Google rejects White House request to pull Mohamed film


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
SAN FRANCISCO - Google Inc rejected a request by the White House on Friday to reconsider its decision to keep online a controversial YouTube movie clip that has ignited anti-American protests in the Middle East.

The Internet company said it was censoring the video in India and Indonesia after blocking it on Wednesday in Egypt and Libya, where US embassies have been stormed by protestors enraged over depiction of the Prophet Mohammad as a fraud and philanderer.

"We've restricted access to it in countries where it is illegal such as India and Indonesia, as well as in Libya and Egypt, given the very sensitive situations in these two countries," the company said. "This approach is entirely consistent with principles we first laid out in 2007."

Jerusalem Post - Breaking News
SAN FRANCISCO - Google Inc rejected a request by the White House on Friday to reconsider its decision to keep online a controversial YouTube movie clip that has ignited anti-American protests in the Middle East.

The Internet company said it was censoring the video in India and Indonesia after blocking it on Wednesday in Egypt and Libya, where US embassies have been stormed by protestors enraged over depiction of the Prophet Mohammad as a fraud and philanderer.

"We've restricted access to it in countries where it is illegal such as India and Indonesia, as well as in Libya and Egypt, given the very sensitive situations in these two countries," the company said. "This approach is entirely consistent with principles we first laid out in 2007."

Jerusalem Post - Breaking News

Why does Islam always get a free pass? Unlike what that moronic BecauseIKnow, who doesn't know anything, lied about, Judaism and Christianity have been made fun of in films, in the past, without their followers going crazy. Why is Islam immune to freedom of speech and expression?
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I don't understand why the White House even asked them to pull it. If Bush had asked them to pull a film he didn't like everyone would be screaming. When Obama does it half the population accepts it because they are racist and don't want anyone to know.
SAN FRANCISCO - Google Inc rejected a request by the White House on Friday to reconsider its decision to keep online a controversial YouTube movie clip that has ignited anti-American protests in the Middle East.

The Internet company said it was censoring the video in India and Indonesia after blocking it on Wednesday in Egypt and Libya, where US embassies have been stormed by protestors enraged over depiction of the Prophet Mohammad as a fraud and philanderer.

"We've restricted access to it in countries where it is illegal such as India and Indonesia, as well as in Libya and Egypt, given the very sensitive situations in these two countries," the company said. "This approach is entirely consistent with principles we first laid out in 2007."

Jerusalem Post - Breaking News

Where are the ACLU hypocrites on this? Nowhere to be found.
SAN FRANCISCO - Google Inc rejected a request by the White House on Friday to reconsider its decision to keep online a controversial YouTube movie clip that has ignited anti-American protests in the Middle East.

The Internet company said it was censoring the video in India and Indonesia after blocking it on Wednesday in Egypt and Libya, where US embassies have been stormed by protestors enraged over depiction of the Prophet Mohammad as a fraud and philanderer.

"We've restricted access to it in countries where it is illegal such as India and Indonesia, as well as in Libya and Egypt, given the very sensitive situations in these two countries," the company said. "This approach is entirely consistent with principles we first laid out in 2007."

Jerusalem Post - Breaking News

Where are the ACLU hypocrites on this? Nowhere to be found.

i think perhaps a lot of the "ACLU hypocrites" were probably in synagogue.

i kind of think it is very disengenuous for some one from a jewish culture to try to defend free speech anyway. while i do not thonk anyone can forsake the right of free speech, i think jewish people have done more to curtail and have free speech outlawed than any other group in recent memory, particularly western european and american jews. depends upon whose ox is being gored.

Where are the ACLU hypocrites on this? Nowhere to be found.

i think perhaps a lot of the "ACLU hypocrites" were probably in synagogue.

i kind of think it is very disengenuous for some one from a jewish culture to try to defend free speech anyway. while i do not thonk anyone can forsake the right of free speech, i think jewish people have done more to curtail and have free speech outlawed than any other group in recent memory, particularly western european and american jews. depends upon whose ox is being gored.
Like clockwork, the Jew hating Nazi slime always turns the topic to those evil Joooos.

Jews have been at forefront of civil rights and free speech, and in fact marched side by side with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. You fucking ignoramus.
Jews lent legal expertise, financial support and even philosophical advice. Much of what was accomplished could not have happened without Jewish support. Several prominent Jews including Henry Moscowitz helped to found the N.A.A.C.P. alongside W.E.B. DuBois. Several sources claim that the overwhelming majority of Jews in America were actively or tacitly involved in Civil Rights. A Jewish philanthropist, Julius Rosenwald built many primary and secondary schools and colleges for Blacks.
- It is estimated that at one time 40% of rural Blacks were learning at Rosenwald schools.

The story of Black-Jewish relations in the United States is a long and complex one.... Jews were among those who worked to establish the NAACP in 1909. African-American newspapers were among the first in the U.S. to denounce Nazism.... FROM SWASTIKA TO JIM CROW creates hope and reminds us of a time in U.S. history when the two communities came together.
Jewish involvement in the civil rights struggle also went deep. It is estimated that thousands of Jewish students made their way to the Sough during the 1960s, joining efforts being coordinated by a variety of organizations to arrange sit-ins and marches to desegregate transportation and schools and to register voters. One-third to one-half of the Freedom Riders in the summer of 1961 were Jewish and a similar percentage of Jews took part in the Mississippi Freedom Summer in 1964 (during which Goodman, Scherner, and Chaney were murdered). Harder to measure, but clearly affecting thousands of more Jews growing up in this era, was the widespread sympathy Jews felt for the civil rights struggle. Rabbis preached about civil rights from their pulpits. Jewish periodicals carried articles about the justice of the cause. Many of the activists interviewed for this book trace their earliest feelings for social justice to hearing their parents talk about Martin Luther King Jr., and the movement for civil rights as a moral calling. In 1963, Rabbi Joachim Prinz, the president of the American Jewish Congress and a refugee from Nazi Germany, was one of the speakers who addressed 250,000 people at the March on Washington. It was the same stage from which, minutes later, Martin Luther King Jr. would deliver his historic "I Have A Dream" speech. To the extent that one of the great accomplishments of the civil rights movement was making de facto discrimination illegal, the organized Jewish community threw all of its political muscle behind the passage of the era's two most important pieces of civil rights legislation- the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
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Isn't that nice... The Obama administration is trying to force a business to curtail its Constitutional Right to free speech... What's next? I can only imagine...
Where are the ACLU hypocrites on this? Nowhere to be found.

i think perhaps a lot of the "ACLU hypocrites" were probably in synagogue.

i kind of think it is very disengenuous for some one from a jewish culture to try to defend free speech anyway. while i do not thonk anyone can forsake the right of free speech, i think jewish people have done more to curtail and have free speech outlawed than any other group in recent memory, particularly western european and american jews. depends upon whose ox is being gored.
Like clockwork, the Jew hating Nazi slime always turns the topic to those evil Joooos.

Jews have been at forefront of civil rights and free speech, and in fact marched side by side with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. You fucking ignoramus.

PBS - From Swastika to Jim Crow - Black-Jewish Relations

The story of Black-Jewish relations in the United States is a long and complex one.... Jews were among those who worked to establish the NAACP in 1909. African-American newspapers were among the first in the U.S. to denounce Nazism.... FROM SWASTIKA TO JIM CROW creates hope and reminds us of a time in U.S. history when the two communities came together.

that was then and this is now.

today's jews are trying to curtail anti-israel speech and protest on american campuses, outrageously branding it as hate speech, and i cannot begin to tell you how many jewish posters have come out in support of so called holocaust denial laws.

free speech is free speech.
i think perhaps a lot of the "ACLU hypocrites" were probably in synagogue.

i kind of think it is very disengenuous for some one from a jewish culture to try to defend free speech anyway. while i do not thonk anyone can forsake the right of free speech, i think jewish people have done more to curtail and have free speech outlawed than any other group in recent memory, particularly western european and american jews. depends upon whose ox is being gored.
Like clockwork, the Jew hating Nazi slime always turns the topic to those evil Joooos.

Jews have been at forefront of civil rights and free speech, and in fact marched side by side with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. You fucking ignoramus.

PBS - From Swastika to Jim Crow - Black-Jewish Relations

The story of Black-Jewish relations in the United States is a long and complex one.... Jews were among those who worked to establish the NAACP in 1909. African-American newspapers were among the first in the U.S. to denounce Nazism.... FROM SWASTIKA TO JIM CROW creates hope and reminds us of a time in U.S. history when the two communities came together.

that was then and this is now.

today's jews are trying to curtail anti-israel speech and protest on american campuses, outrageously branding it as hate speech, and i cannot begin to tell you how many jewish posters have come out in support of so called holocaust denial laws.

free speech is free speech.
So you lied then, and you lie now. You perhaps don't have a link? Last I checked it was the Muslim Students Associations supported by Hamas terrorists and the Muslim Brotherhood that goes around rioting and disrupting pro Israel speakers.
Like clockwork, the Jew hating Nazi slime always turns the topic to those evil Joooos.

Jews have been at forefront of civil rights and free speech, and in fact marched side by side with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. You fucking ignoramus.

PBS - From Swastika to Jim Crow - Black-Jewish Relations

The story of Black-Jewish relations in the United States is a long and complex one.... Jews were among those who worked to establish the NAACP in 1909. African-American newspapers were among the first in the U.S. to denounce Nazism.... FROM SWASTIKA TO JIM CROW creates hope and reminds us of a time in U.S. history when the two communities came together.

that was then and this is now.

today's jews are trying to curtail anti-israel speech and protest on american campuses, outrageously branding it as hate speech, and i cannot begin to tell you how many jewish posters have come out in support of so called holocaust denial laws.

free speech is free speech.
So you lied then, and you lie now. You perhaps don't have a link? Last I checked it was the Muslim Students Associations supported by Hamas terrorists and the Muslim Brotherhood that goes around rioting and disrupting pro Israel speakers.

i have given you links in the past, clown...plenty of them.

just check out cali HR35 i think it is thasast makes anti-israel protest a hate crime, for all intents and purposes, or read up on the former anti-apartheid week at SDSU...or check out the holocaust denial laws all over the place and coming soon to a united states near you.

find your own friggin' links. i have asked you for them plenyty of times and you dodge me all the time. i gave you the info.
that was then and this is now.

today's jews are trying to curtail anti-israel speech and protest on american campuses, outrageously branding it as hate speech, and i cannot begin to tell you how many jewish posters have come out in support of so called holocaust denial laws.

free speech is free speech.
So you lied then, and you lie now. You perhaps don't have a link? Last I checked it was the Muslim Students Associations supported by Hamas terrorists and the Muslim Brotherhood that goes around rioting and disrupting pro Israel speakers.

i have given you links in the past, clown...plenty of them.

just check out cali HR35 i think it is thasast makes anti-israel protest a hate crime, for all intents and purposes, or read up on the former anti-apartheid week at SDSU...or check out the holocaust denial laws all over the place and coming soon to a united states near you.

find your own friggin' links. i have asked you for them plenyty of times and you dodge me all the time. i gave you the info.
Evidently Seal has no problem with the Muslims wanting the UN to ban all speech that happens to be critical of Islam, but he doesn't mention that if they do that, then all speech against any religion should also be banned. Seal has a problem with anti-apartheid week at a San Diego College, but apparently he has no problem with all those Muslim Student Association members putting on their anti-Israel protests on several colleges throughout this country and even in Canada all the time and disrupting speakers that they don't like.
that was then and this is now.

today's jews are trying to curtail anti-israel speech and protest on american campuses, outrageously branding it as hate speech, and i cannot begin to tell you how many jewish posters have come out in support of so called holocaust denial laws.

free speech is free speech.
So you lied then, and you lie now. You perhaps don't have a link? Last I checked it was the Muslim Students Associations supported by Hamas terrorists and the Muslim Brotherhood that goes around rioting and disrupting pro Israel speakers.

i have given you links in the past, clown...plenty of them.

just check out cali HR35 i think it is thasast makes anti-israel protest a hate crime, for all intents and purposes, or read up on the former anti-apartheid week at SDSU...or check out the holocaust denial laws all over the place and coming soon to a united states near you.

find your own friggin' links. i have asked you for them plenyty of times and you dodge me all the time. i gave you the info.
I find it hilariously funny that a Nazi cocksucker like you is trashing Jews about free speech, while Muslims have proven that they basically don't even believe in it. Not only that, they will kill anybody that tells the truth about their religion not being peaceful.

You think people are buying into your shit? Good luck, squealing Nazi pig.
If we are going to start deleting everything that is offensive to Muslims all we will have left is a bunch of sand, a few goats, and a few guys with long beards standing around.
SAN FRANCISCO - Google Inc rejected a request by the White House on Friday to reconsider its decision to keep online a controversial YouTube movie clip that has ignited anti-American protests in the Middle East.

The Internet company said it was censoring the video in India and Indonesia after blocking it on Wednesday in Egypt and Libya, where US embassies have been stormed by protestors enraged over depiction of the Prophet Mohammad as a fraud and philanderer.

"We've restricted access to it in countries where it is illegal such as India and Indonesia, as well as in Libya and Egypt, given the very sensitive situations in these two countries," the company said. "This approach is entirely consistent with principles we first laid out in 2007."

Jerusalem Post - Breaking News

The should NOT pull the film as we have the right to free speech in america.

What those offended should do is make their own youtube video responses expressing their dislike and disgust for the youtube video. One bad youtube video does not justify murder or riots.

Also the murders and riots in the middle east were due to our policies, the killing of bin laden (no i'm not saying this was bad to have had done), our weak stance with leading from behind, and the fact that it was the anniversary of 9/11.

Blaming the video for what is going on is a big cop-out.
SAN FRANCISCO - Google Inc rejected a request by the White House on Friday to reconsider its decision to keep online a controversial YouTube movie clip that has ignited anti-American protests in the Middle East.

The Internet company said it was censoring the video in India and Indonesia after blocking it on Wednesday in Egypt and Libya, where US embassies have been stormed by protestors enraged over depiction of the Prophet Mohammad as a fraud and philanderer.

"We've restricted access to it in countries where it is illegal such as India and Indonesia, as well as in Libya and Egypt, given the very sensitive situations in these two countries," the company said. "This approach is entirely consistent with principles we first laid out in 2007."

Jerusalem Post - Breaking News

Where are the ACLU hypocrites on this? Nowhere to be found.

It took a whopping 10 seconds for me to prove what a lying sack of shit you are. :lol:

ACLU 'concerned' by White House's YouTube 'review' request | The Daily Caller

Where are the ACLU hypocrites on this? Nowhere to be found.

It took a whopping 10 seconds for me to prove what a lying sack of shit you are. :lol:

ACLU 'concerned' by White House's YouTube 'review' request | The Daily Caller
"concerned"? What does concerned mean...why are they not OUTRAGED and suing the Obama Administration, you fucking idiot? This is about as blatant a violation of free speech as it gets.
Where are the ACLU hypocrites on this? Nowhere to be found.

It took a whopping 10 seconds for me to prove what a lying sack of shit you are. :lol:

ACLU 'concerned' by White House's YouTube 'review' request | The Daily Caller
"concerned"? What does concerned mean...why are they not OUTRAGED and suing the Obama Administration, you fucking idiot? This is about as blatant a violation of free speech as it gets.

you a crazzzzzzy motherfuck...

and you really are stupid. the guy answered your question and, as he said, proved what a lying sack of shit you are.

i am sure the president asking google to review their policies and pull a video if it does not comply with their policies is not a violation of anyone's first amendment right. in fact, it isn't a violation of the first amendment for google to pull the video, but i will let you stew andd sream on that one for awhile.

there are plenty of other violations of free speech more egregious than pulling a hate video that is resulting in the deaths of americans but hey...exercise your rights my friend. rent a screen and a projector and go to tahrir square and show it...and i will film you interacting wuth the crowd, because snuff films are big sellers in places where free speech abounds, but they are illegal in the USA.

friggin' idiot. "why are they not OUTRAGED?"
too funny.
SAN FRANCISCO - Google Inc rejected a request by the White House on Friday to reconsider its decision to keep online a controversial YouTube movie clip that has ignited anti-American protests in the Middle East.

The Internet company said it was censoring the video in India and Indonesia after blocking it on Wednesday in Egypt and Libya, where US embassies have been stormed by protestors enraged over depiction of the Prophet Mohammad as a fraud and philanderer.

"We've restricted access to it in countries where it is illegal such as India and Indonesia, as well as in Libya and Egypt, given the very sensitive situations in these two countries," the company said. "This approach is entirely consistent with principles we first laid out in 2007."

Jerusalem Post - Breaking News

Why does Islam always get a free pass? Unlike what that moronic BecauseIKnow, who doesn't know anything, lied about, Judaism and Christianity have been made fun of in films, in the past, without their followers going crazy. Why is Islam immune to freedom of speech and expression?

That Mideast Muslims have limited freedom of speech is a battle they will have to fight for themselves and I'm not certain this piece of agitprop film needs to be viewed by anyone who doesn't go to a theater to see it. This isn't a free speech thing, it's yelling "fire" in a crowded theater.

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