*Greatest Trump Ever*

Sorry bout that,

1. It's endless how much Trump is doing, even when he isn't appearing, to be doing something, he is busy punching buttons, on the Libtards, behind the curtain.
2. Truly Amazing.

Let me explain to you Democrats about Der Leader. This has been popularized on various forms and it means to them it is over Trump.

Der is not dear. Der is German for the word The.
Sorry bout that,

1. He is Dear Leader, no one else is willing to do what he is willing to do for his Love of the Nation, which I reside.
2. Hell yeah he's everyone's, Dear Leader, and he's on his way back to lead this, Nation Again.

Sorry bout that,

1. He is Dear Leader, no one else is willing to do what he is willing to do for his Love of the Nation, which I reside.
2. Hell yeah he's everyone's, Dear Leader, and he's on his way back to lead this, Nation Again.

I love it when they double down on their stupidity. Give it a like Robert W !
Sorry bout that,

1. It's endless how much Trump is doing, even when he isn't appearing, to be doing something, he is busy punching buttons, on the Libtards, behind the curtain.
2. Truly Amazing.


Hair, makeup and tweeting keep Trump busy.
Sorry bout that,

1. Melania should beware women, all over this Nation will want, Trumps First Born.
2. Will Barron, be the last of the First Born, of Trumps?
3. Depends on the, lady folks.

Sorry bout that,

1. Melania should beware women all over this Nation will want, Trumps First Born.
2. Will Barron be the last of the First Born, of Trumps?
3. Depends on the lady folks.

What does Baron have to do with Trumps first born?

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