours. They would face an initial fine of €5 million, which could rise to €50 million. Web companies would have up to one week to decide on cases that are less clear cut.
Dumbest title ever. Hitler didn't censor anyone but enemies of the German people who were trying to destroy Germany. Same should be done in ANY sane society.
Everyone and everything "obviously" not matching the national socialists´ standards on politics and culture was banned.
So? That left marxists,Jews,Homosexuals etc. NO ONE that deserved to push their filth on society.
You don´t understand. You are banned, too.
I understand plenty. You clowns want to scream NATZI every time its quite pathetic. Its more like Communist.
So how will liberals defend affirmative action programs??? Isn't it hate speech to say whites must be denied jobs in favor of less qualified blacks and muslims?

Germany Passes "Orwellian" Anti-Free-Speech "Facebook Law" | Zero Hedge

july 2 2017 The writing has been on the wall for months, but German lawmakers have now passed a controversial law under which Facebook, Twitter, and other social media companies could face fines of up to €50 million ($57 million) for failing to remove hate speech.

As AP reports, the measure approved is designed to enforce the country’s existing limits on speech, including the long-standing ban on Holocaust denial. Among other things, it would fine social networking sites if they persistently fail to remove illegal content within a week, including defamatory “fake news.”

“Freedom of speech ends where the criminal law begins,” said Justice Minister Heiko Maas, who was the driving force behind the bill.

Under the law, social media companies would face steep fines for failing to remove “obviously illegal” content — including hate speech, defamation, and incitements to violence — within 24 hours. They would face an initial fine of €5 million, which could rise to €50 million. Web companies would have up to one week to decide on cases that are less clear cut.
Dumbest title ever. Hitler didn't censor anyone but enemies of the German people who were trying to destroy Germany. Same should be done in ANY sane society.

Everyone and everything "obviously" not matching the national socialists´ standards on politics and culture was banned.
So how will liberals defend affirmative action programs??? Isn't it hate speech to say whites must be denied jobs in favor of less qualified blacks and muslims?
Dumbest title ever. Hitler didn't censor anyone but enemies of the German people who were trying to destroy Germany. Same should be done in ANY sane society.
Everyone and everything "obviously" not matching the national socialists´ standards on politics and culture was banned.
So? That left marxists,Jews,Homosexuals etc. NO ONE that deserved to push their filth on society.
You don´t understand. You are banned, too.
I understand plenty. You clowns want to scream NATZI every time its quite pathetic. Its more like Communist.
Show me where i screamed that. It is clear that you know little about the third Reich and your only overlap with it is your racism. It means daily Adolf brainwash and being ordered around. The Volksempfänger only receives national signals and enemy channels are banned. There were even propaganda posters against Jazz music.
Dumbest title ever. Hitler didn't censor anyone but enemies of the German people who were trying to destroy Germany. Same should be done in ANY sane society.
Everyone and everything "obviously" not matching the national socialists´ standards on politics and culture was banned.
So? That left marxists,Jews,Homosexuals etc. NO ONE that deserved to push their filth on society.
You don´t understand. You are banned, too.
I understand plenty. You clowns want to scream NATZI every time its quite pathetic. Its more like Communist.
Show me where i screamed that. It is clear that you know little about the third Reich and your only overlap with it is your racism. It means daily Adolf brainwash and being ordered around. The Volksempfänger only receives national signals and enemy channels are banned. There were even propaganda posters against Jazz music.
I still don't see a problem. When COMPLETE sanity prevails here there will be HUGE bonfires for books,music,art etc that are of the cultural marxist agenda.
So how will liberals defend affirmative action programs??? Isn't it hate speech to say whites must be denied jobs in favor of less qualified blacks and muslims?

Germany Passes "Orwellian" Anti-Free-Speech "Facebook Law" | Zero Hedge

july 2 2017 The writing has been on the wall for months, but German lawmakers have now passed a controversial law under which Facebook, Twitter, and other social media companies could face fines of up to €50 million ($57 million) for failing to remove hate speech.

As AP reports, the measure approved is designed to enforce the country’s existing limits on speech, including the long-standing ban on Holocaust denial. Among other things, it would fine social networking sites if they persistently fail to remove illegal content within a week, including defamatory “fake news.”

“Freedom of speech ends where the criminal law begins,” said Justice Minister Heiko Maas, who was the driving force behind the bill.

Under the law, social media companies would face steep fines for failing to remove “obviously illegal” content — including hate speech, defamation, and incitements to violence — within 24 hours. They would face an initial fine of €5 million, which could rise to €50 million. Web companies would have up to one week to decide on cases that are less clear cut.
I wish we did the same.

Foe of the First,, eh?
It's got a certain ring to it, eh?
Everyone and everything "obviously" not matching the national socialists´ standards on politics and culture was banned.
So? That left marxists,Jews,Homosexuals etc. NO ONE that deserved to push their filth on society.
You don´t understand. You are banned, too.
I understand plenty. You clowns want to scream NATZI every time its quite pathetic. Its more like Communist.
Show me where i screamed that. It is clear that you know little about the third Reich and your only overlap with it is your racism. It means daily Adolf brainwash and being ordered around. The Volksempfänger only receives national signals and enemy channels are banned. There were even propaganda posters against Jazz music.
I still don't see a problem. When COMPLETE sanity prevails here there will be HUGE bonfires for books,music,art etc that are of the cultural marxist agenda.
And then? More "sanity"?
So how will liberals defend affirmative action programs??? Isn't it hate speech to say whites must be denied jobs in favor of less qualified blacks and muslims?

Germany Passes "Orwellian" Anti-Free-Speech "Facebook Law" | Zero Hedge

july 2 2017 The writing has been on the wall for months, but German lawmakers have now passed a controversial law under which Facebook, Twitter, and other social media companies could face fines of up to €50 million ($57 million) for failing to remove hate speech.

As AP reports, the measure approved is designed to enforce the country’s existing limits on speech, including the long-standing ban on Holocaust denial. Among other things, it would fine social networking sites if they persistently fail to remove illegal content within a week, including defamatory “fake news.”

“Freedom of speech ends where the criminal law begins,” said Justice Minister Heiko Maas, who was the driving force behind the bill.

Under the law, social media companies would face steep fines for failing to remove “obviously illegal” content — including hate speech, defamation, and incitements to violence — within 24 hours. They would face an initial fine of €5 million, which could rise to €50 million. Web companies would have up to one week to decide on cases that are less clear cut.
I wish we did the same.

Foe of the First,, eh?
It's got a certain ring to it, eh?

CONTROL SPEECH CONTROL THE POPULATION.................................

According to Orwell, what will happen to any democratic society if clarity in language collapses? He predicts that the society itself will collapse. Bad use of language makes it easy for us to have foolish and absolutely incorrect ideas. Distorted language can distort us, corrupt us and make us so stupid we won't know lies when we hear them. We won't question our leaders. We won't have the language tools to enable us to speak the truth. Turn on the major media TV news and listen to the politicians twisting truth into something unrecognizable—their words depending solely on a great vacancy between our ears—and you will (perhaps) have a Joycean epiphany, a moment of illumination that Orwell was right to warn us and that we as a people ignore him at our peril.

Serving House Journal: Nonfiction: Duff Brenna: George Orwell and Language Control
So how will liberals defend affirmative action programs??? Isn't it hate speech to say whites must be denied jobs in favor of less qualified blacks and muslims?

Germany Passes "Orwellian" Anti-Free-Speech "Facebook Law" | Zero Hedge

july 2 2017 The writing has been on the wall for months, but German lawmakers have now passed a controversial law under which Facebook, Twitter, and other social media companies could face fines of up to €50 million ($57 million) for failing to remove hate speech.

As AP reports, the measure approved is designed to enforce the country’s existing limits on speech, including the long-standing ban on Holocaust denial. Among other things, it would fine social networking sites if they persistently fail to remove illegal content within a week, including defamatory “fake news.”

“Freedom of speech ends where the criminal law begins,” said Justice Minister Heiko Maas, who was the driving force behind the bill.

Under the law, social media companies would face steep fines for failing to remove “obviously illegal” content — including hate speech, defamation, and incitements to violence — within 24 hours. They would face an initial fine of €5 million, which could rise to €50 million. Web companies would have up to one week to decide on cases that are less clear cut.
I wish we did the same.

Foe of the First,, eh?
It's got a certain ring to it, eh?

CONTROL SPEECH CONTROL THE POPULATION.................................

According to Orwell, what will happen to any democratic society if clarity in language collapses? He predicts that the society itself will collapse. Bad use of language makes it easy for us to have foolish and absolutely incorrect ideas. Distorted language can distort us, corrupt us and make us so stupid we won't know lies when we hear them. We won't question our leaders. We won't have the language tools to enable us to speak the truth. Turn on the major media TV news and listen to the politicians twisting truth into something unrecognizable—their words depending solely on a great vacancy between our ears—and you will (perhaps) have a Joycean epiphany, a moment of illumination that Orwell was right to warn us and that we as a people ignore him at our peril.

Serving House Journal: Nonfiction: Duff Brenna: George Orwell and Language Control

In 1984 Orwell warns us about this danger of losing words and thus losing the ability to think about concepts like privacy. He said that through propaganda and media control men and women all over the world will lose their human qualities and will become soul-less automatons, and not be aware of it. People will no longer see the inhumanity of their government’s policies. People will live in constant fear of The Other—that country or those people who are different from us. Orwell points out that it is easy to get one race or religion or ideology to dehumanize all others and want to kill them. This is what all humans fear, that the strangers will invade and fail to recognize our common humanity. And kill us as if we were loathsome insects, or scions of Satan. In 1984 the government makes sure that this fear is channeled into hatred of other nations and people. Orwell illustrates the images of fear channeling into hatred in what he calls the “Two Minutes Hate”:
So? That left marxists,Jews,Homosexuals etc. NO ONE that deserved to push their filth on society.
You don´t understand. You are banned, too.
I understand plenty. You clowns want to scream NATZI every time its quite pathetic. Its more like Communist.
Show me where i screamed that. It is clear that you know little about the third Reich and your only overlap with it is your racism. It means daily Adolf brainwash and being ordered around. The Volksempfänger only receives national signals and enemy channels are banned. There were even propaganda posters against Jazz music.
I still don't see a problem. When COMPLETE sanity prevails here there will be HUGE bonfires for books,music,art etc that are of the cultural marxist agenda.
And then? More "sanity"?
It would be a return to sanity yes. Healthy,Traditional music and reading material not cultural marxist filth.
So how will liberals defend affirmative action programs??? Isn't it hate speech to say whites must be denied jobs in favor of less qualified blacks and muslims?

Germany Passes "Orwellian" Anti-Free-Speech "Facebook Law" | Zero Hedge

july 2 2017 The writing has been on the wall for months, but German lawmakers have now passed a controversial law under which Facebook, Twitter, and other social media companies could face fines of up to €50 million ($57 million) for failing to remove hate speech.

As AP reports, the measure approved is designed to enforce the country’s existing limits on speech, including the long-standing ban on Holocaust denial. Among other things, it would fine social networking sites if they persistently fail to remove illegal content within a week, including defamatory “fake news.”

“Freedom of speech ends where the criminal law begins,” said Justice Minister Heiko Maas, who was the driving force behind the bill.

Under the law, social media companies would face steep fines for failing to remove “obviously illegal” content — including hate speech, defamation, and incitements to violence — within 24 hours. They would face an initial fine of €5 million, which could rise to €50 million. Web companies would have up to one week to decide on cases that are less clear cut.
I wish we did the same.

Foe of the First,, eh?
It's got a certain ring to it, eh?

CONTROL SPEECH CONTROL THE POPULATION.................................

According to Orwell, what will happen to any democratic society if clarity in language collapses? He predicts that the society itself will collapse. Bad use of language makes it easy for us to have foolish and absolutely incorrect ideas. Distorted language can distort us, corrupt us and make us so stupid we won't know lies when we hear them. We won't question our leaders. We won't have the language tools to enable us to speak the truth. Turn on the major media TV news and listen to the politicians twisting truth into something unrecognizable—their words depending solely on a great vacancy between our ears—and you will (perhaps) have a Joycean epiphany, a moment of illumination that Orwell was right to warn us and that we as a people ignore him at our peril.

Serving House Journal: Nonfiction: Duff Brenna: George Orwell and Language Control
I only wish you could see your post the way I see it. It is you that has fallen for the bad language, allowing a large part of the population to have foolish and absolutely incorrect ideas. I actually like the way the Germans put it in their laws:
In Germany, the Grundgesetz, or Basic Law, serves as the nation's constitution. Among its guarantees is the freedom freely to express and disseminate ... opinions in speech, writing, and pictures and to inform [one]self without hindrance But under the Basic Law, this freedom can be limited by the provisions of general laws ... and ... the right to personal Personal dignity is particularly important under the Basic Law.Article 1, the Law's first provision, provides that [h]uman dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority. The German people therefore acknowledge inviolable and inalienable human rights as the basis of every community, of peace and of justice
So how will liberals defend affirmative action programs??? Isn't it hate speech to say whites must be denied jobs in favor of less qualified blacks and muslims?
I wish we did the same.

Foe of the First,, eh?
It's got a certain ring to it, eh?

CONTROL SPEECH CONTROL THE POPULATION.................................

According to Orwell, what will happen to any democratic society if clarity in language collapses? He predicts that the society itself will collapse. Bad use of language makes it easy for us to have foolish and absolutely incorrect ideas. Distorted language can distort us, corrupt us and make us so stupid we won't know lies when we hear them. We won't question our leaders. We won't have the language tools to enable us to speak the truth. Turn on the major media TV news and listen to the politicians twisting truth into something unrecognizable—their words depending solely on a great vacancy between our ears—and you will (perhaps) have a Joycean epiphany, a moment of illumination that Orwell was right to warn us and that we as a people ignore him at our peril.

Serving House Journal: Nonfiction: Duff Brenna: George Orwell and Language Control
I only wish you could see your post the way I see it. It is you that has fallen for the bad language, allowing a large part of the population to have foolish and absolutely incorrect ideas. I actually like the way the Germans put it in their laws:
In Germany, the Grundgesetz, or Basic Law, serves as the nation's constitution. Among its guarantees is the freedom freely to express and disseminate ... opinions in speech, writing, and pictures and to inform [one]self without hindrance But under the Basic Law, this freedom can be limited by the provisions of general laws ... and ... the right to personal Personal dignity is particularly important under the Basic Law.Article 1, the Law's first provision, provides that [h]uman dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority. The German people therefore acknowledge inviolable and inalienable human rights as the basis of every community, of peace and of justice

I only wish you could comprehend what's going on.

I wish we did the same.

Says the racist poster who is on record as supporting institutionalized discrimination against Asians and Jews.
Will you PLEASE learn how to use the quote box? Einstein? I didn't say that--you did. Fix it.

Would it help if I offered you a safe space, dearie?

Guaranteed white devil free!!
I said "It has a certain ring to it, eh?"
I did not say the rest. Quit fiddling around in other people's quote boxes; in other words, learn how to post.
I wish we did the same.

Foe of the First,, eh?
It's got a certain ring to it, eh?

CONTROL SPEECH CONTROL THE POPULATION.................................

According to Orwell, what will happen to any democratic society if clarity in language collapses? He predicts that the society itself will collapse. Bad use of language makes it easy for us to have foolish and absolutely incorrect ideas. Distorted language can distort us, corrupt us and make us so stupid we won't know lies when we hear them. We won't question our leaders. We won't have the language tools to enable us to speak the truth. Turn on the major media TV news and listen to the politicians twisting truth into something unrecognizable—their words depending solely on a great vacancy between our ears—and you will (perhaps) have a Joycean epiphany, a moment of illumination that Orwell was right to warn us and that we as a people ignore him at our peril.

Serving House Journal: Nonfiction: Duff Brenna: George Orwell and Language Control
I only wish you could see your post the way I see it. It is you that has fallen for the bad language, allowing a large part of the population to have foolish and absolutely incorrect ideas. I actually like the way the Germans put it in their laws:
In Germany, the Grundgesetz, or Basic Law, serves as the nation's constitution. Among its guarantees is the freedom freely to express and disseminate ... opinions in speech, writing, and pictures and to inform [one]self without hindrance But under the Basic Law, this freedom can be limited by the provisions of general laws ... and ... the right to personal Personal dignity is particularly important under the Basic Law.Article 1, the Law's first provision, provides that [h]uman dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority. The German people therefore acknowledge inviolable and inalienable human rights as the basis of every community, of peace and of justice

I only wish you could comprehend what's going on.

View attachment 136820
Oh, I do get it. There is nothing wrong with: [h]uman dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

"Shining a light" on racist talk doesn't make it dry up and go away. I watch it here. It makes it stronger, invites more and more pukes to this site. The huge "soap box" that social media gives to haters is a boon they haven't had in a hundred years. The uptick in hate crimes? You think it's coincidental? No.
Foe of the First,, eh?
It's got a certain ring to it, eh?

CONTROL SPEECH CONTROL THE POPULATION.................................

According to Orwell, what will happen to any democratic society if clarity in language collapses? He predicts that the society itself will collapse. Bad use of language makes it easy for us to have foolish and absolutely incorrect ideas. Distorted language can distort us, corrupt us and make us so stupid we won't know lies when we hear them. We won't question our leaders. We won't have the language tools to enable us to speak the truth. Turn on the major media TV news and listen to the politicians twisting truth into something unrecognizable—their words depending solely on a great vacancy between our ears—and you will (perhaps) have a Joycean epiphany, a moment of illumination that Orwell was right to warn us and that we as a people ignore him at our peril.

Serving House Journal: Nonfiction: Duff Brenna: George Orwell and Language Control
I only wish you could see your post the way I see it. It is you that has fallen for the bad language, allowing a large part of the population to have foolish and absolutely incorrect ideas. I actually like the way the Germans put it in their laws:
In Germany, the Grundgesetz, or Basic Law, serves as the nation's constitution. Among its guarantees is the freedom freely to express and disseminate ... opinions in speech, writing, and pictures and to inform [one]self without hindrance But under the Basic Law, this freedom can be limited by the provisions of general laws ... and ... the right to personal Personal dignity is particularly important under the Basic Law.Article 1, the Law's first provision, provides that [h]uman dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority. The German people therefore acknowledge inviolable and inalienable human rights as the basis of every community, of peace and of justice
International Comparision of Approaches to Hate Speech

I only wish you could comprehend what's going on.

View attachment 136820
Oh, I do get it. There is nothing wrong with: [h]uman dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

"Shining a light" on racist talk doesn't make it dry up and go away. I watch it here. It makes it stronger, invites more and more pukes to this site. The huge "soap box" that social media gives to haters is a boon they haven't had in a hundred years. The uptick in hate crimes? You think it's coincidental? No.

Foe of the First,, eh?
It's got a certain ring to it, eh?

CONTROL SPEECH CONTROL THE POPULATION.................................

According to Orwell, what will happen to any democratic society if clarity in language collapses? He predicts that the society itself will collapse. Bad use of language makes it easy for us to have foolish and absolutely incorrect ideas. Distorted language can distort us, corrupt us and make us so stupid we won't know lies when we hear them. We won't question our leaders. We won't have the language tools to enable us to speak the truth. Turn on the major media TV news and listen to the politicians twisting truth into something unrecognizable—their words depending solely on a great vacancy between our ears—and you will (perhaps) have a Joycean epiphany, a moment of illumination that Orwell was right to warn us and that we as a people ignore him at our peril.

Serving House Journal: Nonfiction: Duff Brenna: George Orwell and Language Control
I only wish you could see your post the way I see it. It is you that has fallen for the bad language, allowing a large part of the population to have foolish and absolutely incorrect ideas. I actually like the way the Germans put it in their laws:
In Germany, the Grundgesetz, or Basic Law, serves as the nation's constitution. Among its guarantees is the freedom freely to express and disseminate ... opinions in speech, writing, and pictures and to inform [one]self without hindrance But under the Basic Law, this freedom can be limited by the provisions of general laws ... and ... the right to personal Personal dignity is particularly important under the Basic Law.Article 1, the Law's first provision, provides that [h]uman dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority. The German people therefore acknowledge inviolable and inalienable human rights as the basis of every community, of peace and of justice

I only wish you could comprehend what's going on.

View attachment 136820
Oh, I do get it. There is nothing wrong with: [h]uman dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

"Shining a light" on racist talk doesn't make it dry up and go away. I watch it here. It makes it stronger, invites more and more pukes to this site. The huge "soap box" that social media gives to haters is a boon they haven't had in a hundred years. The uptick in hate crimes? You think it's coincidental? No.

You don't get chit , or you wouldn't accuse those you don't agree with as being exactly who and what you already are. Those of us who don't fit that and see the indoctrination going on, is way past what you are obviously NOT ABLE to pick up on.
So how will liberals defend affirmative action programs??? Isn't it hate speech to say whites must be denied jobs in favor of less qualified blacks and muslims?

Germany Passes "Orwellian" Anti-Free-Speech "Facebook Law" | Zero Hedge

july 2 2017 The writing has been on the wall for months, but German lawmakers have now passed a controversial law under which Facebook, Twitter, and other social media companies could face fines of up to €50 million ($57 million) for failing to remove hate speech.

As AP reports, the measure approved is designed to enforce the country’s existing limits on speech, including the long-standing ban on Holocaust denial. Among other things, it would fine social networking sites if they persistently fail to remove illegal content within a week, including defamatory “fake news.”

“Freedom of speech ends where the criminal law begins,” said Justice Minister Heiko Maas, who was the driving force behind the bill.

Under the law, social media companies would face steep fines for failing to remove “obviously illegal” content — including hate speech, defamation, and incitements to violence — within 24 hours. They would face an initial fine of €5 million, which could rise to €50 million. Web companies would have up to one week to decide on cases that are less clear cut.
I wish we did the same.

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