Great Socialist Stimulus--GOP Opposed--Working Better Than Others Did!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Abraham Lincoln famously killed off over 600,000 U. S. Nationals--changing the justification, every so often. Osama bin laden killed off fewer U. S. Nationals than the Bogus Administration: Both of whom want to take credit for it. Senator McCain, and the GOP Tea Party, want to be included in the credits. For its part, the Bogus Administraton may have come up for more changed explanations for the war, than did Lincoln!

Ronald Reagan understood about. . . .credits, such as they were. The GOP Tea Party knows about credits. . . . such as they are.

Famously, the GOP reeling from its legacy in the recently completed, Bogus Administration--complete with its famous "Mission Accomplished" kinds of photo ops--also wants You to know that it opposed the Greater Recovery of the Obama Administration, to date.

Jobs recovery is stronger than past recessions - Sep. 2, 2010

With Biden around, actually: More is better! It even gets equated with. . . deals. for. . . well. The Vice(?) President had famously complained that the GOP belief that "Less Is Better," was leading troops on the ground to forage for weapons and body armor.

The GOP wants You to know that it takes a lot of the credit for that!

The Giant Interventions, meeting a 7% job loss--not just three percent, or one percent--have worked better than before. Jobless recoveries were the legacy of the Bush family caused, intentional downturns. The younger Bush went on to do a lot better than Osama bin laden, at killing off U. S. Nationals.

They want You to know that The Party of Death is at your side, and so they opposed the job creation of the Obama Administration so far: More jobs than the Bogus Administration could even pretend to create.

"Let's Pretend!" is famous as policy in the GOP Tea Party, famously now the Death Party, USA!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The anarchy following international arithmetic, leading to Widespread Wealth Worldwide, is not high on the GOP Tea Party agenda, of far more big government at war, than before: In the manner in which it started in the first place. Lincoln's 1852 god, famously, was "war!" "God Of War" is itself a, "Let's Pretend" kind of concept!)
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So housing is at an all time low, unemployment is still officially at 9.5%;actually it's around 15% or more if we measured it like we used to; we are having trillion dollar deficits and it's working?

If it's working why are the poll numbers so sucky for Obama and the Democrats?
Historically, the Democrats commence political campaigns on Great Social Progress Day, aka, the Labor Day holiday.

The "Recovery Summer" concept was hard to play out, of course. A lot of it started only two weeks ago. Over half of it is yet to even happen.

Anyone might guess that we have a federal procurements process, now. Many of the stimulus awards went through the states, with more procurements processes--and to local governments, and more procurements processes, and to school districts, and more procurements processes. Anyone recalls that the federal government had to send additional money to bail out the state and local governments, and school districts. After that, the money got spread around!

Apparently, it finally arrived! A lot of the "Stimulus" was essential preservative. State, local, and school district government employment itself, remains funded: But dangerously as an entitlement, no longer reliant on the state and local tax base.

The proof is in the national unhappiness with the Stimulus!

The U. S. federal concept, widely touted by the GOP Tea Party, is actually better regarded a laughing-stock, multi-tier, entitlements program for college graduates. The Obama-Biden Stimulus is proof of the matter. People also famously recall that the FEMA director was doing college-graduate stuff, during the Katrina post-disaster response. As for the Oval Office. . . .The "Stimulus Stuff" had started a long time before that!

Like the Bankers, the "entitlement-employed "are a distinct minority of the employed. The Democrats have finally started spreading funds around: But almost as an afterthought. The original funding spread around was in the Refundable Tax Credit, Cash For Clunkers, the Home Buyers credit. Had fewer people been getting laid off, then that money would have gone more to job creation. That money went to preservation of things-as-they-were, instead. The asset values were plunging as a consequence of the intentionally created, GOP glut.

Economists tend to overlook socilology when doing. . . .whatever it is they do. Even the Nobel Committee by-passed the U.S., academic, Economics Departments in the award of this year. They chose badly. That department--where the awardee has been for decades--is where the arithmetic of the Schedule M credit was originally tossed out of further doctoral degree consideration. That was 35 years ago. The arithmetic of the entire Total Credit Market: Was tossed out of school, long ago.

Everyone else gets left out of these matters, and so far unhappily so!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many in federal Capitol not represented in Congress(?) many say. Great herd of buffalo assemble no more, but many assemble in federal Capitol--enough to spread lots of it around!)
Republican politicians have no shame. Even while they are handing out money from the Stimulus package, they voted against, every time they hand that money out, they NEVER EVER mention it came from Obama's Stimulus package.

They want to blast Obama but take his help.


Could Republicans be any more crummy? Well, looking at Beck's "God" rally, while at the same time, LYING to his Republican base, I guess it's not surprise.

I like this quote:

The decent thing to do would be for Republicans to simply apologize for getting us into this mess, acknowledge how wrong they were to oppose President Obama's effective solution, and then thank Democrats for rescuing the economy.

The Washington Monthly

But come on, who ever said Republicans are "decent". I guess we can see why they are always begging "God" for forgiveness.

Schwarzenegger: GOP stimulus attacks, then praise of projects hypocritical
By Jared Allen

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Sunday called Republican opponents of the $787 billion economic stimulus bill hypocritical if they then turn around and praise district projects created by that stimulus legislation.

Schwarzenegger, one of the few Republican governors who has consistently embraced the stimulus bill – which has been subject to a year’s worth of vilification by virtually all congressional Republicans – continued to distance himself from the position taken by his party’s national leaders on the year-old stimulus. And on Sunday he went a step further, joining the bandwagon of mostly Democrats who have been trying to paint dozens of Republicans as hypocrites for voting against the stimulus but then accepting credit for stimulus projects taking root in their states.

Schwarzenegger: GOP stimulus attacks, then praise of projects hypocritical -

I have worse names than merely "hypocrite".
Republican politicians have no shame. Even while they are handing out money from the Stimulus package, they voted against, every time they hand that money out, they NEVER EVER mention it came from Obama's Stimulus package.

They want to blast Obama but take his help.


Could Republicans be any more crummy? Well, looking at Beck's "God" rally, while at the same time, LYING to his Republican base, I guess it's not surprise.

I like this quote:

The decent thing to do would be for Republicans to simply apologize for getting us into this mess, acknowledge how wrong they were to oppose President Obama's effective solution, and then thank Democrats for rescuing the economy.

The Washington Monthly

But come on, who ever said Republicans are "decent". I guess we can see why they are always begging "God" for forgiveness.

Schwarzenegger: GOP stimulus attacks, then praise of projects hypocritical
By Jared Allen

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Sunday called Republican opponents of the $787 billion economic stimulus bill hypocritical if they then turn around and praise district projects created by that stimulus legislation.

Schwarzenegger, one of the few Republican governors who has consistently embraced the stimulus bill – which has been subject to a year’s worth of vilification by virtually all congressional Republicans – continued to distance himself from the position taken by his party’s national leaders on the year-old stimulus. And on Sunday he went a step further, joining the bandwagon of mostly Democrats who have been trying to paint dozens of Republicans as hypocrites for voting against the stimulus but then accepting credit for stimulus projects taking root in their states.

Schwarzenegger: GOP stimulus attacks, then praise of projects hypocritical -

I have worse names than merely "hypocrite".

Yeah I like that quote as well, Because it shows just how FUCKING DELUSIONAL you People are. Democrats rescued the economy LOL to rich. If this is being rescued I would rather be left to die.
Yeah I like that quote as well, Because it shows just how FUCKING DELUSIONAL you People are. Democrats rescued the economy LOL to rich. If this is being rescued I would rather be left to die.


The stimulus was just a pork barrel bonanza.

Saving the banks saved the banks who won't lend....

unemployment extensions and state subsidies are greatish, but 99 weeks?

Cash for clunkers?

An $8000 bribe to sign a mortgage?

The economy is being managed by clowns and folks whose only area of concern is the financial districts.

Virtually nothing has been done to help the real goods, services and employment economy.

Compared to this:

* Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) a Hoover agency expanded under Jesse Holman Jones to make large loans to big business. Ended in 1954.
* Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) a Hoover program to create unskilled jobs for relief; replaced by WPA in 1935.
* United States bank holiday, 1933: closed all banks until they became certified by federal reviewers
* Abandonment of gold standard, 1933: gold reserves no longer backed currency; still exists
* Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), 1933-1942: employed young men to perform unskilled work in rural areas; under United States Army supervision; separate program for Native Americans
* Homeowners Loan Association (HOLC) helped people keep their homes, the government bought properties from the bank allowing people to pay the government instead of the banks in installments they could afford, keeping people in their homes and banks afloat.
* Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), 1933: effort to modernize very poor region (most of Tennessee), centered on dams that generated electricity on the Tennessee River; still exists
* Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA), 1933: raised farm prices by cutting total farm output of major crops and livestock; replaced by a new AAA.
* National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA), 1933: industries set up codes to reduce unfair competition, raise wages and prices; ended 1935.
* Public Works Administration (PWA), 1933: built large public works projects; used private contractors (did not directly hire unemployed). Ended 1938.
* Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) / Glass-Steagall Act: insures deposits in banks in order to restore public confidence in banks; still exists (although the Glass-Steagall Act was repealed in 1999)
* Securities Act of 1933, created the SEC, 1933: codified standards for sale and purchase of stock, required awareness of investments to be accurately disclosed; still exists
* Civil Works Administration (CWA), 1933-34: provided temporary jobs to millions of unemployed
* Indian Reorganization Act, 1934: moved away from assimilation
* Social Security Act (SSA), 1935: provided financial assistance to: elderly, handicapped, paid for by employee and employer payroll contributions; required 7 years contributions, so first payouts were in 1942; still exists
* Works Progress Administration (WPA), 1935: a national labor program for more than 2 million unemployed; created useful construction work for unskilled men; also sewing projects for women and arts projects for unemployed artists, musicians and writers; ended 1943.
* National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) / Wagner Act, 1935: set up National Labor Relations Board to supervise labor-management relations; In the 1930s, it strongly favored labor unions. Modified by the Taft-Hartley Act (1947); still exists
* Judicial Reorganization Bill, 1937: gave the President power to appoint a new Supreme Court judge for every judge 70 years or older; failed to pass Congress
* Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC), 1938: Insures crops and livestock against loss of production or revenue. Was restructured during the creation of the Risk Management Agency in 1996 but continues to exist.

Surplus Commodities Program (1936).

* Fair Labor Standards Act 1938: established a maximum normal work week of 40 hours and a minimum wage of 40 cents/hour and outlawed most forms of child labor; still exists
* Rural Electrification Administration, (REA)one of the federal executive departments of the United States government charged with providing public utilities (electricity, telephone, water, sewer) to rural areas in the U.S. via public-private partnerships. still exists.
* Resettlement Administration (RA), Resettled poor tenant farmers; replaced by Farm Security Administration in 1935.
* Farm Security Administration (FSA), Helped poor farmers by a variety of economic and educational programs

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