gop Senators Receive Stark Warning About Voting Against trump

The public isn't even paying attention.

Schiff et al aren't presenting any EVIDENCE to actually PROVE their case against their President. All he's giving is opinions.

Everyone has an opinion.

But trials are decided with facts.

Not this one. If that were the case, the facts would be allowed. Rump has already bragged he has all the facts but won't release them. Just what does it take to really piss off the Republican Senators anyway? And now they get a direct threat. They have enough to come to a conclusion that Rump overstepped his boundries. Just Censure him and close the hearing. Move the F((( on. And then prepare a decent Candidate for November while there is still time.

Its not up to President Trump to prove his innocence. He is presumed innocent and is under no obligation to testify against himself.

It was really up to Schiff to prove the case, and frankly, he just didn't prove anything except that he really really doesn't like Trump and really thinks that the President is guilty.

I have no doubt that he believes that, but its not proof.
Nobody gives a damn what Bug-eyed Schiff believes. He either has proof of a crime worthy of removal or he's spraying hours of bullshit.

The Senate has another option. They can censure. And I believe that would be the best option for all concerned.

Republicans fear Trump

They will not so much as slap him on the wrist as censure him

Maybe they should censure President Trump for reducing black unemployment to record lows, or increasing the markets to record high
It takes a two thirds majority to convict, and the Democrats have only 47 seats int the Senate and would need 20 Republicans to vote with them to remove the President, so this is not a real trial but only a political stunt.

But it's one that is needed to be done. What is not being done is the Senate doing IT'S job. Right now, it's pretty clear that the Senate is totally controlled by the Executive Branch and that rubs me the wrong way. If you are a constutionalist then it should you as well.
Nonsense. members of Congress always support a president of their own party. In this case, the Republicans in the Senate are doing their job; the articles of impeachment are without merit and it remains to be seen the Democrats in the Senate will do their job and vote against this hoax or bow and scrape to the party and vote for it.
Quite true.

To get a sense of what the Russia-collusion theory did to the Washington mainstream, consider the case of Bug-eyed Schiff, the current Democratic chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Bug-eyed Schiff was seen as a fairly moderate Democrat until 2017. As the committee’s ranking minority member, he had worked cooperatively with Nunes on the committee on a number of issues—from legislation on the authorization for the War on Terror to oversight of the National Security Agency process for unmasking U.S. citizens caught up in wiretaps of overseas targets.

After Trump was elected, Bug-eyed Schiff turned into a cyber-age Joe McCarthy. The latest example came in November, in a report to Congress on impeachment, when he published phone logs of journalist John Solomon and Nunes himself. He obtained those records through subpoenas of shady Ukrainian Americans and the president’s lawyer, Rudolph Giuliani. That was an extraordinary breach of a journalist’s privacy, not to mention decorum. The fact that most journalists didn’t rush to Solomon’s defense—because they disliked the pro-Trump thrust of Solomon’s work—was a sign of how deeply the Resistance mindset had penetrated the mainstream.

Back in 2017, Bug-eyed Schiff also hyped Steele’s allegations. At a hearing on March 20 of that year, he repeated most of the ex-spy’s allegations in his opening statement. He asked openly whether Page, Flynn, Roger Stone, and others in Trump’s orbit were all part of an elaborate quid pro quo to relax sanctions against Russia in exchange for assistance during the 2016 election. Bug-eyed Schiff was careful to say he did not yet know these things to be true—which made raising the question a perfect example of irresponsible innuendo. But because Bug-eyed Schiff was the ranking Democrat on the intelligence committee, his innuendo appeared to be informed by state secrets. Over time, Bug-eyed Schiff repeated these charges—particularly against Page—and he has never apologized for issuing them. Indeed, after Mueller’s report found no evidence of this conspiracy, Bug-eyed Schiff then suggested that Mueller had never delved into the counterintelligence dimensions of the Trump-Russia investigation. Like all conspiracy theorists, Bug-eyed Schiff was suggesting that the failure to find a conspiracy was proof that the investigation must go on.

When Bug-eyed Schiff was not working as a prosecutor of the Trump campaign, he was serving as the Corrump FBI’s defense counsel. In early 2018, Nunes pressed the Justice Department to declassify a Republican memo that first flagged the FISA abuse that Horowitz’s report detailed in December 2019. In response, Bug-eyed Schiff and his staff prepared their own memo. It said Corrupt FBI officials would have been “remiss in their duty to protect the country had they not sought a FISA warrant and repeated renewals to conduct temporary surveillance of Carter Page.”

After the Horowitz report’s release, Bug-eye Schiff has said that he was unaware of much of the information contained in it. The Corrupt FBI and Justice Department leadership also objected to the Nunes memo in 2018, saying it painted an inaccurate picture of the investigation. But Bug-eyed Schiff’s job on the Intelligence Committee was and is to perform oversight of those institutions. Instead, he went along with a cover-up, even as the chairman of the committee at the time was uncovering abuse that Horowitz would confirm in greater and more alarming detail.

The March 20, 2017, hearing was also notable because Comey confirmed publicly for the first time that the Corrupt FBI was investigating “the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.”

Comey said that he was breaking with precedent again in announcing the existence of an ongoing counterintelligence investigation. This made it appear that the bureau was gathering more evidence to support and go beyond the Steele dossier. The reality was the opposite. FBI agents had already accumulated significant evidence by March 20 that Steele’s reporting should not have been trusted. And while it’s unclear whether Comey knew it at the time, he did know that the CIA’s top analyst considered Steele’s dossier to be “Internet rumor.”

And yet when he was asked at the hearing about Steele’s report, Comey said, “I’m not going to comment on that.” In this respect, the Corrupt FBI was not just gaming the surveillance court. It was also gaming the public.

Comey’s testimony sealed his fate with Trump. Privately, Comey had assured the president that he was not a target of the investigation. Publicly, he was creating the impression that Trump was such a target by confirming that his campaign was being probed. So it’s not surprising that Trump would fire Comey a few weeks later.

McCabe made Trump himself a formal suspect in the FBI’s Russia investigation. Rosenstein, who became the lead Justice Department figure in all matters involving Trump and Russia due to Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s decision to recuse himself, considered wearing a wire to secretly record the president. They discussed whether Trump could be removed through the 25th Amendment, which is supposed to hand power to the vice president if the president is mentally or physically debilitated. Eventually, Rosenstein appointed Mueller to oversee the FBI’s Russia investigation.

Comey and Bug-eyed Schiff both promoting rumor and lies to undercut The Presidency of The United States.

The FBI Scandal - Commentary

Huge difference. The Commie Hunters from the 50s had ZERO evidence. And in the end, the other Senators finally stopped drinking the koolaid.

As for the Russain Influence, there is enough there to come to the conclusions that Russia was very, very active. And still is. I see that influence in some of the things you say that are clearly GRU originated. And I see it even influnce the Democratic Nomination Process.

There is a huge difference between saying the Russians are very active, and President Trump colluded with anyone.
After all, Uncle Pooty isn't on trial, the Donald is.

And it was up to the House Managers to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt that Mr. Trump committed a High Crime.
And Fat Jerry and Bug-eyed Schiff have laid an egg.
They are rebroadcasting CBS news which is a clean news agency.

Republican senators receive stark warning about voting against Trump

Yah, I know, since it differs from Rump, it must be fake news. Even Foxnews shows that a simple majority of Americans want the impeachment to happen. But the removal from office is just about split down the middle. I, for one, am sick of the whole thing. it's pretty apparent that Rump is guilty as sin. But I don't want him removed from office. That's a terrible precedence. But I would settle for the Senate to not remove him from office but issue a censer on him instead. (Yah, trolls, I know I mispelled censure, get over it),

I think, in the end, the Republican Senators are going to have to make a choice. Either Rump is censured or they find him totally without fault and end a bunch of their careers. The Public won't forget by November and more than half of all voters will vote another way. I think the Republicans need to play the whole game and put the Republican National Convention back on the playing field like it should be in the first place. Doing a fast research, I can't find anytime in history that the Republican National Convention was suspended.

The Public won't forget by November

The Public forgot by already. Nobody believes your fabricated charges.

The public isn't even paying attention.

Schiff et al aren't presenting any EVIDENCE to actually PROVE their case against their President. All he's giving is opinions.

Everyone has an opinion.

But trials are decided with facts.

Not this one. If that were the case, the facts would be allowed. Rump has already bragged he has all the facts but won't release them. Just what does it take to really piss off the Republican Senators anyway? And now they get a direct threat. They have enough to come to a conclusion that Rump overstepped his boundries. Just Censure him and close the hearing. Move the F((( on. And then prepare a decent Candidate for November while there is still time.
So far, President Trump has done an outstanding job on all the issues, so there is no better candidate for the Republicans to run, but the Democrats clearly don't like any of their choices and Biden, Sanders and Warren lead the pack only because they have the most name recognition, in that order, not because any of the Democrats know or care about their policies or demonstrated competence.

On what issues?..reducing the deficit?, better healthcare at such a good price?, a beautiful wall that Mexico will pay for?, and a myriad of others that President Bloviator has whiffed on? This is what Republicans have become and this is why they are all in on Trump. To speak out against him is to commit political seppuku. Moscow Mitch knows that the demographics are slowly shifting away from his party. Hence the stacking of the courts with "conservative" judges in a desperate attempt to hang on to power.

Democrats are all about policy. Republicans are all about fear and hatred...which is reflected in their policy.
Do you hate Americans?

The House Managers are just repeating themselves over and over again. Boring as hell.

Just repeating the same bullshit over and over again, but no actual PROOF of their claims against their beloved President.

IMHO, they have just not met the standard of proof and have not shown beyond a reasonable doubt that Donald J. Trump is guilty of any crime at all, much less a high crime.
They are nailing down their case against the President and doing a masterful job


Are we watching the same trial?

I really haven't seen President Trump tied to anything substantive at all with regards to the articles of impeachment.

In fact, Mr. Schiff has brought up things which happened like "russian collusion" which have nothing to do with the charges.

IMHO, Justice Roberts should have declared a mistrial for prosecutorial misconduct. Trump is being tried for specific charges, and you can't bring up unproven allegations that are totally unrelated.
Justice Roberts can't make such a declaration.

They are following the format used for Clinton Impeachment, agreed to by the US Senate 100-0. Very clever of Cocaine Mitch to use the same rules. Let it play out. I expect the tune in factor once the President's Dream Team starts to put on their case to be huge.
This is just so wrong. No president should be threatening a senator. The sad thing is that trump does and the republican senators cower in fear.

No president should be doing this.

GOP senators receive stark warning about voting against Trump
This is just so wrong. No president should be threatening a senator. The sad thing is that trump does and the republican senators cower in fear.

No president should be doing this.

GOP senators receive stark warning about voting against Trump

It would be like a mob boss threatening jurors

Yes he has threatened the jury that is supposed to rule on this case.

Anyone else would be charged for trying to influence and threaten a jury.

When will we vote for better people to be in our White House?
The Senators swore an oath to be impartial

Senators who are deliberating under a threat from the President are not impartial

I can't disagree with you and the oath they took. I can disagree with you on the issue of impartiality somehow being only a GOP issue.

I'm just a dumb Canadian but even I've learned what you all mean by calling a politician a RINO. We all know who they are and why they are called that.

Trump has taught his party vital lesson which has served their mandate, support and donations well, "fight fire with fire and don't give in when they try and pressure you to break". This is why Trump enjoys 95% approval from GOP voters. People are more proudly conservative today, they aren't weak and feeble.

If I had been Pelosi, I would have pushed for censure. It might not have succeeded but with impeachment she has somehow managed to generate sympathy for a swashbuckling president. Even if the censure didn't succeed, it would have sent a strong message. Now even a censure would fail as it would look vindictive.

Here is a poster, not even from this country, who understands what the American Heartland feels---that they finally have someone who will fight for them against the Bolshevism and Globalism of the rotting cities in the North and California---which perceive themselves to have a moral and intellectual superiority; one which justifies them in imposing their WILL over the vote of us Deplorables.

Trump, flaws and all...Will and does Stand up to these Ass-Clowns...and we very much appreciate it.

And they want to impeach him for it.

Not going to gonna happen.

And any Republican Senator who sides with the TDS Sufferers---on any vote---needs to immediately change parties.

Yup. They direct it all at Trump and he stands up to it like a Stone Wall, but, who they really hate and who they are really after, IS US!
Fake News. Name the person who is is claiming this.

The blizzard of lies from the Left about Trump is all going up in smoke! You guys have been caught lying so many times that no one believes anything you say. Enough with the unsourced lies.

President Trump’s Approval Rating Climbs Three Points in One Week Since Democrats Opened Their Sham Senate Impeachment Trial

They are rebroadcasting CBS news which is a clean news agency.

Republican senators receive stark warning about voting against Trump

Yah, I know, since it differs from Rump, it must be fake news. Even Foxnews shows that a simple majority of Americans want the impeachment to happen. But the removal from office is just about split down the middle. I, for one, am sick of the whole thing. it's pretty apparent that Rump is guilty as sin. But I don't want him removed from office. That's a terrible precedence. But I would settle for the Senate to not remove him from office but issue a censer on him instead. (Yah, trolls, I know I mispelled censure, get over it),

I think, in the end, the Republican Senators are going to have to make a choice. Either Rump is censured or they find him totally without fault and end a bunch of their careers. The Public won't forget by November and more than half of all voters will vote another way. I think the Republicans need to play the whole game and put the Republican National Convention back on the playing field like it should be in the first place. Doing a fast research, I can't find anytime in history that the Republican National Convention was suspended.

The Public won't forget by November

The Public forgot by already. Nobody believes your fabricated charges.

The public isn't even paying attention.

Schiff et al aren't presenting any EVIDENCE to actually PROVE their case against their President. All he's giving is opinions.

Everyone has an opinion.

But trials are decided with facts.

Criminal trials are. But impeachment is a political process. High crimes and misdemeanors don't actually have to include rule breakin...
Without it you'll be laughed out of The Senate.
... In this country, if you are a political figure (or any figure for that matter), you can lose your job for just the appearance of impropriety...
Are you confused on the distinction of Election Results and Impeachment results?
... So far, Democrats have presented a case that given a standard defense in a controlled environment, would result in a conviction...
No they haven't. The impeachment articles don't even include a statutory crime.
... Most people have made up their minds one way or another. This display is for the small percentage of independent voters in the swing states who will decide the election in November.
It's a terrible abuse of the Impeachment Power to try to use it to impact an upcoming election. You guys deserve what is coming to you at the hands of The Electorate.

The Mueller investigation was supposed to lead to impeachment, but when Dirty Bob laid and egg, they came up with this ridiculous nonsense.

Mueller’s final report says flatly that the investigation did “not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.”

One might think that this would have put an end to the Trump-Russia collusion narrative. It hasn’t. To this day, prominent Democrats and pundits insist that Mueller either found that the Trump campaign tried to collude with Russia or that Trump’s obstruction of that investigation prevented Mueller from getting to the truth. Mueller's report offers this bit of casuistry: “A statement that the investigation did not establish particular facts does not mean there was no evidence of those facts.” Such a thing could be said about any investigation into any subject at any time that does not deliver the goods.

What we do know, after the Mueller investigation and the Horowitz report, is this:

Obama’s Corrupt FBI and former intelligence-community leaders kept open an investigation into Trump after that investigation yielded exculpatory evidence. Following Trump’s election, Comey, Brennan, and a host of Obama national-security officials weaponized the allegations against Trump by becoming pundits themselves on cable news channels and suggesting by their very presence that they had inside information about the Trump-Russia conspiracy—information they did not have. With few exceptions, members of Congress and the press who should have scrutinized their false assertions acted as an echo chamber to amplify them.

Is it any wonder that no Republican voted to impeach Trump in the House on the Ukraine matter? This is a response to the failure of the party leading the impeachment to acknowledge the falsehood of its initial conspiracy theory about Russia.

The problem with the Trump-Russia investigation is that at the moment the investigators were receiving exculpatory evidence, the false collusion theory became the hottest story in the world.

This should never happen again. And, in normal times, it would not have happened. Journalists would have maintained their initial skepticism about the dossier. Corrupt FBI lawyers would have been more vigilant about including exculpatory information in the Page surveillance warrant. Congressional leaders would have been more restrained in publicly questioning the loyalty of Americans who worked for a rival political campaign. Former intelligence officials would not have deployed innuendo to imply that the legitimately elected president of the United States was a traitor.

Clinesmith, the Corrupt FBI attorney who altered an email from the CIA to make it appear that Carter Page was not assisting the agency when he really was. In a footnote, Horowitz quotes an instant message from Clinesmith to a colleague the day after Trump won the election in 2016. “I am so stressed about what I could have done differently,” he wrote. Two weeks later he tapped out a message that ended with “Viva le [sic] resistance.”

From Comey to Clinesmith their theory about Trump and Russia was wrong, and the shortcuts they took to prove the theory has deformed our politics.

For our beloved Trump, the Truth has prevailed!

The FBI Scandal - Commentary

I'm sorry, I don't do meth..or any drugs what so ever. Is there something in here I can respond to? Republicans didn't vote to impeach Trump...aww jeez, forget it.
Nonsense. members of Congress always support a president of their own party. In this case, the Republicans in the Senate are doing their job; the articles of impeachment are without merit and it remains to be seen the Democrats in the Senate will do their job and vote against this hoax or bow and scrape to the party and vote for it.
Quite true.

To get a sense of what the Russia-collusion theory did to the Washington mainstream, consider the case of Bug-eyed Schiff, the current Democratic chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Bug-eyed Schiff was seen as a fairly moderate Democrat until 2017. As the committee’s ranking minority member, he had worked cooperatively with Nunes on the committee on a number of issues—from legislation on the authorization for the War on Terror to oversight of the National Security Agency process for unmasking U.S. citizens caught up in wiretaps of overseas targets.

After Trump was elected, Bug-eyed Schiff turned into a cyber-age Joe McCarthy. The latest example came in November, in a report to Congress on impeachment, when he published phone logs of journalist John Solomon and Nunes himself. He obtained those records through subpoenas of shady Ukrainian Americans and the president’s lawyer, Rudolph Giuliani. That was an extraordinary breach of a journalist’s privacy, not to mention decorum. The fact that most journalists didn’t rush to Solomon’s defense—because they disliked the pro-Trump thrust of Solomon’s work—was a sign of how deeply the Resistance mindset had penetrated the mainstream.

Back in 2017, Bug-eyed Schiff also hyped Steele’s allegations. At a hearing on March 20 of that year, he repeated most of the ex-spy’s allegations in his opening statement. He asked openly whether Page, Flynn, Roger Stone, and others in Trump’s orbit were all part of an elaborate quid pro quo to relax sanctions against Russia in exchange for assistance during the 2016 election. Bug-eyed Schiff was careful to say he did not yet know these things to be true—which made raising the question a perfect example of irresponsible innuendo. But because Bug-eyed Schiff was the ranking Democrat on the intelligence committee, his innuendo appeared to be informed by state secrets. Over time, Bug-eyed Schiff repeated these charges—particularly against Page—and he has never apologized for issuing them. Indeed, after Mueller’s report found no evidence of this conspiracy, Bug-eyed Schiff then suggested that Mueller had never delved into the counterintelligence dimensions of the Trump-Russia investigation. Like all conspiracy theorists, Bug-eyed Schiff was suggesting that the failure to find a conspiracy was proof that the investigation must go on.

When Bug-eyed Schiff was not working as a prosecutor of the Trump campaign, he was serving as the Corrump FBI’s defense counsel. In early 2018, Nunes pressed the Justice Department to declassify a Republican memo that first flagged the FISA abuse that Horowitz’s report detailed in December 2019. In response, Bug-eyed Schiff and his staff prepared their own memo. It said Corrupt FBI officials would have been “remiss in their duty to protect the country had they not sought a FISA warrant and repeated renewals to conduct temporary surveillance of Carter Page.”

After the Horowitz report’s release, Bug-eye Schiff has said that he was unaware of much of the information contained in it. The Corrupt FBI and Justice Department leadership also objected to the Nunes memo in 2018, saying it painted an inaccurate picture of the investigation. But Bug-eyed Schiff’s job on the Intelligence Committee was and is to perform oversight of those institutions. Instead, he went along with a cover-up, even as the chairman of the committee at the time was uncovering abuse that Horowitz would confirm in greater and more alarming detail.

The March 20, 2017, hearing was also notable because Comey confirmed publicly for the first time that the Corrupt FBI was investigating “the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.”

Comey said that he was breaking with precedent again in announcing the existence of an ongoing counterintelligence investigation. This made it appear that the bureau was gathering more evidence to support and go beyond the Steele dossier. The reality was the opposite. FBI agents had already accumulated significant evidence by March 20 that Steele’s reporting should not have been trusted. And while it’s unclear whether Comey knew it at the time, he did know that the CIA’s top analyst considered Steele’s dossier to be “Internet rumor.”

And yet when he was asked at the hearing about Steele’s report, Comey said, “I’m not going to comment on that.” In this respect, the Corrupt FBI was not just gaming the surveillance court. It was also gaming the public.

Comey’s testimony sealed his fate with Trump. Privately, Comey had assured the president that he was not a target of the investigation. Publicly, he was creating the impression that Trump was such a target by confirming that his campaign was being probed. So it’s not surprising that Trump would fire Comey a few weeks later.

McCabe made Trump himself a formal suspect in the FBI’s Russia investigation. Rosenstein, who became the lead Justice Department figure in all matters involving Trump and Russia due to Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s decision to recuse himself, considered wearing a wire to secretly record the president. They discussed whether Trump could be removed through the 25th Amendment, which is supposed to hand power to the vice president if the president is mentally or physically debilitated. Eventually, Rosenstein appointed Mueller to oversee the FBI’s Russia investigation.

Comey and Bug-eyed Schiff both promoting rumor and lies to undercut The Presidency of The United States.

The FBI Scandal - Commentary

Huge difference. The Commie Hunters from the 50s had ZERO evidence. And in the end, the other Senators finally stopped drinking the koolaid.

As for the Russain Influence, there is enough there to come to the conclusions that Russia was very, very active. And still is. I see that influence in some of the things you say that are clearly GRU originated. And I see it even influnce the Democratic Nomination Process.
They had a ton of evidence, moron. Is every last thing you post wrong?

Nope. They didn't. This why Senator MacCarthy ended up being Censured over it. He made up evidence and wrecked a lot of innocent lives.
Wrong again, shit for brains. He didn't make up a thing. The Venona papers show that everything he said was dead on accurate.

You need to quit reading 50 year old propaganda. New facts have come to light since the USSR collpased.

It's time to educate you a little. I know you won't read this but others that may believe what you are saying might and then they can figure out that you are a fruitcake.

How about the entire list of names from the Venona Papers.
List of Americans in the Venona papers - Wikipedia

7 Artists Whose Careers Were Almost Derailed by the Hollywood Blacklist

MacCarthy accused many people that were going to run against him as Communists. He also went after Artists, Musicians, Actors, Union Officials or anyone else that he thought might be a threat to him. Over a hundred thousand people. And hardly any had any connection with any sort of communist actions. And they were NOT in the Venona Papers.

Your Hero, MacCarthy was the reason that the real party you are a member of was created. Since Eisenhower was "Obviously" a Communist according to some, a political party had to be created to prove it. Welcome the John Birch Society. Now, don't deny it. You are a Bircher just like Rump is. And you will lie about it. But your actions tell a different story. Obviously, anyone that is on the "Other Side" are all Socialists or Communists. Just like Eisenhower was, right?
This is just so wrong. No president should be threatening a senator. The sad thing is that trump does and the republican senators cower in fear.

No president should be doing this.

GOP senators receive stark warning about voting against Trump

It would be like a mob boss threatening jurors

Yes he has threatened the jury that is supposed to rule on this case.

Anyone else would be charged for trying to influence and threaten a jury.

When will we vote for better people to be in our White House?
Well you can vote in November, or didn't you know?
Trump Confidant To Republican Senators: Vote Against Him And “Your Head Will Be On A Pike”

Vivid tough-guy bluster. Axe-grinding about fickle establishmentarians. Whispering on background to reporters. It has all the hallmarks.

Some lefties are taking the line literally, not because there’s any actual doubt that it’s metaphorical but because it’s Friday and content is thin and “the Trump administration is about to cross a frightening new line” is always good filler content for the Resistance.

Anyway, no one’s head will end up on a pike. In a worst-case scenario a guy like Romney will vote to remove, serve out his term as an unelectable incumbent, then enjoy a very cushy retirement surrounded by a hundred adoring grandchildren. In fact, likening the end of one’s political career to a beheading is a weirdly elitist view for a Trump confidant, the sort of person who’d normally tell you that the country would be much better off without the careerist mindset shared by so much of the time-serving trash that populates official Washington.
They didn’t under Nixon

They realized they must do what is right and told Nixon he needed to resign or be impeached

As you know, the Nixon Impeachment and the Trump Impeachment are light years apart.

With President Donald Trump, there is no underlying crime.

With President Richard Nixon, there not only was an underlying crime that started the whole ball rolling but there were repeated crimes committed in the cover-up.

There was the break-in at the Watergate Hotel for the purpose of tapping the telephones of the DNC. Seven burglars were caught and prosecuted. (I met G. Gordon Liddy some years back when he was the keynote speaker at our convention)

Numerous subpoenaed documents were illegally destroyed.

I guess the straw that broke the camels back was the discovery of the secret recording system in the Oval Office and the deleted 18.5 minutes of audio on the tapes.
The Public won't forget by November

The Public forgot by already. Nobody believes your fabricated charges.

The public isn't even paying attention.

Schiff et al aren't presenting any EVIDENCE to actually PROVE their case against their President. All he's giving is opinions.

Everyone has an opinion.

But trials are decided with facts.
It takes a two thirds majority to convict, and the Democrats have only 47 seats int the Senate and would need 20 Republicans to vote with them to remove the President, so this is not a real trial but only a political stunt.

But it's one that is needed to be done. What is not being done is the Senate doing IT'S job. Right now, it's pretty clear that the Senate is totally controlled by the Executive Branch and that rubs me the wrong way. If you are a constutionalist then it should you as well.
Nonsense. members of Congress always support a president of their own party. In this case, the Republicans in the Senate are doing their job; the articles of impeachment are without merit and it remains to be seen the Democrats in the Senate will do their job and vote against this hoax or bow and scrape to the party and vote for it.

If they are blindly supporting the President of their Party no matter what then they are in violation of their oath of office and should resign. They owe their alligence to America not their political party.

Please explain how the Democrats were not blindly supporting House Speaker Democrat Nancy Pelosi.

Keep in mind that Democrats were raising the issue of impeachment BEFORE TRUMP TOOK OFFICE.

They didn’t under Nixon

They realized they must do what is right and told Nixon he needed to resign or be impeached

As you know, the Nixon Impeachment and the Trump Impeachment are light years apart.

With President Donald Trump, there is no underlying crime.

With President Richard Nixon, there not only was an underlying crime that started the whole ball rolling but there were repeated crimes committed in the cover-up.

There was the break-in at the Watergate Hotel for the purpose of tapping the telephones of the DNC. Seven burglars were caught and prosecuted. (I met G. Gordon Liddy some years back when he was the keynote speaker at our convention)

Numerous subpoenaed documents were illegally destroyed.

I guess the straw that broke the camels back was the discovery of the secret recording system in the Oval Office and the deleted 18.5 minutes of audio on the tapes.
But hey, they have a two year tape of Trump wanting to fire an Ambassador, he has every right to fire, so, THE SAME!

Murkowski wants no part of The Pike!

Murkowski: Why Are House Managers Pushing Us Into A Legal Battle They Refused?


As the impeachment presentment rolls into its third day on the Senate floor, the one message that gets beaten into the ground by each House manager is the need to call witnesses who didn’t testify before the House. Adam Schiff and Jerrold Nadler declined to pursue witnesses like John Bolton and Mick Mulvaney because they didn’t want to get slowed down by a court fight over executive privilege.

Senate Republicans are asking themselves why they shouldn’t make the same choice the House did:

Republicans are pointing that issuing subpoenas — to top officials like acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and former national security adviser John Bolton and for documents blocked by the White House — will only serve to drag out the proceedings.

McConnell has increased warnings that subpoenas could prompt an “indefinite” delay in the trial and get tied up in the courts have been gaining traction within his conference.
Schumer would have to get Lisa Murkowski to vote for a subpoena, being the most independent-minded Republican senator in the caucus. But after two days of the House managers’ arguments, she’s sounding a very skeptical note on their demands:

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), who has been seen as a swing vote, appeared wary of a legal fight, characterizing House Democrats as trying to get the Senate to go through a legal battle they bypassed.

“It’s kind of like the House made a decision that they didn’t want to slow things down by having to go through the courts,” she said. “And yet now they’re basically saying you guys need to go through the courts. We didn’t but we need you to. That’s kind of where we are.”​

If Schumer has lost Murkowski on the witness issue, it’s game over, man. Senate Democrats will remain stuck with the half-baked case the House dropped on them, one that was destined to go nowhere anyway.

Murkowski: Why are House managers pushing us into a legal battle they refused?
How do you take it that Trump is doing the threatening? Oh yeah, forgot. "orange man bad"

Democrats are wrapping up their impeachment arguments on Friday, telling Senators they can’t trust President Trump. Nancy Cordes has learned that a Trump confidante reportedly told Republican Senators that “a vote against the president and your head will be on a pike.” She breaks down the implications on Capitol Hill.

Actually what they said was that the ruling elites can’t trust voters.
Which is to say...he [President Donald Trump] has no accomplishments...

Yep, no accomplishments!

The Unemployment Rate Does Not Signal A Recession
Update - October 4, 2019
Oct. 4, 2019 10:29 AM ET

|The Unemployment Rate Does Not Signal A Recession: Update - October 4, 2019 | Seeking Alpha


Steve Moore: Middle-class Incomes Surge More Than $5,000 Under Trump Economy

Steve Moore: Middle-class Incomes Surge More Than $5,000 Under Trump Economy | FreedomWorks


Younger and Minority Workers Lead Wage Gains as Expansion Ages
Oct. 17, 2019, 8:59 AM

A tightening labor market with U.S. unemployment rate at a 50-year low is starting to result in higher wages for full-time workers, including younger people and minorities whose pay has lagged.

Median weekly earnings for Americans in the third quarter rose 3.6% to $919, outpacing inflation, the U.S. Labor Department reported Wednesday. Earnings for those aged 25 to 54, in their prime working years, rose by 5%, the fastest rate of growth in recent years.

Younger and Minority Workers Lead Wage Gains as Expansion Ages


Record-low black unemployment cheered by black activists

Published 1 month ago on September 9, 2019


“Love him or hate him, this is an incredible economic accomplishment for the President and a tremendous benefit for American blacks,” said Project 21 member Derryck Green.

Along with a reported third straight month of 3.7 percent overall unemployment, the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) August jobs report noted that the overall black unemployment rate fell half-a-percent to 5.5 percent. This is the lowest black unemployment rate ever recorded. BLS began reporting employment statistics by race in 1972. And with overall white unemployment at 3.4 percent, it is also the smallest reported gap between the races ever in terms of joblessness. Until recently, the racial employment disparity between blacks and whites has generally held to a 2-1 margin.

Record-low black unemployment cheered by black activists


Help wanted: Too many jobs and not enough workers in most states
Tim Henderson, Stateline Published 8:00 a.m. CT Oct. 15, 2019 | Updated 7:10 p.m. CT Oct. 15, 2019

In 39 states, there are more jobs than people looking for them, according to a Stateline analysis of June hiring and employment data from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Help wanted: Too many jobs and not enough workers in most states


America Created 266,000 Jobs in November
JOHN CARNEY 6 Dec 2019
The imaginary recession of 2019 is over.

The U.S. economy added 266,000 jobs for the month and the unemployment rate fell to 3.5 percent, matching the lowest level in 50 years.

Economists had expected the economy to add 180,000 jobs and for unemployment to remain unchanged at 3.6 percent, according to Econoday.

Adding to the picture of strength for the labor market, previous jobs numbers were revised up. September’s figure was revised up by 13,000 to 193,000. October was revised up by 28,000 to 156,000. Together, that adds 41,000 more jobs than previously reported.


Average hourly wages are up 3.14 percent compared with last year, above economist expectations. In manufacturing, the average workweek increased by 0.1 hour to 40.5 hours. Average hourly ages of private-sector production and nonsupervisory employees rose by 7 cents in the month to $23.83, a 0.22 percent gain.


America Created 266,000 Jobs in November

Wall Street soars after economy added robust 266,000 jobs in November


USMCA: Agreement reached on Nafta trade deal replacement
10 December 2019

The US, Mexico and Canada have finalised a trade deal that will replace the 25-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta).

Agreement reached on Nafta trade deal replacement


The November hiring surge pushed incomes for Americans higher last month.
20 Dec 2019

Incomes rose by half a percentage point in November, above economists’ forecasts and much better than the soft readings in September and October. This was the strongest gain since July, according to data from the Commerce Department on Friday.

Consumer spending rose at a 0.4 percent annual rate last month, led by a jump in spending on big-ticket durable goods like autos and appliances.

The higher spending is not due to rising prices. Inflation, as measured by the Federal Reserve’s preferred price indicator, is still running well below the Fed’s 2 percent target. It came in at just 1.5 percent for November compared with a year ago.

And despite the rise in consumer spending, Americans are saving more. The saving rate edged up to 7.9 percent of after-tax income in November.

Christmas Cheer: Incomes Jumps Higher, Consumer Spending Soars


US employment remains strong, 145,000 jobs added in December
By JOSH BOAK AP Economics Writer
January 10, 2020, 7:07 PM

U.S. employers downshifted their hiring in December, adding 145,000 jobs as consumer spending appeared to aid gains in the retail and hospitality sectors

US employment remains strong, 145,000 jobs added in December


Manufacturing Surveys Indicate Growth Returning to U.S. Factories
16 Jan 2020

The U.S. manufacturing sector appears to be regaining its footing, suggesting the beaten-down sector may once again be expanding.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia’s survey-based index of manufacturing activity soared to 17 in January, up from the weak 0.3 reading in December and well-above forecasts for a reading of 3.0.

Manufacturing Surveys Indicate Growth Returning to U.S. Factories


Merry Christmas: Retail Sales Grew at Healthy Pace in December
16 Jan 2020

Retail sales rose at a healthy pace in December, a sign that a very healthy U.S. labor market and consumer optimism is continuing to support economic growth.

The Commerce Department said Thursday that retail sales–which measures sales at stores, online, and in restaurants–increased a seasonally adjusted three-tenths of a percentage point in December compared with November to $529.6 billion. That was in line with the consensus forecast.

Merry Christmas: Retail Sales Grew at Healthy Pace in December


US-China phase 1 trade deal: Beijing agrees to buy $200 billion in US products
By Michelle Toh, CNN Business
11 hrs ago [Jan 16. 2020]

China has agreed to buy hundreds of billions of dollars worth of products from the United States as part of their "phase one" trade deal.

The agreement signed Wednesday will have Beijing purchase an additional $200 billion of US goods and services over the next two years.

The increase in purchases will be compared to 2017, before the trade war started. China imported over $185 billion in total US goods and services that year.

In exchange, Washington has agreed to reduce tariffs on $120 billion in Chinese products from 15% to 7.5%.

Taken together, the phased purchases by China would result in a dramatic surge in US exports. Total exports to China would increase to over $260 billion in 2020, and roughly $310 billion in 2021 if the deal holds

US-China phase 1 trade deal: Beijing agrees to buy $200 billion in US products

They didn’t under Nixon

They realized they must do what is right and told Nixon he needed to resign or be impeached

As you know, the Nixon Impeachment and the Trump Impeachment are light years apart.

With President Donald Trump, there is no underlying crime.

With President Richard Nixon, there not only was an underlying crime that started the whole ball rolling but there were repeated crimes committed in the cover-up.

There was the break-in at the Watergate Hotel for the purpose of tapping the telephones of the DNC. Seven burglars were caught and prosecuted. (I met G. Gordon Liddy some years back when he was the keynote speaker at our convention)

Numerous subpoenaed documents were illegally destroyed.

I guess the straw that broke the camels back was the discovery of the secret recording system in the Oval Office and the deleted 18.5 minutes of audio on the tapes.
But hey, they have a two year tape of Trump wanting to fire an Ambassador, he has every right to fire, so, THE SAME!

Murkowski wants no part of The Pike!

Murkowski: Why Are House Managers Pushing Us Into A Legal Battle They Refused?


As the impeachment presentment rolls into its third day on the Senate floor, the one message that gets beaten into the ground by each House manager is the need to call witnesses who didn’t testify before the House. Adam Schiff and Jerrold Nadler declined to pursue witnesses like John Bolton and Mick Mulvaney because they didn’t want to get slowed down by a court fight over executive privilege.

Senate Republicans are asking themselves why they shouldn’t make the same choice the House did:

Republicans are pointing that issuing subpoenas — to top officials like acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and former national security adviser John Bolton and for documents blocked by the White House — will only serve to drag out the proceedings.

McConnell has increased warnings that subpoenas could prompt an “indefinite” delay in the trial and get tied up in the courts have been gaining traction within his conference.
Schumer would have to get Lisa Murkowski to vote for a subpoena, being the most independent-minded Republican senator in the caucus. But after two days of the House managers’ arguments, she’s sounding a very skeptical note on their demands:

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), who has been seen as a swing vote, appeared wary of a legal fight, characterizing House Democrats as trying to get the Senate to go through a legal battle they bypassed.

“It’s kind of like the House made a decision that they didn’t want to slow things down by having to go through the courts,” she said. “And yet now they’re basically saying you guys need to go through the courts. We didn’t but we need you to. That’s kind of where we are.”​

If Schumer has lost Murkowski on the witness issue, it’s game over, man. Senate Democrats will remain stuck with the half-baked case the House dropped on them, one that was destined to go nowhere anyway.

Murkowski: Why are House managers pushing us into a legal battle they refused?

Murkowsky is not really a Republican. She defeated the Republican candidate from Alaska with money from out of state liberals.

Presidents have warned congressional members since Washington.

Trump’s an asshole, but why do his detractors think he’s the first asshole to be potus? LOL.

I don't think anyone believes he's the first one.

The thing is. He shouldn't be doing this. Just because other presidents were assholes, doesn't excuse what trump is doing.

No president should ever threaten a senator. Not like this.

Do we want to keep having people like this in our White House? Or do we want something better than this?

We want to keep having Trump. Thanks for asking. We are going to re-elect him as well.
The public isn't even paying attention.

Schiff et al aren't presenting any EVIDENCE to actually PROVE their case against their President. All he's giving is opinions.

Everyone has an opinion.

But trials are decided with facts.
It takes a two thirds majority to convict, and the Democrats have only 47 seats int the Senate and would need 20 Republicans to vote with them to remove the President, so this is not a real trial but only a political stunt.

But it's one that is needed to be done. What is not being done is the Senate doing IT'S job. Right now, it's pretty clear that the Senate is totally controlled by the Executive Branch and that rubs me the wrong way. If you are a constutionalist then it should you as well.
Nonsense. members of Congress always support a president of their own party. In this case, the Republicans in the Senate are doing their job; the articles of impeachment are without merit and it remains to be seen the Democrats in the Senate will do their job and vote against this hoax or bow and scrape to the party and vote for it.

If they are blindly supporting the President of their Party no matter what then they are in violation of their oath of office and should resign. They owe their alligence to America not their political party.

Please explain how the Democrats were not blindly supporting House Speaker Democrat Nancy Pelosi.

Keep in mind that Democrats were raising the issue of impeachment BEFORE TRUMP TOOK OFFICE.

Partisan vote in the House to impeach,
Bipartisan vote in the House NOT to impeach.

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