Hilarious Spin: Trump Caused the Shutdown!

"For example, DACA recipients are not eligible for Obamacare or Medicaid.""

Claudette, post: 1912729
Well cupcake. How do YOU think they are being supported????

They Work and pay taxes,

Do you understand hie easy it was to prove you are a hater? A Trump deplorable.

"Some who side with Trump's action argue that DACA provides benefits to undocumented immigrants — benefits reserved for tax-paying American citizens. Research and hard evidence, however, have debunked the myth that only American citizens pay taxes. Undocumented immigrants, including dreamers, pay taxes, too.

A total of 1.3 million young undocumented immigrants who are enrolled or eligible for DACA contribute $2 billion a year in taxes, state and local, according to the Institute of Taxation and Economic Policy. This includes personal income, property, and sales taxes.

One such DACA recipient, Belén Sisa, caught widespread attention online after the dreamer posted a photo of her tax return. Sisa, a political science student at Arizona State University, was born in Argentina and entered the United States on a visitor visa with her parents when she was 6 years old, but the family overstayed their visas. Sisa told CNN this is her fourth year filing tax returns.

More than 75 percent of DACA permit holders are employed and despite their tax contributions, dreamers are not necessarily eligible for the benefits their tax money goes toward. For example, DACA recipients are not eligible for Obamacare or Medicaid."

How Much Do Dreamers Pay In Taxes? DACA Recipients Contribute Just Like Everyone Else

"A total of 1.3 million young undocumented immigrants who are enrolled or eligible for DACA contribute $2 billion a year in taxes, "

But they get no direct personal benefits from paying taxes. So why did you lie about them?

Explain yourself.
Oh my goodness. Let's see:

* Trump spent most of Thursday and Friday on the phone trying to convince Senate Democrats to vote for the House spending bill that would have kept the government open for another month.

* Trump repeatedly asked that DACA be considered separately from the budget, as it should be.

* The Democrats insisted on tying DACA to the budget.

* After the House passed a spending bill on Thursday by a fairly comfortable margin, Senate Democrats invoked a filibuster so that Republicans would need 60 votes to keep the government open.

* Trump invited Schumer to the White House on Friday afternoon to try to persuade him to support the spending bill and keep the government open.

* Schumer continued to oppose the spending bill and voted against it, as did most of his fellow Democrats.

* 47 of the 51 Republicans in the Senate voted for the spending bill, but only 5 Democrats voted for the bill.

Liberal conclusion: Trump caused the shutdown! You can't make up stuff that's funnier and more pathetic than this.
The Democrat Party and the liberal media continue to say that "the Republicans control both Houses of Congress and the White House". That is pure bullshit! When issues in the Senate require 60 votes, the Democrat Party controls the Senate and can defeat any bill put before them. Chuck Schumer is a goddamned LIAR, an obstructionist and an enemy of the people of the United States.

That same Democrat Party and Media blamed everything on the Republicans being obstructionists when Obama and the Democrats had the White House and Hill.
Oh my goodness. Let's see:

* Trump spent most of Thursday and Friday on the phone trying to convince Senate Democrats to vote for the House spending bill that would have kept the government open for another month.

* Trump repeatedly asked that DACA be considered separately from the budget, as it should be.

* The Democrats insisted on tying DACA to the budget.

* After the House passed a spending bill on Thursday by a fairly comfortable margin, Senate Democrats invoked a filibuster so that Republicans would need 60 votes to keep the government open.

* Trump invited Schumer to the White House on Friday afternoon to try to persuade him to support the spending bill and keep the government open.

* Schumer continued to oppose the spending bill and voted against it, as did most of his fellow Democrats.

* 47 of the 51 Republicans in the Senate voted for the spending bill, but only 5 Democrats voted for the bill.

Liberal conclusion: Trump caused the shutdown! You can't make up stuff that's funnier and more pathetic than this.
What? So delusional. Trump talked to only his staff on the weekend. He was on a Childs play phone (Kelly won't let him use a real phone).

Democrats asked for a stand-alone DACA and Trump agreed before the Republican's said, "no." Then the Dems asked for a UC on a stand-alone DACA bill and McConnell (the leader of the Senate) refused.

Democrats insisted on tying DACA to the budget after Trump killed it, the Republican's refused to fix it and while the Republican's tied CHIP to the budget after they killed that as well.

Republican's control the White House, Senate and House. If they cannot govern they should all resign....It's just that Putin has told them they haven't destroyed enough of our system yet. lmao
Claudette, post: 1912729
Well cupcake. How do YOU think they are being supported????

They work or their parents work just like most Americans do. But since you have no data supporting your lie that they are on the taxpayer's dole, my point is proven. You are a hater who spreads broadbrush lies against an entire ethnic group having no basis in fact.

Just in case no one has burst your balloon yet....dumbass.
Report: Majority of Illegal Immigrant Households On Welfare - Washington Free Beacon

California gives immigrants here illegally unprecedented rights, benefits, protections

The Fiscal Cost of Unlawful Immigrants and Amnesty to the U.S. Taxpayer

Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year, Study Finds
View attachment 172559
Schumer and the Dems are willing to put money into the dopey wall. Trump said no.

Not on this planet. Trump even agreed that about 800 miles of the border do not need a wall due to the terrain and conditions. He also agreed that part of the wall could be virtual (motion and thermal sensors, etc.). And why is the budget being held hostage to immigration in the first place? Because the Dems insist on it.

What planet do you live on?

Pay attention. The wall funding was in the deal that Trump shit on. You do not have command of the facts.

Trump and Ryan used the dreamers to play politics with the budget. Sorry to be the bearer of facts.

The Schumer Shutdown is over and the democrats caved.
Here is what Trump himself said about shutdowns...

“I mean, problems start from the top and they have to get solved from the top and the president’s the leader. And he’s got to get everybody in a room and he’s got to lead.”

“They’re not going to be talking about who was the head of the House, the head the Senate, who’s running things in Washington,”

“So I really think the pressure is on the president,”

Schumer Shutdown. Live it, love it, learn it.
View attachment 172559
Schumer and the Dems are willing to put money into the dopey wall. Trump said no.

Not on this planet. Trump even agreed that about 800 miles of the border do not need a wall due to the terrain and conditions. He also agreed that part of the wall could be virtual (motion and thermal sensors, etc.). And why is the budget being held hostage to immigration in the first place? Because the Dems insist on it.

What planet do you live on?

Pay attention. The wall funding was in the deal that Trump shit on. You do not have command of the facts.

Trump and Ryan used the dreamers to play politics with the budget. Sorry to be the bearer of facts.

The Schumer Shutdown is over and the democrats caved.
Schumer changed his offer again. He's no longer willing to trade the wall for DACA. Fuck Schumer and fuck DACA.
View attachment 172559
Schumer and the Dems are willing to put money into the dopey wall. Trump said no.

Not on this planet. Trump even agreed that about 800 miles of the border do not need a wall due to the terrain and conditions. He also agreed that part of the wall could be virtual (motion and thermal sensors, etc.). And why is the budget being held hostage to immigration in the first place? Because the Dems insist on it.

What planet do you live on?

Pay attention. The wall funding was in the deal that Trump shit on. You do not have command of the facts.

Trump and Ryan used the dreamers to play politics with the budget. Sorry to be the bearer of facts.

The Schumer Shutdown is over and the democrats caved.
Schumer changed his offer again. He's no longer willing to trade the wall for DACA. Fuck Schumer and fuck DACA.

I don't think Schumer has any idea what to do. He was expecting to blame Republicans for the shutdown and be in a position from which he could dictate the terms of debate. He's not used to being out flanked by a Republican president.
Here is what Trump himself said about shutdowns...

“I mean, problems start from the top and they have to get solved from the top and the president’s the leader. And he’s got to get everybody in a room and he’s got to lead.”

“They’re not going to be talking about who was the head of the House, the head the Senate, who’s running things in Washington,”

“So I really think the pressure is on the president,”

Schumer Shutdown. Live it, love it, learn it.

Sorry, but unlike you I am not a mindless partisan zealot who parrots the party talking points.
Here is what Trump himself said about shutdowns...

“I mean, problems start from the top and they have to get solved from the top and the president’s the leader. And he’s got to get everybody in a room and he’s got to lead.”

“They’re not going to be talking about who was the head of the House, the head the Senate, who’s running things in Washington,”

“So I really think the pressure is on the president,”

Schumer Shutdown. Live it, love it, learn it.

Sorry, but unlike you I am not a mindless partisan zealot who parrots the party talking points.

This one is on Schumer. Are you appealing to Trump as the authority?
Here is what Trump himself said about shutdowns...

“I mean, problems start from the top and they have to get solved from the top and the president’s the leader. And he’s got to get everybody in a room and he’s got to lead.”

“They’re not going to be talking about who was the head of the House, the head the Senate, who’s running things in Washington,”

“So I really think the pressure is on the president,”

Schumer Shutdown. Live it, love it, learn it.

Sorry, but unlike you I am not a mindless partisan zealot who parrots the party talking points.

This one is on Schumer. Are you appealing to Trump as the authority?

This one is on the 536 people hired to allocate the funds to operate the Fed Govt.

This shutdown was not the result of what happened on Friday, it goes back to Aug and Sept when those 536 people could not do the job we hired them to do and kicked the can down the road.
Oh my goodness. Let's see:

* Trump spent most of Thursday and Friday on the phone trying to convince Senate Democrats to vote for the House spending bill that would have kept the government open for another month.

* Trump repeatedly asked that DACA be considered separately from the budget, as it should be.

* The Democrats insisted on tying DACA to the budget.

* After the House passed a spending bill on Thursday by a fairly comfortable margin, Senate Democrats invoked a filibuster so that Republicans would need 60 votes to keep the government open.

* Trump invited Schumer to the White House on Friday afternoon to try to persuade him to support the spending bill and keep the government open.

* Schumer continued to oppose the spending bill and voted against it, as did most of his fellow Democrats.

* 47 of the 51 Republicans in the Senate voted for the spending bill, but only 5 Democrats voted for the bill.

Liberal conclusion: Trump caused the shutdown! You can't make up stuff that's funnier and more pathetic than this.
So who did Trump call exactly? Or are you making that up?

Apparently, you're fine with hostage taking and blackmail as spelled out by the Republican leader in the Senate. Here's his tweet.

View attachment 172559
Schumer and the Dems are willing to put money into the dopey wall. Trump said no.

Not on this planet. Trump even agreed that about 800 miles of the border do not need a wall due to the terrain and conditions. He also agreed that part of the wall could be virtual (motion and thermal sensors, etc.). And why is the budget being held hostage to immigration in the first place? Because the Dems insist on it.

What planet do you live on?

Pay attention. The wall funding was in the deal that Trump shit on. You do not have command of the facts.

Trump and Ryan used the dreamers to play politics with the budget. Sorry to be the bearer of facts.

The Schumer Shutdown is over and the democrats caved.
Schumer changed his offer again. He's no longer willing to trade the wall for DACA. Fuck Schumer and fuck DACA.

Yeah. That's known as "caving" in GOP circles. LOL.
hadit, post: 19131631
don't think Schumer has any idea what to do. He was expecting to blame Republicans for the shutdown and be in a position from which he could dictate the terms of debate. He's not used to being out flanked by a Republican president.

How are you determining who gets the blame?

Polls show Trump gets blamed by 20 points. Those polls have not changed during this interim deal.

In two weeks Schumer has a stronger case than last weekend because of the Republican promises to get a DACA deal done,

If Trumpledcans go back on that word the folks on Main Street will see the evil of in that and blame Trumpo even more.
hadit, post: 19131631
don't think Schumer has any idea what to do. He was expecting to blame Republicans for the shutdown and be in a position from which he could dictate the terms of debate. He's not used to being out flanked by a Republican president.

How are you determining who gets the blame?

Polls show Trump gets blamed by 20 points. Those polls have not changed during this interim deal.

In two weeks Schumer has a stronger case than last weekend because of the Republican promises to get a DACA deal done,

If Trumpledcans go back on that word the folks on Main Street will see the evil of in that and blame Trumpo even more.

Schumer caved. Democrats never cave. Obviously he knew he couldn't win.
Claudette, post: 1912729
Well cupcake. How do YOU think they are being supported????

They work or their parents work just like most Americans do. But since you have no data supporting your lie that they are on the taxpayer's dole, my point is proven. You are a hater who spreads broadbrush lies against an entire ethnic group having no basis in fact.

Oh so the kids that Obama brought here from SA work?? Doubt it cupcake. LOL

They are all being supported with OUR tax dollars.

Oh and plenty of illegals are on the tax payers dole. All they need is an anchor baby.

You sure are tree stump dumb.
Claudette, post: 1912729
Well cupcake. How do YOU think they are being supported????

They work or their parents work just like most Americans do. But since you have no data supporting your lie that they are on the taxpayer's dole, my point is proven. You are a hater who spreads broadbrush lies against an entire ethnic group having no basis in fact.

Just in case no one has burst your balloon yet....dumbass.
Report: Majority of Illegal Immigrant Households On Welfare - Washington Free Beacon

California gives immigrants here illegally unprecedented rights, benefits, protections

The Fiscal Cost of Unlawful Immigrants and Amnesty to the U.S. Taxpayer

Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year, Study Finds

Yup. He's a tree stump dumb dumbass all right.

Only an idiot doesn't know these illegals cost we taxpayers up the ass every year.

Every illegal, including those kids, should be booted out of our country right now.

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