A Princeton sociologist spent 8 years asking rural Americans why they’re so pissed off


Senior Member
Feb 1, 2018
Robert Wuthnow, a sociologist at Princeton University, spent eight years interviewing Americans in small towns across the country. He had one goal: to understand why rural America is so angry with Washington.

"Wuthnow’s work resulted in a new book, The Left Behind: Decline and Rage in Rural America. He argues that rural Americans are less concerned about economic issues and more concerned about Washington threatening the social fabric of small towns and causing a “moral decline” in the country as a whole. The problem, though, is that it’s never quite clear what that means or how Washington is responsible for it."

And this is where he gets to the root
Sean Illing
"I guess I just don’t know how to respond to these sorts of complaints. Yes, the world has changed; it’s always changing. And I understand the sense of loss some people feel because of that, but at some point, we have to acknowledge that culture evolves and stop trying to unwind the historical clock."

They have been fighting cultural changes they already lost, then trump comes along and assures them he alone will turn back the clock and bring back their 1950's world of minorities and women knowing their places and then sells them MAGA hats

A Princeton sociologist spent 8 years asking rural Americans why they’re so pissed off
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Robert Wuthnow, a sociologist at Princeton University, spent eight years interviewing Americans in small towns across the country. He had one goal: to understand why rural America is so angry with Washington.

"Wuthnow’s work resulted in a new book, The Left Behind: Decline and Rage in Rural America. He argues that rural Americans are less concerned about economic issues and more concerned about Washington threatening the social fabric of small towns and causing a “moral decline” in the country as a whole. The problem, though, is that it’s never quite clear what that means or how Washington is responsible for it."

And this is where he gets to the root
Sean Illing
"I guess I just don’t know how to respond to these sorts of complaints. Yes, the world has changed; it’s always changing. And I understand the sense of loss some people feel because of that, but at some point, we have to acknowledge that culture evolves and stop trying to unwind the historical clock."

They have been fighting cultural changes they already lost, then trump comes along and assures them he alone will turn back the clock and bring back their 1950's world of minorities and women knowing their places and then sells them MAGA hats

A Princeton sociologist spent 8 years asking rural Americans why they’re so pissed off

It's a problem.

People are often angry but don't understand why. Others tell them why, but they're not telling them the truth. They believe this lie and then they can't turn back from it because that would be to admit they're stupid or something.
First of all the so-called sociologist can't distinguish anger from concern. Hard to imagine he can get any good data, given his bias from the start. Also, in typical liberal fashion, he confuses the progressive movement with positive change. In the long term, no one really benefits from lower standards.

It takes food to keep a nation going, that comes from rural areas and always will. Go ahead and change that part of society so it doesn't function and see how great a country you have. Perhaps this gentleman was not given good information because he came off as a city slicker. Whatever the reason, he certainly did not learn a thing, nor help the cause of understanding.
You had to know that a Princeton Turd was going to come up with some Bullshit he already believed before he went on his Bullshit eight year tour.

He should have just read what Thomas Jefferson had to say: That the the huge congested rotting cities now being invaded by a Mexican and Muslim hoard were the greatest threat to the great experiment Jefferson and his fellow founding fathers set in motion....which has been the greatest in the human history.

Heartland America is watching Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco turn into Socialist Cesspools and spew their cancer around to the rest of the country.....turning it into a budding Venezuela.

And a fucking Princeton Professor can't understand why Jeffersonians all across America are pissed. Who is surprised?
He should interview the left, show them a picture of president Trump then ask them why they are so angry.

It is real easy, he is a despicable human being!

What specifically did Trump do to make you angry?

Pretty much everything about him. You do know he is a liberal at heart don't you?
So you are saying Liberals are despicable?

Far left and far right are indeed despicable.
He should interview the left, show them a picture of president Trump then ask them why they are so angry.

It is real easy, he is a despicable human being!

What specifically did Trump do to make you angry?

Pretty much everything about him. You do know he is a liberal at heart don't you?

Eating your own again?

In what way dupe?
He should interview the left, show them a picture of president Trump then ask them why they are so angry.

It is real easy, he is a despicable human being!

What specifically did Trump do to make you angry?

Pretty much everything about him. You do know he is a liberal at heart don't you?

Eating your own again?

In what way dupe?


Why would I educate you?
That professor should have spent his time in the Democrat controlled inner city shitholes asking the Blacks why they are so pissed off that they kill each other every day and blame White people for their poverty.
He should interview the left, show them a picture of president Trump then ask them why they are so angry.

It is real easy, he is a despicable human being!

What specifically did Trump do to make you angry?

Pretty much everything about him. You do know he is a liberal at heart don't you?

Eating your own again?

In what way dupe?
Small towns are pissed because they are starting to have big town problems! I get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I spent considerable time in two small towns growing up. In both places it did not take long before I knew pretty much every bodoies name that I would run into. I did not need an ID at the bank the teller knew me personally and my siblings names and my parents names. I very rarely ever locked the door in either town there was no need. When I lived in these towns it had been like fifty years since there had been a murder in either one. Now here comes this opiate epidemic and all that has changed. Murders, theft and break ins now happen in both places. Both places have opiate overdoses they are nothing like when I lived there. I am pissed and I do not live in either place any more.
Robert Wuthnow, a sociologist at Princeton University, spent eight years interviewing Americans in small towns across the country. He had one goal: to understand why rural America is so angry with Washington.

"Wuthnow’s work resulted in a new book, The Left Behind: Decline and Rage in Rural America. He argues that rural Americans are less concerned about economic issues and more concerned about Washington threatening the social fabric of small towns and causing a “moral decline” in the country as a whole. The problem, though, is that it’s never quite clear what that means or how Washington is responsible for it."

And this is where he gets to the root
Sean Illing
"I guess I just don’t know how to respond to these sorts of complaints. Yes, the world has changed; it’s always changing. And I understand the sense of loss some people feel because of that, but at some point, we have to acknowledge that culture evolves and stop trying to unwind the historical clock."

They have been fighting cultural changes they already lost, then trump comes along and assures them he alone will turn back the clock and bring back their 1950's world of minorities and women knowing their places and then sells them MAGA hats

A Princeton sociologist spent 8 years asking rural Americans why they’re so pissed off
That hits the nail on the head and combined with the sense of disrespect for their values it’s easy to understand the anger but it is anger impossible to direct at the real problems, because they are so nebulous. So Washington becomes an identifiable target for all things wrong and Trump their salesman and savior.

That hits the nail on the head and combined with the sense of disrespect for their values it’s easy to understand the anger but it is anger impossible to direct at the real problems, because they are so nebulous. So Washington becomes an identifiable target for all things wrong and Trump their salesman and savior.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Congressional Job Approval!

73.7% disapproval rating for Congress...yeah, its just us rural folk....
Robert Wuthnow, a sociologist at Princeton University, spent eight years interviewing Americans in small towns across the country. He had one goal: to understand why rural America is so angry with Washington.

"Wuthnow’s work resulted in a new book, The Left Behind: Decline and Rage in Rural America. He argues that rural Americans are less concerned about economic issues and more concerned about Washington threatening the social fabric of small towns and causing a “moral decline” in the country as a whole. The problem, though, is that it’s never quite clear what that means or how Washington is responsible for it."

And this is where he gets to the root
Sean Illing
"I guess I just don’t know how to respond to these sorts of complaints. Yes, the world has changed; it’s always changing. And I understand the sense of loss some people feel because of that, but at some point, we have to acknowledge that culture evolves and stop trying to unwind the historical clock."

They have been fighting cultural changes they already lost, then trump comes along and assures them he alone will turn back the clock and bring back their 1950's world of minorities and women knowing their places and then sells them MAGA hats

A Princeton sociologist spent 8 years asking rural Americans why they’re so pissed off

Conservatives afraid of change? Are cats afraid of vacuum cleaners?

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