Hilarious Spin: Trump Caused the Shutdown!

Republicans are in charge of the government now, all branches and their sycophants and Russian bots blame the democrats, you have to see it to believe it. One has to wonder what dumb pills they take in mass quantity to be this dumb?

There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true." Soren Kierkegaard

No not all branches.
They do not have the super majority of 60 in the Senate
Oh my goodness. Let's see:

* Trump spent most of Thursday and Friday on the phone trying to convince Senate Democrats to vote for the House spending bill that would have kept the government open for another month.

* Trump repeatedly asked that DACA be considered separately from the budget, as it should be.

* The Democrats insisted on tying DACA to the budget.

* After the House passed a spending bill on Thursday by a fairly comfortable margin, Senate Democrats invoked a filibuster so that Republicans would need 60 votes to keep the government open.

* Trump invited Schumer to the White House on Friday afternoon to try to persuade him to support the spending bill and keep the government open.

* Schumer continued to oppose the spending bill and voted against it, as did most of his fellow Democrats.

* 47 of the 51 Republicans in the Senate voted for the spending bill, but only 5 Democrats voted for the bill.

Liberal conclusion: Trump caused the shutdown! You can't make up stuff that's funnier and more pathetic than this.

If Trump was on the phone, it was calling porn stars & begging for sex. Oh wait, maybe hew was caling begging for his stupid wall?

You mean like opening ANWAR to drilling was has to do with a budgetary bill?

Schumer went & had a deal until fat ass Donnie had someone call to change his mind.

Republicans got what they wanted. Democrats did not. To blame Democrats for voting no when Republicans put nothing in it for them does not make it the fault 0f Democrats,. Republicans put up a bill with shit they wanted & then cried like spoiled little girls when Democrats did not vote for it.

Trump is a lying fuck.
Trump: "I love DACA. It is a bill of love to continue DACA" Blah b;ah blah blah.

Trump ended it. I guess he is too stupid to know this? Really?
He ended it to hold it hostage for his wall.

Let Trump build his wall. Give him500 billion to do it. Then we will have a lasting monument to Donald Trump & the assholes that voted for him.
Republicans are in charge of the government now, all branches and their sycophants and Russian bots blame the democrats, you have to see it to believe it. One has to wonder what dumb pills they take in mass quantity to be this dumb?

There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true." Soren Kierkegaard

Yea, most Democrat Voters don't understand that the Senate has to have 60 votes and the dirty rotten corrupt Democrat Senators just don't care about the American people, they only care about their racist illegal aliens who brag about invading our country.

We are talking about DACA dumbfuck. How does approving DACA hurt the American people?

These are people that have lived here most of their lives.

How does it hurt you?
Trump has no leadership ability. He can't even tell Congress what he wanted.

He brought this on by ending DACA in the first place and demanding his wall.
Trump has no leadership ability. He can't even tell Congress what he wanted.

He brought this on by ending DACA in the first place and demanding his wall.
He didn't end DACA, you dumb fuck! He gave Congress until March 5 to fix it.
Republicans are in charge of the government now, all branches and their sycophants and Russian bots blame the democrats, you have to see it to believe it. One has to wonder what dumb pills they take in mass quantity to be this dumb?

There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true." Soren Kierkegaard

Yea, most Democrat Voters don't understand that the Senate has to have 60 votes and the dirty rotten corrupt Democrat Senators just don't care about the American people, they only care about their racist illegal aliens who brag about invading our country.

We are talking about DACA dumbfuck. How does approving DACA hurt the American people?

These are people that have lived here most of their lives.

How does it hurt you?
They compete with Americans for jobs in America.
I also don't like companies going to other countries, like India, training their people there then importing them here. Why don't they train Americans to do those jobs here?
Trump has no leadership ability. He can't even tell Congress what he wanted.

He brought this on by ending DACA in the first place and demanding his wall.

He had the right to do so and the supreme court agreed, yet Schumer insisted on keeping it in the spending bill instead of dealing with it separately.
He doesn't want to end the chain immigration or want secure boarders?
Trump has no leadership ability. He can't even tell Congress what he wanted.

He brought this on by ending DACA in the first place and demanding his wall.
He didn't end DACA, you dumb fuck! He gave Congress until March 5 to fix it.

I think he was referring to this;
Well, he should have read the article and not reacted to the headline.

"The move sets a clock for Congress to act to preserve the program's protections before the DACA recipients begin losing their status March 5, 2018."
Oh my goodness. Let's see:

* Trump spent most of Thursday and Friday on the phone trying to convince Senate Democrats to vote for the House spending bill that would have kept the government open for another month.

* Trump repeatedly asked that DACA be considered separately from the budget, as it should be.

* The Democrats insisted on tying DACA to the budget.

* After the House passed a spending bill on Thursday by a fairly comfortable margin, Senate Democrats invoked a filibuster so that Republicans would need 60 votes to keep the government open.

* Trump invited Schumer to the White House on Friday afternoon to try to persuade him to support the spending bill and keep the government open.

* Schumer continued to oppose the spending bill and voted against it, as did most of his fellow Democrats.

* 47 of the 51 Republicans in the Senate voted for the spending bill, but only 5 Democrats voted for the bill.

Liberal conclusion: Trump caused the shutdown! You can't make up stuff that's funnier and more pathetic than this.
/----/Libs can't figure out how to control Trump the way the did Bush and other Republicans. It's driving them insane. Snicker.
Claudette, post: 19119582
Nothing hateful about our tax dollars supporting a bunch of non Americans

You don't even know how nany tax dollars are allegedly supporting the Dreamers if any.?

That's why you are a hater. Spewing fake reality hate based on nothing but hate.
Oh my goodness. Let's see:

* Trump spent most of Thursday and Friday on the phone trying to convince Senate Democrats to vote for the House spending bill that would have kept the government open for another month.

* Trump repeatedly asked that DACA be considered separately from the budget, as it should be.

* The Democrats insisted on tying DACA to the budget.

* After the House passed a spending bill on Thursday by a fairly comfortable margin, Senate Democrats invoked a filibuster so that Republicans would need 60 votes to keep the government open.

* Trump invited Schumer to the White House on Friday afternoon to try to persuade him to support the spending bill and keep the government open.

* Schumer continued to oppose the spending bill and voted against it, as did most of his fellow Democrats.

* 47 of the 51 Republicans in the Senate voted for the spending bill, but only 5 Democrats voted for the bill.

Liberal conclusion: Trump caused the shutdown! You can't make up stuff that's funnier and more pathetic than this.
Trump can claim victory over Democrats playing politics and shutting down the government.
Claudette, post: 19119582
Nothing hateful about our tax dollars supporting a bunch of non Americans

You don't even know how nany tax dollars are allegedly supporting the Dreamers if any.?

That's why you are a hater. Spewing fake reality hate based on nothing but hate.

Well cupcake. How do YOU think they are being supported????

This ought to be good.

Claudette, post: 19119582
Nothing hateful about our tax dollars supporting a bunch of non Americans

You don't even know how nany tax dollars are allegedly supporting the Dreamers if any.?

That's why you are a hater. Spewing fake reality hate based on nothing but hate.

Well cupcake. How do YOU think they are being supported????

This ought to be good.


Was there ever a response?
Claudette, post: 19119582
Nothing hateful about our tax dollars supporting a bunch of non Americans

You don't even know how nany tax dollars are allegedly supporting the Dreamers if any.?

That's why you are a hater. Spewing fake reality hate based on nothing but hate.

Well cupcake. How do YOU think they are being supported????

This ought to be good.


Was there ever a response?

Nope. Did you think that yoyo would respond?? I sure didn't. LOL
Claudette, post: 1912729
Well cupcake. How do YOU think they are being supported????

They work or their parents work just like most Americans do. But since you have no data supporting your lie that they are on the taxpayer's dole, my point is proven. You are a hater who spreads broadbrush lies against an entire ethnic group having no basis in fact.
Claudette, post: 1912729
Well cupcake. How do YOU think they are being supported????

They work or their parents work just like most Americans do. But since you have no data supporting your lie that they are on the taxpayer's dole, my point is proven. You are a hater who spreads broadbrush lies against an entire ethnic group having no basis in fact.

Illegals are an ethnic group?

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