Here is a list of things republicans have been wrong about all along but won’t admit it:


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
1) Climate change being caused by human activity. Secretly, it scares them, so they don’t want to face the evidence

2) Trickle down economics is a lie. It failed in Bush’s time. The Great Recession of 2008 happened anyway despite massive tax cuts. Wages have been mostly stagnant and way behind on the cost of living. The working class and middle class have yet to benefit from Trump’s tax cuts. It will never happen because voters are that stupid.

3) Trump is an insecure, little girl trapped inside the body of an orangutan

4) There is no border crisis. Net migration from Mexico has declined since 2008.

5) The wall will never get built for a myriad of reasons

6) Trump is Putin’s bitch

7) The GOP doesn’t give a shit if poor people can’t afford healthcare

8) Obama was a president of class and dignity.
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Most amusing!

I take it that English is a second or third language for you.

You see, in the English language, and most others I suspect, a double negative results in a positive.

For a simple example, I have not, not seen the sun today. Which means in English, I have seen the sun today.

In your eagerness to post the talking points sent to you, you reversed from a negative to a positive each of your 8 lies.

"Here is a list of things republicans have been wrong about all along but won’t admit it:" is your headline.

Your first item, 1) Climate change being caused by human activity. Secretly, it scares them, so they don’t want to face the evidence. Means just the opposite of your rushed post. Translated into English, it says that "Climate change is NOT being caused by human activity. Secretly it does NOT scare them so they DO want to face the evidence.

Thank you!
Lol oh evidence of the contrary huh? What would that be? If you cite some RW bullshit source, you fail as a human being.
1) Climate change being caused by human activity. Secretly, it scares them, so they don’t want to face the evidence

2) Trickle down economics is a lie. It failed in Bush’s time. The Great Recession of 2008 happened anyway despite massive tax cuts. Wages have been mostly stagnant and way behind on the cost of living. The working class and middle class have yet to benefit from Trump’s tax cuts. It will never happen because voters are that stupid.

3) Trump is an insecure, little girl trapped inside the body of an orangutan

4) There is no border crisis. Net migration from Mexico has declined since 2008.

5) The wall will never get built for a myriad of reasons

6) Trump is Putin’s bitch

7) The GOP doesn’t give a shit if poor people can’t afford healthcare

8) Obama was a president of class and dignity.

Most amusing!
I take it that English is a second or third language for you.

You see, in the English language, and most others I suspect, a double negative results in a positive.

For a simple example, I have not, not seen the sun today. Which means in English, I have seen the sun today.

In your eagerness to post the talking points sent to you, you reversed from a negative to a positive each of your 8 lies.

"Here is a list of things republicans have been wrong about all along but won’t admit it:" is your headline.

Your first item, 1) Climate change being caused by human activity. Secretly, it scares them, so they don’t want to face the evidence. Means just the opposite of your rushed post. Translated into English, it says that "Climate change is NOT being caused by human activity. Secretly it does NOT scare them so they DO want to face the evidence.

Thank you!
1) Climate change being caused by human activity. Secretly, it scares them, so they don’t want to face the evidence

2) Trickle down economics is a lie. It failed in Bush’s time. The Great Recession of 2008 happened anyway despite massive tax cuts. Wages have been mostly stagnant and way behind on the cost of living. The working class and middle class have yet to benefit from Trump’s tax cuts. It will never happen because voters are that stupid.

3) Trump is an insecure, little girl trapped inside the body of an orangutan

4) There is no border crisis. Net migration from Mexico has declined since 2008.

5) The wall will never get built for a myriad of reasons

6) Trump is Putin’s bitch

7) The GOP doesn’t give a shit if poor people can’t afford healthcare

8) Obama was a president of class and dignity.
How does it feel to be a little parrot? Roughly 50% of your points are purely your opinion and silly talking points.. 2 of your points are arguable. Your second point is mangled at best. You are trying to combine 3 independent scenarios to come up with a reason for your conclusion.
1) Climate change being caused by human activity. Secretly, it scares them, so they don’t want to face the evidence

2) Trickle down economics is a lie. It failed in Bush’s time. The Great Recession of 2008 happened anyway despite massive tax cuts. Wages have been mostly stagnant and way behind on the cost of living. The working class and middle class have yet to benefit from Trump’s tax cuts. It will never happen because voters are that stupid.

3) Trump is an insecure, little girl trapped inside the body of an orangutan

4) There is no border crisis. Net migration from Mexico has declined since 2008.

5) The wall will never get built for a myriad of reasons

6) Trump is Putin’s bitch

7) The GOP doesn’t give a shit if poor people can’t afford healthcare

8) Obama was a president of class and dignity.
I disagree with 1, 4 and 8
There is no factual basis for man changing the climate.
Climate changes naturally. That is some factual basis for you.
There will always be a border crisis until we fix our immigration system.
Obama chewed gum and walked with a limp into a leaders conference in china. He is a classless liar, hypocrite and bigot. Give us a friggin break dude.
1) Climate change being caused by human activity. Secretly, it scares them, so they don’t want to face the evidence
If there was a factual basis for Humans influencing the Climate, they wouldn't need to falsify evidence, and they'd welcome debate.
2) Trickle down economics is a lie. It failed in Bush’s time. The Great Recession of 2008 happened anyway despite massive tax cuts. Wages have been mostly stagnant and way behind on the cost of living. The working class and middle class have yet to benefit from Trump’s tax cuts. It will never happen because voters are that stupid.
You're right that "Trickle Down Economics" is a lie, however, that's because what leftists refer to as such is simply economics, and leftists only call it that because they prefer Keynsian Economics, which have not, will not, and does not work. However, this has been explained to you in detail by a multitude of people, and you've ignored it every time. I've even showed you that the economic model you've been claiming America should follow is actually more economically free than what we have. Furthermore, the economic crisis of 2008 was caused by the government, you blaming the 'free market' when we have not had a free market for hundreds of years is actually hilarious and sad at the same time.

Citation needed for your claim that Tax Cuts didn't help anything.

3) Trump is an insecure, little girl trapped inside the body of an orangutan

4) There is no border crisis. Net migration from Mexico has declined since 2008.

5) The wall will never get built for a myriad of reasons
Whether true or not, you're just repeating talking points.
6) Trump is Putin’s bitch

Russia did nothing, and there's no evidence that they did. They're a Scape Goat to distract people from the fact that the DNC has been choosing their primary winners.
7) The GOP doesn’t give a shit if poor people can’t afford healthcare
Well, no, but neither does the left. If the politicians wanted people to afford anything, they'd have removed all regulations, or wouldn't have made any in the first place. However, they don't care, and economic illiterates like yourself keep supporting them.
8) Obama was a president of class and dignity.
If he had any dignity, he would not be a shill, and if he had any class, we'd have seen it. Unless, of course, you think it was classy how he actively campaigned, as a sitting president, for other shills like himself. Or maybe how he fulfilled no promises, or how he lied directly to the people... or in general is guilty of everything the left accuses Trump of. You only think he's classy because he's just as economically illiterate as you are.
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The last President with dignity and class has not been born yet...

Obama was a the typical community organizer with idealist views but no clue how to enforce them.

He could not even do what Bill Clinton or George W. Bush could do and work with a hostile House and Senate...

Now you will play the race card but reality is Obama used his skin color to fool fools to believe it was racism when it was his ego that got in the way!

As for Trump, well he is what he is and this is too entertaining for me!

As for Healthcare and it failure, Pelosi, Reid and Obama knew the trash they offered was going fail and wanted it to fail so they could later shove Universal Healthcare down everyone throat, so let admit the ACA was crafted to fail but only fools will disagree...

Tens of millions of illegals live in this country under the threat of gangs, cartels and employers that pay them little.

Many of you on the left did not care about the plight of the illegal immigrants until Obama waited to lose the House and then demand Immigration Reform thinking it would help his political party.

So why care now?

Simple, again election year so you will play the Gloria Allred play thinking America is like California when it is more Red and Purple.

So as you tell the right about what you believe the fact is you are no better and in fact just another partisan spewing nonsense as usual...

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