GOP Governors plummeting popularity


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
The GOP governors' plummeting popularity - The Week

Recent polls suggests that many voters are already fed up with their slash-and-burn, budget-cutting ways. First, the poll numbers of governors John Kasich of Ohio and Scott Walker of Wisconsin dropped sharply. Now Gov. Rick Scott, in the crucial swing state of Florida, is finding that "the honeymoon is over," with his approval rating sinking to 33 percent just three months into his term, according to Public Policy Polling. Does this signal big trouble for the GOP in the 2012 elections?

The rejection of these governors' austerity packages" could cost the GOP big in 2012, says Dave Weigel at Slate, and not just in their home states. It could cripple the party's presidential ticket, because "it's hard to win without Ohio and Florida."
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Well if the fiscal plans from Walker and other Rep Gov's doesn't bear fruit then they will all be voted out in three years.

The Dems and the Union will be back in power.

Oh that pendulum. She surely does swing.

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