Has the FBI lost credibility in recent news events?

Has the FBI lost credibility?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 62.7%
  • No

    Votes: 21 35.6%
  • Dunno, I live under a rock

    Votes: 1 1.7%

  • Total voters
Evidence of Flynn lying to everyone including FBI, based on which Mueller has ALREADY got a GUILTY PLEA from Flynn.

Evidence of Trump obstructing justice, including firing FBI director who refused to cave to Trump's demands that his drop Flynns case.


Flynn was stupid enough to lie about something that was not even illegal. What he did was not illegal. Him lying about what he legally did was illegal. So the 'SIGNIFICANT' indictment here is that Mueller criminally indicted Mueller FOR BEING STUPID, a 'gottcha' crime if there ever was one because it would have never happened if the witch hunt - based on no evidence of a crime ever being committed that needed investigating - had not been partisanly begun.

There is no evidence of Trump; 'Obstructing Justice' - that is DESPERATE snowflake BS. You KNOW if Mueller had evidence of such he would have already indicted Trump. You are SO desperate to take down Trump that you have convinced yourself that 'I hope this will end soon' regarding the investigation of Flynn equates to 'I order you to drop the investigation of Flynn', which it does NOT. No Judge would find that to be 'Obstruction of Justice'...unless it was the 9th Circuit Court'. :p Bwuhahaha...

Again, YOUR partisan desperation is duly noted....Have a good day, snowflake.... LOL!

Another armchair lawyer in our ranks..:21: Telling Mueller what is and isn't illegal....:badgrin:
These are all efforts by trump cult members to discredit Mueller.
No, dipshit - these are all articles providing facts and evidence against Mueller's Witch Hunt.

Democrats are BEGGING Congress to protect Mueller's witch hunt after his unethical and criminal behavior, shredding the DOJ's standards for conducting investigations, and after Mueller and Democrats have FAILED to produce one shred of evidence a crime ever took place warranting an investigation.
Evidence of Flynn lying to everyone including FBI, based on which Mueller has ALREADY got a GUILTY PLEA from Flynn.

Evidence of Trump obstructing justice, including firing FBI director who refused to cave to Trump's demands that his drop Flynns case.


Flynn was stupid enough to lie about something that was not even illegal. What he did was not illegal. Him lying about what he legally did was illegal. So the 'SIGNIFICANT' indictment here is that Mueller criminally indicted Mueller FOR BEING STUPID, a 'gottcha' crime if there ever was one because it would have never happened if the witch hunt - based on no evidence of a crime ever being committed that needed investigating - had not been partisanly begun.

There is no evidence of Trump; 'Obstructing Justice' - that is DESPERATE snowflake BS. You KNOW if Mueller had evidence of such he would have already indicted Trump. You are SO desperate to take down Trump that you have convinced yourself that 'I hope this will end soon' regarding the investigation of Flynn equates to 'I order you to drop the investigation of Flynn', which it does NOT. No Judge would find that to be 'Obstruction of Justice'...unless it was the 9th Circuit Court'. :p Bwuhahaha...

Again, YOUR partisan desperation is duly noted....Have a good day, snowflake.... LOL!

So now you DO admit that there was evidence of illegality - Flynn lying to FBI.

So you do admit that your broad claim that there was no evidence of illegality is false.

You don't admit that there is evidence of Trump obstructing justice because...Mueller would have already indicted him, which is fucking stupid. Mueller's investigation timeline is for him to decide and you have got not the slightest clue for the reasons behind it.

FBI director testified that Trump inappropriately tried to squash Flynn investigation, with real time memos to support - that IS EVIDENCE.

Trump PUBLICLY admitted that the official reasons for firing Comey were bullshit and that he fired him because of "the Russia thing" - again, that IS EVIDENCE.

So here again, when you say no evidence are 100% wrong.
Another armchair lawyer in our ranks..:21: Telling Mueller what is and isn't illegal....:badgrin:
Many famous lawyers have stepped up and stated the FACTS:

Mueller has NOTHING, no evidence of a crime, no evidence of illegal collusion, no evidence against Trump, NOTHING...except against DEMOCRATS.
So now you DO admit that there was evidence of illegality - Flynn lying to FBI.

Thank you for PROVING you CAN NOT READ, that you are as dumb as a rock.

Flynn was not doing anything illegal. Not before the Witch Hunt Started...not even after...until Mueller and Strzok interrogated him. The questioning of Flynn would not have occurred if Mueller did not open up his investigation, an investigation that was begun despite ZERO evidence of a crime had been committed.

Flynn was stupid and lied about something that was not even illegal. Flynn's crime was of being STUPID, about lying about something not even illegal. The criminal partisans immediately jumped on this error / crime of stupidity, charging Flynn with lying to the FBI.

The same people who indicted Flynn for lying to the FBI refused to indict -protected from indictment - Hillary aides Abedin and Mills. This is called 'Obstruction'.

The same people who indicted Flynn as the next 'Scooter Libby' in their Witch Hunt are the same people who protected Hillary from due indictment for her crimes, who colluded and collaborated amongst themselves and with the AG, writing Hillary's exoneration before the investigation was over and modifying the final FBI report by removing the words that specifically pointed out where and how she had broken the law.

The same people who made a 'Scooter Libby' out od Flynn had taken bribes from Hillary, had met in Secret Society meetings to flan the treasonous take-down of the newly elected President....included the same people who have been fired, some stripped of their pensions based on their unethical and criminal conduct.
FBI director testified that Trump inappropriately tried to squash Flynn investigation, with real time memos to support - that IS EVIDENCE..
Again, thank you for the desperate snowflake interpretation of what happened. Mueller's buddy testified Trump told him - Comey - that he HOPED he saw fit to end the investigation against Flynn because Flynn was a nice guy doing nothing wrong.

1. I 'HOPE' is not the same thing as I 'ORDER You', dumbass...no matter how desperately you want it to be so.

2. TRUMP WAS RIGHT - FLYNN HAD BROKEN NO LAW. Flynn never broke the law - what he was doing was legal. The crime came when Strzok and Mueller pulled their 'gottcha' moment, rattling Flynn to the point where he stupidly lied about something not even illegal. Flynn had committed no crime worth investigating, either...but the crime resulted from the investigation that should never have been begun in the 1st place.


Again, there was NEVER any evidence of a crime committed warranting an investigation of 'Russian Collusion' regarding Trump...

Thank you for helping me make my point! :p
One needs only to look at how many people have been fired and demoted in The FBI and DOJ, not by The Trump Administration but by The FBI & DOJ itself to realize how many corrupt operatives Obama and Clinton had placed there.

It’s time for The IG to Investigate Comey.

McCabe’s firing is proof that Comey’s firing was justified.

The Inspector General's subpoena powers are administrative and apply to employees of the Justice Department ... Not necessarily former employees.


What a joke. So the FBI’s mandate should be to catch Hillary in a lie? If lying was illegal then Trump would have been locked away long ago. Lying is only criminal if done purposely and under oath, or to law enforcement as a tactic for obstruction. The whole FBI conflagration has been manufactured by Trump to both blunt and delegitimize the Mueller investigation. It also serves to divert public scrutiny from important matters, toward the sensational tabloid fare that is the focus of media coverage.

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No, you fucking ignorant apologist for your scumbag cuuunt who lost. It is not FOR LYING YOU PIECE OF SHIT!

Why the fuck do I need to breath the same fucking air as these pathetic ignorant pieces of shit?
FBI director testified that Trump inappropriately tried to squash Flynn investigation, with real time memos to support - that IS EVIDENCE..
Again, thank you for the desperate snowflake interpretation of what happened. Mueller's buddy testified Trump told him - Comey - that he HOPED he saw fit to end the investigation against Flynn because Flynn was a nice guy doing nothing wrong.

1. I 'HOPE' is not the same thing as I 'ORDER You', dumbass...no matter how desperately you want it to be so.

2. TRUMP WAS RIGHT - FLYNN HAD BROKEN NO LAW. Flynn never broke the law - what he was doing was legal. The crime came when Strzok and Mueller pulled their 'gottcha' moment, rattling Flynn to the point where he stupidly lied about something not even illegal. Flynn had committed no crime worth investigating, either...but the crime resulted from the investigation that should never have been begun in the 1st place.


Again, there was NEVER any evidence of a crime committed warranting an investigation of 'Russian Collusion' regarding Trump...

Thank you for helping me make my point! :p

Flynn borke the law by lying to FBI (YOU ADMIT AS MUCH) and him being investigated was 100% appropriate, while Trump's interference in the investigation was 100% inappropriate, as per evidence.

Mueller will tell us if there is ENOUGH evidence prosecute Trump for Obstruction of Justice.

Now then, I've wasted enough time on your idiocy for one day.
Just a poll on what people now think of the FBI.

if you think they have, you've certainly helped enable the orange treasonous sociopath.

Well if the evidence is really there, the FBI should have done that long ago, but my guess is that they will drag this out another few years for political purposes, which would just back up what I'm suggesting.
Just a poll on what people now think of the FBI.

if you think they have, you've certainly helped enable the orange treasonous sociopath.

Well if the evidence is really there, the FBI should have done that long ago, but my guess is that they will drag this out another few years for political purposes, which would just back up what I'm suggesting.

They will drag it out until after 2018 mid-terms, so their report will be presented to a more receptive audience than Nunes & Co

The man being investigated by the FBI is leading the charge to discredit them and the mindless herd is not questioning that. If the FBI is so corrupt where were the calls to question their authority in years past? Odd timing that the FBI "has lost credibility" now when a Republican president is under investigation. Fucking morons, every one of you.
Flynn borke the law by lying to FBI (YOU ADMIT AS MUCH) and him being investigated was 100% appropriate, while Trump's interference in the investigation was 100% inappropriate, as per evidence.

You keep claiming that Flynn breaking the law was justification for him being investigated; yet we all know now Flynn was doing nothing illegal, that his investigation was due to a witch hunt being started despite no evidence of a crime being committed warranting an investigation to begin with. Therefore Flynn's indictment was a result of the investigation that never should have begun in the 1st place.

Flynn Indictment = 'SCOOTER LIBBY'.

Flynn's Indictment does not prove the non-existent 'Illegal Russian Collusion' happened. There is, going on 2 years now, no evidence it happened, and Flynn's indictment is insignificant to the investigation into that fake collusion crap. In fact, if anything, it proves NOTHING Illegal was being done, and Mueller STILL has no evidence a crime was ever committed BEFORE his Witch Hunt began.

Flynn borke the law by lying to FBI (YOU ADMIT AS MUCH) and him being investigated was 100% appropriate, while Trump's interference in the investigation was 100% inappropriate, as per evidence.

You keep claiming that Flynn breaking the law was justification for him being investigated; yet we all know now Flynn was doing nothing illegal

No, we know he lied to FBI, which is illegal, a crime that he has PLED GUILTY TO.

I know it.

You know it...but you are also crazy enough to try to simultaneously know it AND say shit that is DIRECTLY CONTRADICTORY to that knowledge.

My only explanation of this phenomenon is that you have a serious mental deficiency.
They will drag it out until after 2018 mid-terms, so their report will be presented to a more receptive audience than Nunes & Co

Agreed - the witch hunt isn't about non-existent Russian Collusion anymore. Much like the 'DREAMER' issue, the Mueller witch hunt is nothing more than an 'ISSUE' Democrats want to use against the Republicans.... (despite it is a non-issue supported by ZERO evidence).

Democrats still want to USE illegals / Dreamers, use 'DACA', which they could have gotten passed by now, as an ISSUE, to emotionally manipulate voters - just like with the Witch Hunt...but the illegals figured that out, gave the Finger to the Democrats, and declared they were no longer 'Democrats'. :p

Hopefully the rest of the country will figure out finally that the Witch Hunt is BS as well and will also turn on the liberals who are wasting our time and money....
They will drag it out until after 2018 mid-terms, so their report will be presented to a more receptive audience than Nunes & Co

Agreed - the witch hunt isn't about non-existent Russian Collusion anymore.

It was never about just about collusion. It was about Russian interference in American election and it WILL BE about whatever illegalities the special investigation will discover in the process.
Flynn borke the law by lying to FBI (YOU ADMIT AS MUCH) and him being investigated was 100% appropriate, while Trump's interference in the investigation was 100% inappropriate, as per evidence.

You keep claiming that Flynn breaking the law was justification for him being investigated; yet we all know now Flynn was doing nothing illegal

No, we know he lied to FBI, which is illegal, a crime that he has PLED GUILTY TO.

I know it.

You know it...but you are also crazy enough to try to simultaneously know it AND say shit that is DIRECTLY CONTRADICTORY to that knowledge.

My only explanation of this phenomenon is that you have a serious mental deficiency.
Bwuhahahaha.....I see you are too stupid to understand, no matter how slowly I type.

Flynn's crime was being STUPID...much like you. His stupidity became a crime only after Liberals launched their witch hunt against Trump based on ZERO evidence a crime warranting an investigation - the investigation Mueller is till running.

Congrats, dumbass....instead of indicting:

- A woman who took $145 million from the KGB Bank, helped Russians acquire Uranium 1 and uranium, committed thousands of crimes in her sever scandal consisting of crimes such as Espionage / Criminal Negligence / Obstruction / 30,000+ criminal counts of violations of the FOIA and Federal Records Act, colluded with foreign spies and Russians to obtain Russian propaganda she illegally used in a US election (sedition / treason), violated both campaign finance and US election laws, and both cheated and had to be protected from criminal indictment to run for office....

- A former FBI agent who hid Russian Crimes and helped them acquire Uranium 1 and US uranium; ruined 2 men's lives- bullying 1 of them into committing suicide after going after them for anthrax attacks despite all the evidence pointing to the real Islamic extremist terrorists

- A former FBI agent who engaged in sedition, treason, obstruction, leaking classified, etc...

Instead of getting real criminals evidence shows committed crimes against the US and who were enemies of the state....you successfully indicted a guy who was so stupid he did not know what he was lying about was NOT illegal to begin with.

It was never about just about collusion. It was about Russian interference in American election and it WILL BE about whatever illegalities the special investigation will discover in the process.

After going on 2 years...

There is no evidence of illegal collusion involving Trump
There is no evidence of any crimes perpetrated by his associates regarding illegally colluding with Russians
There is evidence that Mueller, Comey, Holder, Hillary, Lynch, and Obama illegally colluded with Russians
There is evidence enough to convict these people....

This witch hunt is already going down as the most crooked in US history as Mueller and the liberals who refuse to accept the outcome of the 2016 election continue to chase leprechauns and purple unicorns while ignoring and refusing to address the real crimes committed by the traitors involved in the witch hunt.
'Has the FBI lost credibility in recent news events?'

Putin and the Russians contacted Obama personally and the FBI.

They told us about the Tsarnaev brothers, how the oldest had attended the terrorist training camp, had learned to build bombs., and intended to conduct bombings in the US.

They passed this info WELL in advance of the Boston Marathon event.

The FBI and Obama completely FAILED to stop the bombing - Americans were killed and maimed.

AFTERWARDS, Obama and the FBI plastered the TV with pictures of the brothers and pleaded with the American people to help identify them....

WHY TF* did they do that when they already KNEW who they were and that they had done this?

Answer: To cover up their F*-Up, making people think they knew nothing in advance. Lies and decit instead of truth to cover up their f*-up!

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