GOP- total corrupt fail for years- what are you thinking?


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
1982- Biggest tax hike in history, great success!!
then tax cuts, quadrupled debt...FAIL
S+L 1988- FAIL
Bush 1- FAIL
9/11- FAIL
Afghan- FAIL
Housing Bubble-FAIL
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs 2010- FAIL

Great at feqqing up the country and brainwashing MORONS...and getting elected on lies, country be damned...

Also weighing down message boards with deluded OPs...

"I know, let's cut taxes on the rich, destroy Medicare, raise military spending, and lower the deficit (in 2036). Won't the chumps EVER learn? JFC :cuckoo:
1982- Biggest tax hike in history, great success!!
then tax cuts, quadrupled debt...FAIL
S+L 1988- FAIL
Bush 1- FAIL
9/11- FAIL
Afghan- FAIL
Housing Bubble-FAIL
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs 2010- FAIL

Great at feqqing up the country and brainwashing MORONS...and getting elected on lies, country be damned...

Also weighing down message boards with deluded OPs...

"I know, let's cut taxes on the rich, destroy Medicare, raise military spending, and lower the deficit (in 2036). Won't the chumps EVER learn? JFC :cuckoo:

Every single one of those things and a whole lot more are Bill Clinton's fault! If you think not, then they are Jimmy Carter's.
Thanks for the SECOND Pub cronyism/corruption World Depression AND the stupidest wars ever, and the most disgraceful propaganda machine the country has ever seen...

Most corrupt and hypocrite party the modern world has seen...Pub Dupes/haters =BAD CITIZENS

"I know, let's cut taxes on the rich, destroy Medicare, raise military spending, and lower the deficit (in 2036). Won't the chumps EVER learn? JFC Pffffft!

Always bring down the tone of the argument LOL.
Thanks for the SECOND Pub cronyism/corruption World Depression AND the stupidest wars ever, and the most disgraceful propaganda machine the country has ever seen...

Most corrupt and hypocrite party the modern world has seen...Pub Dupes/haters =BAD CITIZENS

"I know, let's cut taxes on the rich, destroy Medicare, raise military spending, and lower the deficit (in 2036). Won't the chumps EVER learn? JFC Pffffft!

Always bring down the tone of the argument LOL.

You know nothing from the two responses, other than we ridicule you.
Thanks for the SECOND Pub cronyism/corruption World Depression AND the stupidest wars ever, and the most disgraceful propaganda machine the country has ever seen...

Most corrupt and hypocrite party the modern world has seen...Pub Dupes/haters =BAD CITIZENS

"I know, let's cut taxes on the rich, destroy Medicare, raise military spending, and lower the deficit (in 2036). Won't the chumps EVER learn? JFC Pffffft!

Always bring down the tone of the argument LOL.

You know nothing from the two responses, other than we ridicule you.

I'm familiar with laughing hyena Pub dupes ? Any arument with the OP or my sig? I'll make you look like the chump you are. Youv'e ruined the non rich and my country for 44 years...:evil: :eusa_whistle:
No, he ate dog when he was fed it at 6, in Indonesia, ignorant xenophobic hater provincial fucktard laughing hyena ahole...LOL
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1982- Biggest tax hike in history, great success!!
then tax cuts, quadrupled debt...FAIL
S+L 1988- FAIL
Bush 1- FAIL
9/11- FAIL
Afghan- FAIL
Housing Bubble-FAIL
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs 2010- FAIL

Great at feqqing up the country and brainwashing MORONS...and getting elected on lies, country be damned...

Also weighing down message boards with deluded OPs...

"I know, let's cut taxes on the rich, destroy Medicare, raise military spending, and lower the deficit (in 2036). Won't the chumps EVER learn? JFC :cuckoo:

Its crazy huh?

alot of people take their party and its ideas like religion.

Its usually the religious who do that
Wouldn't you think the quiche loving surrender monkeys would worry about their own country? Fannie Mae collapsed while the democrat chairperson of the House Financial committee, which had oversight responsibility for Fannie Mae, told Americans that Fannie was doing fine. What was he thinking? Democrats gave permission for Bush to use boots on the ground in Iraq and then they undermined the mission for the next six years. One thing Americans don't need is advice from foreign socialist anarchists.
Thanks for the SECOND Pub cronyism/corruption World Depression AND the stupidest wars ever, and the most disgraceful propaganda machine the country has ever seen...

Most corrupt and hypocrite party the modern world has seen...Pub Dupes/haters =BAD CITIZENS

"I know, let's cut taxes on the rich, destroy Medicare, raise military spending, and lower the deficit (in 2036). Won't the chumps EVER learn? JFC Pffffft!

Always bring down the tone of the argument LOL.

hey Frankie?.....are the Democrats guilty of anything?....are you even capable of saying yes if they are?....or are you going to give me more of your Franco-American mumbo- jumbo that only people with a secret decoder ring can translate?....
Dude ONLY right wing brainless dupes believe that mae and mac caused this.

That was the beginning. The democrats suing everyone under the sun or threatening suit was also a good part of that. But these are only parts. Your ignorance of events will cause you continued denial.
Dude ONLY right wing brainless dupes believe that mae and mac caused this.

No, forcing banks to give mortgages to people who can't pay them is what caused this. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were essential to the process by buying the bad loans the banks were forced to make.

You can thank Bawney Fwank, Chris "waitress sandwich" Dodd and the rest of the Democrats on the House Banking committee for that.
I'm thinking you're a complete fucking retard.

I KNOW you are...All your "facts" are brainwashed propaganda. Memorize my sig and get a fresh start based on reality. Hoping for your recovery.

and what the fuck are yours Frankie?....something from Mad Magazine?.....for a guy who says he is "Educated" you sure are a stupid sounding motherfucker ....

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