Here’s What’s Weird About Robert Mueller’s Latest Michael Flynn Filing

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
If Mueller had filed the original 302’s under seal, why didn’t Sullivan know about them last Wednesday at the initial sentencing hearing? If he’d known about them being filed, he wouldn’t have asked Mueller to produce them on Friday. I highly doubt that Judge Sullivan would have missed the fact that those documents had previously been filed under seal. He’s a smart guy!

Late Friday, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office filed its reply brief to the sentencing memorandum Michael Flynn had filed early last week with a D.C. federal court. Mueller’s reply brief revealed several new tidbits about the special counsel’s probe and the earlier investigation into Flynn, President Donald Trump’s short-lived national security advisor. Mueller’s filing came in response to a hastily issued order by presiding judge Emmet Sullivan, which directed the government to file its reply brief by 3 p.m. on December 14. Sullivan also directed Flynn to file with the court two documents he referenced in his sentencing memorandum: a January 24, 2017 memorandum authored by former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe, and a FD-302 interview summary dated August 22, 2017.

Garnering the most attention was Sullivan’s order to the special counsel “to file on the docket any 302s or memoranda relevant to the circumstances discussed on pages 7-9 of the defendant’s sentencing memorandum.”

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The Judge ordered them released today, so the public could see how well the FBI treated Flynn and how many chances they gave him to be honest and tell the truth....

Yet, he still CHOSE TO LIE??? I wonder why?
If Mueller had filed the original 302’s under seal, why didn’t Sullivan know about them last Wednesday at the initial sentencing hearing? If he’d known about them being filed, he wouldn’t have asked Mueller to produce them on Friday. I highly doubt that Judge Sullivan would have missed the fact that those documents had previously been filed under seal. He’s a smart guy!

Late Friday, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office filed its reply brief to the sentencing memorandum Michael Flynn had filed early last week with a D.C. federal court. Mueller’s reply brief revealed several new tidbits about the special counsel’s probe and the earlier investigation into Flynn, President Donald Trump’s short-lived national security advisor. Mueller’s filing came in response to a hastily issued order by presiding judge Emmet Sullivan, which directed the government to file its reply brief by 3 p.m. on December 14. Sullivan also directed Flynn to file with the court two documents he referenced in his sentencing memorandum: a January 24, 2017 memorandum authored by former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe, and a FD-302 interview summary dated August 22, 2017.

Garnering the most attention was Sullivan’s order to the special counsel “to file on the docket any 302s or memoranda relevant to the circumstances discussed on pages 7-9 of the defendant’s sentencing memorandum.”

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Conspiracy theory bullshit.....
I think the original 302s were destroyed when Mueller's team realized they portrayed Flynn as being honest, open and not deceitful. Can't have that when you're about to royally FUCK the guy. Everything I have read so far does not mention the existence of the original 302s.
Those original 302's would clear up any mysteries and you can bet the Judge wants them.

Oh and nothing is ever destroyed. If they were done on a computer what was there can be found.

Don't any of you on the right wing watch and read the news?

Judge Sullivan ordered Mueller to release them to the public yesterday....

We got them...

and Flynn was treated like a prince by them... kid gloves....

Flynn and his lawyers pissed Judge Sullivan off by their whining that Flynn was tricked by the FBI, so he ordered Mueller to release the 302's to show the public that Flynn was treated extremely well by the FBI, given one chance after another by the FBI, for him to tell the truth...

but Flynn CHOSE to lie, over and over again....

Don't any of you on the right wing watch and read the news?

Judge Sullivan ordered Mueller to release them to the public yesterday....

We got them...

and Flynn was treated like a prince by them... kid gloves....

Flynn and his lawyers pissed Judge Sullivan off by their whining that Flynn was tricked by the FBI, so he ordered Mueller to release the 302's to show the public that Flynn was treated extremely well by the FBI, given one chance after another by the FBI, for him to tell the truth...

but Flynn CHOSE to lie, over and over again....
Well it wasn't on Infowars so......
The Judge ordered them released today, so the public could see how well the FBI treated Flynn and how many chances they gave him to be honest and tell the truth....

Yet, he still CHOSE TO LIE??? I wonder why?
Arrogance! Fuck AMERICA. He was now a 'winner', working for a 'winner' and he and his son were MAKING MONEY. And they got to fuck over THE bitch. Win, win, win!

i hope they both go to JAIL--FATHER AND SON TRAITORS!! Mother Flynn must so proud!
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Flynn lawyers made a mistake last Friday by playing in to Trump' s conspiracy theory that Flynn was tricked in to lying by the FBI.

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