Has the Left won the moral soul of America?

Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues

It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?
Liberals I don't know... Certain groups have adopted an attitude of searching out the weirdest most outrageous causes and blindly trying to fix attitudes and fight for "rights" of that so called oppressed group/person. I call that the "Quincy" syndrome.
Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues

It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?
I cannot think of a single Democrat leader more moral than Trump. I cannot think of any leader of either party who could define what my morals should be.
It's a good question and a fair point. If Republicans were honest with themselves, they would realize how lucky they are that the people who are currently in control of the Democratic Party - the illiberal leftist authoritarian Regressive Left - have successfully repulsed so many Americans with their neurotic, hateful and hypersensitive behaviors.

Otherwise, yes, the Democrats have a clear advantage on the issues in modern day America.

Ooooh! "the illiberal leftist authoritarian Regressive Left" sounds serious! You've really expanded your "vocabuscary".

Name names. Who is our leader? Schumer? Pelosi? Michael Moore? George Clooney?

Come on Mac! Who is the authoritarian leader who I am willing to follow blindly. Name please.

Politicians are really empty suits with minor differences

You, as well as they, will go to your graves fully embracing abortion because that is one of the foundations of the DNC.
Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues

It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?
I cannot think of a single Democrat leader more moral than Trump. I cannot think of any leader of either party who could define what my morals should be.

Sad..........but true
It's a good question and a fair point. If Republicans were honest with themselves, they would realize how lucky they are that the people who are currently in control of the Democratic Party - the illiberal leftist authoritarian Regressive Left - have successfully repulsed so many Americans with their neurotic, hateful and hypersensitive behaviors.

Otherwise, yes, the Democrats have a clear advantage on the issues in modern day America.

Ooooh! "the illiberal leftist authoritarian Regressive Left" sounds serious! You've really expanded your "vocabuscary".

Name names. Who is our leader? Schumer? Pelosi? Michael Moore? George Clooney?

Come on Mac! Who is the authoritarian leader who I am willing to follow blindly. Name please.

Politicians are really empty suits with minor differences

You, as well as they, will go to your graves fully embracing abortion because that is one of the foundations of the DNC.

What is your problem? I am in favor of reducing or even eliminating abortions. You go off the rails with this shit. Maybe you are a fucking nut?
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Moral depravity knows no bounds.

The one issue that is not trending Left is on abortion. Most Americans still oppose it.

That holds some promise.

But they also don't want to see it made illegal.

Safe, legal and rare.

Safe? Ever hear of Dr. Gosnell? Most probably have not because the media kept it on the down low.

Dr. Gosnell was an abortion doctor who got caught violating health regulations in the 1970's, but instead of forcing him to comply, they just stopped coming round cuz abortion is such a political football, any limitations on it is deemed a threat.

Turn the clock forward some 30 years later, and he finally had to answer for all the crimes against viable children and women who he have subpar treatment. He would target minority women to give subpar treatment because they were less apt to seek legal council and had less support. He killed and harmed a long list of people and even had a jar of fetus' on his desk to look at every day.

Just think of all the money he made giving minority women subpar treatment. He is the biggest mass murderer in US history, yet you never hear about it, do you? Hollywood turned down making a movie about it for obvious reasons.

Yes, back alley abortions still go on in God only knows how many abortion clinics around the US

Doctor Kermit Gosnell found guilty of murdering infants in late-term abortions

Yes I have. He’s not the product of what liberals want to see for abortion. He’s what we would see more of if Republicans were ever successful in outlawing abortion.
It's a good question and a fair point. If Republicans were honest with themselves, they would realize how lucky they are that the people who are currently in control of the Democratic Party - the illiberal leftist authoritarian Regressive Left - have successfully repulsed so many Americans with their neurotic, hateful and hypersensitive behaviors.

Otherwise, yes, the Democrats have a clear advantage on the issues in modern day America.

This should be of no surprise. Leftists have taken over the media, education, and government, all of which are authority figures that help form and mold morality.

Some have even infiltrated the church. The current Pope is a Left winger as an example. I have not heard him speak one word against abortion, yet it is the official church position that it is genocide. Just think about that for a minute or two. That is just sick on so many levels.

That’s because this Pope is seemingly more concerned with the Bible and what Jesus has said and not what the church has said. Jesus spoke more about helping the poor than he spoke about abortion...(Jesus never said anything about abortion)
The Quincy syndrome. Liberals may never run out of causes, who knows. But they will eventualy strain credulity for advocating for rights of anything anywhere to the point nobody could possibly take them seriously anymore. The gay marriage thing, that pretty much nailed it. There isn't anything they won't shamelessly advocate for. The sun's corona, or rights for cannibals, head hunters or folks that like to dress as fuzzy animals.
I don't remember who said it but -

'Obama is who America thinks it is,
trump is who America really is'.
Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues

It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?
I think a lot of people aren't following closely enough. For instance, on abortion the right is suggesting some decent compromises but people that aren't paying attention may revert to their default pro-choice or pro-life extreme positions. Democrat or republican politicians may not be able or willing to take a position of compromise if they are open to getting primaried by someone who is more extreme. Meanwhile the right succeeds at limiting access at the state level. I think a mid to late term ban on abortions that don't have a medical or safety implication is a good idea. But..this issue is a lot bigger than just abortion. It includes contraceptives, sex ed, WIC, STDs, substance addiction, the hookup culture, high rates of single motherhood, health care coverage and accessibility. Lots of stuff that I bet people lean liberal on individually but don't vote liberal because it's often personal preference.

The Left tries to pretend that abortion is merely a religious issue and deflect regarding the issue being one of science.

When does life start?

You seem to think that it starts midway in development in the womb.

Why is that?
I don't look at it as when life begins and I don't try to define when that is either. The baby is a part of the woman's body and entirely dependant until I guess mid 3rd trimester. It will likely become a live born American citizen but it's not a sure thing and I think there's an argument that until it's out and alive and thriving it's not a citizen and it doesn't benefit from its own rights separate from the mother. If you're going to try to argue it does have it's own full rights, then some external entity like the state would become an actor with power over the mother and her choices. It would be impossible to work out where the line is between mother's rights and babies rights. I'd consider supporting some partial rights a for fetuses to protect against frivolous harm or extermination.

With some supporting policy coverage I think end of 1st trimester might be doable. By that time the woman should know she's pregnant and based on her circumstance should know if she wants to bring it to term for adoption or to raise on her own or with a partner. I'm sure things can change after the 1st trimester. Sometimes the baby doesn't even make it that long. But the decision should be made by then and hopefully is separate from any life or relationship drama. I know heart beat and brain activity occur before the 2nd trimester but they don't look like reasonable limits. If there is a choice it needs to be allowed when the woman knows she's pregnant. To know she's pregnant she needs access to tests and health care. To rephrase, a woman may not be able to exercise her choice before the babies heart beats or there is brain activity.

It's certainly not something to be taken likely. A woman is grossly irresponsible by waiting until the 3rd trimester and then seeking an abortion with out any extenuating circumstance.

All this said, any policy that's implemented needs to be efficient in practice and effective in results. If we implement a compromise but illegal black market abortions jump then the policy isn't good enough. People on the right should understand that making something illegal doesn't mean it will be prevented from happening. I'm 100% against the campaign to limit access to women's health clinics that do abortions. This undoubtedly leads to unhealthy illegal options or denies her the choice.

Thanks for the thoughtful response.

The thing that troubles me is, people seem to come up with arbitrary notions of what is life. Is it viable? Does it have a heart beat? Can it feel pain, etc.?

Problem is, these are just individual opinions. Keep in mind, slaves in the deep south were considered to be subhuman glorified apes. Jews in Nazi Germany were considered vermin, etc. These too are individual opinions as to what makes someone your equal in terms of being human. Doesn't that bother you?

No one desires abortion. Aside from a few wacko Left wingers who go around praising having an abortion and telling people how wonderful it was, most understand that this procedure is a tragedy on some level and not desirable. At best it is an inconvenience. What bothers me the most though is, most abortions are done because of fear of financial fears. To place a dollar sign on human worth is no better than the plantation owner doing the same to slaves in order to obtain cheap labor.
I agree it's going to be subjective. It's a fast transition from goo to human being.

Abortion is awful. It usually traumatizes the mother and I'm sure at a point the baby feels pain. It's awful but women are going to do it. We can put road blocks or we can heavily regulate it. When I think about this I can't escape the image of a scared to death teen risking her life getting a sketchy illegal abortion somewhere because there's no other option in her mind.
Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues

It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?

We're not trending toward the morality of the left, we're trending towards the morality of Sodom and Gomorrah. The regressives think that's a good thing.

Social Conservatives have overplayed their hand. Opposition to marriage equality was the last straw. A,Erica she recognize that moral crusaders are the emperor without clothes. The Roy Moore campaign, on the back of support for Trump has shown that their peculiar morality is wrapped in political,expedience, not moral righteousness.

Whenever the Social,Conservatives pound the pots and pans over whatever group is finally looking for equality, their narrow message inevitably swerves toward the autocratic, the authoritarian, the repressive. And that side of the road has no attraction for a freedom loving people.
Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues

It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?
I think a lot of people aren't following closely enough. For instance, on abortion the right is suggesting some decent compromises but people that aren't paying attention may revert to their default pro-choice or pro-life extreme positions. Democrat or republican politicians may not be able or willing to take a position of compromise if they are open to getting primaried by someone who is more extreme. Meanwhile the right succeeds at limiting access at the state level. I think a mid to late term ban on abortions that don't have a medical or safety implication is a good idea. But..this issue is a lot bigger than just abortion. It includes contraceptives, sex ed, WIC, STDs, substance addiction, the hookup culture, high rates of single motherhood, health care coverage and accessibility. Lots of stuff that I bet people lean liberal on individually but don't vote liberal because it's often personal preference.

The Left tries to pretend that abortion is merely a religious issue and deflect regarding the issue being one of science.

When does life start?

You seem to think that it starts midway in development in the womb.

Why is that?


I know prisoners are definitely alive . The “moral” cons have no problem with the death penalty.

I don't know any unborn children that have committed capital crimes and have been sentenced to death by a jury.

It's odd that the same people who want a smaller, less intrusive government have no problem with a government telling women that their reproductive rights are not, in fact, their own. Shrink the government small enough to fit inside a uterus.

But I believe that smaller, less likely nteusive government means not paying taxes, not really smaller and less intrusive. It's money, not righteousness.
Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues

It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?
I think a lot of people aren't following closely enough. For instance, on abortion the right is suggesting some decent compromises but people that aren't paying attention may revert to their default pro-choice or pro-life extreme positions. Democrat or republican politicians may not be able or willing to take a position of compromise if they are open to getting primaried by someone who is more extreme. Meanwhile the right succeeds at limiting access at the state level. I think a mid to late term ban on abortions that don't have a medical or safety implication is a good idea. But..this issue is a lot bigger than just abortion. It includes contraceptives, sex ed, WIC, STDs, substance addiction, the hookup culture, high rates of single motherhood, health care coverage and accessibility. Lots of stuff that I bet people lean liberal on individually but don't vote liberal because it's often personal preference.

The Left tries to pretend that abortion is merely a religious issue and deflect regarding the issue being one of science.

When does life start?

You seem to think that it starts midway in development in the womb.

Why is that?


I know prisoners are definitely alive . The “moral” cons have no problem with the death penalty.

I don't know any unborn children that have committed capital crimes and have been sentenced to death by a jury.


Guess you should add an asterisk to your sanctimonious lectures about protecting life .
It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?

I think it's probably true.

Yes, I think that the majority opinion and attitudes does matter in what a society's mores are.

The thing is, you guys have plenty of opporunity to argue your points on gay marriage or abortion, and largely, your arguments have been found wanting.
Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues

It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?
I think a lot of people aren't following closely enough. For instance, on abortion the right is suggesting some decent compromises but people that aren't paying attention may revert to their default pro-choice or pro-life extreme positions. Democrat or republican politicians may not be able or willing to take a position of compromise if they are open to getting primaried by someone who is more extreme. Meanwhile the right succeeds at limiting access at the state level. I think a mid to late term ban on abortions that don't have a medical or safety implication is a good idea. But..this issue is a lot bigger than just abortion. It includes contraceptives, sex ed, WIC, STDs, substance addiction, the hookup culture, high rates of single motherhood, health care coverage and accessibility. Lots of stuff that I bet people lean liberal on individually but don't vote liberal because it's often personal preference.

The Left tries to pretend that abortion is merely a religious issue and deflect regarding the issue being one of science.

When does life start?

You seem to think that it starts midway in development in the womb.

Why is that?


I know prisoners are definitely alive . The “moral” cons have no problem with the death penalty.

I don't know any unborn children that have committed capital crimes and have been sentenced to death by a jury.


Guess you should add an asterisk to your sanctimonious lectures about protecting life .

I don't do lectures, just pointed to your false comparison. The unborn don't get due process.

Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues

It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?
I think a lot of people aren't following closely enough. For instance, on abortion the right is suggesting some decent compromises but people that aren't paying attention may revert to their default pro-choice or pro-life extreme positions. Democrat or republican politicians may not be able or willing to take a position of compromise if they are open to getting primaried by someone who is more extreme. Meanwhile the right succeeds at limiting access at the state level. I think a mid to late term ban on abortions that don't have a medical or safety implication is a good idea. But..this issue is a lot bigger than just abortion. It includes contraceptives, sex ed, WIC, STDs, substance addiction, the hookup culture, high rates of single motherhood, health care coverage and accessibility. Lots of stuff that I bet people lean liberal on individually but don't vote liberal because it's often personal preference.

The Left tries to pretend that abortion is merely a religious issue and deflect regarding the issue being one of science.

When does life start?

You seem to think that it starts midway in development in the womb.

Why is that?
I don't look at it as when life begins and I don't try to define when that is either. The baby is a part of the woman's body and entirely dependant until I guess mid 3rd trimester. It will likely become a live born American citizen but it's not a sure thing and I think there's an argument that until it's out and alive and thriving it's not a citizen and it doesn't benefit from its own rights separate from the mother. If you're going to try to argue it does have it's own full rights, then some external entity like the state would become an actor with power over the mother and her choices. It would be impossible to work out where the line is between mother's rights and babies rights. I'd consider supporting some partial rights a for fetuses to protect against frivolous harm or extermination.

With some supporting policy coverage I think end of 1st trimester might be doable. By that time the woman should know she's pregnant and based on her circumstance should know if she wants to bring it to term for adoption or to raise on her own or with a partner. I'm sure things can change after the 1st trimester. Sometimes the baby doesn't even make it that long. But the decision should be made by then and hopefully is separate from any life or relationship drama. I know heart beat and brain activity occur before the 2nd trimester but they don't look like reasonable limits. If there is a choice it needs to be allowed when the woman knows she's pregnant. To know she's pregnant she needs access to tests and health care. To rephrase, a woman may not be able to exercise her choice before the babies heart beats or there is brain activity.

It's certainly not something to be taken likely. A woman is grossly irresponsible by waiting until the 3rd trimester and then seeking an abortion with out any extenuating circumstance.

All this said, any policy that's implemented needs to be efficient in practice and effective in results. If we implement a compromise but illegal black market abortions jump then the policy isn't good enough. People on the right should understand that making something illegal doesn't mean it will be prevented from happening. I'm 100% against the campaign to limit access to women's health clinics that do abortions. This undoubtedly leads to unhealthy illegal options or denies her the choice.

Thanks for the thoughtful response.

The thing that troubles me is, people seem to come up with arbitrary notions of what is life. Is it viable? Does it have a heart beat? Can it feel pain, etc.?

Problem is, these are just individual opinions. Keep in mind, slaves in the deep south were considered to be subhuman glorified apes. Jews in Nazi Germany were considered vermin, etc. These too are individual opinions as to what makes someone your equal in terms of being human. Doesn't that bother you?

No one desires abortion. Aside from a few wacko Left wingers who go around praising having an abortion and telling people how wonderful it was, most understand that this procedure is a tragedy on some level and not desirable. At best it is an inconvenience. What bothers me the most though is, most abortions are done because of fear of financial fears. To place a dollar sign on human worth is no better than the plantation owner doing the same to slaves in order to obtain cheap labor.
I agree it's going to be subjective. It's a fast transition from goo to human being.

Abortion is awful. It usually traumatizes the mother and I'm sure at a point the baby feels pain. It's awful but women are going to do it. We can put road blocks or we can heavily regulate it. When I think about this I can't escape the image of a scared to death teen risking her life getting a sketchy illegal abortion somewhere because there's no other option in her mind.

I understand, people are still going to do it. However, the issue is, is it a human life? If it is, then it should be treated like murdering someone.

And yes, people will still murder even though that is illegal as well. Also, people will still risk their lives to murder others, so I don't see the issue here. Do we just want to legalize murder? I don't think so.
It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?

I think it's probably true.

Yes, I think that the majority opinion and attitudes does matter in what a society's mores are.

The thing is, you guys have plenty of opporunity to argue your points on gay marriage or abortion, and largely, your arguments have been found wanting.

The majority of Americans think abortion is immoral dingleberry.

Do you want to take that back now?

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