Governor Palin Levels Devastating Attack Against Rick Perry.

WTH Was THAT Post? It sounded like:

ajjf;ajf uputp4u v;tslfv sdfjie potu vtu; cnfvsdkfn sotui p9ev8t7ewut ;sj g;s9utbse;uv,.se mt9sevutm9eustvnjg xdud,t9uvndgkj xjg,ox,utvmjt mxljn o9dm dt,.bvdsg dxogm,ut94eut ; gtun;49 t;sgs[ tt]wysep9tvus lkfbjn904etuv9tels9bm o9y 90weu[ewuv ;s; 9uy95995jsgkjst0303j2j;lv ljgilmsdo;igusiorjh sgs

*So we've concluded Sarah Palin has USAR and Gaytrama on her side. NOW I know she's going to win! :clap2:


You concluded incorrectly, Obamarrhoidal stooge.

I concluded, LOUDLY & CLEARLY, that the Rick Perry/Rubio ticket would result in a landslide victory against your fucking Political Charlatan Messiah, The MONUMENTAL MARXIST, RACIST, MUSLIM & ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT PROTECTOR Obami Salaami .........LEARN HOW TO READ, TWIT !!!

However, the fact that Sarah Palin's attack on the Saviour of America, Rick Perry, is disappointing, it may have some positive aspect to it.



I'd say that qualifies as a Grand Mal Teabagger-Meltdown.


You concluded incorrectly, Obamarrhoidal stooge.

I concluded, LOUDLY & CLEARLY, that the Rick Perry/Rubio ticket would result in a landslide victory against your fucking Political Charlatan Messiah, The MONUMENTAL MARXIST, RACIST, MUSLIM & ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT PROTECTOR Obami Salaami .........LEARN HOW TO READ, TWIT !!!

However, the fact that Sarah Palin's attack on the Saviour of America, Rick Perry, is disappointing, it may have some positive aspect to it.



No worries. Sometimes their tinfoil beanies malfunction and they start speaking a language that is incomprehensible to sane, normal people.
.....Or, possibly, in-need of an Exorcism....

[ame=]‪Pastor Muthee gives Sarah Palin some anti-witch assistance‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]​

gaytrauma is retarded.

You'll quickly come to that realization.


The usual NON-SPECIFIC ATTACK on a post that could not be SPECIFICALLY challenged on ANY point by a fucktard.

A fucktard who spews TOROSHIT as his standard operating procedure.


How's this for a specific attack?

You write like you're deranged. You write like you're vomiting all over the screen. I'm betting most conservatives cringe when they see you supporting their position or candidate. Write like a normal human being we won't think you're locked up in the mental hospital.

Oh, and stop being a racist and homophobe.
So, Obama’s dollar figure holds up.

Summing up: Obama said Perry "happily" took federal stimulus funds that helped balance the state’s 2010-11 state budget. Perry hardly sounded happy about it, but Obama is correct that he accepted stimulus money that was used to help balance the budget.

PolitiFact Texas | President Obama says Gov. Perry used stimulus fund to help balance budget, then started 'blaming' federal lawmakers who voted for legislation
Yeah....there was QUITE a bit, o' that......

[ame=]‪Rachel Maddow Exposes Republican Hypocrisy For What It Is......BS.flv‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]​
Muslim Ali,

You are a fuckiing liar. Sarah Palin's appoval as Governor was one of the highest in the Nation.

Go peddle your Anti-American shit elsewhere ....... preferably to the penguins in AntArctica.

I found the operative verb here.


I suppose you could also find the operative verb in the sentence: Winston Churchill WAS the great Prime Minister of England during WWII.



Did Churchill quit halfway through WWII too?

But then again, being PM during the Blitz was probably not as stressful as being under merciless attack from the unrelenting staff of the Juneau Empire newspaper!
Last edited:

I suppose you could also find the operative verb in the sentence: Winston Churchill WAS the great Prime Minister of England during WWII.


And the difference is, if you polled Brits today, they would still agree with that.

Palin is a quitter. If the GOP runs her in the general, you might as well hand it to Obama. Republicans realize that and that is why she is considered to be poison to the 98% of Republicans who aren't legally retarded.

You know what? I'd love to see your girl Sarah make a fucking move. As it stands, it's lame to sit here and listen to her run her yap as if she's a serious political commentator.

Until that day, I find it hilarious that USAR finds the need to take every single thought that bounce out of her mouth and stick it up here as evidence she is going to run.

You know what would be great evidence of her running? A fucking announcement.

Why is she even attacking Perry? He hasn't announced. Why does she care?

I like Palin for no other reason then she bunches liberal panties at a hundred yards.

The most memorable quote is telling Obama to women up. Wheres he hiding anyways? After throwing a fit at standard and poors.

Yeah.....who could possibly forget her rambling Thoughts For The Day??

"Not necessarily me being sat down and shut up, but having the voice of respectful dissent being sat down and shut up, that would destroy our republic."


Snooki Palin's

I suppose you could also find the operative verb in the sentence: Winston Churchill WAS the great Prime Minister of England during WWII.


And the difference is, if you polled Brits today, they would still agree with that.

Palin is a quitter. If the GOP runs her in the general, you might as well hand it to Obama. Republicans realize that and that is why she is considered to be poison to the 98% of Republicans who aren't legally retarded.

You know what? I'd love to see your girl Sarah make a fucking move. As it stands, it's lame to sit here and listen to her run her yap as if she's a serious political commentator.

Until that day, I find it hilarious that USAR finds the need to take every single thought that bounce out of her mouth and stick it up here as evidence she is going to run.

You know what would be great evidence of her running? A fucking announcement.

Why is she even attacking Perry? He hasn't announced. Why does she care?

I like Palin for no other reason then she bunches liberal panties at a hundred yards.

The most memorable quote is telling Obama to women up. Wheres he hiding anyways? After throwing a fit at standard and poors.

You like Palin simply because she aggravates a significant portion of this country? That's all good and fine, but do you like her well enough to support her for president for that reason alone?

If so, you are part of the problem.
I'd be extremely surprised if he doesn't run myself.
All this "waiting for God" to tell him crap is just annoying.

Hey Ali Baba ...... true Americans don't give a fuck what the followers of the Historically Documented MASS MURDERER, THIEF, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST MOHAMMED thinks.

Go peddle your shit elsewhere.

We seriously need a "wtf" emoticon.

We do >>>>> :wtf:
And the difference is, if you polled Brits today, they would still agree with that.

Palin is a quitter. If the GOP runs her in the general, you might as well hand it to Obama. Republicans realize that and that is why she is considered to be poison to the 98% of Republicans who aren't legally retarded.

You know what? I'd love to see your girl Sarah make a fucking move. As it stands, it's lame to sit here and listen to her run her yap as if she's a serious political commentator.

Until that day, I find it hilarious that USAR finds the need to take every single thought that bounce out of her mouth and stick it up here as evidence she is going to run.

You know what would be great evidence of her running? A fucking announcement.

Why is she even attacking Perry? He hasn't announced. Why does she care?

I like Palin for no other reason then she bunches liberal panties at a hundred yards.

The most memorable quote is telling Obama to women up. Wheres he hiding anyways? After throwing a fit at standard and poors.

You like Palin simply because she aggravates a significant portion of this country? That's all good and fine, but do you like her well enough to support her for president for that reason alone?

If so, you are part of the problem.

Idiots are idiots regardless of numbers.
This is a clear sign she is running.A couple of nights ago, she slams Mitt Romney!!Today she hits Rick Perry. She layed into Rick Perry with a devastating attack that will clearly hurt him. This is the kind of attacks that propelled her to the governorship in Alaska. Palin is correct in her attack. Rick Perry tripled the total debt in Texas and has laid down in Texas what Palin describes as a "Foundation For Destruction".

Governor Palin Retweets Article from Whitney Pitcher and PA4Palin That Notes How Rick Perry Almost Tripled Texas’ Total Debt | Conservatives4Palin

Governor Palin–Leading the Fight on Debt and Liabilities | Conservatives4Palin

Do you know why Palin was liked in Alaska?

Be cause she redistributed the wealth
This is a clear sign she is running.A couple of nights ago, she slams Mitt Romney!!Today she hits Rick Perry. She layed into Rick Perry with a devastating attack that will clearly hurt him. This is the kind of attacks that propelled her to the governorship in Alaska. Palin is correct in her attack. Rick Perry tripled the total debt in Texas and has laid down in Texas what Palin describes as a "Foundation For Destruction".

Governor Palin Retweets Article from Whitney Pitcher and PA4Palin That Notes How Rick Perry Almost Tripled Texas’ Total Debt | Conservatives4Palin

Governor Palin–Leading the Fight on Debt and Liabilities | Conservatives4Palin

You know what I really dislike about Palin? She makes me defend people I don't even agree with.
At least Perry has balls, and he hasn't quit his job. He doesn't agree with gay marriage, but thinks a state can decide for its self if it wants to allow it. He sticks to his beliefs and doesn't falter on state rights just because he doesn't agree with something. I doubt Palin would be the same.
And what state is Palin running right now? NONE

So because Perry publicly hates some group of patriotic Americans he probably has no contact with, that makes him a "brave" candidate you like and would vote for????

Says a lot about you.
No need to panick, folks. Rudyard Kipling had a few wise words to say about times such as these:

If by Rudyard Kipling

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or, being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on";

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!

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