DOJ Needs To 'Neuter' Out-Of-Control Judge Sullivan: Sullivan Redacts Declassified Released Documents Proving Flynn Was Set Up


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Documents released on Monday revealed FISA Court subpoenas allowing the spying on of Flynn were illegal, having no merit.

'The portion of the notes that are un-redacted show that the FBI was no longer looking at collusion. However, in public the entire message was regarding Trump – Russia collusion. The FBI was lying to the American public and knew there was no Russian collusion'. Yet they claim publically they were looking for collusion and the whole Mueller investigation was centered on looking for collusion.'

The FISA Court warrants were acquired based on the KNOWN FALSE NARRATIVE that there was illegal collusion with the Russians going on, a LIE the entire Obama administration knew was false. Evidence revealed already proves MUELLER knew it was a lie before he took the 'hit job' as Special Counsel - FBI records and Ohr testimony prove Mueller had already been working with Steele and Ohr on the Russian-authored Dossier before an official investigation was opened and before Mueller became Special Counsel.

The FISA Court itself not long ago publicly reported that a review of past FBI and Obama DOJ FISA Court warrant requests prove the FBI has been committing FISA Court crimes and illegally spying on Americans for DECADES!

The DOJ and the appropriate individuals authorized to de-classify information did so regarding these documents before the documents were released. The released documents proved not just unethical behavior by the FBI - it exposed more CRIMINAL acts perpetrated by the FBI that facilitated the illegal spying and allowed the FBI to keep the case open against Flynn.

Proven corrupt / criminally-biased Judge Sullivan, who has been waging a crusade to keep the case against Flynn - the case the DOJ DROPPED - alive, just RE-CLASSIFIED the documents.

Ummm....Sullivan is NOT an authorized 'Classifying Source' for these documents. Yes, there are actual rules, regulations, and laws governing the de-classification and classification of documents. This action by Sullivan proves he is doing EVERYTHING he can to keep this 'set-up' / attack on Flynn, this attempt to DESTROY his life going.

Well, Barr has had enough of this shit and is sending one of the DOJ's TOP lawyers to attend the hearing before Sullivan today.

"The DOJ announced that top DOJ attorney Deputy Assistant Attorney General Hashim Mooppan will appear at the hearing today. As Roscoe Davis reports – this is pulling out all the stops short of AG Barr appearing himself:

"Barr appears to be loading up for bear with Sullivan, today they filed a Notice of Appearance for the Deputy Assistant Attorney General Hashim Mooppan, so Barr is pulling out all the stops short of making an appearance himself."

Sullivan should be held accountable for redacting the documents the US DOJ just de-classified and released. Sullivan is not in a position to analyze government documents and redact them. He my be a Judge, but making THGAT call is not HIS. He is not qualified or authorized to do so from a security standpoint, and that is not his job. He is supposed to analyze cases / information and make decisions based on the LAW. This is more evidence that he has gone WAY 'off the reservation', crossing legal boundaries.

BEFORE the Flynn case, before Sullivan turned into this 'bizrraro' version of himself, Sullivan was known for being extremely objective and following precedence. His decision NOT to follow precedence in allowing the case to be dropped was extremely out of character for him. The USSC just weeks prior to that decision set precedence by ruling cases dropped should be DROPPED; however, Sullivan ruled against Flynn and the DOJ, ignoring that precedence set by the USSC. His sudden change reminds me a lot of how Justice Roberts had that 1 moment as well where it seemed like a switch was flipped in him, causing him to begin siding with the Deep State.


I ameager to see what happens when DOJ attorney Deputy Assistant Attorney General Hashim Mooppan shows up in Sullivan's court today and asks him face-to-face, "WTF?!"


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