Gotta admit, there is something wrong with Republicans these days.


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
This is what we all get when Republicans make deals with Democrats. What is wrong with Republicans? I realize they don't want the budget to be an issue in the next election but WTF?

But it does prove that once again Obama lied about cutting the deficit. Really folks how long can the country go on doing what it is doing? Or is it too late?
Federal deficit to soar in 2016 after Ryan-Obama tax deal
Federal deficit to soar in 2016 after Ryan-Obama tax deal
The tax-cut deal inked by President Obama and House Speaker Paul D. Ryan last month has put a major dent in the federal budget, helping send the deficit soaring by 24 percent, the Congressional Budget Office said Tuesday.
The $544 billion deficit projected for 2016 marks the first year since 2009 that the red ink has grown, and it powers the deficit back up over the half-trillion mark, where it had been for most of Mr. Obama’s tenure.
Republicans are just ramping up spending in hopes a Gopp will win the presidency. Conservatives just don't understand economics or foreign policy.
Republicans are just ramping up spending in hopes a Gopp will win the presidency. Conservatives just don't understand economics or foreign policy.

This Budget BS, as well as Obamacare, is all democrat. Hell they were crowing for a week about how Ryan gave them everything. Time to take your partisan glasses off and realize neither side are our friends. Democrats just have better cover. That is why I am an independent. (leaning right)
Republicans are just ramping up spending in hopes a Gopp will win the presidency. Conservatives just don't understand economics or foreign policy.

This Budget BS, as well as Obamacare, is all democrat. Hell they were crowing for a week about how Ryan gave them everything. Time to take your partisan glasses off and realize neither side are our friends. Democrats just have better cover. That is why I am an independent. (leaning right)

These are the kinds of things that fuel Trump's campaign.

The problem we have is that when Democrats are in charge, Democrats get their way. When Republicans are in charge, Democrats still get their way.

So when will Republicans be able to get their way ever?

Don't get me wrong, it's not like I don't recognize their accomplishments. Looking at our deficits, they began to go down considerably once Republicans took leadership of the house and afterwards the Senate. The reason the deficit didn't shrink even more was the threat of a government shutdown that Republicans will ultimately be blamed for.

But we didn't hire these people to do our bidding with the main focus of being reelected. We didn't hire them to make sure they look good for the MSM. We hired them to change direction in this country.
Republicans are just ramping up spending in hopes a Gopp will win the presidency. Conservatives just don't understand economics or foreign policy.

Right, conservatives just don't understand how Obama has fixed the middle east with his policies and how Bush is to blame for the entire region going up in flames. Conservatives are equally as clueless as to what a great job Obama did in Libya sending his ambassador to his death and having ISIS move into the region as a stronghold.

As for the economy, conservatives just don't understand how the stimulus Obama promised would generate millions of jobs and keep unemployment below a certain level but never said when exactly. Who knows, maybe in 20 years or so his predictions will come true.
I already posted several times that in the first four fiscal months since SEPT 2015, deficit went up $800Bil. No one seems to care? At that rate it would cross over $2T? wow. $18.9T total to date.

I suspect when TAX comes in April......they will get a rush of cash not allowing such catastrophic increase.
The GOP establishment has been showing its true colors for several years now on spending, color me not shocked by this. My brother outed Ryan years ago with a shocking revelation, he's no fiscal conservative.
Republicans are just ramping up spending in hopes a Gopp will win the presidency. Conservatives just don't understand economics or foreign policy.

Right, conservatives just don't understand how Obama has fixed the middle east with his policies and how Bush is to blame for the entire region going up in flames. Conservatives are equally as clueless as to what a great job Obama did in Libya sending his ambassador to his death and having ISIS move into the region as a stronghold.

As for the economy, conservatives just don't understand how the stimulus Obama promised would generate millions of jobs and keep unemployment below a certain level but never said when exactly. Who knows, maybe in 20 years or so his predictions will come true.

14 million news jobs since Obama took office.

It requires remedial math which is beyond the conservative reach, but at least TRY.
This is what we all get when Republicans make deals with Democrats. What is wrong with Republicans?

We grew up, while you apparently have been fixated on the anal retentive stage of toddler development, never learning how to productively interact with other human beings. Just play with your legos and we'll handle this, mkay?
Republicans are just ramping up spending in hopes a Gopp will win the presidency. Conservatives just don't understand economics or foreign policy.

Right, conservatives just don't understand how Obama has fixed the middle east with his policies and how Bush is to blame for the entire region going up in flames. Conservatives are equally as clueless as to what a great job Obama did in Libya sending his ambassador to his death and having ISIS move into the region as a stronghold.

As for the economy, conservatives just don't understand how the stimulus Obama promised would generate millions of jobs and keep unemployment below a certain level but never said when exactly. Who knows, maybe in 20 years or so his predictions will come true.

14 million news jobs since Obama took office.

It requires remedial math which is beyond the conservative reach, but at least TRY.

14 million jobs, huh?

Okay, we have 14 million jobs, 5% unemployment, and the most people out of work in over 30 years along with food stamp recipients. Hmmmm, why doesn't something add up here?
Remedial math is the only way you can make those numbers look go
Republicans are just ramping up spending in hopes a Gopp will win the presidency. Conservatives just don't understand economics or foreign policy.

Right, conservatives just don't understand how Obama has fixed the middle east with his policies and how Bush is to blame for the entire region going up in flames. Conservatives are equally as clueless as to what a great job Obama did in Libya sending his ambassador to his death and having ISIS move into the region as a stronghold.

As for the economy, conservatives just don't understand how the stimulus Obama promised would generate millions of jobs and keep unemployment below a certain level but never said when exactly. Who knows, maybe in 20 years or so his predictions will come true.

14 million news jobs since Obama took office.

It requires remedial math which is beyond the conservative reach, but at least TRY.

Remedial math is the only way liberals can think those numbers are good. A more in depth look at those numbers may reveal something else entirely.
This is what we all get when Republicans make deals with Democrats. What is wrong with Republicans? I realize they don't want the budget to be an issue in the next election but WTF?

But it does prove that once again Obama lied about cutting the deficit. Really folks how long can the country go on doing what it is doing? Or is it too late?
Federal deficit to soar in 2016 after Ryan-Obama tax deal
Federal deficit to soar in 2016 after Ryan-Obama tax deal
The tax-cut deal inked by President Obama and House Speaker Paul D. Ryan last month has put a major dent in the federal budget, helping send the deficit soaring by 24 percent, the Congressional Budget Office said Tuesday.
The $544 billion deficit projected for 2016 marks the first year since 2009 that the red ink has grown, and it powers the deficit back up over the half-trillion mark, where it had been for most of Mr. Obama’s tenure.

And that is exactly why congress approval numbers are in the tank. Democrats do not like them because congress is Republican. Most of the average GOP supporters do not like them, because they don't even try to deliver anything they promised.

All we need do is think back to Reagan and Clinton. Reagan was a conservative who pushed things through, but yes, cut deals with the Dems. Times were good. Clinton ended up with the "contract with America" conservatives during his administration, and yes, times got good.

We tend to raise just "Reagan and the contract with America" Republicans while forgetting about the Democrats who had power during both administrations; but truth is, all involved showed how this country is SUPPOSE to work!

Now instead, we have rino's, and Democrats who have no resemblance at all to most of Democrats who came before them. Why do you think both sides despise Trump, Cruz, and Carson so much! (and yes, even Sanders) If the American people come out en mass and elect one of these people, rino's and far left leaning Democrats (if it is not Bernie) are done. They are not yet ready to give up the scepter of power, and will do everything they can to convince America that Kasich, Rubio, Christie, and Hillary should be put up for sainthood, while those others I mentioned are the devil incarnate.
Republicans are just ramping up spending in hopes a Gopp will win the presidency. Conservatives just don't understand economics or foreign policy.

Right, conservatives just don't understand how Obama has fixed the middle east with his policies and how Bush is to blame for the entire region going up in flames. Conservatives are equally as clueless as to what a great job Obama did in Libya sending his ambassador to his death and having ISIS move into the region as a stronghold.

As for the economy, conservatives just don't understand how the stimulus Obama promised would generate millions of jobs and keep unemployment below a certain level but never said when exactly. Who knows, maybe in 20 years or so his predictions will come true.

14 million news jobs since Obama took office.

It requires remedial math which is beyond the conservative reach, but at least TRY.

did anyone predict that no jobs would be created? It takes a true partisan to cherry pick one stat and say that is an indication of a good economy.
This is what we all get when Republicans make deals with Democrats. What is wrong with Republicans?

We grew up, while you apparently have been fixated on the anal retentive stage of toddler development, never learning how to productively interact with other human beings. Just play with your legos and we'll handle this, mkay?

18 give or so a trillion in debt and you say that is responsible, that is adult that is productive? YOU are part of the problem. YOU are like the parent that impowers their children to behave poorly. Ironically your attitude is like the petulant child who doesn't care if Daddy actually has a job as long as they get what they want. Time to take the blinders off, or maybe not, it just might be too late.

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