Sarah Palin: Rick Perry Flat Tax Will 'Gain Momentum'


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Luke Johnson

Sarah Palin praised Texas Gov. Rick Perry's flat tax plan Thursday evening in an interview on "The Sean Hannity Show" on Fox News.

"Rick Perry -- now coming out with, really embracing Steve Forbes' flat tax idea -- that's going to gain momentum. I look forward to hearing more of the details," she said. "In fact, when I heard that Rick Perry was embracing of Steve Forbes' idea, I went into my garage and dug out an old book from 1999 that Steve Forbes had written," she said. "Many aspects of it make so much sense," added the former Alaska governor and 2008 vice-presidential nominee, who declined to run for president in 2012.

More: Sarah Palin: Rick Perry Flat Tax Will 'Gain Momentum'
Once the numbers come up on how big a tax cut the flat tax represents for the wealthiest, this will lose its charm for normal Americans.
Who benefits under flat tax?

Who loses under flat tax?

Americans who believe in giving their fair share might think the flat tax is a good idea.

That way, from the top dollar to the least coin can be satisfied with the gift they give to their country.

Equality rocks!
Once the numbers come up on how big a tax cut the flat tax represents for the wealthiest, this will lose its charm for normal Americans.

If there were any momentum for raising taxes on anyone, Obama would have done it by now.

Americans think that we are all paying too much in taxes. That's why we are running deficits- because it's easier to borrow than to tax. Until we change that dynamic, we'll have deficits as far as the eye can see.
By Luke Johnson

Sarah Palin praised Texas Gov. Rick Perry's flat tax plan Thursday evening in an interview on "The Sean Hannity Show" on Fox News.

"Rick Perry -- now coming out with, really embracing Steve Forbes' flat tax idea -- that's going to gain momentum. I look forward to hearing more of the details," she said. "In fact, when I heard that Rick Perry was embracing of Steve Forbes' idea, I went into my garage and dug out an old book from 1999 that Steve Forbes had written," she said. "Many aspects of it make so much sense," added the former Alaska governor and 2008 vice-presidential nominee, who declined to run for president in 2012.

More: Sarah Palin: Rick Perry Flat Tax Will 'Gain Momentum'

Not sure if this is a game-changer or not for Perry. I think it helps.

Eventually, once the Tea Party gets off it's fetish for Cain and his whackiness, they are either going to have to get behind Perry or learn to live with Romney. (And by "learn to live" I mean, surrender every value you stood for because the guy is "Obama-Light and Delightsome")

So I guess the real question is, is the TEA Party about lower taxes and less government, or is it just about hating Obama.
We need to cut, cut, cut, so we don't have to tax as much.

CUT EPA in half...Just give more to the states.
"The FY 2012 budget proposal of $8.973 billion represents about a 13 percent decrease from the FY 2010 budget of $10.3 billion."
FY 2012 Planning and Budgeting | Planning, Budget, and Results | US EPA
I'd cut that to around 4.5 billion per year.
Cut Education...What does it do at the national level? You could cut half or more.
"ED currently administers a budget of $69.9 billion in discretionary"
FY 2012 Planning and Budgeting | Planning, Budget, and Results | US EPA

I'd cut this to around 30 billion per year.

Cut or trim all others down the list., 5-30 percent cut.
Expect ICE, which would get a 5 percent increase.
Cut all foreign aid
Outlaw everything to that gives money to illegals
Fine the corporations hiring illegals 1,000 dollars per legal
Get out of the midlde and Africa...Close all bases. Cut that part of defense. We could cut 200 billion from it.
685.1 billion to 485.1 billion! (Next to 2011 cr)
Pretty much start taking apart the empire part.

---Of course, I would place the pressure far more on the states for many departments.---I'd decrease the power of the central government!

When we're done it just won't take as much in taxes collected to pay for it...So taxes would go down. More money for everyone=more wealth=more buying of a product=lower unemployment. Everyone is happy! The budget is much closer to being balanced with a more healthy economy.

No stupid wars that do nothing besides drain our nation.
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What kind of tax would be fair?

We should raise everyone's taxes the same percent in whatever amount is needed to pay for the 40% of the budget we're currently borrowing,

and then see how fast everyone suddenly decides maybe we should spend less.

So your belief in only selective equality when it benefits you, rears it's ugly head yet again

And MAYBE we should spend less?? :rolleyes: ... that is not a MAYBE.. that is a definite..... about 50% less, eliminating some agencies and many programs and all entitlements, and reducing everywhere including defense
By Luke Johnson

Sarah Palin praised Texas Gov. Rick Perry's flat tax plan Thursday evening in an interview on "The Sean Hannity Show" on Fox News.

"Rick Perry -- now coming out with, really embracing Steve Forbes' flat tax idea -- that's going to gain momentum. I look forward to hearing more of the details," she said. "In fact, when I heard that Rick Perry was embracing of Steve Forbes' idea, I went into my garage and dug out an old book from 1999 that Steve Forbes had written," she said. "Many aspects of it make so much sense," added the former Alaska governor and 2008 vice-presidential nominee, who declined to run for president in 2012.

More: Sarah Palin: Rick Perry Flat Tax Will 'Gain Momentum'

Sarah Palin is a corporate lap dog, no surprise she is halfway endorsing the establishments 'holy leader' without fully endorsing. She is a predictable shill and she will wait for an official nomination to endorse cause she is scared to be wrong.

I hate that this bitch has celebrity status, she certianly doesnt deserve it. She is a poster girl of whats wrong with this country.
By Luke Johnson

Sarah Palin praised Texas Gov. Rick Perry's flat tax plan Thursday evening in an interview on "The Sean Hannity Show" on Fox News.

"Rick Perry -- now coming out with, really embracing Steve Forbes' flat tax idea -- that's going to gain momentum. I look forward to hearing more of the details," she said. "In fact, when I heard that Rick Perry was embracing of Steve Forbes' idea, I went into my garage and dug out an old book from 1999 that Steve Forbes had written," she said. "Many aspects of it make so much sense," added the former Alaska governor and 2008 vice-presidential nominee, who declined to run for president in 2012.

More: Sarah Palin: Rick Perry Flat Tax Will 'Gain Momentum'

Sarah Palin is a corporate lap dog, no surprise she is halfway endorsing the establishments 'holy leader' without fully endorsing. She is a predictable shill and she will wait for an official nomination to endorse cause she is scared to be wrong.

I hate that this bitch has celebrity status, she certianly doesnt deserve it. She is a poster girl of whats wrong with this country.

If Palin were a corporate lapdog, as you say, she'd be backing Romney. But she hates Romney.

Perry is not the Establishment's "Holy Leader". In fact, despite the fact that he probably ccould have brought the establishment and Tea Party factions together, the Establishment has resolutely opppsed the guy. (Not that he's done a lot to help himself.)
What kind of tax would be fair?

We should raise everyone's taxes the same percent in whatever amount is needed to pay for the 40% of the budget we're currently borrowing,

and then see how fast everyone suddenly decides maybe we should spend less.

So your belief in only selective equality when it benefits you, rears it's ugly head yet again

And MAYBE we should spend less?? :rolleyes: ... that is not a MAYBE.. that is a definite..... about 50% less, eliminating some agencies and many programs and all entitlements, and reducing everywhere including defense

Dave, you can wish for the end of SS and Medicare all you want, but it will never happen. While dumping those programs might be okay with a few people, the vast majority of Americans support these programs, and realize that we don't want to go back to an era when the elderly were the poorest of the poor in America.
we should raise everyone's taxes the same percent in whatever amount is needed to pay for the 40% of the budget we're currently borrowing,

and then see how fast everyone suddenly decides maybe we should spend less.

so your belief in only selective equality when it benefits you, rears it's ugly head yet again

and maybe we should spend less?? :rolleyes: ... That is not a maybe.. That is a definite..... About 50% less, eliminating some agencies and many programs and all entitlements, and reducing everywhere including defense

dave, you can wish for the end of ss and medicare all you want, but it will never happen. While dumping those programs might be okay with a few people, the vast majority of americans support these programs, and realize that we don't want to go back to an era when the elderly were the poorest of the poor in america.

the us government

spending your retirement since 1965
What kind of tax would be fair?

We should raise everyone's taxes the same percent in whatever amount is needed to pay for the 40% of the budget we're currently borrowing,

and then see how fast everyone suddenly decides maybe we should spend less.

So your belief in only selective equality when it benefits you, rears it's ugly head yet again

And MAYBE we should spend less?? :rolleyes: ... that is not a MAYBE.. that is a definite..... about 50% less, eliminating some agencies and many programs and all entitlements, and reducing everywhere including defense

You won't spend less as long as voters refuse to elect representatives who will spend less.

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