Good news..a half billion dollars to create jobs...the bad news....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
it's to hire IRS agents to enforce the individual mandate..which will likely go down in flames.

"They’ll all be IRS enforcers for a law that has a pretty good chance of getting mooted in the next few months:
The Obama administration is quietly diverting roughly $500 million to the IRS to help implement the president’s healthcare law.
The money is only part of the IRS’s total implementation spending, and it is being provided outside the normal appropriations process. The tax agency is responsible for several key provisions of the new law, including the unpopular individual mandate.
Not just including the individual mandate — it’s almost entirely for enforcing the individual mandate. Most of the taxes included in the ObamaCare bill have already gone into effect. While a few remain to be triggered, the new efforts for which the IRS must prepare have to do almost exclusively with enforcing the mandate and distributing subsidies for taxpayers to spend to comply with it."

Great news: Obama diverting a half-billion dollars to the IRS for ObamaCare enforcement « Hot Air
it's to hire IRS agents to enforce the individual mandate..which will likely go down in flames.

"They’ll all be IRS enforcers for a law that has a pretty good chance of getting mooted in the next few months:
The Obama administration is quietly diverting roughly $500 million to the IRS to help implement the president’s healthcare law.
The money is only part of the IRS’s total implementation spending, and it is being provided outside the normal appropriations process. The tax agency is responsible for several key provisions of the new law, including the unpopular individual mandate.
Not just including the individual mandate — it’s almost entirely for enforcing the individual mandate. Most of the taxes included in the ObamaCare bill have already gone into effect. While a few remain to be triggered, the new efforts for which the IRS must prepare have to do almost exclusively with enforcing the mandate and distributing subsidies for taxpayers to spend to comply with it."

Great news: Obama diverting a half-billion dollars to the IRS for ObamaCare enforcement « Hot Air

LET us hope the SCOTUS nails this and sends Obama and the Statists a message of Federal Encroachment of this type will NOT be tolerated.
The deeper he digs, the Justices are watching...:eusa_pray:

And they Do pay attention.
I remember the Good Old Days when Justice really was blind.

Now, its 5-4, right down party lines.

Just like President Obama said.

and, guess what - the Republicans are just fine with this. If it were the other way around, if there were more libs on the bench, they'd be screeching their FOOL heads off. But really, they don't care - as long as the wealthy win and the rest of us lose everything we have or ever hope to have.

Stupid goddamn "low effort thinkers" just do as they're told.
I remember the Good Old Days when Justice really was blind.

Now, its 5-4, right down party lines.

Just like President Obama said.

and, guess what - the Republicans are just fine with this. If it were the other way around, if there were more libs on the bench, they'd be screeching their FOOL heads off. But really, they don't care - as long as the wealthy win and the rest of us lose everything we have or ever hope to have.

Stupid goddamn "low effort thinkers" just do as they're told. all for taking over 1/6th of the US Ecomomy and giving Government intrusion powers circumventing the Constitution...consequently? SO DO YOU. Liberty of the individual DIES...

YOU are all for it.

it's to hire IRS agents to enforce the individual mandate..which will likely go down in flames.

"They’ll all be IRS enforcers for a law that has a pretty good chance of getting mooted in the next few months:
The Obama administration is quietly diverting roughly $500 million to the IRS to help implement the president’s healthcare law.
The money is only part of the IRS’s total implementation spending, and it is being provided outside the normal appropriations process. The tax agency is responsible for several key provisions of the new law, including the unpopular individual mandate.
Not just including the individual mandate — it’s almost entirely for enforcing the individual mandate. Most of the taxes included in the ObamaCare bill have already gone into effect. While a few remain to be triggered, the new efforts for which the IRS must prepare have to do almost exclusively with enforcing the mandate and distributing subsidies for taxpayers to spend to comply with it."

Great news: Obama diverting a half-billion dollars to the IRS for ObamaCare enforcement « Hot Air

The Affordable Care Act is chock full of appropriations to pay for the various elements in it.

Here is one example:

The Secretary shall carry out a continuous program of research and evaluation activities in order to increase knowledge about the implementation and effectiveness of home visiting programs, using random assignment designs to the maximum extent feasible. The Secretary may carry out such activities directly, or through grants, cooperative agreements, or contracts.

And here is where it is that program is paid for:

Out of any funds in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, there are appropriated to the Secretary to carry out this section—
‘‘(A) $100,000,000 for fiscal year 2010;
‘‘(B) $250,000,000 for fiscal year 2011;
‘‘(C) $350,000,000 for fiscal year 2012;
‘‘(D) $400,000,000 for fiscal year 2013; and
‘‘(E) $400,000,000 for fiscal year 2014.

Here is another example:

The Secretary shall provide, directly or through a competitive grant process, research, training and technical assistance, including dissemination of research and information regarding effective and promising practices, providing consultation and resources on a broad array of teen pregnancy prevention strategies, including abstinence and contraception, and developing resources and materials to support the activities of recipients of grants and other State, tribal, and community organizations working to reduce teen pregnancy. In carrying out such functions, the Secretary shall collaborate with a variety of entities that have expertise in the prevention of teen pregnancy, HIV and sexually transmitted infections, healthy relationships, financial literacy, and other topics addressed through the personal responsibility education programs.

How much that program gets:

APPROPRIATION.—For the purpose of carrying out this section, there is appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, $75,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2010 through 2014. Amounts appropriated under this subsection shall remain available until expended.
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Affordable Care Act (ACA)

The 2012 funding request reflects the IRS cost for administering the tax provisions included in the Affordable Care Act. This funding request will be used to administer a number of new provisions that come into effect over the next several years. Some — such as the small employer health care tax credit — are in effect already. Others, such as the premium assistance tax credit and the individual coverage requirement, are not in effect until 2014.

More than 80 percent of the IRS ACA request is devoted to building Information Technology systems and other infrastructure activities.

IRS FY 2012 Budget Proposal Summary
it's to hire IRS agents to enforce the individual mandate..which will likely go down in flames.

"They’ll all be IRS enforcers for a law that has a pretty good chance of getting mooted in the next few months:
The Obama administration is quietly diverting roughly $500 million to the IRS to help implement the president’s healthcare law.
The money is only part of the IRS’s total implementation spending, and it is being provided outside the normal appropriations process. The tax agency is responsible for several key provisions of the new law, including the unpopular individual mandate.
Not just including the individual mandate — it’s almost entirely for enforcing the individual mandate. Most of the taxes included in the ObamaCare bill have already gone into effect. While a few remain to be triggered, the new efforts for which the IRS must prepare have to do almost exclusively with enforcing the mandate and distributing subsidies for taxpayers to spend to comply with it."

Great news: Obama diverting a half-billion dollars to the IRS for ObamaCare enforcement « Hot Air

The Affordable Care Act is chock full of appropriations to pay for the various elements in it.

Here is one example:

The Secretary shall carry out a continuous program of research and evaluation activities in order to increase knowledge about the implementation and effectiveness of home visiting programs, using random assignment designs to the maximum extent feasible. The Secretary may carry out such activities directly, or through grants, cooperative agreements, or contracts.

And here is where it is that program is paid for:

Here is another example:

The Secretary shall provide, directly or through a competitive grant process,
research, training and technical assistance, including dissemination of research and information regarding effective and promising practices, providing consultation and resources on a broad array of teen pregnancy prevention strategies, including abstinence and contraception, and developing resources and materials to support the activities of recipients of grants and other State, tribal, and community organizations working to reduce teen pregnancy. In carrying out such functions, the Secretary shall collaborate with a variety
of entities that have expertise in the prevention of teen pregnancy, HIV and sexually transmitted infections, healthy relationships, financial literacy, and other topics addressed through the personal responsibility education programs.

How much that program gets:

APPROPRIATION.—For the purpose of carrying out this section, there is appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, $75,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2010 through 2014. Amounts appropriated under this subsection
shall remain available until expended.

And IF the Individual MANDATE dies? The whole thing is shot to way to pay for it but to ROB from other entitlements.
I remember the Good Old Days when Justice really was blind.

I remember the Good Old Days when the 10th amendment meant what it said and the 'commerce' clause was intended to keep states from imposing tariffs on one another. Stated differently, I remember when we didn't look to central planners in a vain hope to better a competitive marketplace...or if we did, we would actually amend the Constitution.
I remember the Good Old Days when Justice really was blind.

I remember the Good Old Days when the 10th amendment meant what it said and the 'commerce' clause was intended to keep states from imposing tariffs on one another. Stated differently, I remember when we didn't look to central planners in a vain hope to better a competitive marketplace...or if we did, we would actually amend the Constitution.
Not completely off topic, I did recently hear a radio ad offering jobs in the secret service. Sort of like "Apply now...carry a gun for Obama and the boys."

Brought to mind is Obama's earlier stated plan to form a federal police force with might equal to the military. Obviously, he will count these as jobs created also.

Obama is a Marxist. What do you expect from him other than an unbridled power grab?
Not completely off topic, I did recently hear a radio ad offering jobs in the secret service. Apply now...carry a gun for Obama and the boys.

Brought to mind is Obama's earlier stated plan to form a federal police force with might equal to the military. Obviously, he will count these as jobs created also.

Obama is a Marxist. What do you expect from him other than an unbridled power grab?

yeah he did say that...didn't he?

Did he mean KGB American Style?

Obama saying he wants a police force to rival the military - YouTube.

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IRS involved in healthcare?? Stammer, it's a tax er no a penalty, uh huh? We don't know what it is but we're going to take it from you.

Could it perhaps have something to do with the $800 billion in affordability subsidies the IRS will be administering over the next decade?

Nah, it's probably all about the $50 billion in penalty payments they'll be collecting over that time period.
IRS involved in healthcare?? Stammer, it's a tax er no a penalty, uh huh? We don't know what it is but we're going to take it from you.

Could it perhaps have something to do with the $800 billion in affordability subsidies the IRS will be administering over the next decade?

Nah, it's probably all about the $50 billion in penalty payments they'll be collecting over that time period.

The IRS is an enforcement agency that collects taxes. They have no interest in affordability. Why are we even talking about the IRS colluding with healthcare?
IRS involved in healthcare?? Stammer, it's a tax er no a penalty, uh huh? We don't know what it is but we're going to take it from you.

And are about to hire thousands of agents to bash down your doors...Constitution? What's that?

IRS bashed down my door last year.
This year has got to be better...........NOT............I owe, but about what was expected.
IRS...........comin' to a venue near you.............SOON!
You (and,or, your reps) vs. the IRS auditor. No due process involved! You can appeal their findings within 30 days. But before deciding that, if they find initially against you, you already have additional penalties and interest due. If you appeal, you'll just owe more.
I cut my losses, paid, and ran.......probably not far enuff.

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