GOP Took Away Their Right To Choose


May 25, 2004
My question is this: Why hasn't this been addressed on the news? To me this is pretty important to discuss (and yes, I would feel the same way if it was reversed and the Dems were doing this to people)

New Citizens Say GOP Took Away Their Right To Choose

POSTED: 11:31 pm EDT July 5, 2004

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Dario Cruz has lived in the United States for 16 years, but just became a citizen last week as he and about 200 other immigrants were naturalized.

Dario Cruz takes citizenship oath at the University of North Florida last week.

One of the things he had always wanted to was register to vote, but when he was offered the chance to do that right outside the ceremony, he knew something wasn't right -- the place on the form where you're asked to choose Democrat, Republican or independent was already filled out.

"It's like one side," Cruz said. "You don't get to choose."

According to Cruz and his family, every form was checked off Republican.

It was something his wife, Linda Cross, first noticed. She said she asked what was going on, and was told the woman registering voters said they were with a Republican organization.

"I am Republican," she told Channel 4's Jim Piggott. "I was very angry with that if they want to register whatever party, you shouldn't try to dictate to people what party they are going to register; who they are going to vote for, because then you don't have any freedom."

The couple left without registering, but they did tell local Democratic Party officials what happened.

"These new citizens that were coming out and maybe did not know much of what was going on were all registering Republican," Cross said. "Not by choice, but by someone else's choice."

Clyde Collins, who runs the local Democratic Party, says this practice is not right, and as informed federal officials about the incident. They told him an investigation is underway.

"First of all, it violates your fundamental right," Collins said. "You have right to decide which political party you wish to enroll."

Read more here:
brneyedgrl80 said:
New Citizens Say GOP Took Away Their Right To Choose

Looks like a little overly zealous recruiting perhaps. But hardly amounts to denying anyone's right to choose hteir party affiliating. Seems to me that the person complaining exercised her right to choose by refusing to fill out the form and seeking assistance elsewhere.

But this piece does serve as a good example of why liberals lack credibility. Assuming that the article tells the truth (which I doubt very much), they degrade their veracity with the misleading title which suggests that somehow those nasty Republicans were able to deny these new voters their choice of party affiliation.

Do I even need to raise the bullshit flag here?
The bigger question is "Who gives a rat's ass?"

Line thru it, and change it. Then initial. But even still, it doesn't matter. Nobody gets VOTES for how many ppl have 'registered' - and what if the dude went to a REPUBLICAN-SPONSORED table right after the swearing in? Perhaps there was another line there for Democrats and they had THEIRS pre-marked?

blah...Mr Molehill, you are now Mr Mountian.
They have the right to tear up that piece of paper and register anyway they want. After registering they can vote anyway they want. If they are going to be citizens of America ,they had better wise up before they own swamp land, the brooklyn bridge and 500000000000000 sets of encyclopedias.
now if this had been a democrat selected voter registration issue you all would be up in arms about the demonrats forcing new citizens to succumb to the democratic party already. :boohoo:
I agree.

Also, what about the fact that many of these people probably feel that this is something that they have to fill out because they do not yet understand all of our laws or rules?

And some people who become citizens here still do not understand or speak english well enough to understand what they are filling out.

Granted, candidates do not win by how many people sign up to be their party. But it kind of tilts things in their favor, at least for the primaries in certain states.

Wonder if this could be a big "disenfranchisement" argument for the election.
DKSuddeth said:
now if this had been a democrat selected voter registration issue you all would be up in arms about the demonrats forcing new citizens to succumb to the democratic party already. :boohoo:

Hey, it's my double-standard and I'm proud of it. :)
Merlin1047 said:
Looks like a little overly zealous recruiting perhaps. But hardly amounts to denying anyone's right to choose hteir party affiliating. Seems to me that the person complaining exercised her right to choose by refusing to fill out the form and seeking assistance elsewhere.

But this piece does serve as a good example of why liberals lack credibility. Assuming that the article tells the truth (which I doubt very much), they degrade their veracity with the misleading title which suggests that somehow those nasty Republicans were able to deny these new voters their choice of party affiliation.

Do I even need to raise the bullshit flag here?

Surely there must be some kind of record of party affiliation/naturalization
stats somewhere. :confused:
That's actually more of a democratic trick, surprised the GOP tried it. My grandfather got off a ship from Ireland in 1890something. On the dock, he was asked, "Want to be American, right now?" Of course he answered, "Yes." Signed up to vote and was put on another ship to Cuba. Spanish American War. Now when he returned, was given job with the railroads, so all worked out in the end!
So these people are smart enough to become Americans but too stupid to read something before you sign it?---oh ya--my bad--the forms need to be printed in every language in the world !!
So these people are smart enough to become Americans but too stupid to read something before you sign it?---oh ya--my bad--the forms need to be printed in every language in the world !!
That's a good point. I wonder if it was clearly marked? If so, then they should have looked. But if it was not clearly marked, then I would have a problem with it.
Definitely Bullshit. In the sense that this is a non-issue. Saying that they took away their right to choose is ridiculous. They still can choose democrat. They simply grab another form. I'd say you'd be a moron if you complained if democrats did this as well.

Registering for a party only matters in the primaries. General election you vote for whoever. Hell i could be registered Green Party for all i care. Im voting for Bush.
This was registration. Remember in 2000 the DEMS were paying winos to vote?

So go figure.

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