Hasn't Mueller Heard? No one has to obey subpoenas anymore....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Trump has rejected Mueller's kind invitation to sit down and 'chat' ... Leaving Mueller to consider fighting to subpoena the President to force him to talk.

Silly co-conspirator....hasn't he heard? No one has to pay attention to / comply with subpoenas anymore.

Hillary's IT guy got immunity then pleaded the 5th. Hillary's aides were given immunity, refused to testify, and protected from indictment..

Hillary refused to testify under oath and Obstructed Justice by violating a subpoena...

Paige, Strzok...

Mueller doesn't have the balls to subpoena the President...especially when Rosenstein is about to be Impeached...and he himself being looked at.

He just implicated Russians so its time to cut his losses, wrap it up, and run before he gets indicted.

Trump resists Mueller interview, leaving decision on subpoena before fall elections
Who told you know one has to obey his subpoenas?

Why do you want the investigation to stop? Are you more afraid Drumpf is going to get caught than stopping foreign governments from dictating who becomes the american POTUS?

Why did Drumpf back out on his bold promise to meet with Mueller? Drumpfs a pussy that cant back up his own talk.
Who told you know one has to obey his subpoenas?

Why do you want the investigation to stop? Are you more afraid Drumpf is going to get caught than stopping foreign governments from dictating who becomes the american POTUS?

Why did Drumpf back out on his bold promise to meet with Mueller? Drumpfs a pussy that cant back up his own talk.
Stop? The investigation should never have STARTED.

3 YEARS later Mueller, Libs, and snowflakes still don't have any evidence that a crime was committed warranting an investigation if Trump let alone a Special Counsel

There is still no evidence to support the false accusations against the President. There is plenty of evidence of crimes being perpetrated by the Democrats, but not Trump.

Hillary has been proven to gave committed crimes, compromised national security, and cheated in the election and broke more laws....and lost.

Obama has been proven to have run his own criminal op against Trump with the help of his CIA, NIA, FBI, & DOJ.

Obama has been proven to have known about Russia since 2014 and allowed them to continue...

Rosenstein is getting Impeached for his crime of Obstruction...

Mueller is committing Obstruction & is under scrutiny. He still has much to answer for...

3 YEARS later Mueller, Libs, and snowflakes still don't have any evidence that a crime was committed warranting an investigation if Trump let alone a Special Counsel
You’re just not a serious person. You’re either legitimately brainwashed or woefully ignorant. How many witches has Mueller caught? Here’s www.foxnews.com:

Who's been charged by Mueller in the Russia probe so far?
Mueller has caught no one connected to illegal collusion with Russians. He won-'t even bring the 1st Russians he caught to trial. Mueller has 'Scooter Libby' indictments.

He won't acknowledge / prosecute legitimate criminals based on actual evidence & his partner and he are about to be held accountable for Obstruction / refusal to come with Congressional subpoenas - the investigators gave broken laws and continue to.

It is all unraveling...
Hillary's IT guy got immunity then pleaded the 5th.
But he showed up and pleaded the fifth, right? Trumpy should do that.
Trump has no need to agree to an attempted 'gotcha' interview because Mueller has shown no evidence of anything worthy of investigating Trump for - no crime, no evidence.

And Mueller is currently guilty of Obstruction / refusing to comply with a Congressional Subpoena....why grant an interview with a criminal desperate to justify his witch hunt and own crime?
Who told you know one has to obey his subpoenas?

Why do you want the investigation to stop? Are you more afraid Drumpf is going to get caught than stopping foreign governments from dictating who becomes the american POTUS?

Why did Drumpf back out on his bold promise to meet with Mueller? Drumpfs a pussy that cant back up his own talk.
Stop? The investigation should never have STARTED.

That must mean you're okay with the fact that Russia attempted to meddle in our elections. Good to know, comrade (you traitor).
Who told you know one has to obey his subpoenas?

Why do you want the investigation to stop? Are you more afraid Drumpf is going to get caught than stopping foreign governments from dictating who becomes the american POTUS?

Why did Drumpf back out on his bold promise to meet with Mueller? Drumpfs a pussy that cant back up his own talk.
Stop? The investigation should never have STARTED.

That must mean you're okay with the fact that Russia attempted to meddle in our elections. Good to know, comrade (you traitor).
No, that means VARAK OBAMA was ok with it.

Not only did he meddle in several nation's elections - including ours - he knew about the Russians back in 2014 and allowed them to keep doing it.
Who told you know one has to obey his subpoenas?

Why do you want the investigation to stop? Are you more afraid Drumpf is going to get caught than stopping foreign governments from dictating who becomes the american POTUS?

Why did Drumpf back out on his bold promise to meet with Mueller? Drumpfs a pussy that cant back up his own talk.
Stop? The investigation should never have STARTED.

That must mean you're okay with the fact that Russia attempted to meddle in our elections. Good to know, comrade (you traitor).
The only thing this investigation has shown us, is how traitorous democrats are.
3 YEARS later Mueller, Libs, and snowflakes still don't have any evidence that a crime was committed warranting an investigation if Trump let alone a Special Counsel

It's been a touch more than one year, and it's produced nearly 200 indicted crimes so far.
Who told you know one has to obey his subpoenas?

Why do you want the investigation to stop? Are you more afraid Drumpf is going to get caught than stopping foreign governments from dictating who becomes the american POTUS?

Why did Drumpf back out on his bold promise to meet with Mueller? Drumpfs a pussy that cant back up his own talk.
Stop? The investigation should never have STARTED.

3 YEARS later Mueller, Libs, and snowflakes still don't have any evidence that a crime was committed warranting an investigation if Trump let alone a Special Counsel

There is still no evidence to support the false accusations against the President. There is plenty of evidence of crimes being perpetrated by the Democrats, but not Trump.

Hillary has been proven to gave committed crimes, compromised national security, and cheated in the election and broke more laws....and lost.

Obama has been proven to have run his own criminal op against Trump with the help of his CIA, NIA, FBI, & DOJ.

Obama has been proven to have known about Russia since 2014 and allowed them to continue...

Rosenstein is getting Impeached for his crime of Obstruction...

Mueller is committing Obstruction & is under scrutiny. He still has much to answer for...

Why not? Dont you want to catch the Russkies that hacked our elections?

It hasnt even been two years yet dummy and they have over 300 charges

Ah so this is about protecting your dear leader? I should have figured you were a rube when you said the investigation should have never started.
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Who told you know one has to obey his subpoenas?

Why do you want the investigation to stop? Are you more afraid Drumpf is going to get caught than stopping foreign governments from dictating who becomes the american POTUS?

Why did Drumpf back out on his bold promise to meet with Mueller? Drumpfs a pussy that cant back up his own talk.
Stop? The investigation should never have STARTED.

That must mean you're okay with the fact that Russia attempted to meddle in our elections. Good to know, comrade (you traitor).
The only thing this investigation has shown us, is how traitorous democrats are.
I bet you voted for Drumpf who is kissing the ass of the man that sent the russian hackers. Youre the traitor.
Trump has rejected Mueller's kind invitation to sit down and 'chat' ... Leaving Mueller to consider fighting to subpoena the President to force him to talk.

Silly co-conspirator....hasn't he heard? No one has to pay attention to / comply with subpoenas anymore.

Hillary's IT guy got immunity then pleaded the 5th. Hillary's aides were given immunity, refused to testify, and protected from indictment..

Hillary refused to testify under oath and Obstructed Justice by violating a subpoena...

Paige, Strzok...

Mueller doesn't have the balls to subpoena the President...especially when Rosenstein is about to be Impeached...and he himself being looked at.

He just implicated Russians so its time to cut his losses, wrap it up, and run before he gets indicted.

Trump resists Mueller interview, leaving decision on subpoena before fall elections
Trumpanzees continue to display their fear over Mueller and the investigation.
Who told you know one has to obey his subpoenas?

Why do you want the investigation to stop? Are you more afraid Drumpf is going to get caught than stopping foreign governments from dictating who becomes the american POTUS?

Why did Drumpf back out on his bold promise to meet with Mueller? Drumpfs a pussy that cant back up his own talk.
Stop? The investigation should never have STARTED.

That must mean you're okay with the fact that Russia attempted to meddle in our elections. Good to know, comrade (you traitor).
No, that means VARAK OBAMA was ok with it.

Not only did he meddle in several nation's elections - including ours - he knew about the Russians back in 2014 and allowed them to keep doing it.

Yep. Also, O was meddling in israel elections but not a peep about that.
Who told you know one has to obey his subpoenas?

Why do you want the investigation to stop? Are you more afraid Drumpf is going to get caught than stopping foreign governments from dictating who becomes the american POTUS?

Why did Drumpf back out on his bold promise to meet with Mueller? Drumpfs a pussy that cant back up his own talk.
Stop? The investigation should never have STARTED.

That must mean you're okay with the fact that Russia attempted to meddle in our elections. Good to know, comrade (you traitor).
No, that means VARAK OBAMA was ok with it.

Not only did he meddle in several nation's elections - including ours - he knew about the Russians back in 2014 and allowed them to keep doing it.

Yep. Also, O was meddling in israel elections but not a peep about that.
Probably because Israel is not part of the US and has nothing to do with Russians hacking the US elections.
Who told you know one has to obey his subpoenas?

Why do you want the investigation to stop? Are you more afraid Drumpf is going to get caught than stopping foreign governments from dictating who becomes the american POTUS?

Why did Drumpf back out on his bold promise to meet with Mueller? Drumpfs a pussy that cant back up his own talk.
Stop? The investigation should never have STARTED.

That must mean you're okay with the fact that Russia attempted to meddle in our elections. Good to know, comrade (you traitor).
No, that means VARAK OBAMA was ok with it.

Not only did he meddle in several nation's elections - including ours - he knew about the Russians back in 2014 and allowed them to keep doing it.

You're giving me mixed messages here. First you say the investigation never should have started, then you sound angry that Obama didn't start it earlier.

Which is it?

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