Has the FBI lost credibility in recent news events?

Has the FBI lost credibility?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 62.7%
  • No

    Votes: 21 35.6%
  • Dunno, I live under a rock

    Votes: 1 1.7%

  • Total voters
We already know how the President and his Republican minions work.....

They showed us their cards with the whole "release the memo #" sham.....the propaganda campaign and the build up, all before the memo release, then the fizzle when we find out it was nothing....

The President and his men rushing to fire this guy McCabe before his retirement, without due process and without having the IG report available so we the people can see it and understand why he was fired....and all the tweeting from the president to convince his weak minded minions....and to build up the suspense for the Friday firing.....

is ALL the same ole same ole.....can't teach a DIRTY Dog new tricks I suppose.....

It's all bull crap.... Hype! Is my best guess....or at least until we can see the inspector general's report and find out how they handled any others doing the same as McCabe....did they fire these others 24 hours before retirement....?

Sessions was suppose to be recused from anything that touches the Russian investigation and anything that touched the Hillary Clinton probes.....

Trump is destroying our nation and the very fabric of the US citizen and the rule of Law....he is the Man of Lawlessness that the Bible speaks of....imo.... :eek: And a vengeful, vindictive, lying son of a bitch.

He is a disgusting human being....if you can call him human.

I can not wait till he is thrown in to the Lake of Fire! Can't happen soon enough! AMEN!
again - the FBI internally recommended he be fired. in your rush to hate trump why do people keep leaving that little tidbit out?
then why not release it at the same time of the firing??

Sessions made the final decision, not the IG, sessions chose the timing, chose to do it at 10 pm at night on a Friday, 26 hours before his retirement... yet the internal review was not even completed enough to show us....to be released....???

COME ON....!!!!

It was all another DIRECTED and produced reality show stunt.....MADE to divide us....

The Don Divider won again.... bet you just LOVE this kind of winning..... :rolleyes:
far as i'm concerned the divide happened long ago and went cray-cray with obama and we're all just following along saying MY SIDE RIGHT, YOURS WRONG when the actual issues are so much deeper than that.

did the FBI recommend mccabe gets fired? yes/no?

and how about not thinking for me and working out your opinions about me based on things i've never said? maybe *THAT* is a huge cause for divide trump or obama have zero control over.
did the FBI recommend mccabe gets fired? yes/no?

No, the separate Inspector general supposedly did, and he is NOT the FBI, he is the FBI WATCHDOG, from my understanding...
Just a poll on what people now think of the FBI.

I still respect the professionalism of the FBI. It's the political appointees at the TOP that are rotten.

Did Trump tell you that? :rolleyes:

Because that's exactly what a guilty, constantly lying, rotten man in high office would try to tell you through every outlet available.
What a joke. So the FBI’s mandate should be to catch Hillary in a lie? If lying was illegal then Trump would have been locked away long ago. Lying is only criminal if done purposely and under oath, or to law enforcement as a tactic for obstruction. The whole FBI conflagration has been manufactured by Trump to both blunt and delegitimize the Mueller investigation. It also serves to divert public scrutiny from important matters, toward the sensational tabloid fare that is the focus of media coverage.

Uh, no ... I was responding to the poster's assertion the Inspector General should investigate Commey.

What I posted doesn't mean Commey shouldn't be investigated or whatever you want.
I only indicated the Inspector General's subpoena powers are administrative ... Which means he can only subpoena employees of the Justice Department.

Commey is no longer an employee of the Justice Department and the Inspector General cannot subpoena him.

I'd like to know if the IG recommend that McCabe be fired, or if the IG simply said it could be a fire-able offense....

Sessions made the decision, not the IG, we know that part already....that is their protocol, it is up to the AG to decided if a person's lifelong career of good vs the bad things is fair in their firing....

so far, on all the inspector general's reprts with people doing things that they could be fired for, the AG's have weighed them, and NOT fired them but reprimanded or demoted them, if the years of good and dedicated service were there, when on a person at the level of McCabe....?

So if the IG found really really really egregious stuff on Mccabe, then it would be justified....we just do not know yet, cuz the report from the IG is not completed enough yet, for us to see....
Just a poll on what people now think of the FBI.

No.... Orange Clown is desperate to stop Mueller. His fingerprints are all over the firing of McCabe....we will see when when the report comes out.

If the so called president called the IG or Sessions and tell them to find a way to fire McCay they will do it. I think that is what happened. The report can prove me wrong.

There us NO REASON to trust the Fat Orange Clown....if he did pull the old pressure from the president trick....Mueller will find out.

Andrew McCabe: Firing Recommended for FBI Deputy Director | National Review

let me repeat:
Andrew McCabe: Firing Recommended for FBI Deputy Director | National Review

and for those who are terminally stupid
Andrew McCabe: Firing Recommended for FBI Deputy Director | National Review

the FBI is cleaning up their own mess.

Leave Mueller Alone! The orange idiot is after Mueller....and in the process he is tainting the standing of a upstanding law enforcement agency and....

HE IS ATTACKING REPUBLICANS...the man us now on a very dangerous island.
We already know how the President and his Republican minions work.....

They showed us their cards with the whole "release the memo #" sham.....the propaganda campaign and the build up, all before the memo release, then the fizzle when we find out it was nothing....

The President and his men rushing to fire this guy McCabe before his retirement, without due process and without having the IG report available so we the people can see it and understand why he was fired....and all the tweeting from the president to convince his weak minded minions....and to build up the suspense for the Friday firing.....

is ALL the same ole same ole.....can't teach a DIRTY Dog new tricks I suppose.....

It's all bull crap.... Hype! Is my best guess....or at least until we can see the inspector general's report and find out how they handled any others doing the same as McCabe....did they fire these others 24 hours before retirement....?

Sessions was suppose to be recused from anything that touches the Russian investigation and anything that touched the Hillary Clinton probes.....

Trump is destroying our nation and the very fabric of the US citizen and the rule of Law....he is the Man of Lawlessness that the Bible speaks of....imo.... :eek: And a vengeful, vindictive, lying son of a bitch.

He is a disgusting human being....if you can call him human.

I can not wait till he is thrown in to the Lake of Fire! Can't happen soon enough! AMEN!
again - the FBI internally recommended he be fired. in your rush to hate trump why do people keep leaving that little tidbit out?
then why not release it at the same time of the firing??

Sessions made the final decision, not the IG, sessions chose the timing, chose to do it at 10 pm at night on a Friday, 26 hours before his retirement... yet the internal review was not even completed enough to show us....to be released....???

COME ON....!!!!

It was all another DIRECTED and produced reality show stunt.....MADE to divide us....

The Don Divider won again.... bet you just LOVE this kind of winning..... :rolleyes:
far as i'm concerned the divide happened long ago and went cray-cray with obama and we're all just following along saying MY SIDE RIGHT, YOURS WRONG when the actual issues are so much deeper than that.

did the FBI recommend mccabe gets fired? yes/no?

and how about not thinking for me and working out your opinions about me based on things i've never said? maybe *THAT* is a huge cause for divide trump or obama have zero control over.
did the FBI recommend mccabe gets fired? yes/no?

No, the separate Inspector general supposedly did, and he is NOT the FBI, he is the FBI WATCHDOG, from my understanding...
and what is that persons job who recommended it?

i get the trump hate, but he's not the devil, just an asshole. if we're to ever fix the problems we as a country face we need to stop pretending they stop and start with 1 person OTHER than ourselves.
The FBI is now known as the Democratic Party's 'Gestapo', their 'KGB'....

Despite being warned about the Tsarnaev Brothers' intent on committing s terrorist bombing in advance, the FBI failed to stop the bombing. Afterwards, Obama and the FBI put their pictures on TV and asked Americans to help identify them...despite the fact that they knew EXACTLY who they were....Americans needlessly allowed to die.

Mueller, Holder, Obama, and Hillary hid evidence of Russian crimes associated with their attempt to acquire Uranium One and US uranium. Hillary took $145 million in bribes while Bill took $500k a pop from the KGB Bank for speeches...they helped the Russians acquire both...

Comey, Lynch, & Obama hid Russian crimes of PsyOp programs which successfully go t Democrats to organize and marching for them, paid Democrat Groups (Black Fist, Antifa, BLM) to spread racial division and violence, attempted to hack our energy grid, attempted to hack the DNC and govt agencies, etc...and refused to do anything to stop it.

Knew about the history and threat the Parkland shooter posed yet failed to do it's job...17 kids and adults died needlessly,,,

Leaks, obstruction, protecting Democrats from indictments, shredding the DOJ standard for indictments by filing huge 0ver-the-top indictments then offering 'deals of the century' in an attempt to intimidate and pressure witnesses to cooperate, manufacturing crimes to intimidate and force witnesses to deal or go to jail, etc...

McCabe was just fired and stripped of his pension for sedition / treason...

The FBI is a joke and, again, is little more than the Democrats' 'Gestapo Arm' of their 'Secret Society'...
We already know how the President and his Republican minions work.....

They showed us their cards with the whole "release the memo #" sham.....the propaganda campaign and the build up, all before the memo release, then the fizzle when we find out it was nothing....

The President and his men rushing to fire this guy McCabe before his retirement, without due process and without having the IG report available so we the people can see it and understand why he was fired....and all the tweeting from the president to convince his weak minded minions....and to build up the suspense for the Friday firing.....

is ALL the same ole same ole.....can't teach a DIRTY Dog new tricks I suppose.....

It's all bull crap.... Hype! Is my best guess....or at least until we can see the inspector general's report and find out how they handled any others doing the same as McCabe....did they fire these others 24 hours before retirement....?

Sessions was suppose to be recused from anything that touches the Russian investigation and anything that touched the Hillary Clinton probes.....

Trump is destroying our nation and the very fabric of the US citizen and the rule of Law....he is the Man of Lawlessness that the Bible speaks of....imo.... :eek: And a vengeful, vindictive, lying son of a bitch.

He is a disgusting human being....if you can call him human.

I can not wait till he is thrown in to the Lake of Fire! Can't happen soon enough! AMEN!
again - the FBI internally recommended he be fired. in your rush to hate trump why do people keep leaving that little tidbit out?
then why not release it at the same time of the firing??

Sessions made the final decision, not the IG, sessions chose the timing, chose to do it at 10 pm at night on a Friday, 26 hours before his retirement... yet the internal review was not even completed enough to show us....to be released....???

COME ON....!!!!

It was all another DIRECTED and produced reality show stunt.....MADE to divide us....

The Don Divider won again.... bet you just LOVE this kind of winning..... :rolleyes:
far as i'm concerned the divide happened long ago and went cray-cray with obama and we're all just following along saying MY SIDE RIGHT, YOURS WRONG when the actual issues are so much deeper than that.

did the FBI recommend mccabe gets fired? yes/no?

and how about not thinking for me and working out your opinions about me based on things i've never said? maybe *THAT* is a huge cause for divide trump or obama have zero control over.
did the FBI recommend mccabe gets fired? yes/no?

No, the separate Inspector general supposedly did, and he is NOT the FBI, he is the FBI WATCHDOG, from my understanding...
and what is that persons job who recommended it?

i get the trump hate, but he's not the devil, just an asshole. if we're to ever fix the problems we as a country face we need to stop pretending they stop and start with 1 person OTHER than ourselves.
i disagree. He's destroying our nation from within...he's the master of all dividers...the sooner people like you face this truth, the better for our nation.....if we have one left after the devil's incarnate is done....

and yes, I am serious...
I'd like to know if the IG recommend that McCabe be fired, or if the IG simply said it could be a fire-able offense...

I am not entirely sure whether or not they have the authority to recommend termination ... :dunno:
They can list any number of findings in violation of policy ... Of which any could result in termination.

What I am trying to suggest is that I am not sure termination is within the scope of the IG's responsibilities.
I know that sounds odd ... But it is a matter that focuses on the integrity of the IG's investigation.

The IG is not necessarily tasked with deciding who should or shouldn't be fired ...
As much as simply identifying what policies apply and whether or not they were adhered to.

The integrity reside in the ... "I don't care what your opinion is ... All I want is the facts".

The FBI is not our greatest investigative agency, but it is certainly more reliable than the online conspiracy theorists. The issue is that a lot of people simply don't like what they don't want to hear...so when an agency doesn't follow their agenda they think it is "bad." I can say, working in the government, that the FBI is likely not too much different from other government agencies...what people tend to chalk up for maliciousness is likely more due to lack of communication, red tape, or ineptitude. With that being said, again, the FBI is far more reliable than any sort of online crackpot you'll come across and far better than most local and state agencies as well.
Leave Mueller Alone! The orange idiot is after Mueller....and in the process he is tainting the standing of a upstanding law enforcement agency and....

Read today's National Review article in which they 'spell out' how Rosenstein and Mueller are back at their own criminal tricks of Prosecutorial and investigative misconduct shredding the DOJ Standards of objective, ethical law enforcement through abusive intimidation, bullying, filing massive over-the-top threatening 'scary' criminal charges they have no intention of following through with - using them to then offer 'deals of a lifetime' for 0 to almost no jail time. hoping to get the sucker to agree to a pi$$ant plea deal and to cooperate.

No better example of this exists than the Manafort / Gates indictments. Despite being tasked with investigating Russian collusion / interference in the 2016 election, Mueller and Gates charged Manafort and Gates with trumped up charges of Conspiracy, and a host of other felonies - the main charge was for Money Laundering BACK IN THE PAST BEFORE OBAMA WAS EVER INITIALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT. None of the charges had a damn thing to do with the reason for the investigation or task Mueller was given. Despite the charges carrying a minimum of 30 years, Mueller offered Gates a 'SUPER' deal, offering charges that would drop the 30 years minimum to ZERO to 5 years max for cooperating...to give Mueller something he did not have - EVIDENCE of any kind.
-- Manafort's charges, it is being reported, may be dropped altogether. These tactics, again, 'shred' the DOJ's standards and practices of indictments and plea bargaining. They are, instead, documented tactics Rosenstein and Mueller have used in the past, tactics which resulted - as they intended - in innocent people going to jail. On occasion they have withheld evidence that could have prevented people from going to jail and have even MANUFACTURED crimes, which they a5re reportedly doing now, in an attempt to intimidate and bully the witnesses into helping them. These are not idle threats, though - in the past they have used both tactics to send innocent people to jail...for which they have been verbally reprimanded in the past. (For what they did - taking innocent people's freedom and destroying their lives, both should be in prison'.) Also, when exercising the warrant to search Manafort's house, Mueller's team reportedly took evidence NOT on the initial warrant, voiding all evidence found during the search. Based on all of this Manafort could walk and it could be Rosenstein and Mueller who find themselves in hot water....WE CAN ONLY HOPE.

The article outlines the unethical and down-right illegal practices perpetrated by the 2...check out the thread started this morning on it.

It provides the reason why Democrats are suddenly so desperate to 'save' Mueller from being fired...
I'd like to know if the IG recommend that McCabe be fired, or if the IG simply said it could be a fire-able offense....

Sessions made the decision, not the IG, we know that part already....that is their protocol, it is up to the AG to decided if a person's lifelong career of good vs the bad things is fair in their firing....

so far, on all the inspector general's reprts with people doing things that they could be fired for, the AG's have weighed them, and NOT fired them but reprimanded or demoted them, if the years of good and dedicated service were there, when on a person at the level of McCabe....?

So if the IG found really really really egregious stuff on Mccabe, then it would be justified....we just do not know yet, cuz the report from the IG is not completed enough yet, for us to see....

That's what happened when you rely on Facebook or CNN for news.
FBI officials recommend firing former deputy director about to retire
or it may have been the latest liberal hero
Schiff: McCabe May Have Deserved to Be Fired
Mueller, Holder, Hillary, Obama - protected Russians & helped them acquire Uranium 1 / U.S. Uranium

Comey, Lynch, Obama - Protected Russians from running PsyOps ops to divide the US, paid DNC groups to spread racist division & violence, got liberals to organize and march for them, attempted to hack DNC and energy grid..

Paid foreign spies working with Russians for fake Russian-generated propaganda they used illegally in a US election and illegally used to get FISA warrants to spy on the GOP Presidential election (Watergate on Steroids)...
committed sedition / treason, and Mueller, Comey, Strzok, Holder, Hillary, Lynch, and Obama committed more crimes, did more to effect the outcome of the 2016 election than the Russians ever did.
Mueller, Holder, Hillary, Obama - protected Russians & helped them acquire Uranium 1 / U.S. Uranium

Comey, Lynch, Obama - Protected Russians from running PsyOps ops to divide the US, paid DNC groups to spread racist division & violence, got liberals to organize and march for them, attempted to hack DNC and energy grid..

Paid foreign spies working with Russians for fake Russian-generated propaganda they used illegally in a US election and illegally used to get FISA warrants to spy on the GOP Presidential election (Watergate on Steroids)...
committed sedition / treason, and Mueller, Comey, Strzok, Holder, Hillary, Lynch, and Obama committed more crimes, did more to effect the outcome of the 2016 election than the Russians ever did.




you done?
Leave Mueller Alone! The orange idiot is after Mueller....and in the process he is tainting the standing of a upstanding law enforcement agency and....

Read today's National Review article in which they 'spell out' how Rosenstein and Mueller are back at their own criminal tricks

Someone at national review? Sure sounds credible and objective.
Last edited:
Bulshit ... Bullshit ... Bullshit ... you done?


"No, no, no, no, no...Stop it, stop it ,stop it!
I can't hear you...Lalalala...Waaaaaaaaaaaa!

Leave Mueller Alone! The orange idiot is after Mueller....and in the process he is tainting the standing of a upstanding law enforcement agency and....

Read today's National Review article in which they 'spell out' how Rosenstein and Mueller are back at their own criminal tricks of Prosecutorial and investigative misconduct shredding the DOJ Standards of objective, ethical law enforcement through abusive intimidation, bullying, filing massive over-the-top threatening 'scary' criminal charges they have no intention of following through with - using them to then offer 'deals of a lifetime' for 0 to almost no jail time. hoping to get the sucker to agree to a pi$$ant plea deal and to cooperate.

No better example of this exists than the Manafort / Gates indictments. Despite being tasked with investigating Russian collusion / interference in the 2016 election, Mueller and Gates charged Manafort and Gates with trumped up charges of Conspiracy, and a host of other felonies - the main charge was for Money Laundering BACK IN THE PAST BEFORE OBAMA WAS EVER INITIALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT. None of the charges had a damn thing to do with the reason for the investigation or task Mueller was given. Despite the charges carrying a minimum of 30 years, Mueller offered Gates a 'SUPER' deal, offering charges that would drop the 30 years minimum to ZERO to 5 years max for cooperating...to give Mueller something he did not have - EVIDENCE of any kind.
-- Manafort's charges, it is being reported, may be dropped altogether. These tactics, again, 'shred' the DOJ's standards and practices of indictments and plea bargaining. They are, instead, documented tactics Rosenstein and Mueller have used in the past, tactics which resulted - as they intended - in innocent people going to jail. On occasion they have withheld evidence that could have prevented people from going to jail and have even MANUFACTURED crimes, which they a5re reportedly doing now, in an attempt to intimidate and bully the witnesses into helping them. These are not idle threats, though - in the past they have used both tactics to send innocent people to jail...for which they have been verbally reprimanded in the past. (For what they did - taking innocent people's freedom and destroying their lives, both should be in prison'.) Also, when exercising the warrant to search Manafort's house, Mueller's team reportedly took evidence NOT on the initial warrant, voiding all evidence found during the search. Based on all of this Manafort could walk and it could be Rosenstein and Mueller who find themselves in hot water....WE CAN ONLY HOPE.

The article outlines the unethical and down-right illegal practices perpetrated by the 2...check out the thread started this morning on it.

It provides the reason why Democrats are suddenly so desperate to 'save' Mueller from being fired...

Tell me....why does president trump act like a guilty man....oh....and both Mueller and Rosenstein are Republicans. But that doesn't make a difference to you...
Someone at national review? Sure sounds credible.
You snowflakes seriously have no clue how you look and sound every time you try to attack a SOURCE...while never trying to prove what was said / reported was false...because you can't.


'I deem the source not to be credible.........
(....even though what is being reported is!)

Leave Mueller Alone! The orange idiot is after Mueller....and in the process he is tainting the standing of a upstanding law enforcement agency and....

Read today's National Review article in which they 'spell out' how Rosenstein and Mueller are back at their own criminal tricks of Prosecutorial and investigative misconduct shredding the DOJ Standards of objective, ethical law enforcement through abusive intimidation, bullying, filing massive over-the-top threatening 'scary' criminal charges they have no intention of following through with - using them to then offer 'deals of a lifetime' for 0 to almost no jail time. hoping to get the sucker to agree to a pi$$ant plea deal and to cooperate.

No better example of this exists than the Manafort / Gates indictments. Despite being tasked with investigating Russian collusion / interference in the 2016 election, Mueller and Gates charged Manafort and Gates with trumped up charges of Conspiracy, and a host of other felonies - the main charge was for Money Laundering BACK IN THE PAST BEFORE OBAMA WAS EVER INITIALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT. None of the charges had a damn thing to do with the reason for the investigation or task Mueller was given. Despite the charges carrying a minimum of 30 years, Mueller offered Gates a 'SUPER' deal, offering charges that would drop the 30 years minimum to ZERO to 5 years max for cooperating...to give Mueller something he did not have - EVIDENCE of any kind.
-- Manafort's charges, it is being reported, may be dropped altogether. These tactics, again, 'shred' the DOJ's standards and practices of indictments and plea bargaining. They are, instead, documented tactics Rosenstein and Mueller have used in the past, tactics which resulted - as they intended - in innocent people going to jail. On occasion they have withheld evidence that could have prevented people from going to jail and have even MANUFACTURED crimes, which they a5re reportedly doing now, in an attempt to intimidate and bully the witnesses into helping them. These are not idle threats, though - in the past they have used both tactics to send innocent people to jail...for which they have been verbally reprimanded in the past. (For what they did - taking innocent people's freedom and destroying their lives, both should be in prison'.) Also, when exercising the warrant to search Manafort's house, Mueller's team reportedly took evidence NOT on the initial warrant, voiding all evidence found during the search. Based on all of this Manafort could walk and it could be Rosenstein and Mueller who find themselves in hot water....WE CAN ONLY HOPE.

The article outlines the unethical and down-right illegal practices perpetrated by the 2...check out the thread started this morning on it.

It provides the reason why Democrats are suddenly so desperate to 'save' Mueller from being fired...

Your presidential desperation is duly noted...
Tell me....why does president trump act like a guilty man.....

Thank you for that HIGHLY SUBJECTIVE interpretation of the behavior of the man snowflakes hate beyond reason.

Trump has exercised a great deal of patience with the OBVIOUS Witch Hunt being driven by hate into it's 2nd year despite ZERO evidence having been presented that a crime ever was committed warranting an investigation, let alone a Special Liberal assassination team . Counsel.

Personally I would be PISSED that this hate-driven, sore-loser, butt-hurt liberal circus had been allowed to go on this far, having produced zero evidence against me (the President) while refusing to acknowledge / investigate all the crimes existing evidence shows Democrats have perpetrated.

I would find a new US AG who would appoint a 2nd Independent Counsel from outside the DC criminal swamp...and based on pure existing objective evidence that has been produced, by the end of the year Mueller, Comey, Strzok, Holder, Lynch, Rice, Hillary, and Obama would all be indicted for their crimes...the only crimes supported by existing evidence.

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