Is America in a downward spiral?? Will Obama act accordingly?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
As you all know, I've relegated myself to posting here just once every few weeks. Kinda given up on the general population of this country having any common sense. But, I like to check in every so often and see what is better, worse, changing, etc. And with college football season around the corner, I'll check up here even less often.

But, since my last visit.....

- We've been downgraded for the 1st time in US history. Moody's and S&P are obviously just racist I suppose.
- SEAL Team 6 was tragically killed. Not Obama's fault anymore than it is Bush's fault or any other politicians fault. They've left our boys over there. The Afghans have betrayed us. War is hell, and this is so incredibly sad what has happened. God Bless them and their families.
- The debt bill fiasco is over. And left wingers passionately fought against a balanced budget amendment. Just the logic behind opposing that is uncomprehensable. Like a whining 15 year old girl whose allowance is being capped because mom and dad can't afford any more.
- Southern border violence in Mexico is getting more intense. We're doing nothing excpet letting our own government send assault rifles to the drug dealers. We are slowly bleeding to death on that border.
- Obamacare is set to begin it's crippling effect on our country in January of 2013. Conveniently just after the 2012 elections.
- Meanwhile, the moronic general population keeps getting fatter, lazier, and less willing to accept the fact that it's no one's fault but their own, while also demanding someone else pay for the health upkeep of the fat, lazy body they are maintaining.
- The left is in shock that the Tea Party candidates are GASP actually living up to what they campaigned on. Unlike Obama, and unlike all typical politicians of any party, the Tea Party folks are actually living up to what they campaigned on, actually voting on the principles they held as private citizens. It's shocked not just the left, but the right wing RHINOS and the media all together. We need MORE people like that in government, because thats the only way we can slow the damage being done. Unfortunately, the diversity and tolerance loving left wing is demanding the Tea Party not be allowed in government or to even have a voice in the media. Gotta love diversity and long as the right wing isn't represented in it.

Yep. If aliens landed here today, they'd wonder how the worlds most prosperous, free, successful nation has become a nation of fucking morons. God help us.
You left out a lot of the best parts:
1. Boeing built a $1-billion new plant in SC and the admin won't let them operate it, costing them contracts and future work
2. The Department of Jihad is suing various States over enforcing illegal immigration laws
3. Even Steve Winn (a democrat) blasted this anti-business admin
4. the "smart-grid" campaign promise fell off, even though Japan uses 90% of its fossile fuels and the US only 30% when generating electricity (think mush cheaper electricity)
5. Holder refused to indict Black Panthers holding clubs in front of a polling place (think skin-heads)
6. The US borrows 43-cents of every dollar spent, and we still give $150b to the IMF for Greece and Somalia??
7. The Chinese are ragging on us for printing so much worthless money
8. The Treasury Secretary swore the US would not get downgraded (bye-bye Geithner)
9. Medicare will be broke in 2017 and the dems ignore it
10. Social Security will be broke in 2037 w/o some action everyone ignores it
11. We're wasting $$-trillions in Iraq and AFG while borrowing the money
12. Dumb-Bush started a Prescription Drug entitlement that we can't afford
13. The Dc whores enabled 14,000 US factories to relocate over seas taking 3,000,000 manufacturing jobs with them. Now China "creates wealth" and the US has a "service economy".
14. People who did not pay into SS & Medicare are receiving benefits? How is that sane?
15. All of the Commissions on the Debt have been ignored, now the US will pay more to borrow
16. How does and admin that puts up a Budget that gets defeated 0-97 stay in power?
17. How does a Senate that doesn't put up a Budget stay in power?
You left out a lot of the best parts:
1. Boeing built a $1-billion new plant in SC and the admin won't let them operate it, costing them contracts and future work
2. The Department of Jihad is suing various States over enforcing illegal immigration laws
3. Even Steve Winn (a democrat) blasted this anti-business admin
4. the "smart-grid" campaign promise fell off, even though Japan uses 90% of its fossile fuels and the US only 30% when generating electricity (think mush cheaper electricity)
5. Holder refused to indict Black Panthers holding clubs in front of a polling place (think skin-heads)
6. The US borrows 43-cents of every dollar spent, and we still give $150b to the IMF for Greece and Somalia??
7. The Chinese are ragging on us for printing so much worthless money
8. The Treasury Secretary swore the US would not get downgraded (bye-bye Geithner)
9. Medicare will be broke in 2017 and the dems ignore it
10. Social Security will be broke in 2037 w/o some action everyone ignores it
11. We're wasting $$-trillions in Iraq and AFG while borrowing the money
12. Dumb-Bush started a Prescription Drug entitlement that we can't afford
13. The Dc whores enabled 14,000 US factories to relocate over seas taking 3,000,000 manufacturing jobs with them. Now China "creates wealth" and the US has a "service economy".
14. People who did not pay into SS & Medicare are receiving benefits? How is that sane?
15. All of the Commissions on the Debt have been ignored, now the US will pay more to borrow
16. How does and admin that puts up a Budget that gets defeated 0-97 stay in power?
17. How does a Senate that doesn't put up a Budget stay in power?

I'm all outta rep. I owe you. Sixteen and Seventeen are damn good questions. We'll have to answer them soon.
As you all know, I've relegated myself to posting here just once every few weeks. Kinda given up on the general population of this country having any common sense. But, I like to check in every so often and see what is better, worse, changing, etc. And with college football season around the corner, I'll check up here even less often.

But, since my last visit.....

- We've been downgraded for the 1st time in US history. Moody's and S&P are obviously just racist I suppose.
- SEAL Team 6 was tragically killed. Not Obama's fault anymore than it is Bush's fault or any other politicians fault. They've left our boys over there. The Afghans have betrayed us. War is hell, and this is so incredibly sad what has happened. God Bless them and their families.
- The debt bill fiasco is over. And left wingers passionately fought against a balanced budget amendment. Just the logic behind opposing that is uncomprehensable. Like a whining 15 year old girl whose allowance is being capped because mom and dad can't afford any more.
- Southern border violence in Mexico is getting more intense. We're doing nothing excpet letting our own government send assault rifles to the drug dealers. We are slowly bleeding to death on that border.
- Obamacare is set to begin it's crippling effect on our country in January of 2013. Conveniently just after the 2012 elections.
- Meanwhile, the moronic general population keeps getting fatter, lazier, and less willing to accept the fact that it's no one's fault but their own, while also demanding someone else pay for the health upkeep of the fat, lazy body they are maintaining.
- The left is in shock that the Tea Party candidates are GASP actually living up to what they campaigned on. Unlike Obama, and unlike all typical politicians of any party, the Tea Party folks are actually living up to what they campaigned on, actually voting on the principles they held as private citizens. It's shocked not just the left, but the right wing RHINOS and the media all together. We need MORE people like that in government, because thats the only way we can slow the damage being done. Unfortunately, the diversity and tolerance loving left wing is demanding the Tea Party not be allowed in government or to even have a voice in the media. Gotta love diversity and long as the right wing isn't represented in it.

Yep. If aliens landed here today, they'd wonder how the worlds most prosperous, free, successful nation has become a nation of fucking morons. God help us.
Our nation's prosperity will be more challenging to mantain because global competition is killing our private sector. In the 70's the Japanese started making better cars. In the 80's, cheap comodities flooded US markets. In the 90's, foreign high tech and cheap labor killed the unskilled/semi skilled US worker's competitiveness.

You have a rude awakening coming when you discover that Republicans can't fix things either.

The American worker is no longer cost effective.
Will Pubs in Congress vote for anything, ever?
Will the Pubs ever make the bloated Rich pay their fair share, and get the country running again? As EVERYONE IN THE WORLD understands but them?
How bout just STHU and let the recovery procede?
How bout pass a single jobs bill, or any bill at all...stop holding the country and world hostage to their idiocy?
Thanks for blowing the 2012 election anyway...Perry/Bachmann 2012! (46%) Pfffft! LOL!
Toxicmedia, I agree with you. But I also think the American population is the most creative, innovative and POTENTIALLY hard working population in the world. But right now we are fat, lazy and feel entitled.

We need some tough love. If so, we can be beyond great once again.

But first we MUST rid ourselves of the fat, lazy, entitled mentality. And only the Tea Party types are willing to begin that process. We gotta realized domestic labor unions do NOT work in the global market. Neither do high corporate taxes on rich people or companies.
Will Pubs in Congress vote for anything, ever?
Will the Pubs ever make the bloated Rich pay their fair share, and get the country running again? As EVERYONE IN THE WORLD understands but them?
How bout just STHU and let the recovery procede?
How bout pass a single jobs bill, or any bill at all...stop holding the country and world hostage to their idiocy?
Thanks for blowing the 2012 election anyway...Perry/Bachmann 2012! (46%) Pfffft! LOL!
It's not the job of Republicans to allow the Obama admin to succeed, and if they fail at that, their job is to at least take credit for anything good that happens under it.

Obama said "yes we can", and the Republicans said "even if we can, we won't" works both ways. Expect it to be that way forever, no matter where you go, except in dictatorships.
Will Pubs in Congress vote for anything, ever?
Will the Pubs ever make the bloated Rich pay their fair share, and get the country running again? As EVERYONE IN THE WORLD understands but them?
How bout just STHU and let the recovery procede?
How bout pass a single jobs bill, or any bill at all...stop holding the country and world hostage to their idiocy?
Thanks for blowing the 2012 election anyway...Perry/Bachmann 2012! (46%) Pfffft! LOL!

God damn. I so sick of hearing "fair share"? WHAT IS FAIR SHARE????? The rich already pay a massively disproportionate amount of taxes. The people who aren't paying the fair share are the poor because they don't pay shit. With federal, state, local taxes combined, most "rich" people lose about 50-60% of their income to the government. How is that NOT fair share dumbass????

Next, how can we "proceed" in recovery....when we are NOT recovering. Hear we got downgraded for the 1st time EVER? THAT isn't a recovery dumbass. We're in debt crisis. The credit agencies want us to FIX IT or else. THAT isn't recovery.

I swear, I now know why I stopped coming on here. It's just heartbreaking to see how fucking retarded and brain dead the left wing is.
Republicans are the only party in the last 140 years to refuse to compromise. It's un-American, says Time magazine. You dupes are hopelessly misled, BRAINWASHED. Bring back the Fairness Doctrine- Reaganism has been a TOTAL disaster, and thanks for the DEPRESSION, the two stupidest wars EVER, and bringing big lie dishonesty to America.
Obama 2012 slogan:

"As much as I've fucked this up, do you REALLY want YOUR guy to be in charge of fixing it?????"
Fair share: whatever you're paying at the moment isn't enough.

Haha, so true. "Rich" people and companies pay usually 50-60% of their income in federal, state, local taxes combined.

But for left wringers, it's just NOT ENOUGH. Just........a little bit more. Mmmm. Yummy, delicious, um, I mean "revenue", yummy!!! Just....a lil bit more mmmkay?

Left wingers are the most pathetic species on the planet. They are so envious of the wealthy, their revenge lust for those people's money is never ending.
As you all know, I've relegated myself to posting here just once every few weeks. Kinda given up on the general population of this country having any common sense. But, I like to check in every so often and see what is better, worse, changing, etc. And with college football season around the corner, I'll check up here even less often.

But, since my last visit.....

- We've been downgraded for the 1st time in US history. Moody's and S&P are obviously just racist I suppose.
- SEAL Team 6 was tragically killed. Not Obama's fault anymore than it is Bush's fault or any other politicians fault. They've left our boys over there. The Afghans have betrayed us. War is hell, and this is so incredibly sad what has happened. God Bless them and their families.
- The debt bill fiasco is over. And left wingers passionately fought against a balanced budget amendment. Just the logic behind opposing that is uncomprehensable. Like a whining 15 year old girl whose allowance is being capped because mom and dad can't afford any more.
- Southern border violence in Mexico is getting more intense. We're doing nothing excpet letting our own government send assault rifles to the drug dealers. We are slowly bleeding to death on that border.
- Obamacare is set to begin it's crippling effect on our country in January of 2013. Conveniently just after the 2012 elections.
- Meanwhile, the moronic general population keeps getting fatter, lazier, and less willing to accept the fact that it's no one's fault but their own, while also demanding someone else pay for the health upkeep of the fat, lazy body they are maintaining.
- The left is in shock that the Tea Party candidates are GASP actually living up to what they campaigned on. Unlike Obama, and unlike all typical politicians of any party, the Tea Party folks are actually living up to what they campaigned on, actually voting on the principles they held as private citizens. It's shocked not just the left, but the right wing RHINOS and the media all together. We need MORE people like that in government, because thats the only way we can slow the damage being done. Unfortunately, the diversity and tolerance loving left wing is demanding the Tea Party not be allowed in government or to even have a voice in the media. Gotta love diversity and long as the right wing isn't represented in it.

Yep. If aliens landed here today, they'd wonder how the worlds most prosperous, free, successful nation has become a nation of fucking morons. God help us.
Yes and no.
A fair share is when everyone prospers equally, not when the rich triples their wealth and everyone else suffers, and the country falls apart. Pub dupes!!

Why should everyone prosper equally?

Some people work far harder than others.
Some people are smarter or more talented than others because they got educated, practiced, or were just plain ole more blessed at birth with ability.

So YOU tell me. GIVE ME a number. A rich person, with combined fed, state, local tax, sends about 50-60% of their income to the government.

YOU, being a middle or lower class citizen, almost surely don't pay federal income tax. So, your total income going to federal, local, state government is probably 20-30% at the most, if not lower than that.

So the "rich" are paying FAR more than you or I in total % and in total net $$$'s.

What is "fair" about taking even more from those who are already having the most taken from them?

Or are you one of the fucking morons who believe YOUR happiness and well being is the responsibility of OTHER people, and anyone but your own???

Well dipshit, guess what, it's not the responsibility of other people. You're own your own. The rich already pay far more than you. Live with it, and get a fucking job or an education. And if you can't get either of those, then look in the mirror because you've almost 99.9% certainly done stupid shit in your past that has placed those limitations on yourself. Faggot.
He means socialism spreads misery equally

In any CPE statis economy
the "inner party" always has it better

Does anyone believe politicians are going to have the same doctors as us?
We will be equal, some will just be more equal

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