He is not crazy, he is ahead of his time


Economic and BlowBack Ace
Feb 11, 2009
Here is a short 4 minute video that shows the dedication of an individual to the cause of freedom and liberty. I know many on here believe him to be crazy or can not agree with him on everything, but I strongly suggest you take a deeper look at why he has solid support and such dedicated followers.

"Jefferson Lives, He is Ron Paul" - Doug Wead

"The only politician who has a clue" - Jim Rogers

"This is the age of Ron Paul" - Juan Williams

"...he was ahead of his time," "The closest thing we have to a Founding Father." - Glenn Beck

The American Upset - YouTube!
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Here is a short 4 minute video that shows the dedication of an individual to the cause of freedom and liberty. I know many on here believe him to be crazy or can not agree with him on everything, but I strongly suggest you take a deeper look at why he has solid support and such dedicated followers.

The problem with Paul is he doesn’t understand Constitutional case law, or if he does he holds it in contempt, as do many libertarians who seemingly reject the doctrine of judicial review.

He bemoans the ‘evils’ and ‘excess’ of Federal government yet seems oblivious to the fact state governments and local jurisdictions are just as likely to violate their citizens’ civil rights, if not more so.

And in order for Paul to realize his agenda, he’ll need to get dozens of Supreme Court rulings overturned, or amend the Constitution, or convene a constitutional convention, for that matter.

Indeed, much of what Paul advocates will undermine or eliminate altogether most civil rights, however unintended.
Here is a short 4 minute video that shows the dedication of an individual to the cause of freedom and liberty. I know many on here believe him to be crazy or can not agree with him on everything, but I strongly suggest you take a deeper look at why he has solid support and such dedicated followers.

The problem with Paul is he doesn’t understand Constitutional case law, or if he does he holds it in contempt, as do many libertarians who seemingly reject the doctrine of judicial review.

He bemoans the ‘evils’ and ‘excess’ of Federal government yet seems oblivious to the fact state governments and local jurisdictions are just as likely to violate their citizens’ civil rights, if not more so.

And in order for Paul to realize his agenda, he’ll need to get dozens of Supreme Court rulings overturned, or amend the Constitution, or convene a constitutional convention, for that matter.

Indeed, much of what Paul advocates will undermine or eliminate altogether most civil rights, however unintended.

Fair Statement, but leaving it to the local states and cities would allow people the ability to control the government they wish they had compared to Washington. The variety of different state / local governments would be different and people would be free to move and would force competition between states.

The States have the power of Nullification if the Supreme Court doesn't need to over turn all rulings. I am interested in what amendments and overturns you are speaking about?

The movement of troops is done by executive order and is controlled by the President, the ending of government departments are done by Congress, and regarding the freedom of currency competition - gold and silver as legal tender is in the constitution and does not require an amendment.

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