Has the Left won the moral soul of America?

It's a good question and a fair point. If Republicans were honest with themselves, they would realize how lucky they are that the people who are currently in control of the Democratic Party - the illiberal leftist authoritarian Regressive Left - have successfully repulsed so many Americans with their neurotic, hateful and hypersensitive behaviors.

Otherwise, yes, the Democrats have a clear advantage on the issues in modern day America.

This should be of no surprise. Leftists have taken over the media, education, and government, all of which are authority figures that help form and mold morality.

Some have even infiltrated the church. The current Pope is a Left winger as an example. I have not heard him speak one word against abortion, yet it is the official church position that it is genocide. Just think about that for a minute or two. That is just sick on so many levels.

That’s because this Pope is seemingly more concerned with the Bible and what Jesus has said and not what the church has said. Jesus spoke more about helping the poor than he spoke about abortion...(Jesus never said anything about abortion)

Jesus never said anything about movies or basketball or how much water should be added to concrete. You're saying that Jesus would have condoned killing innocent human beings?
Social Conservatives have overplayed their hand. Opposition to marriage equality was the last straw. A,Erica she recognize that moral crusaders are the emperor without clothes. The Roy Moore campaign, on the back of support for Trump has shown that their peculiar morality is wrapped in political,expedience, not moral righteousness.

Whenever the Social,Conservatives pound the pots and pans over whatever group is finally looking for equality, their narrow message inevitably swerves toward the autocratic, the authoritarian, the repressive. And that side of the road has no attraction for a freedom loving people.

I agree in part. I think conservatives have the whole gay marriage issue all wrong, but so does the Left. Why not let polygamists marry? Cuz Progs are hypocritical retards, that's why. And why should married folk be given perks that single people can't obtain?

Why is the secular state even involved in marriage? What do I care if Nancy Pelosi agrees that I should be able to marry or not? Why is it that people should get state perks for being married? It makes no sense. And what in the hell did I do to earn a marriage license other than pay a meaningless tax?

Problem is, people don't like to be told they are wrong, especially the Left that gets their way seemingly 100% of the time with the added knowledge that they are infallible and always right.

Mark my words, you are on the wrong side of history here and you are wrong. Conservatives need to zero in on the abortion issue and pound, because by all appearances, they are beginning to win.
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Social Conservatives have overplayed their hand. Opposition to marriage equality was the last straw. A,Erica she recognize that moral crusaders are the emperor without clothes. The Roy Moore campaign, on the back of support for Trump has shown that their peculiar morality is wrapped in political,expedience, not moral righteousness.

Whenever the Social,Conservatives pound the pots and pans over whatever group is finally looking for equality, their narrow message inevitably swerves toward the autocratic, the authoritarian, the repressive. And that side of the road has no attraction for a freedom loving people.

I agree in part. I think conservatives have the whole gay marriage issue all wrong, but so does the Left.

Why is the state even involved in marriage? Why is it that people should get state perks for being married? It makes no sense.

Problem is, people don't like to be told they are wrong, especially the Left that gets their way seemingly 100% of the time with the added knowledge that they are infallible and always right.

Mark my words, you are on the wrong side of history here and you are wrong. Conservatives need to zero in on the abortion issue and pound, because by all appearances, they are beginning to win.

One day it would be nice to look back at abortion as an abomination, the same way we look at slavery.
Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues

It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?

People's concept of morality evolves as human society evolves. Conservatives -especially the religious - are stuck in the morality of the ancients. Progressives are continually evolving morally. That's not to say that progressive morality is always right, but they are more right than wrong.

For example, given the morality of the ancients, not even Jesus spoke against slavery. Yet as humanity progressed it's become almost universally accepted that slavery is immoral. Modern government - formed by progressives (for their time) were WAY ahead of religious institutions in condemning slavery.

Of course many conservatives have a hard time conforming to the morality of the ancients much less modern morality.
Social Conservatives have overplayed their hand. Opposition to marriage equality was the last straw. A,Erica she recognize that moral crusaders are the emperor without clothes. The Roy Moore campaign, on the back of support for Trump has shown that their peculiar morality is wrapped in political,expedience, not moral righteousness.

Whenever the Social,Conservatives pound the pots and pans over whatever group is finally looking for equality, their narrow message inevitably swerves toward the autocratic, the authoritarian, the repressive. And that side of the road has no attraction for a freedom loving people.

I agree in part. I think conservatives have the whole gay marriage issue all wrong, but so does the Left.

Why is the state even involved in marriage? Why is it that people should get state perks for being married? It makes no sense.

Problem is, people don't like to be told they are wrong, especially the Left that gets their way seemingly 100% of the time with the added knowledge that they are infallible and always right.

Mark my words, you are on the wrong side of history here and you are wrong. Conservatives need to zero in on the abortion issue and pound, because by all appearances, they are beginning to win.

One day it would be nice to look back at abortion as an abomination, the same way we look at slavery.

The two are linked at the hip. Everyone deep down knows today, and knew in the 1800's, that both are wrong and a tragedy.

But at least slaves got to live.
Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues

It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?

People's concept of morality evolves as human society evolves. Conservatives -especially the religious - are stuck in the morality of the ancients. Progressives are continually evolving morally. That's not to say that progressive morality is always right, but they are more right than wrong.

For example, given the morality of the ancients, not even Jesus spoke against slavery. Yet as humanity progressed it's become almost universally accepted that slavery is immoral. Modern government - formed by progressives (for their time) were WAY ahead of religious institutions in condemning slavery.

Of course many conservatives have a hard time conforming to the morality of the ancients much less modern morality.

Peoples concept changes but the immoral act of rape or murder or abortion is the same as it was 4000 years ago.
for the most part, people don't want to discuss this shit. They'd prefer to go about their lives unchecked from the moral gods. it's why only 37% of the population actually votes outside the presidential election. really, too gooders who think they can tell others what to do. and you believe people agree with that. hmmmmm
Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues

It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?

People's concept of morality evolves as human society evolves. Conservatives -especially the religious - are stuck in the morality of the ancients. Progressives are continually evolving morally. That's not to say that progressive morality is always right, but they are more right than wrong.

For example, given the morality of the ancients, not even Jesus spoke against slavery. Yet as humanity progressed it's become almost universally accepted that slavery is immoral. Modern government - formed by progressives (for their time) were WAY ahead of religious institutions in condemning slavery.

Of course many conservatives have a hard time conforming to the morality of the ancients much less modern morality.

Apparently you have not read the Bible. There was a man named Moses, ever hear of him? If not, God raised him up to free the Hebrew nation from slavery.

But he was not done. Although he allowed for slavery in the Hebrew nation, it was used more as a way to survive for the down and out who were not linked to a tribe to help them survive. On top of that, they were to be released from slavery after 7 years of service.

But it does not end there. Moses even implemented a day of rest, even for slaves, something unheard of in the ancient world that knew work and toil 24/7.

So thank Moses for "evolving" away from slavery. No, thank the God that pulled the strings behind the curtains.

As for Jesus, he said that those who sinned were a slave to sin and that he came to set the captives free. What he was saying was equally revolutionary, if not more so. To think that God could set someone free from their internal chains despite maybe being a slave is astonishing and accurate.

I fully believe that Christian slaves back in the day were much happier than inwardly tormented souls like emperor Nero even though they had all the money and "power" anyone could want.
LOL then the left try to steal everyone's money with sky high taxes and the people reject them.

The Left is playing a con game. The Left says they need more of our money to help the poor.

Well guess what, turns out that only about 9 cents on the dollar of taxpayer money that is suppose to help the poor actually goes to the poor.

It is akin to Al Capone. Everyone knows he was a murderous gangster that only cared about making money, but he started some soup kitchens to throw crumbs to the poor because it gave him an air of legitimacy.

Hillary even did this with her charity foundation. The rule was, if you want special perks then you give to the foundation which sporadically throws crumbs to the poor, while laundering the rest of the money through various means.

What really is a hoot is when the Left tries to evoke the name of Jesus to help persuade people to support entitlements for the poor. It's like all of a sudden they like the Bible again, but then quickly divert away from it when talking about such issues as abortion as they demand separation of church and state.

What they probably don't even understand is, the only reason governments now give to the poor is the Bible. Before Christ governments were not in the business of helping the poor at all. In fact, society at large disdained the poor with virtually no charity found anywhere.
Social Conservatives have overplayed their hand. Opposition to marriage equality was the last straw. A,Erica she recognize that moral crusaders are the emperor without clothes. The Roy Moore campaign, on the back of support for Trump has shown that their peculiar morality is wrapped in political,expedience, not moral righteousness.

Whenever the Social,Conservatives pound the pots and pans over whatever group is finally looking for equality, their narrow message inevitably swerves toward the autocratic, the authoritarian, the repressive. And that side of the road has no attraction for a freedom loving people.

I agree in part. I think conservatives have the whole gay marriage issue all wrong, but so does the Left. Why not let polygamists marry? Cuz Progs are hypocritical retards, that's why. And why should married folk be given perks that single people can't obtain?

Why is the secular state even involved in marriage? What do I care if Nancy Pelosi agrees that I should be able to marry or not? Why is it that people should get state perks for being married? It makes no sense. And what in the hell did I do to earn a marriage license other than pay a meaningless tax?

Problem is, people don't like to be told they are wrong, especially the Left that gets their way seemingly 100% of the time with the added knowledge that they are infallible and always right.

Mark my words, you are on the wrong side of history here and you are wrong. Conservatives need to zero in on the abortion issue and pound, because by all appearances, they are beginning to win.
Marriage is a contract drawn between two individuals in order to create essentially a new legal entity. A contract creating a polygamist entity can be drawn by means available through the legal system. No hypocrisy here.

The state avails its citizens of the marriage contract to facilitate other legal steps such as inheritance, hospital visitation and medical decisions, property claims and parenthood. These are common legal situations that are covered effectively through the marriage contract.

The state also has means of dissolving that contract through divorce courts.

The Right must recognize that whenever personal freedoms and recognition is demanded by the citizens, they have always provided the opposition to those freedoms and recognitions. In other words, the Right tends toward repression, Authoritarianism and autocracy. The wrong side of history.
What is "the democrat party"? The term doesn't 'google'.
If it is a political party, since when are they a source of moral guidance? That's for philosophers and religion.
If this is somehow a reference to one of the members of the two party dictatorship running the U.S. government, it will take some explaining to show what the differences are and how morality has much to do with their operations.

Morality is derived from perceived authority figures. This would be teachers, parents, the state, clergy, etc.

It is interesting that issues like abortion are declared murder by the church, but a large number of people in the church discard this moral stance and side with the DNC.

The DNC is rife with such people like Nancy Pelosi. Their god is the DNC

It is also interesting that the Pope is not out there day and night campaigning about the Holocaust of infants. Instead, he gives lectures on how good it is for Big Government and those that build walls will go to hell.

But then, they were also silent when the Nazi regime were killing off Jews, so.......

If you derive your morality from a perceived authority, then you’re doing it wrong.

Any person who considers morality analytically, and reasons out a moral position using logic and compassion has a much stronger moral foundation which also works better in a practical sense in the real world than a morality passed down by an authority such as a church leader, politician, or ancient text.
^^ Real talk
Social Conservatives have overplayed their hand. Opposition to marriage equality was the last straw. A,Erica she recognize that moral crusaders are the emperor without clothes. The Roy Moore campaign, on the back of support for Trump has shown that their peculiar morality is wrapped in political,expedience, not moral righteousness.

Whenever the Social,Conservatives pound the pots and pans over whatever group is finally looking for equality, their narrow message inevitably swerves toward the autocratic, the authoritarian, the repressive. And that side of the road has no attraction for a freedom loving people.

I agree in part. I think conservatives have the whole gay marriage issue all wrong, but so does the Left. Why not let polygamists marry? Cuz Progs are hypocritical retards, that's why. And why should married folk be given perks that single people can't obtain?

Why is the secular state even involved in marriage? What do I care if Nancy Pelosi agrees that I should be able to marry or not? Why is it that people should get state perks for being married? It makes no sense. And what in the hell did I do to earn a marriage license other than pay a meaningless tax?

Problem is, people don't like to be told they are wrong, especially the Left that gets their way seemingly 100% of the time with the added knowledge that they are infallible and always right.

Mark my words, you are on the wrong side of history here and you are wrong. Conservatives need to zero in on the abortion issue and pound, because by all appearances, they are beginning to win.
Marriage is a contract drawn between two individuals in order to create essentially a new legal entity. A contract creating a polygamist entity can be drawn by means available through the legal system. No hypocrisy here.

The state avails its citizens of the marriage contract to facilitate other legal steps such as inheritance, hospital visitation and medical decisions, property claims and parenthood. These are common legal situations that are covered effectively through the marriage contract.

The state also has means of dissolving that contract through divorce courts.

The Right must recognize that whenever personal freedoms and recognition is demanded by the citizens, they have always provided the opposition to those freedoms and recognitions. In other words, the Right tends toward repression, Authoritarianism and autocracy. The wrong side of history.
There is no reason to create a legal contract for marriage.

But you will never see it done away with, because our laws are made by, guess who, greedy lawyers who just love to drain wealth from families that fall apart in divorce court.

And no, you will never see polygamy legalized as well. Do you know why? It's because polygamists are largely conservative and live in Utah, and have lots of carbon producing children, the worst of the worst. Additionally, they don't have the money to throw at politicians like the gay lobby did because they actually have to raise large families. The only way polygamy gets legalized is if groups of gay folk want to marry.

So it's not about social justice, it never was.. It's just about money with marriage being one of a myriad of entitlements for those who pay up.

As the Bible says, the root of all evil is the love of money, which is why abortion is the law of the land today, being a billion dollar industry.

IF the state gets out of the marriage business, then the only people getting married will be religious folk who actually care about their commitment before God.
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Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues

It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?

People's concept of morality evolves as human society evolves. Conservatives -especially the religious - are stuck in the morality of the ancients. Progressives are continually evolving morally. That's not to say that progressive morality is always right, but they are more right than wrong.

For example, given the morality of the ancients, not even Jesus spoke against slavery. Yet as humanity progressed it's become almost universally accepted that slavery is immoral. Modern government - formed by progressives (for their time) were WAY ahead of religious institutions in condemning slavery.

Of course many conservatives have a hard time conforming to the morality of the ancients much less modern morality.

Peoples concept changes but the immoral act of rape or murder or abortion is the same as it was 4000 years ago.

I doubt that the concepts of rape, murder or abortion were at all the same 4000 years ago. It's doubtful that rape or abortion were illegal in any society back then. Murder may have been illegal in some, but what was considered murder and what was not was very different.

In viking society (only about 800 years ago) for example breaking into someone's home killing them, raping and enslaving them and taking all they owned was considered 'normal' behavior.

Moses would have been considered a terrorist by today's standards.
Morality isn't relative, it's absolute. Otherwise, you could say that slavery wasn't always immoral, and that's just not the case. It might have been acceptable to the people of the time according to what they valued but it was never moral.

From that standpoint, the left's social values up until recently have indeed been more "live and let live" which conforms to the individualism and the sovereignty of the individual. The sovereignty of the individual is the most moral position we know to be true today, IMO. If you're ever attempting to use the government to force someone into your own brand of thought, for example that homosexuality is sinful and therefore should not be allowed, then you're not acting in a very moral capacity with respect to the sovereignty of the individual.

That's why it's so surprising to see the left/liberals go rather hard authoritarian and anti-individualism these last 10 years or so.
Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues

It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?

People's concept of morality evolves as human society evolves. Conservatives -especially the religious - are stuck in the morality of the ancients. Progressives are continually evolving morally. That's not to say that progressive morality is always right, but they are more right than wrong.

For example, given the morality of the ancients, not even Jesus spoke against slavery. Yet as humanity progressed it's become almost universally accepted that slavery is immoral. Modern government - formed by progressives (for their time) were WAY ahead of religious institutions in condemning slavery.

Of course many conservatives have a hard time conforming to the morality of the ancients much less modern morality.

Apparently you have not read the Bible. There was a man named Moses, ever hear of him? If not, God raised him up to free the Hebrew nation from slavery.

But he was not done. Although he allowed for slavery in the Hebrew nation, it was used more as a way to survive for the down and out who were not linked to a tribe to help them survive. On top of that, they were to be released from slavery after 7 years of service.

But it does not end there. Moses even implemented a day of rest, even for slaves, something unheard of in the ancient world that knew work and toil 24/7.

So thank Moses for "evolving" away from slavery. No, thank the God that pulled the strings behind the curtains.

As for Jesus, he said that those who sinned were a slave to sin and that he came to set the captives free. What he was saying was equally revolutionary, if not more so. To think that God could set someone free from their internal chains despite maybe being a slave is astonishing and accurate.

I fully believe that Christian slaves back in the day were much happier than inwardly tormented souls like emperor Nero even though they had all the money and "power" anyone could want.

There's no doubt that Jewish & Christian morality were huge stepping stones in the evolution of morality, however those who believe that all morality is limited to the morality of the ancient Jews and Christians are woefully behind the morality of modern humanity.
Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues

It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?

People's concept of morality evolves as human society evolves. Conservatives -especially the religious - are stuck in the morality of the ancients. Progressives are continually evolving morally. That's not to say that progressive morality is always right, but they are more right than wrong.

For example, given the morality of the ancients, not even Jesus spoke against slavery. Yet as humanity progressed it's become almost universally accepted that slavery is immoral. Modern government - formed by progressives (for their time) were WAY ahead of religious institutions in condemning slavery.

Of course many conservatives have a hard time conforming to the morality of the ancients much less modern morality.

Apparently you have not read the Bible. There was a man named Moses, ever hear of him? If not, God raised him up to free the Hebrew nation from slavery.

But he was not done. Although he allowed for slavery in the Hebrew nation, it was used more as a way to survive for the down and out who were not linked to a tribe to help them survive. On top of that, they were to be released from slavery after 7 years of service.

But it does not end there. Moses even implemented a day of rest, even for slaves, something unheard of in the ancient world that knew work and toil 24/7.

So thank Moses for "evolving" away from slavery. No, thank the God that pulled the strings behind the curtains.

As for Jesus, he said that those who sinned were a slave to sin and that he came to set the captives free. What he was saying was equally revolutionary, if not more so. To think that God could set someone free from their internal chains despite maybe being a slave is astonishing and accurate.

I fully believe that Christian slaves back in the day were much happier than inwardly tormented souls like emperor Nero even though they had all the money and "power" anyone could want.

There's no doubt that Jewish & Christian morality were huge stepping stones in the evolution of morality, however those who believe that all morality is limited to the morality of the ancient Jews and Christians are woefully behind the morality of modern humanity.

IF morality is relative, then it means nothing other than being forced to act according to the arbitrary every changing whims of society.

However, IF morality is God given, then those who violate it will be crushed.......eventually.
LOL then the left try to steal everyone's money with sky high taxes and the people reject them.

The Left is playing a con game. The Left says they need more of our money to help the poor.

Well guess what, turns out that only about 9 cents on the dollar of taxpayer money that is suppose to help the poor actually goes to the poor.

^^^ BINGO! Follow the money, it winds up in the pockets of Dem donors. Dem politicians raise taxes and give the money to donors, who kick back money to Dem politicians, repeat to infinity.
Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues

It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?
Yep, in the end progressive morality always wins. It just takes time depending on the issue. Get used to it.

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