HILLARY!: "What difference does it make?"...


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Aside from Paul jr.'s fanciful musings about becoming President (which will never ever happen) and ridiculous idiocy about Ms. Clinton's leaving office; Rand Paul posed a really freaking bizzare question.

He asked about Libyan shipments of arms to Turkey.

Say what?

What's odd about it? You do realize that arms dealings is a big part of what happened in Benghazi, right? Not to mention he may have access to information much of the public doesn't have.
Aside from Paul jr.'s fanciful musings about becoming President (which will never ever happen) and ridiculous idiocy about Ms. Clinton's leaving office; Rand Paul posed a really freaking bizzare question.

He asked about Libyan shipments of arms to Turkey.

Say what?


Not a very informed thread start, even for you. Arms dealing is a critical issue here.

Ambassador Stevens Death may Be Result of Arms Deal Gone Bad | Sure News

Perhaps you should try the cooking or needlepoint forums?
What's odd about it? You do realize that arms dealings is a big part of what happened in Benghazi, right? Not to mention he may have access to information much of the public doesn't have.

Because it makes absolutely no sense.

Turkey is a NATO ally and has access to some of the best weapons available to modern nations.

Why the fuck would they be purchasing second hand dusty might not work crap from Libya?
What's odd about it? You do realize that arms dealings is a big part of what happened in Benghazi, right? Not to mention he may have access to information much of the public doesn't have.

Because it makes absolutely no sense.

Turkey is a NATO ally and has access to some of the best weapons available to modern nations.

Why the fuck would they be purchasing second hand dusty might not work crap from Libya?

You think the arms were going to the government in Turkey? How quaint.
What's odd about it? You do realize that arms dealings is a big part of what happened in Benghazi, right? Not to mention he may have access to information much of the public doesn't have.

Because it makes absolutely no sense.

Turkey is a NATO ally and has access to some of the best weapons available to modern nations.

Why the fuck would they be purchasing second hand dusty might not work crap from Libya?

Its a conspiracy

The Paul nut does not fall far from the tree
What's odd about it? You do realize that arms dealings is a big part of what happened in Benghazi, right? Not to mention he may have access to information much of the public doesn't have.

Because it makes absolutely no sense.

Turkey is a NATO ally and has access to some of the best weapons available to modern nations.

Why the fuck would they be purchasing second hand dusty might not work crap from Libya?

Perhaps the "rebels" in Libya were smuggling the weapons to "rebel" elements in Turkey. I don't know from the lack of context you've provided. And considering you clearly don't understand it either, wouldn't it be wiser to do some more research into it then immediately declaring Rand a fool?
Aside from Paul jr.'s fanciful musings about becoming President (which will never ever happen) and ridiculous idiocy about Ms. Clinton's leaving office; Rand Paul posed a really freaking bizzare question.

He asked about Libyan shipments of arms to Turkey.

Say what?


you are more upset that the question was asked than you are about the Secretary of State having no idea about something that is in the news as it pertains to international arms sales....and taking place where our ambassador was murdered.

Why is that? Becuase she is an Obama cabinet member, it doesnt matter to you?
What's odd about it? You do realize that arms dealings is a big part of what happened in Benghazi, right? Not to mention he may have access to information much of the public doesn't have.

Because it makes absolutely no sense.

Turkey is a NATO ally and has access to some of the best weapons available to modern nations.

Why the fuck would they be purchasing second hand dusty might not work crap from Libya?

Tell me ANYTHING that makes sense about what happened in Benghazi and the Obama's response to the abandonment and murder of a US ambassador.
What's odd about it? You do realize that arms dealings is a big part of what happened in Benghazi, right? Not to mention he may have access to information much of the public doesn't have.

Because it makes absolutely no sense.

Turkey is a NATO ally and has access to some of the best weapons available to modern nations.

Why the fuck would they be purchasing second hand dusty might not work crap from Libya?

Its a conspiracy

The Paul nut does not fall far from the tree

Sure...simply discredit the man who brought it up....with no regard to the fact that the Secretary of STate had no idea of reports of arms sales in a very volatile region...where one of our ambassadors was brutally murdered.
What's odd about it? You do realize that arms dealings is a big part of what happened in Benghazi, right? Not to mention he may have access to information much of the public doesn't have.

Because it makes absolutely no sense.

Turkey is a NATO ally and has access to some of the best weapons available to modern nations.

Why the fuck would they be purchasing second hand dusty might not work crap from Libya?

Hey clueless one... http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/06/w...nto-islamist-hands.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1&hp&

Hardly might not work crap.

Obama and his gun running habits sure don't fit his liberal rhetoric... or as the saying goes "his mouth sure does write checks his ass can't cash".
Aside from Paul jr.'s fanciful musings about becoming President (which will never ever happen) and ridiculous idiocy about Ms. Clinton's leaving office; Rand Paul posed a really freaking bizzare question.

He asked about Libyan shipments of arms to Turkey.

Say what?


Not a very informed thread start, even for you. Arms dealing is a critical issue here.

Ambassador Stevens Death may Be Result of Arms Deal Gone Bad | Sure News

Perhaps you should try the cooking or needlepoint forums?

Perhaps you should take your own advice.

In an answer to a question reading the CIA chief's handling of the incident, the biographer said: "Now, I don't know if a lot of you heard this, but the CIA annex had actually, um, had taken a couple of Libyan militia members prisoner and they think that the attack on the consulate was an effort to try to get these prisoners back. So that's still being vetted."

She added: "The challenging thing for General Petraeus is that in his new position, he's not allowed to communicate with the press. So he's known all of this – they had correspondence with the CIA station chief in, in Libya. Within 24 hours they kind of knew what was happening."
Paula Broadwell claims about Benghazi attack dismissed as 'baseless' by CIA | World news | guardian.co.uk

Why did Paula Broadwell think the CIA had taken prisoners in Benghazi?
CIA denies it detained militants in Benghazi - CBS News
CIA denies claim from Petraeus' girlfriend that Benghazi annex held Libyan prisoners | The Daily Caller

I am none of those sources hold a candle to "Surenews".

What's odd about it? You do realize that arms dealings is a big part of what happened in Benghazi, right? Not to mention he may have access to information much of the public doesn't have.

Because it makes absolutely no sense.

Turkey is a NATO ally and has access to some of the best weapons available to modern nations.

Why the fuck would they be purchasing second hand dusty might not work crap from Libya?

I dont recall him saying they were being sold to the Turkey Government.

Did it make any sense that we were selling arms to the enemy of an ally? (drug cartels/Mexico)
Because it makes absolutely no sense.

Turkey is a NATO ally and has access to some of the best weapons available to modern nations.

Why the fuck would they be purchasing second hand dusty might not work crap from Libya?

Its a conspiracy

The Paul nut does not fall far from the tree

Sure...simply discredit the man who brought it up....with no regard to the fact that the Secretary of STate had no idea of reports of arms sales in a very volatile region...where one of our ambassadors was brutally murdered.

Come on Jarhead....get real

Why would a rogue state like Libya supply weapons to a NATO ally like Turkey?

Paul evidently has as little understanding of foreign policy as his father
Its a conspiracy

The Paul nut does not fall far from the tree

Sure...simply discredit the man who brought it up....with no regard to the fact that the Secretary of STate had no idea of reports of arms sales in a very volatile region...where one of our ambassadors was brutally murdered.

Come on Jarhead....get real

Why would a rogue state like Libya supply weapons to a NATO ally like Turkey?

Paul evidently has as little understanding of foreign policy as his father

The investigation into the arms deals being brokered by Stevens was a two fold operation. 1) to regain control of arms supplied to Libyan rebels by US and 2) to get these arms to rebels in Syria using Turkey as a third party...
What's odd about it? You do realize that arms dealings is a big part of what happened in Benghazi, right? Not to mention he may have access to information much of the public doesn't have.

Because it makes absolutely no sense.

Turkey is a NATO ally and has access to some of the best weapons available to modern nations.

Why the fuck would they be purchasing second hand dusty might not work crap from Libya?

Hey clueless one... http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/06/w...nto-islamist-hands.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1&hp&

Hardly might not work crap.

Obama and his gun running habits sure don't fit his liberal rhetoric... or as the saying goes "his mouth sure does write checks his ass can't cash".

First off..the article mentions nothing about Turkey.

Secondly..this is a "kitchen sink" issue.
Sure...simply discredit the man who brought it up....with no regard to the fact that the Secretary of STate had no idea of reports of arms sales in a very volatile region...where one of our ambassadors was brutally murdered.

Come on Jarhead....get real

Why would a rogue state like Libya supply weapons to a NATO ally like Turkey?

Paul evidently has as little understanding of foreign policy as his father

The investigation into the arms deals being brokered by Stevens was a two fold operation. 1) to regain control of arms supplied to Libyan rebels by US and 2) to get these arms to rebels in Syria using Turkey as a third party...
That makes absolutely no sense.
Aside from Paul jr.'s fanciful musings about becoming President (which will never ever happen) and ridiculous idiocy about Ms. Clinton's leaving office; Rand Paul posed a really freaking bizzare question.

He asked about Libyan shipments of arms to Turkey.

Say what?


he doesn't know very much about foreign policy.

he's spent too much time with daddy.

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