hatred of journalists on the rise worldwide


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017
Hatred of journalists on the rise worldwide, watchdog says

can't say i blame people. the "fake news" where someone puts up a site that can look and feel "real" but is nothing but stirring the pot. then *real* journalists have become glorified bloggers who force their opinions on you for the most part and never allow both sides of a story to be heard.

then there's the YOU MUST HATE THEM AND I'LL TELL YOU WHY both sides engage in. all the talk show mediots get the king of stupid and parade them around as if they represent the other side to a "T" knowing they don't but they don't care.

it gets a rise out of people and that's ratings. seems the truth seldom sells very well so we're a victim of our own hate but now we'll take it out on them.

obama brought back hating the other side when he went after fox. it was ok, giggled the left. they do suck and are full of lies! ergo their stupidity in the issue was forgiven cause it was for a good reason and all.

only that made such actions now acceptable and look where trump took it. he's lined 'em all up and has declared open season.

and most off of this is due to our own human nature in having to be right.

journalism, as many things in our culture, is a reflection of us and what we choose to pay too much attention to. don't hate the players man, hate us for doing it to ourselves over and over and over again.
The "hatred of journalists on the rise worldwide" by the equivalents of the Alt Right has always been the case.
got to say it's a long time coming.

many people have finally learned that the media has been lying to them for generations.
They are humans and have in no way taken any pledge to write how you see fit...Unless you own a company that publishes what it's writers produce..
Dictators and the pseudo Nazi movement have certainly worked hard to attack the media, which must be weak or non-existent in order for them obtain and remain in power.
No longer do they swim among the sharks but seek to shoot them before going in the water..
Although I hated what journalism morphed into during the "extreme" era of the 1990's...So I dropped the pen and have yet to pick it back up..
10 Professions That Attract the Most Sociopaths

It's no fluke that the top 10 professions for sociopaths are as follows

1. CEO

With the heartless greed and sadistic ambition displayed on Wall street since the 2008 financial collapse, it may come as no surprise that the first place on the list goes to the modern-age equivalent of a pharaoh. Capitalist positions of leadership offer power, autonomy, command, and status — a perfect battlefield for the ambitious and ruthless to compete. Where once pyramids littered the dessert in tribute to vain kings, we now have skyscrapers and corporate logos filling the clouds above.

2. Lawyer
Lawyers cloak themselves in the language of their field, making the laymen reliant on their expertise to survive in a courtroom. In the fog of legalese linguistics and glibly twisted logic, you better pray your lawyer is the most bloodthirsty of the two. There's a reason Shakespeare hated them so much, and why they continue to be the butt of so many jokes. Lawyers have a reputation for distorting the systems of equality, specifically for the purposes of ensuring their financial success. For every white knight district attorney looking to uphold the pillars of justice, you are sure to find a handful of bleak-hearted cynics and cutthroats. Lawyers also run government.

3. Media
If our collective society is a living organism, where better for the egomaniac to reside than on the radio or TV? To be the voice of the people, the face of their information and entertainment, and to influence our collective minds. Of course, once your self-worth becomes invariably tied to your ratings and popularity, you're in for an eventual downfall of depression and despair.

Just follow the money honey. The media is the stooge for those with the money.

The right defends #1 to the death and the left defends #2 to the death as they go round and round.

Meanwhile, #1 funds #2 as #2 ensures #1 has everything they need. They both then laugh at the rubes of both political sides behind the scenes.

It is the job of #3 to ensure that no one who should not get elected ruins the fun. They also try to steer the public into thinking they just need to attack the other party to make the country better.
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obama brought back hating the other side when he went after fox.

Were you asleep during the Dubya years? Did you forget that you called anyone opposed to Dubya a soldier hating traitor? :rolleyes:
do ALWAYS go on the attack? i can go back to nixon also if you wanna just keep going back now can't i?

anyone hating on obama was racist. we're a very very stupid culture. are you saying we agree on that?
The US at one time was used to the Walter Cronkite days when he would say, "And that's the way it is..."

No one questioned it.

Funny stuff.
Although I hated what journalism morphed into during the "extreme" era of the 1990's...So I dropped the pen and have yet to pick it back up..
it was my minor in college and i worked my way through it all in the 80s as a photo journalist. what i see today is just painful. but there are old school style reporters out there still and we just need to go support them and not the spill over from the enquirers of the world.

sharyl attkisson - she's one i've come to greatly respect for the work she puts into her stories.
Although I hated what journalism morphed into during the "extreme" era of the 1990's...So I dropped the pen and have yet to pick it back up..
it was my minor in college and i worked my way through it all in the 80s as a photo journalist. what i see today is just painful. but there are old school style reporters out there still and we just need to go support them and not the spill over from the enquirers of the world.

sharyl attkisson - she's one i've come to greatly respect for the work she puts into her stories.
I was a radio/tv/film/theater production and performance major and did the same thing in junior high and high school..It was awkward at college since I new more and was further developed as an artist and producer than my instructors..They always were asking where I was going with this...I understand fantasy and character development but journalism went off track and went into a feeding frenzy even if it was an invented subject...
Although I hated what journalism morphed into during the "extreme" era of the 1990's...So I dropped the pen and have yet to pick it back up..
it was my minor in college and i worked my way through it all in the 80s as a photo journalist. what i see today is just painful. but there are old school style reporters out there still and we just need to go support them and not the spill over from the enquirers of the world.

sharyl attkisson - she's one i've come to greatly respect for the work she puts into her stories.
I was a radio/tv/film/theater production and performance major and did the same thing in junior high and high school..It was awkward at college since I new more and was further developed as an artist and producer than my instructors..They always were asking where I was going with this...I understand fantasy and character development but journalism went off track and went into a feeding frenzy even if it was an invented subject...
yea, i'm more into the creative writing and interviews i can put some love into and not have to worry about much of it. maybe lazy on my part, but when i do the "news" pieces i reference a lot of work i pulled from and how i put my opinions together. anything else is just an angry blogger mistaking themselves for more.

now i do internet radio / concert photography for my hobby/fun and it's been so long since i've done community theater i'd have to relearn how to act in the greenroom. :)
Hatred of journalists on the rise worldwide, watchdog says

can't say i blame people. the "fake news" where someone puts up a site that can look and feel "real" but is nothing but stirring the pot. then *real* journalists have become glorified bloggers who force their opinions on you for the most part and never allow both sides of a story to be heard.

then there's the YOU MUST HATE THEM AND I'LL TELL YOU WHY both sides engage in. all the talk show mediots get the king of stupid and parade them around as if they represent the other side to a "T" knowing they don't but they don't care.

it gets a rise out of people and that's ratings. seems the truth seldom sells very well so we're a victim of our own hate but now we'll take it out on them.

obama brought back hating the other side when he went after fox. it was ok, giggled the left. they do suck and are full of lies! ergo their stupidity in the issue was forgiven cause it was for a good reason and all.

only that made such actions now acceptable and look where trump took it. he's lined 'em all up and has declared open season.

and most off of this is due to our own human nature in having to be right.

journalism, as many things in our culture, is a reflection of us and what we choose to pay too much attention to. don't hate the players man, hate us for doing it to ourselves over and over and over again.

"The group says many democratically elected leaders "no longer see the media as part of democracy's essential underpinning"

That's because media does not function as 'part of democracy's underpinning' but as an attack dog for various political interests, and a dispenser of circuses.

Too many lies. They have lost credibility.
The alt right, billy, has lost credibility.
and this - this is the exact bullshit the media will cater to and the russians used to troll us in the elections.

hate the other group - hell just say some good things about that group and watch a pack of insecurity go on the warpath against them FOR YOU.

hate the other group? well let me trot out an idiot for us to make fun of for 30 minutes so we can feel superior!

you're their target idiot. congrats on all your accomplishments.

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