GOP- total corrupt fail for years- what are you thinking?

Thanks for the SECOND Pub cronyism/corruption World Depression AND the stupidest wars ever, and the most disgraceful propaganda machine the country has ever seen...

Most corrupt and hypocrite party the modern world has seen...Pub Dupes/haters =BAD CITIZENS

"I know, let's cut taxes on the rich, destroy Medicare, raise military spending, and lower the deficit (in 2036). Won't the chumps EVER learn? JFC Pffffft!

Always bring down the tone of the argument LOL.

hey Frankie?.....are the Democrats guilty of anything?....are you even capable of saying yes if they are?....or are you going to give me more of your Franco-American mumbo- jumbo that only people with a secret decoder ring can translate?....

Frankie?.....whats the matter?....cant give me an answer without burning in Democrat hell?...they cant hurt you Frankie.....

Could be he's thinking up an answer? Could be he's thinking that as a card carrying 'Progressive' his laughter at someone working for 30 years at Walmart might just be a tad elitist? Well in his book, if he's a conscious anyways. I wonder if he thought to ask how much stock, preferred that 30 year Walmart worker owns?
Do you often make up fantasy conversations that never occured?

That's a sign of mental illness, you understand.

Business came to Reagan and said "we no longer want to share the gains of economic growth with American workers. We want sweatshop labor from enslaved nations in the middle east. We want lower operating costs. American labor is too expensive"

Reagan said "Okay, we'll use the Cold War as a context to intervene militarily in the 3rd world, so we can create easy access to 3rd world labor and raw materials. But how will American families survive if we ship their jobs to dictator-run, freedom-hating nations that pay workers pennies a day ?"

Business said "Easy Ron. You realize that by excluding the middle class from the gains of economic growth, we'll have a lot more money. We'll give that money to banks and they'll loan it to middle class in the form of credit cards, mortgages, and a variety of debt instruments."

Reagan said "So you want to loan the middle class the money they use to receive in wages? You want to sustain American families by expanding credit markets? You want people to have to go into progressively higher debt just to survive? Won't that eventually bankrupt American families? And if they go bankrupt, how will they re-pay the loans you give them? Wouldn't it be easier just to keep their jobs here, rather than sending them to freedom hating nations in the 3rd world - the very places we're claiming to fight?"

Business said "Easy Ron. When they default on the loans we give them, you'll bail us out, then we'll foreclose on them, and seize their homes, and then sell their homes to the next round of morons. And we'll use some of the proceeds to fund your elections and keep you in power perpetually. "

Reagan said "Okay. But don't you think people will figure out how badly we're screwing them?"

Business said "No problem there either Ron. Just create a straw man called "government". Blame everything on Washington and not the large financial interests which own it."

Reagan said "But what will happen to the domestic economy if we allow predatory finance to destroy such a large body of consumers?"

Business said "Don't worry gipper. This is what the global economy is for. If one consumer market is too bankrupt to consume, we'll just go to whatever consumer market has money."

Reagan said "But won't that lead to social unrest? What are we going to do with all the workers who can't find work and have no means to survive"

Business said "Jeeze Ronnie, that one is easy. Create a number of policies that make it easier to watch and jail the superfluous. Call it the War on Drugs. Or the War on Terrorism. This will allow you to beef up domestic surveillance and law enforcement - so it will be easier for the state to put people in jail."

Reagan said "But won't people notice when the freest country in the world has the largest prison population? Won't people start to wonder when they see all the people we're putting in cages?"

Business said "Come on Ron. What the fuck do you think Fox News is for? If we capture the media, we can decide what people see. For instance, right now the biggest crisis is America's growing dependence on oil, and the shipping of jobs to dictator-run state controlled economies, along with the increasing financialization of the economy - where more and more resources are devoted to speculative garbage rather than the real economy. You'd think this would be a problem, and that Americans would revolt. Not so Ron, because we'll distract with demons - evil empires and evil doers... Soviets, Marxists, socialists, gays, illegals, baby killers, etc. "

Reagan said "But won't they notice that we're not really fighting communism when all the jobs end up in communist China? I mean our largest contributors are Walmart, which gets all its manufacturing from China, and big oil, which derives its profits by making terrorist nations richer. Won't voters see through these lies?"

Business said "Golly Ron, you are dumber than we thought. Have you ever listened to talk radio? We control what people think. They will never be the wiser. The game is over Ron. We fund most elections and we own most politicians. We own everything Ron. Stop worrying and come to bed?"
30 years? LOL!

Frankie i was told only Republicans laughed at someones job?....was i lied too?....

Gee, do tell me what is wrong with someone working for the largest employer around as a career? Is the left against someone being loyal to the company that supported their family for 30 years? Does working at a retail store make you a clown? I do believe this idiot thinks so, And he doesn't even consider that someone who has been with any company that long is probably making damn good money...
Jeeebus, what lying tools these dupes be...

GOP- total corrupt fail for years- what are you thinking?

1982- Biggest tax hike in history, great success!!
then tax cuts, quadrupled debt...FAIL
S+L 1988- FAIL
Bush 1- FAIL
9/11- FAIL
Afghan- FAIL
Housing Bubble-FAIL
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs 2010- FAIL

Great at feqqing up the country and brainwashing MORONS...and getting elected on lies, country be damned...

Also weighing down message boards with deluded OPs...

"I know, let's cut taxes on the rich, destroy Medicare, raise military spending, and lower the deficit (in 2036). Won't the chumps EVER learn? JFC
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Jeeebus, what lying tools these dupes be...

GOP- total corrupt fail for years- what are you thinking?

1982- Biggest tax hike in history, great success!!
then tax cuts, quadrupled debt...FAIL
S+L 1988- FAIL
Bush 1- FAIL
9/11- FAIL
Afghan- FAIL
Housing Bubble-FAIL
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs 2010- FAIL

Great at feqqing up the country and brainwashing MORONS...and getting elected on lies, country be damned...

Also weighing down message boards with deluded OPs...

"I know, let's cut taxes on the rich, destroy Medicare, raise military spending, and lower the deficit (in 2036). Won't the chumps EVER learn? JFC

we have already seen you post this thing 8 times already Frankie.....get some new shit.....
Obama is George Bush on steroids. He continued all of Bush's policies. He has actually made things so much worse. He has completely sunk future generations. From the NDAA, to massive Debt & Poverty. What a mess.
Toyal BS. He cut NDAA as much as he could, won't enforce the worst. Congress was going to pass it over him anyway. We've gone from losing 750k jobs a month to 20 some straight months of job increase, even with "no compromise un-American" (TIME) Pubs blocking EVERYTHING except for 6 months.

Pub total incompetence and corrupt cronyism gave us a SECOND Pub World Depression, the worst kind, a housing bust of HUGE scale. This is as fast a recovery as experts had hoped for. This time, a recovery based on stable industry, not Pub corruption, pollution, and screwing the nonrich even more...

Romney is another smirking, oblivious, incompetent W clone who'll do anything to get elected.. The inmates have taken over the Pub asylum- cutting Medicare/aid, SS, the EPA, raising military spending, and cutting taxes on the rich is ideological insanity.
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Toyal BS. He cut NDAA as much as he could, won't enforce the worst. Congress was going to pass it over him anyway. We've gone from losing 750k jobs a month to 20 some straight months of job increase, even with "no compromise un-American" (TIME) Pubs blocking EVERYTHING except for 6 months.

Pub total incompetence and corrupt cronyism gave us a SECOND Pub World Depression, the worst kind, a housing bust of HUGE scale. This is as fast a recovery as experts had hoped for. This time, a recovery based on stable industry, not Pub corruption, pollution, and screwing the nonrich even more...

Romney is another smirking, oblivious, incompetent W clone who'll do anything to get elected.. The inmates have taken over the Pub asylum- cutting Medicare/aid, SS, the EPA, raising military spending, and cutting taxes on the rich is ideological insanity.

Frankie you ever answer questions?......or are you just to much of a pussy to answer something that may make you say something against the party that has you by your scrawny balls?......
Toyal BS. He cut NDAA as much as he could, won't enforce the worst. Congress was going to pass it over him anyway. We've gone from losing 750k jobs a month to 20 some straight months of job increase, even with "no compromise un-American" (TIME) Pubs blocking EVERYTHING except for 6 months.

Pub total incompetence and corrupt cronyism gave us a SECOND Pub World Depression, the worst kind, a housing bust of HUGE scale. This is as fast a recovery as experts had hoped for. This time, a recovery based on stable industry, not Pub corruption, pollution, and screwing the nonrich even more...

Romney is another smirking, oblivious, incompetent W clone who'll do anything to get elected.. The inmates have taken over the Pub asylum- cutting Medicare/aid, SS, the EPA, raising military spending, and cutting taxes on the rich is ideological insanity.

Frankie you ever answer questions?......or are you just to much of a pussy to answer something that may make you say something against the party that has you by your scrawny balls?......

Both. Note his avie? It's British...he isn't an American citizen apparently.
Provincial, ignorant haters/Pubtrolls (the only kind) strike again....

"I know, let's cut taxes on the rich, destroy Medicare, raise military spending, and lower the deficit (in 2036). Won't the chumps EVER learn? JFC

Brainwashed ideological idiocy, by and for ignorant chumps...
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Provincial, ignorant haters/Pubtrolls (the only kind) strike again....

"I know, let's cut taxes on the rich, destroy Medicare, raise military spending, and lower the deficit (in 2036). Won't the chumps EVER learn? JFC

Brainwashed ideological idiocy, by and for ignorant chumps...

Excuse me, who is it that just cut medicare by half a billion? Who is it that just added more to our debt in 3 years than his predecessor did in 8 years?

This fool needs to go back to Chicago.........
Obama,Bush,McCain,Romney? I still can't believe so many think there's such a big difference between them. They're all Big Government Globalists in the end. Their policies are just about identical. Only real Constitutional Conservatism can save our Nation now. The Big Government Globalists have brought our Nation to its knees. They're certainly not gonna be the ones to fix our awful problems. We need real change.
Obama,Bush,McCain,Romney? I still can't believe so many think there's such a big difference between them. They're all Big Government Globalists in the end. Their policies are just about identical. Only real Constitutional Conservatism can save our Nation now. The Big Government Globalists have brought our Nation to its knees. They're certainly not gonna be the ones to fix our awful problems. We need real change.

Ron Paul will still never be president............
I'm thinking you believe a lot of shytte and can't handle facts, dupe. Any argument against OP or my sig, chump? LOL

This is about the sum of Francblo's arguments.


did he really use the word "facts" in a post.

Unfreaking believable.

He's from New know...the place where it seems everyone is on welfare.

And he claims to be a former school teacher...which is downright scary if you think about the idea of kids being subjected to a moron like this.

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