*Greatest Scam Of ****ALL**** Time*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. This is ridiculous, awarding some a large amount to a whore.
2. This judge is full of TDS.
3. America is lost in this horse shit.
4. Trump never met or saw this person, its a sham, nothing more here, nothing to see.
5. This will go down in history as the worst failed justice of the, WORLD and of ALL TIME.
6. Of course she will never see a penny.

1. Agreed
2. probably so. But it was the jury that found Trump guilty. Not the judge. Trump and his attorney had equal authority in picking those jurors.
3. Average everyday Americans have been getting raked over the coals in US courts for centuries. Suddenly it important when Trump gets a taste of it.
4. Yes, he's saw and met this person. They have a photo. She's standing not a ft in front of him. None the less, this was a defamation case. He knew her when he was defaming her.
5. Not even close. Even if Trump just paid her now, it would be chump change to him. He should've kept his mouth shut. But even that doesn't matter. She's 80. She won't live long enough to collect anything. Trumps old ass might not live long enough to have to pay.
This will go down in history as the worst failed justice of the, WORLD and of ALL TIME.

You needn't worry earnest poster Warsnow.
After all he's told us..."Only I Can Fix It"
Too, he told us...."I'm a Stable Genius".

Just those two pronouncements alone can re-assure Trump-groupies that everything is in hand. Under his control. He's the boss here.

I could believe poster Warsnow that.....well, you are showing little faith that Don is capable of handling his affairs.

Partner, are you beginning to doubt Don?
Losing confidence in him?
E. Jean Carroll is an old hand at crying rape.

Is this witch hunt of Trump ever going to end?

it’s almost government sanctioned.
E. Jean Carroll is an old hand at crying rape.

If you know that, poster Hossfly, why didn't the stable genius know that? And recognize there'd be consequences if he slammed her against a wall, pulled her tights down, and rammed his fingers into her vagina.....non-consensually? WTH??

I mean, WTH!! He has informed us all frequently that he is smart and knows what a whale is on the cognitive-tests......and yet, he fell for some honey-pot scheme?

Hell, Hossfly, even you smelled it out.
Is this witch hunt of Trump ever going to end?

it’s almost government sanctioned.

This case wasn't about rape. It was about Trump not shutting his mouth about it. Pay the $5 million (chump change) and shut up about it. His mouth is what got him this time.
“Guilty” applies only to criminal cases.

It’s basic stuff.

Basic for who?

Rebuilding Nikki and Walbro carburetors is basic to me. Any and all things related to truck driving is basic to me. Cutting timber is basic to me.

Being found guilty or liable is the same thing to the layman. Or maybe you've just spent waaaay more time in court than I have.
Sorry bout that,

1. This is ridiculous, awarding some a large amount to a whore.
2. This judge is full of TDS.
3. America is lost in this horse shit.
4. Trump never met or saw this person, its a sham, nothing more here, nothing to see.
5. This will go down in history as the worst failed justice of the, WORLD and of ALL TIME.
6. Of course she will never see a penny.

Bitter sourpuss Dems love gifting themselves other people's money. Don't you just want to punch Dems in the face?
Basic for who?

People who learned anything about how our government and legal system works in grade school.
Rebuilding Nikki and Walbro carburetors is basic to me.

I’m so proud of you.
Any and all things related to truck driving is basic to me.

Couldn’t be prouder of you!
Cutting timber is basic to me.

Wow. How impressive.
Being found guilty or liable is the same thing to the layman.

No. Only you ignorant ones.
Or maybe you've just spent waaaay more time in court than I have.
I suspect so. But that doesn’t change the fact that “guilty” refers to criminal case outcomes and not to civil suits.
I suspect so. But that doesn’t change the fact that “guilty” refers to criminal case outcomes and not to civil suits.

And it doesn't change the facts that you're arguing semantics. Trumps still on the hook for $83 million because he wouldn't shut his mouth.
exactly, it was not a criminal case

and yes Trump helped pick the jury, but Trump had no choice of who would be in the Jury pool, certainly not one Trump supporter.

Trump was found guilty of sexual assault, which was criminal. This case stems from that one. Liable or guilty. A jury still said he was found responsible for defamation. So I guess he is guilty of defaming her.
And it doesn't change the facts that you're arguing semantics. Trumps still on the hook for $83 million because he wouldn't shut his mouth.
I was correcting your ignorant error.

And Trump is on the hook (for now) for about 88 + million dollars (adding both of the e jean damages awards). But, that can change.

You folks still can’t explain how denying a false claim of a sexual assault from about 20 years ago could even conceivably amount to defamation. That’s ridiculous.

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