Quinnipac: Obama's Worse Approval Rating


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Easy enough, visit the grocery, fill up the car, turn on the news...

President Obama’s approval rating hits a new low - Yahoo! News

President Obama’s approval rating hits a new low
By Holly Bailey holly Bailey 36 mins ago

After a brief resurgence earlier this year, President Obama's poll numbers are back in the dumps. A new Quinnipiac Poll released Wednesday finds Obama's approval rating at the lowest point in his presidency, thanks in part to voter angst over the economy and his handling of the situation in Libya.

Just 42 percent of those polled approve of the job Obama is doing, compared to 48 percent who disapprove, according to Quinnipiac. And in a bad sign for his upcoming 2012 re-election campaign, 50 percent of those polled say he doesn't deserve another term in the White House.

In January, Obama's approval rating was at 48 percent—the highest number it had been in more than a year, though still dramatically lower than his 59 percent approval rating recorded in June 2009.

What's to blame for the president's slump? For one thing, 60 percent of voters disapprove of Obama's handling of the economy, while just 34 percent approve--the lowest number of his presidency.

Meanwhile, Obama appears to have taken a hit over Libya. According to Quinnipiac, just 41 percent approve of Obama's handling of foreign policy—a new low. Asked specifically about Libya, 45 percent disapprove, even as voters are virtually split on whether intervening in the crisis was a good idea...
Polls are meaningless. Unless they make me feel good, like this one.

I hope the poll that matters in November of 2012 has a similar result.
Polls are meaningless. Unless they make me feel good, like this one.

I hope the poll that matters in November of 2012 has a similar result.
Granny says dey is a buncha ingrates - after what all he's done fer `em....
Gallup: Obama’s Approval Among Hispanics Drops to All-Time Low of 47 Percent
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - As President Barack Obama was preparing to meet at the White House on Tuesday afternoon with a group of business, religious and law enforcement leaders to talk about immigration reform, the Gallup poll released its latest weekly presidential job approval numbers indicating that Obama’s approval among Hispanic Americans had dropped to an all-time low.
In the week of April 11-17, Gallup reported, only 47 percent of Hispanics said they approved of the job Obama was doing as president. This was only the third week during Obama’s presidency that his job approval among his Hispanics has been lower than 50 percent. The previous two occasions were Sept. 20-26, 2010, when Obama’s approval dropped to 49 percent among Hispanics, and the week of July 26-Aug.1, 2010, when it dropped to 48 percent.

Obama’s approval among Hispanics peaked at 85 percent--a level it attained in the week of April 20-26, 2009 and again in the week of May 11-17, 2009. Gallup typically asks at least 500 people per day--or more than 3,500 per week--whether they approve or disapprove of the job the president is doing. Last week, it surveyed 3,614 people.

Obama’s 47-percent job approval among Hispanics during the week was slightly higher than his overall job approval, which was 43 percent. According to the Pew Hispanic Center’s analysis of the 2008 presidential election exit polls, then-Sen. Barack Obama defeated Sen. John McCain 67 percent to 31 percent among Hispanic voters.

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