HILLARY!: "What difference does it make?"...


Yet another event of which the GOP has convinced itself it can take political advantage. Fox and the talk show hosts will make it a top ongoing story, devoting every last nook & cranny of available news time to it.

The righties will jump up & down and scream about this for a while until they (finally) realize it's not going anywhere, and they'll find another shiny object with which to play.

Tedious. Like clockwork.


And yet we still have four of our men needlessly dead and it is the Republican's fault because they say WTF and the liberals say WGAF.

And I have absolutely no doubt that, if this administration had an (R) after its name, folks would be behaving quite differently about this event.


Maybe, speculation, could be, but let's stick in the here and now. What the difference would be is that the MSM would not be running cover.
why were you unconcerned about attacks against our people when baby bush was president?

oh wait!!! i know!!!

Uh....we were concerned.

Why were you so concerned then but not now?

really? were you demanding "hearings" then? i don't seem to recall anyone on the right doing that.

i didn't demand 'hearings' then or now. no one politicized the others.

imagine that.

What on earth are you talking about. A secretary of defense was releived of his post....there were hearings on strategy.....a vote on the surge. Where were you?

As for hearings on GWB lying and cherry picking intel? Why do you think there were none? Becuase there was no proof he did that. It was political rhetoric for political expediency....it was used by those that voted for the war, but were using an "anti-war" platform for campaigning.

To the contrary, there was the intel of many other countries that said the same thing......and there was certainly no chgerry picking of their intel.

But you still ignore my question. I find that interesating.
Stupid bitch...her words this week.

As I have said many times since September 11, I take responsibility.

Read more: TRANSCRIPT: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's testimony on Benghazi | Fox News

no, psychotic, she did not.

you really are trying to play above your ability.

Stupid bitch....Hillary admitted she wasn't doing her job.

You are so fucking stupid and scummy.

Hey, I got and idea, how about you an me take responsibility for the sinking of the Maine? It appears that if we do we will be able to suffer no consequences and be exalted by the liberal left. Not that I want to be exalted by the liberal left but that sure seems to be what happens when a liberal takes responsibility for tragedy.

Yet another event of which the GOP has convinced itself it can take political advantage. Fox and the talk show hosts will make it a top ongoing story, devoting every last nook & cranny of available news time to it.

The righties will jump up & down and scream about this for a while until they (finally) realize it's not going anywhere, and they'll find another shiny object with which to play.

Tedious. Like clockwork.


And yet we still have four of our men needlessly dead and it is the Republican's fault because they say WTF and the liberals say WGAF.

And I have absolutely no doubt that, if this administration had an (R) after its name, folks would be behaving quite differently about this event.


Likely, yes......on both sides of the aisle. If the administration was an (R) the left would be screaming for answers, and the right would be calling it a witch hunt.

But when negligence was found under Bush, the SoD was relieved of his post. That was GWB admitting he made an error in an appointment.

True leaders are willing to do that.

Heck...4 Americans died becuase someone didnt feel it important enough to have the SoS be aware of serious security concerns, and NO ONE is accountable.

Go figure.
Hillary was well paid to take the fall for the black man, so far that makes 1 white man and 1 black man to use Hillary.

I guess some Asian man and Hispanic man are lining up to take advantage of the broad.

Yet another event of which the GOP has convinced itself it can take political advantage. Fox and the talk show hosts will make it a top ongoing story, devoting every last nook & cranny of available news time to it.

The righties will jump up & down and scream about this for a while until they (finally) realize it's not going anywhere, and they'll find another shiny object with which to play.

Tedious. Like clockwork.


And yet we still have four of our men needlessly dead and it is the Republican's fault because they say WTF and the liberals say WGAF.

And I have absolutely no doubt that, if this administration had an (R) after its name, folks would be behaving quite differently about this event.


As history as proven..with the attacks of numerous embassies during Bush's tenure which included the deaths and injuries of Americans including Diplomat David Foy..

Pakistan car bomb kills U.S. diplomat - World news - South and Central Asia | NBC News

Nothing would have happened.

9/11 took one year to get any sort of investigation rolling (many of which, were held in secret testimonies)..and the results were a redacted report which stunningly shared the blame with the previous administration.

5th post
And yet we still have four of our men needlessly dead and it is the Republican's fault because they say WTF and the liberals say WGAF.

And I have absolutely no doubt that, if this administration had an (R) after its name, folks would be behaving quite differently about this event.


As history as proven..with the attacks of numerous embassies during Bush's tenure which included the deaths and injuries of Americans including Diplomat David Foy..

Pakistan car bomb kills U.S. diplomat - World news - South and Central Asia | NBC News

Nothing would have happened.

9/11 took one year to get any sort of investigation rolling (many of which, were held in secret testimonies)..and the results were a redacted report which stunningly shared the blame with the previous administration.


So that makes it OK.

Got it.

Still, no one will answer my question....it is a very basic question.....I simply took exactly what Hillary told us inb the context she will admit she said it.....and no one will respond to it.

I will ask again....

Hillary said there were mistakes made and an independent advisory board found the mistakes and offered up the solutions so such mistakes will never happen again...

So I ask....

The Department of State required an indepnedant advisory board to tell them that a cable that expresses serious security concerns to Americans in a country that was in the midst of a sensitive and volatile transition located in a region that is chock full of jihadists hell bent on killing Americans should be brought to someone at a high level before being denied?

They did not already know that?
Dont you get it?

She said mistakes were made and we are inplementing new procedures to correct them.

Fine....I am good with that for the mistkaes that arose due to unusual and unexpected scenarios.

But for people to deem cables asking for heightened security in such a volatile region as not important enough for the SoS to read is not something that "needs to be fixed"...it is somethging that needs to raise serious concern.

They did not know that already?

Just curious.....does it bother you at all that requests for necessary funding to increase security in all our diplomatic facilities has been constantly and consistently refused by the congress?
Dont you get it?

She said mistakes were made and we are inplementing new procedures to correct them.

Fine....I am good with that for the mistkaes that arose due to unusual and unexpected scenarios.

But for people to deem cables asking for heightened security in such a volatile region as not important enough for the SoS to read is not something that "needs to be fixed"...it is somethging that needs to raise serious concern.

They did not know that already?

Just curious.....does it bother you at all that requests for necessary funding to increase security in all our diplomatic facilities has been constantly and consistently refused by the congress?

lol. You dont understand how it works. Congress does not "consider" requests on a dialy basis. Congress decreased funding to the State department. The state department, however, has the authoirity to use their funds in anyway they deem appropriate...and if there is a serious situation that needs to be addressed, the department has the right to request more.

Now...how can congress have been aware that there were serious security concerns expressed by ab Ambassador if the SZecreatary herslef was not even aware of it?

See how easily you were fooled with her....uh....answers?

She has you believing congress denied her requests for more money for security in Benghazi...and then tells you how she had no idea of the security concerns in Benghazi..


She never actually said she requested more money......she simply said congress decreased funds.....knowing you would take it as you did.

So nice try....but all you did is show how easily political rhetoric fools you.
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Dont you get it?

She said mistakes were made and we are inplementing new procedures to correct them.

Fine....I am good with that for the mistkaes that arose due to unusual and unexpected scenarios.

But for people to deem cables asking for heightened security in such a volatile region as not important enough for the SoS to read is not something that "needs to be fixed"...it is somethging that needs to raise serious concern.

They did not know that already?

Just curious.....does it bother you at all that requests for necessary funding to increase security in all our diplomatic facilities has been constantly and consistently refused by the congress?

lol. You dont understand how it works. Congress does not "consider" requests on a dialy basis. Congress decreased funding to the State department. The state department, however, has the authoirity to use their funds in anyway they deem appropriate...and if there is a serious situation that needs to be addressed, the department has the right to request more.

Now...how can congress have been aware that there were serious security concerns expressed by ab Ambassador if the SZecreatary herslef was not even aware of it?

See how easily you were fooled with her....uh....answers?

She has you believing congress denied her requests for more money for security in Benghazi...and then tells you how she had no idea of the security concerns in Benghazi..


She never actually said she requested more money......she simply said congress decreased funds.....knowing you would take it as you did.

So nice try....but all you did is show how easily political rhetoric fools you.

Oh I'm sorry.....I guess that when Hillary and the Democratic members of the committee mentioned it and the Republicans never did that would prove your point.......NOT
Liar...the State Department is sitting on money according to Congress.

One would figure if Libya was such a hot topic...it would be at the top of funding from Hillary and her goons.

Also, the DoD could have sent Marines paid for by the DoD, idiot.

Shut the fuck up with your lies.

Dont you get it?

She said mistakes were made and we are inplementing new procedures to correct them.

Fine....I am good with that for the mistkaes that arose due to unusual and unexpected scenarios.

But for people to deem cables asking for heightened security in such a volatile region as not important enough for the SoS to read is not something that "needs to be fixed"...it is somethging that needs to raise serious concern.

They did not know that already?

Just curious.....does it bother you at all that requests for necessary funding to increase security in all our diplomatic facilities has been constantly and consistently refused by the congress?
10th post
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: "With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans, was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk last night who decided to kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator."

You'll recall during the 3rd Presidential Debate when Obama said we have FEWER horses and boyonets the usual suspects here jumped on him as if he said we no longer have bayonets.

When you live for 5 years in the same state of seething hatred that the GOP loons here have lived in, I guess you stop hearing what was said and replace it with what you think someone said.

Putting 100 Marines in Libya to guard our facilities wouldn't harm the Marines' mission worldwide, idiot.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: "With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans, was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk last night who decided to kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator."

You'll recall during the 3rd Presidential Debate when Obama said we have FEWER horses and boyonets the usual suspects here jumped on him as if he said we no longer have bayonets.

When you live for 5 years in the same state of seething hatred that the GOP loons here have lived in, I guess you stop hearing what was said and replace it with what you think someone said.
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Just curious.....does it bother you at all that requests for necessary funding to increase security in all our diplomatic facilities has been constantly and consistently refused by the congress?

lol. You dont understand how it works. Congress does not "consider" requests on a dialy basis. Congress decreased funding to the State department. The state department, however, has the authoirity to use their funds in anyway they deem appropriate...and if there is a serious situation that needs to be addressed, the department has the right to request more.

Now...how can congress have been aware that there were serious security concerns expressed by ab Ambassador if the SZecreatary herslef was not even aware of it?

See how easily you were fooled with her....uh....answers?

She has you believing congress denied her requests for more money for security in Benghazi...and then tells you how she had no idea of the security concerns in Benghazi..


She never actually said she requested more money......she simply said congress decreased funds.....knowing you would take it as you did.

So nice try....but all you did is show how easily political rhetoric fools you.

Oh I'm sorry.....I guess that when Hillary and the Democratic members of the committee mentioned it and the Republicans never did that would prove your point.......NOT

I will say it again.....

The congress decreased the state department budget....correct.

The State department never went to congress and asked for extra funding due to a serious concern about the security in Benghazi.

How do I know?

Becuase the Secretary of State would have to approve such a request.

How do I know she didnt approve it?

Becuase under oath she admitted she never knew about the requests for heightened security in Benghazi.

So if she did not know of the request for extra security, then how did she approve the request for more funding for that extra security?

Cant wait to watch you try to avioid answering THAT question just like you did all the others.
HILLARY!: "What difference does it make?"...

It's like this here...

Obama Lied for WEEKS about Benghazi being over an obscure YouTube video including in front of the UN while lamenting our Constitution and the restrictions it puts on him...

The Administration knew THAT DAY that it wasn't yet persisted with the Lies.

Until this Administration advertised that video, basically NOBODY knew about it...

It's not just about the Blood shed in Benghazi...

It's also about the Blood shed by the Religion of Peace, Love and Tolerance AFTER Obama and his Administration gave them yet another item to Jihad over by bringing that video to the headlines in a Disgusting attempt to deflect Responsibility from themselves for what happened to a US Ambassador and 3 other Americans that day in Benghazi.

HILLARY!'s Arrogance in the Face of the Facts yesterday was near Criminal in my Opinion and as usual the Politicians who get to do the Questioning don't ask the right Questions nor do they follow-up in a way that even resembles Competent.

So there's that. :thup:



It really sucks that this isn't it's own Thread any longer...


15th post
There something that is being covered up. Someone made a decision well before the attack that the request for more security was turned down. Where is the paper trail?

The refusal to send in military forces during and after the attack. There has to be a written order that said no and why.

When you place people in positions of authority that have no experience in dealing with these type situations, people die.
Were we afraid that we would upset the Muslims by bringing in military assistance?

Were the CIA agents incompetent? I doubt it.
There something that is being covered up. Someone made a decision well before the attack that the request for more security was turned down. Where is the the order denying it?

The refusal to send in military forces during and after the attack would require a written order. Where is it?
When you place people in positions of authority that have no experience in dealing with these types situations, people die.
Were we afraid that we would upset the Muslims by bringing in military assistance?

Were the CIA agents incompetent? I doubt it.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: "With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans, was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk last night who decided to kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator."

You'll recall during the 3rd Presidential Debate when Obama said we have FEWER horses and boyonets the usual suspects here jumped on him as if he said we no longer have bayonets.

When you live for 5 years in the same state of seething hatred that the GOP loons here have lived in, I guess you stop hearing what was said and replace it with what you think someone said.

The difference is very important. Without knowing the whole story you can NEVER make sure it doesn't happen again....capice?

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