Half Of America Say Trump Is A Liar. Majority Say He's Dishonest


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017

Overall, the recent PPP poll does not bode well for Trump, Americans are wholly rejecting the sitting President with the majority simply dissatisfied with his job performance and almost half believing he needs to be impeached. Whether Trump can turn his perception among Americans around is yet to be seen, but at his current pace Trump may become one of the most unpopular Presidents in American history.

Poll: Half of Americans Think Trump Is a Liar, Majority Think He’s Dishonest – The Daily Reformist

Overall, the recent PPP poll does not bode well for Trump, Americans are wholly rejecting the sitting President with the majority simply dissatisfied with his job performance and almost half believing he needs to be impeached. Whether Trump can turn his perception among Americans around is yet to be seen, but at his current pace Trump may become one of the most unpopular Presidents in American history.

Poll: Half of Americans Think Trump Is a Liar, Majority Think He’s Dishonest – The Daily Reformist
/----- After searching for the original poll and downloading the PDF you have to hunt for the polling demographics. Public Policy Polling surveyed 712 registered voters on February 7th and 8th when he has been in office for only 18 days. and then look at this question that reveals the survey was weighted towards Democrats and no Independents that helped put Trump in office:
Q42 Generally speaking if there was an election for
Congress today, would you vote for the
Democratic or Republican candidate from your
Democrat 49%
Republican 41%
Not sure 10%

Now run a poll 10,000 Likely voters split between Dems Repubs and Independents and see if your rant will hold up.
Go ahead Cupcake, I dare you.
lib idiot.jpg
Another poll where they didn't call me.

That's because you've been permanently removed from all of the "people's opinion we actually care about" lists.

We already know that Trump supporters are screened/blacklisted from fake news media's "polls."

Yeah...that must be why half of America thinks Trump is a liar. :laugh:
I thought Hillary won the election...
Oh, I guess those polls must be faulty.
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Overall, the recent PPP poll does not bode well for Trump, Americans are wholly rejecting the sitting President with the majority simply dissatisfied with his job performance and almost half believing he needs to be impeached. Whether Trump can turn his perception among Americans around is yet to be seen, but at his current pace Trump may become one of the most unpopular Presidents in American history.

Poll: Half of Americans Think Trump Is a Liar, Majority Think He’s Dishonest – The Daily Reformist

So, no change from the last president then?

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