He fought in World War II. He died in 2014. And he just registered to vote in VA


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
The dead are rising here in swing State Virginia. Only caught because his son is a well known judge, so now the FBI is finding more zombie voters.

Funny how zombies always vote Democrat.
Get this:
“House Minority Leader David J. Toscano (D-Charlottesville) said the case was not proof of voter fraud because no one had actually managed to cast a vote in the names of the dead.”


He fought in World War II. He died in 2014. And he just registered to vote in Va.
Well, this didn't work:

So, since American voters have wised up to 36-year-old allegations in which no veracity can be proved, I guess the ol' tried-n-true voter turnout fraud from the morgue has to increase to sate the ambitions of the Feinsteins of life to silence conservatives in America for once and for all. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Of course, Hillary rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, violated both Election and Campaign Finance laws, and still could not win her own party's nomination ... and despite colluding with and paying foreign spies and Russians for their help in the election she still couldn't win.

The guy sounds like a Trump voter.......it is from 2016

Now, can anyone show where a vote was recorded under his name?
Do THAT and you have voter fraud
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As linked in the OP this is how the Washington Post concludes the article:

House Minority Leader David J. Toscano (D-Charlottesville) said the case was not proof of voter fraud because no one had actually managed to cast a vote in the names of the dead.

“First of all, there was no voter fraud — they caught him,” Toscano said. “Nobody cast a vote. . . . There’s still no evidence of that going on in the state. But there is evidence every time you turn around that the Republicans are trying to make it more difficult for citizens to vote in elections.”
Finding it strange that no mention of a political party was involved I had feeling there was a suppression of some facts on part of the Post's article. This is what I turned up with Google search, a similar story which through the main point was word-for-word what the Post contained. However, it concluded with:

Andrew Spieles, a James Madison University student working for HarrisonburgVotes, admitted to submitting applications containing the names of the deceased, according to the local Daily News-Record.

HarrisonburgVotes, according to the Free Beacon, is run by Joe Fitzgerald, a prominent Democrat in the area. He’s the chairman of his congressional district’s Democratic Committee.
(FBI Investigating Voter Registration of 19 Dead Virginians)​
I'm going to cream my panties if this turns out to be some lunatic right winger who was hoping to manufacture a voter fraud crisis.
As linked in the OP this is how the Washington Post concludes the article:

House Minority Leader David J. Toscano (D-Charlottesville) said the case was not proof of voter fraud because no one had actually managed to cast a vote in the names of the dead.

“First of all, there was no voter fraud — they caught him,” Toscano said. “Nobody cast a vote. . . . There’s still no evidence of that going on in the state. But there is evidence every time you turn around that the Republicans are trying to make it more difficult for citizens to vote in elections.”
Finding it strange that no mention of a political party was involved I had feeling there was a suppression of some facts on part of the Post's article. This is what I turned up with Google search, a similar story which through the main point was word-for-word what the Post contained. However, it concluded with:

Andrew Spieles, a James Madison University student working for HarrisonburgVotes, admitted to submitting applications containing the names of the deceased, according to the local Daily News-Record.

HarrisonburgVotes, according to the Free Beacon, is run by Joe Fitzgerald, a prominent Democrat in the area. He’s the chairman of his congressional district’s Democratic Committee.
(FBI Investigating Voter Registration of 19 Dead Virginians)​
I remember this story from two years ago. Now we have posters ressurecting it like it happened yesterday

The kid was paid to register voters. He got ahold of a list of residents and submitted registrations in their name. Some turned out to be deceased.
Registration fraud ....yes
Voter fraud......no
Well that's one they caught.

Wonder how many they haven't caught???

Show where anyone voted
Easy to do ......just look at post election records of who voted
Find one where someone illegally voted
'Amazingly' enough, in Obama's re-election campaign / race, in every critical district he 'HAD' to win in order to be successfully re-elected, not only did he win them - some extremely narrowly - but there was documented 'voter irregularities' and cases of out-right voter fraud.

For example, one district's turn-out was over 121 PERCENT ... meaning more people cast votes than there were registered voters / people living there....


Nothing to see here .... No such thing as voter fraud ... Move along...

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