Have you people that favor reducing fossil fuels really considered the costs?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Today as I write this the USA is responding to Russia's Ukraine threat by REDUCING the USA's independence on energy sources while
increasing dependence on Russia fossil fuels.
Russia thus became the third-biggest oil supplier to America in 2020, according to Bloomberg’s estimates.

This Biden's concerted effort to reduce fossil fuels raises a question that I don't think reduction advocates have considered.
If fossil fuel companies see their market share permanently targeted for reduction what will the short term reaction be?
Raise prices of gas. So not only will the consumer see the impact at the gas pump but indirectly in the supply chain as fuel costs
rise due to fossil fuel providers raising their prices.
So a direct illustration is this:
As of today: USA gallon of gas $3.466 One year ago $2.497 or a nearly 40% increase.
Based on this fact:
Every day Americans buy an average of about 338 million gallons per day (or about 8.05 million barrels per day).
So Americans are paying out in one year nearly $119,627,410,500 or $119 BILLION a year to reduce the dependency on gas!
Has this $120 Billion been calculated in the greenies cost to abolish fossil fuels?
More importantly, have Americans truly understood what "green deal" is all about?
Now here is one "economist's" position regarding Green New Deal..
Robert Pollin, an economist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, thinks it’s entirely possible to get to net zero by 2050 by spending around 2 percent of GDP each year, or around $18 trillion in total.
“$18 trillion is real money,” he said. “But when you spread it out over 30 years, it’s entirely feasible and it will have a lot of economic benefits in addition to getting us down to zero emissions.”
Based on the 30 years projected net zero CO2 time frame..
Based on today gas prices staying the same at $3.466 for 30 years... $120 Billion times 30 years: $3,588,822,315,000 ...$3.5 trillion.
JUST in one commodity consumers gas purchases static price for 30 years at $3.466 vs year ago price $2.497 or 40% increase.
Again... price stays static as demand stays the same...except possibly electric cars replacement...which is another calculation!
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Perhaps Putin is taking that into consideration. If Putin is ever going to fold Ukraine into a Russian 'empire' now is likely the best opportunity he will ever have.
Perhaps Putin is taking that into consideration. If Putin is ever going to fold Ukraine into a Russian 'empire' now is likely the best opportunity he will ever have.
Oh for sure and Biden's pro-active actions to REDUCE USA's oil production is a major gift to Russia's oil production!
The next step is the Arctic for Russian oil exploration...while the USA has backed off!

Russia Begins Development on Arctic Oil Project That Will Produce 25 Million Tons of Oil Per Year​

The true cost will be the destruction of America. Some people have been convinced that the climate will soon change enough to end civilization as we know it.....and the only way to stop it is to cripple American's economy by ending our fossil fuel use. Of course our nation could stop using oil completely tomorrow.... and that would not change the climate in any significant way whatsoever. A more realistic approach would be to gain as much wealth as possible in the shortest time possible to spend on mitigating the harmful effects of any future climate change. But nooooo lets spend all our wealth on a pointless plan so we are dirt poor as the climate continues to change. Wind and solar energy is a farce and a scam. Nuclear energy technology is far, far safer now, and has the potential to greatly reduce fossil fuel use, but the "powers to be" don't want to solve problems...just profit from them. Solyndra?
Biden is intentionally destroying the US. He needs to be removed from office.
It is so obvious. The people behind the scenes either believe a utopia will rise from this or are traitors and sell outs for their own reasons.

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