gun facts for anti at own your beliefs...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Here is a quick reference guide to gun ownership, accidents with guns, police vs. civilian ownership, crime in U.S. Vs. Britain....there is a nice series of graphics that puts these various topics together...

The best chart to shut liberals up about gun control Rare recently released an info-graphic with some shocking stats about guns in the United States. Shocking, if you are a liberal of course.

The chart compares and contrasts how gun owners and police use guns, noting that the 80,000,000 Americans who own guns have only a 2 percent accident rate. In contrast, the 794,000 police officers who use firearms experience an 11 percent accident rate.

Internationally, the United States has the highest percentage of residents owning firearms, and among the lowest rates of intentional homicide.

The United Kingdom is a perfect example of gun control going awry, with the UK experiencing close to five times more violent crimes than the United States.

Since the Labor Party’s ban on handguns in 1997, the number of recorded violent attacks has skyrocketed 77 percent in the UK.

- See more at: The best chart to shut liberals up about gun control Rare
Lives cut short Bullets killed 28 000 children teens between 2002 and 2012 - DecodeDC Story

“Gun Wars: The Struggle Over Rights and Regulation in America.” Over the next two weeks we will be featuring much of their reporting. You can view the entire project at the News21 website.
For every U.S. soldier killed in Afghanistan during 11 years of war, at least 13 children were shot and killed in America.

More than 450 kids didn’t make it to kindergarten.

Another 2,700 or more were killed by a firearm before they could sit behind the wheel of a car.

Every day, on average, seven children were shot dead.

A News21 investigation of child and youth deaths in America between 2002 and 2012 found that at least 28,000 children and teens 19-years-old and younger were killed with guns. Teenagers between the ages of 15 and 19 made up over two-thirds of all youth gun deaths in America.

The News21 findings are compiled in the most complete database to date from records obtained from 49 state health departments and FBI Supplementary Homicide Reports.

“It’s an unacceptable number and it should be regardless of where you stand on gun-owning ideology,” said Colette Martin, a member of Parents Against Gun Violence. “The numbers are that high and we are as a country ignoring them.”

Most of those killed by firearms, 62 percent, were murdered and the majority of victims were black children and teens. Suicides resulted in 25 percent of the firearm deaths of young people: The majority of them were white. More than 1,100 children and teens were killed by a gun that accidentally discharged.

At least 28,000 children and teens were killed by guns between 2002 and 2012

More at the link, including state by state breakdown of homicide, suicide, accident. Another graph shows child and teen deaths between 2002 and 2012.

Why can't the United States protect their children? Other countries have guns but they're not killing off their children. What is different about the US?

Every time I talk about the safety of children, the nutters say they don't care. Some have actually posted the words, "who cares?". Those who DO care need to over rule those who say they do not.
If I could snap my fingers and make every gun in the US disappear I would. But even if we banned all new gun sales overnght there'd still be more guns in distribution than there are poeple. So unless 'gun control' means gun confiscation, outlawing a few brands or models here and there wont actually do anything. And all that's achieved every time someone tries is there's a rush on whatever isn't illegal, or illegal yet. Attempts to ban guns paradoxically help gun sales putting more out there.

Solution to gun violence isn't restricting the method people use to display violence. It's correcting the behaviours which lead to people becomming violent in the first place.

If you banned every gun overnight, all you'd succeed doing is ensuring only criminals (who don't give a shit what gun's illegal) have guns.
If I could snap my fingers and make every gun in the US disappear I would. But even if we banned all new gun sales overnght there'd still be more guns in distribution than there are poeple. So unless 'gun control' means gun confiscation, outlawing a few brands or models here and there wont actually do anything. And all that's achieved every time someone tries is there's a rush on whatever isn't illegal, or illegal yet. Attempts to ban guns paradoxically help gun sales putting more out there.

Solution to gun violence isn't restricting the method people use to display violence. It's correcting the behaviours which lead to people becomming violent in the first place.

If you banned every gun overnight, all you'd succeed doing is ensuring only criminals (who don't give a shit what gun's illegal) have guns.


Bravo. That's what I've been saying since I got here.

I came to this site shortly after, and during the discussion window of, the Bob Costas commentary on the Jovan Belcher murder-suicide. Costas made the same point, yet it was immediately, and still to this day, described as a "gun control rant" even though he never once mentioned "gun control", "gun laws", the Second Amendment, background checks or any kind of legislative influence whatsoever. The question of gun culture -- which was his entire point, is one they continually try to avoid, always trying to deflect back to legislation this and Constitution that and then bury everybody in a slew of meaningless statistics. Of which this thread is just another me-too clone.

Wags from every corner were calling for Costas to be "fired" for starting this conversation. In the next few weeks, during which Sandy Hook happened, the same wags calling for Bob Costas to be "fired" were calling for David Gregory to be "arrested" and Piers Morgan to be "deported" for having the same conversation in the national media. A month later I started this thread on debunking gun myths, heavily documented with links, and got barraged with Negs, once again for simply starting the same conversation. See the pattern. Heavy emotional worship investment. That's what we call a fetishism. It's all too revealing when ideas are treated not as opinions to counter, but rather, as blasphemy.

We live in a culture of violence. There's no whitewashing that. Yet utter it in terms of Almighty Gun and in comes the rhetorical blitzkrieg, proving the point simply by its essence. It's way too inconvenient to face the fact of a culture based on "might makes right", the concept that force conquers all and morals be damned. If social cultures were a person, our maturity level would be that of about a freaking four-year-old.
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Well is it surprising that police officers would have a higher accident rate? They are carrying a gun around and using it in high stress situations. More concealed carry we have the more the accident rate will go up.
Accidental gunfire hurt man child at Coney Island - Story

Most of Europe has stronger gun control and a lower homicide rate.

Here is a quick reference guide to gun ownership, accidents with guns, police vs. civilian ownership, crime in U.S. Vs. Britain....there is a nice series of graphics that puts these various topics together...

The best chart to shut liberals up about gun control Rare

Most of Europe has stronger gun control and a lower homicide rate. recently released an info-graphic with some shocking stats about guns in the United States. Shocking, if you are a liberal of course.

The chart compares and contrasts how gun owners and police use guns, noting that the 80,000,000 Americans who own guns have only a 2 percent accident rate. In contrast, the 794,000 police officers who use firearms experience an 11 percent accident rate.

Internationally, the United States has the highest percentage of residents owning firearms, and among the lowest rates of intentional homicide.

The United Kingdom is a perfect example of gun control going awry, with the UK experiencing close to five times more violent crimes than the United States.

Since the Labor Party’s ban on handguns in 1997, the number of recorded violent attacks has skyrocketed 77 percent in the UK.

- See more at: The best chart to shut liberals up about gun control Rare your is an anti gun biased piece from a main stream media news outlet that puts child gun deaths at 500 a year...not true, but even using their stats...that is nowhere near 28,000 deaths over 10 years...

Terrible tally 500 children dead from gunshots every year 7 500 hurt analysis finds - NBC News

Why is this completE horseshit...because the anti gunners always use 17,18,19 year old gang bangers with felony convictions and list them along side all the innocent children killed by criminals and drive by shootings...they are lying...again...and need to be called out... your is an anti gun biased piece from a main stream media news outlet that puts child gun deaths at 500 a year...not true, but even using their stats...that is nowhere near 28,000 deaths over 10 years...

Terrible tally 500 children dead from gunshots every year 7 500 hurt analysis finds - NBC News

Why is this completE horseshit...because the anti gunners always use 17,18,19 year old gang bangers with felony convictions and list them along side all the innocent children killed by criminals and drive by shootings...they are lying...again...and need to be called out...

in the national context, gun deaths are gun deaths. it shouldn't matter if you think they are "innocent" or not.
If I could snap my fingers and make every gun in the US disappear I would.

With respect, If I had that power I would never do it...that would be an incredibly short sighted and foolish thing to do...why...because guns allow physically weaker, and outnumbered individuals defend themselves,against larger, stronger, more numerous attackers, and allows them to win... tap your heels and all guns in the world are gone in a puff of smoke...what happens next...the feudal period returns where stronger, more aggressive sword, axe, bow armed attackers murder and kill weaker, similarly armed victims...

remember the mongols...not one gun among them...the samurai....not one gun among them till much later in their history, feudal European knights....same story...

what do they have in common...killing peasants with swords, axes and arrows, and enslaving whole classes,of people...because those people were weaker and less aggressive...

Guns are the tool of freedom...for the weak, the handicapped, women, elderly...and the lobs would like guns to go away...because they don't think past stage one of a problem... would never make guns disappear....they are the ultimate tool of freedom giving the weak a real chance against the strong...

Of course...that is why liberals/progressives/democrats hate guns...

Pardon me, but there is some serious bullshit in that cartoon.

How does a gun increase the likelihood of a suicide? That sounds like some reverse math being used. lol That there is a gun in the home does not cause suicides. It may be the method used, but it does not cause them. And if someone uses a gun to commit suicide, you can be pretty sure they WANTED to die.

The stat that claims a gun in the home is more likely to be used in a suicide, homicide or accident than in self defense comes from a study done in 1986. The problem with the study is that it ONLY included times the gun was used to stop a crime and to kill the criminal. All cases where the criminal was only wounded, was held until police arrived, or the criminal ran away when they saw the gun, were ignore in the study. The actual facts are that there are a total of 32k gun deaths (if you include suicides) per year. The lowest estimate I have seen says private citizens use guns 100k times per year to stop crimes. The most widely accepted number put it between 250k and 300k times per year. So no, the gun in the home is NOT more likely to harm the family.

As for the children killed, that is about storing the guns safely. If you want to pass legislation requiring safe storage when children are present, I have no problem with that.
In the national context, gun deaths are gun deaths. it shouldn't matter if you think they are "innocent" or not.

]Actually that is wrong...the death of an innocent child riding their bike because they were shot in a drive by shooting is completely different than a 17 year old career criminal enforcing their drug territory...they are not children and they are not helpless victims...
Guns are so great at stopping crimes that 232,000 guns are stolen each year.

Bureau of Justice Statistics Firearms Stolen during Household Burglaries and Other Property Crimes 2005-2010

This more than outweighs any good done to stop crimes. Guns stolen go right into the hands of criminals.

Pardon me, but there is some serious bullshit in that cartoon.

How does a gun increase the likelihood of a suicide? That sounds like some reverse math being used. lol That there is a gun in the home does not cause suicides. It may be the method used, but it does not cause them. And if someone uses a gun to commit suicide, you can be pretty sure they WANTED to die.

The stat that claims a gun in the home is more likely to be used in a suicide, homicide or accident than in self defense comes from a study done in 1986. The problem with the study is that it ONLY included times the gun was used to stop a crime and to kill the criminal. All cases where the criminal was only wounded, was held until police arrived, or the criminal ran away when they saw the gun, were ignore in the study. The actual facts are that there are a total of 32k gun deaths (if you include suicides) per year. The lowest estimate I have seen says private citizens use guns 100k times per year to stop crimes. The most widely accepted number put it between 250k and 300k times per year. So no, the gun in the home is NOT more likely to harm the family.

As for the children killed, that is about storing the guns safely. If you want to pass legislation requiring safe storage when children are present, I have no problem with that.
Guns are so great at stopping crimes that 232,000 guns are stolen each year.

Bureau of Justice Statistics Firearms Stolen during Household Burglaries and Other Property Crimes 2005-2010

This more than outweighs any good done to stop crimes. Guns stolen go right into the hands of criminals.

Pardon me, but there is some serious bullshit in that cartoon.

How does a gun increase the likelihood of a suicide? That sounds like some reverse math being used. lol That there is a gun in the home does not cause suicides. It may be the method used, but it does not cause them. And if someone uses a gun to commit suicide, you can be pretty sure they WANTED to die.

The stat that claims a gun in the home is more likely to be used in a suicide, homicide or accident than in self defense comes from a study done in 1986. The problem with the study is that it ONLY included times the gun was used to stop a crime and to kill the criminal. All cases where the criminal was only wounded, was held until police arrived, or the criminal ran away when they saw the gun, were ignore in the study. The actual facts are that there are a total of 32k gun deaths (if you include suicides) per year. The lowest estimate I have seen says private citizens use guns 100k times per year to stop crimes. The most widely accepted number put it between 250k and 300k times per year. So no, the gun in the home is NOT more likely to harm the family.

As for the children killed, that is about storing the guns safely. If you want to pass legislation requiring safe storage when children are present, I have no problem with that.

As I said, if you want to pass laws concerning safe storage, feel free to do so.
This more than outweighs any good done to stop crimes. Guns stolen go right into the hands of criminals.

You are just wrong on this....

Gun murders each year...11-12,000 by criminals

Crimes stopped, lives saved each year by regular people with guns...250-370,000

so you are just wrong...

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