HILLARY!: "What difference does it make?"...

that is how liberals operate here, they never debate with facts...they insuult you or FOX News, etc in between their own lies.

They get mad I start a post with a name for them, but I always provide FACTS to debate unlike them with their inferior brains.

it was an example of her blurting something out without understanding where he was going.

To me that is a knee jerk reaction...and the inability to comprehend others.

Why would you love that? I thought you support her?

I do support her and your reading on the hearings was obviously picked up from Faux News:
So first you attack the questioners...then you attack Fox News while mildly trying to insult me.

Yet you refuse to address the fact that you still have no answers.

I am not shocked.
The Hearing ended up showing....

1) Hillary is an idiot, asleep on the job.
2) She doesn't care about punishing those responsible (her, obamination, etc), instead she wants to be the one making the changes to cover her tracks.
3) She hid behind the 4 dead Americans when put into a corner with questions, the killer used the victims.
4) She is a fraud, what a recovery from so-called dying last month.
How come the rethugs in Congress cut the funding for security in our embassies? Anyone?
But but but you rethugs love cuts in funding for everything....................right up to the point you can use cuts in funding against somebody. Ain't it great in "Merica? I can feel the luv.
Hillary should have been on guard duty with her M16. Right beserker? Or maybe it was Mitch the Bitch McConnel and the Corker dude that had guard duty that day.

This is reaally raaallly a big deal to you rethugs? Ride it till you die I say. It is really working well for you.
The Hearing ended up showing....

1) Hillary is an idiot, asleep on the job.
2) She doesn't care about punishing those responsible (her, obamination, etc), instead she wants to be the one making the changes to cover her tracks.
3) She hid behind the 4 dead Americans when put into a corner with questions, the killer used the victims.
4) She is a fraud, what a recovery from so-called dying last month.

you live in an alternate reality... the fantasy in your head doesn't exist.

1. is brilliant. about a thousand times the human being you are. but keep flailing.
2. was an amazing secretary of state. uniformly acknowledge (except by grandstanding pathological liars) to have done a fantastic job.
3. you're just a liar.
4. you're insane.
Any rethug want to explain how many troops got killed in Iraq riding around in soft sided HUMVEES?
Now that was a travesty of major proportions. Any rethugs want to condemn anyone for that mess?

Yet another event of which the GOP has convinced itself it can take political advantage. Fox and the talk show hosts will make it a top ongoing story, devoting every last nook & cranny of available news time to it.

The righties will jump up & down and scream about this for a while until they (finally) realize it's not going anywhere, and they'll find another shiny object with which to play.

Tedious. Like clockwork.


And yet we still have four of our men needlessly dead and it is the Republican's fault because they say WTF and the liberals say WGAF.
it was an example of her blurting something out without understanding where he was going.

To me that is a knee jerk reaction...and the inability to comprehend others.

Why would you love that? I thought you support her?

I do support her and your reading on the hearings was obviously picked up from Faux News:
So first you attack the questioners...then you attack Fox News while mildly trying to insult me.

Yet you refuse to address the fact that you still have no answers.

I am not shocked.

the questioner deserved to be attacked. he's a disrespectful grandstanding twit who clearly had no idea about foreign policy... and never asked a question about benghazi... he just berated this woman who does more in five minutes of her day than he has in his lifetime.

Yet another event of which the GOP has convinced itself it can take political advantage. Fox and the talk show hosts will make it a top ongoing story, devoting every last nook & cranny of available news time to it.

The righties will jump up & down and scream about this for a while until they (finally) realize it's not going anywhere, and they'll find another shiny object with which to play.

Tedious. Like clockwork.


And yet we still have four of our men needlessly dead and it is the Republican's fault because they say WTF and the liberals say WGAF.

why were you unconcerned about attacks against our people when baby bush was president?

oh wait!!! i know!!!
Stupid bitch....Hillary admitted she wasn't doing her job.

You are so fucking stupid and scummy.

The Hearing ended up showing....

1) Hillary is an idiot, asleep on the job.
2) She doesn't care about punishing those responsible (her, obamination, etc), instead she wants to be the one making the changes to cover her tracks.
3) She hid behind the 4 dead Americans when put into a corner with questions, the killer used the victims.
4) She is a fraud, what a recovery from so-called dying last month.

you live in an alternate reality... the fantasy in your head doesn't exist.

1. is brilliant. about a thousand times the human being you are. but keep flailing.
2. was an amazing secretary of state. uniformly acknowledge (except by grandstanding pathological liars) to have done a fantastic job.
3. you're just a liar.
4. you're insane.

Yet another event of which the GOP has convinced itself it can take political advantage. Fox and the talk show hosts will make it a top ongoing story, devoting every last nook & cranny of available news time to it.

The righties will jump up & down and scream about this for a while until they (finally) realize it's not going anywhere, and they'll find another shiny object with which to play.

Tedious. Like clockwork.


it sucks being a right of center moderate, doesn't it, mac?
i don't think Hillary is any worse then John Kerry who is a traitor to this country. I am appalled that j.Kerry is sec of state now. What have we become in this country to lower ourselves to appointing traitors to positions in washington
no, psychotic, she did not.

you really are trying to play above your ability.

Stupid bitch....Hillary admitted she wasn't doing her job.

You are so fucking stupid and scummy.

The Hearing ended up showing....

1) Hillary is an idiot, asleep on the job.
2) She doesn't care about punishing those responsible (her, obamination, etc), instead she wants to be the one making the changes to cover her tracks.
3) She hid behind the 4 dead Americans when put into a corner with questions, the killer used the victims.
4) She is a fraud, what a recovery from so-called dying last month.

you live in an alternate reality... the fantasy in your head doesn't exist.

1. is brilliant. about a thousand times the human being you are. but keep flailing.
2. was an amazing secretary of state. uniformly acknowledge (except by grandstanding pathological liars) to have done a fantastic job.
3. you're just a liar.
4. you're insane.

Yet another event of which the GOP has convinced itself it can take political advantage. Fox and the talk show hosts will make it a top ongoing story, devoting every last nook & cranny of available news time to it.

The righties will jump up & down and scream about this for a while until they (finally) realize it's not going anywhere, and they'll find another shiny object with which to play.

Tedious. Like clockwork.


And yet we still have four of our men needlessly dead and it is the Republican's fault because they say WTF and the liberals say WGAF.

why were you unconcerned about attacks against our people when baby bush was president?

oh wait!!! i know!!!

We all were so what's your point? You weren't concerned or are just not telling the truth?

I think in the race for the most bonehead posts you have now edged out TM and that ain't no small feat.
Last edited:
So now since I have posted it, 4 left leaning, Hillary supporters have chimed in yet not one has the guts to answer the most basic of questions....

Why did the State Department need an independant advisory board to tell them "next time you should have the SoS make the decision as it pertains to the shortage of security for American diplomats that are in the middle of a country that is uundergoing a sensatiuve and volatile transition in a region where jihadists hell bent on killing americans are raoning and gathering freely. Next time forward the cable to her or one that is in charge of such cables."?

You all are OK with that?

If you owned a McDonalds and you saw an employee drop burgers on the floor and serve them anyway...and when you told the manager of the store what you saw...and the manager responded with:

"oh, I did not know we couldnt serve a burger after it hits the floor. I will tell all the employees of the new procedure and it will be followed moving forward"...

Would you not question in your mind the intelligence of that manager? Would you not say to yourself.."dam, this manager is by no means qualified to be a manager"?

Where is that in this situation?

Yet another event of which the GOP has convinced itself it can take political advantage. Fox and the talk show hosts will make it a top ongoing story, devoting every last nook & cranny of available news time to it.

The righties will jump up & down and scream about this for a while until they (finally) realize it's not going anywhere, and they'll find another shiny object with which to play.

Tedious. Like clockwork.


And yet we still have four of our men needlessly dead and it is the Republican's fault because they say WTF and the liberals say WGAF.

why were you unconcerned about attacks against our people when baby bush was president?

oh wait!!! i know!!!

Uh....we were concerned.

Why were you so concerned then but not now?
And yet we still have four of our men needlessly dead and it is the Republican's fault because they say WTF and the liberals say WGAF.

why were you unconcerned about attacks against our people when baby bush was president?

oh wait!!! i know!!!

Uh....we were concerned.

Why were you so concerned then but not now?

I seriously doubt she cared then and obviously not now. At least in that regard she is consistant.
And yet we still have four of our men needlessly dead and it is the Republican's fault because they say WTF and the liberals say WGAF.

why were you unconcerned about attacks against our people when baby bush was president?

oh wait!!! i know!!!

Uh....we were concerned.

Why were you so concerned then but not now?

really? were you demanding "hearings" then? i don't seem to recall anyone on the right doing that.

i didn't demand 'hearings' then or now. no one politicized the others.

imagine that.

Yet another event of which the GOP has convinced itself it can take political advantage. Fox and the talk show hosts will make it a top ongoing story, devoting every last nook & cranny of available news time to it.

The righties will jump up & down and scream about this for a while until they (finally) realize it's not going anywhere, and they'll find another shiny object with which to play.

Tedious. Like clockwork.


And yet we still have four of our men needlessly dead and it is the Republican's fault because they say WTF and the liberals say WGAF.

And I have absolutely no doubt that, if this administration had an (R) after its name, folks would be behaving quite differently about this event.

Stupid bitch...her words this week.

As I have said many times since September 11, I take responsibility.

Read more: TRANSCRIPT: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's testimony on Benghazi | Fox News

no, psychotic, she did not.

you really are trying to play above your ability.

Stupid bitch....Hillary admitted she wasn't doing her job.

You are so fucking stupid and scummy.

you live in an alternate reality... the fantasy in your head doesn't exist.

1. is brilliant. about a thousand times the human being you are. but keep flailing.
2. was an amazing secretary of state. uniformly acknowledge (except by grandstanding pathological liars) to have done a fantastic job.
3. you're just a liar.
4. you're insane.

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