God is love


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Ever wonder why if 'God is love' his earthly representatives are also the biggest pricks? Every religion's clergy are the most intolerant, our way or the highway, join us or die/go to hell, obey us and don't ask questions or die/go to hell, etc. Where's the love part? It's like how the US constantly beats its chest saying how free we are despite all kinds of evidence to the contrary.
In Mathew Jesus commands: 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF'. Did Jesus mean the family next door or all of mankind? The later I suspect but how many Christians follow that command? Too bad for us all.
Ever wonder why if 'God is love' his earthly representatives are also the biggest pricks? Every religion's clergy are the most intolerant, our way or the highway, join us or die/go to hell, obey us and don't ask questions or die/go to hell, etc. Where's the love part? It's like how the US constantly beats its chest saying how free we are despite all kinds of evidence to the contrary.

Since God is love, He is also against all kinds of things that hurt people so if you were "love" then shouldn't you be against the same things that hurt people or separate you from God?
In Mathew Jesus commands: 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF'. Did Jesus mean the family next door or all of mankind? The later I suspect but how many Christians follow that command? Too bad for us all.

We do, alang. Our neighbors have walls so there is only so much they will allow us to do for them and on top of that, the government taxes everything we have so it actually takes several families to help one person.
In Mathew Jesus commands: 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF'. Did Jesus mean the family next door or all of mankind? The later I suspect but how many Christians follow that command? Too bad for us all.

We do, alang. Our neighbors have walls so there is only so much they will allow us to do for them and on top of that, the government taxes everything we have so it actually takes several families to help one person.

Are you speaking for all Christians? I don't think so, if we truly loved our neighbors they wouldn't need or want walls.
In Mathew Jesus commands: 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF'. Did Jesus mean the family next door or all of mankind? The later I suspect but how many Christians follow that command? Too bad for us all.

We do, alang. Our neighbors have walls so there is only so much they will allow us to do for them and on top of that, the government taxes everything we have so it actually takes several families to help one person.

Are you speaking for all Christians? I don't think so, if we truly loved our neighbors they wouldn't need or want walls.

I think so.

Some people can' t accept any love because of pride.
Some people have misconceptions about the intentions of others.
I have a coworker who would rather go hungry than accept any help from the church.
Ever wonder why if 'God is love' his earthly representatives are also the biggest pricks? Every religion's clergy are the most intolerant, our way or the highway, join us or die/go to hell, obey us and don't ask questions or die/go to hell, etc. Where's the love part? It's like how the US constantly beats its chest saying how free we are despite all kinds of evidence to the contrary.

Some more than others. I grew up Greek orthodox. I never once heard a priest talk about people going to hell. Never talked about gays or abortion either. I'm sure they don't approve but it wasn't their main focus or even their 10th or 20th concern.

But no matter how nicely they put a lie, it's still a lie. And I don't think they are liars. I think they believe the lie.

Anyways, the religious poeple you are referring to start off telling people about the love but if they get any push back they have to resort to the threats and fear because quite honestly they are asking you to have blind faith in the unbelievable.

I'm just amazed at how many people fall for it.
We do, alang. Our neighbors have walls so there is only so much they will allow us to do for them and on top of that, the government taxes everything we have so it actually takes several families to help one person.

Are you speaking for all Christians? I don't think so, if we truly loved our neighbors they wouldn't need or want walls.

I think so.

Some people can' t accept any love because of pride.
Some people have misconceptions about the intentions of others.
I have a coworker who would rather go hungry than accept any help from the church.

Do you include the westboro baptist church in your circle of love?
We do, alang. Our neighbors have walls so there is only so much they will allow us to do for them and on top of that, the government taxes everything we have so it actually takes several families to help one person.

Are you speaking for all Christians? I don't think so, if we truly loved our neighbors they wouldn't need or want walls.

I think so.

Some people can' t accept any love because of pride.
Some people have misconceptions about the intentions of others.
I have a coworker who would rather go hungry than accept any help from the church.

And I know conservatives who said they would never take food stamps or unemployment but as soon as their circumstances changed so did their positions on such social programs or safety nets. Its the problem with most voters. They don't ever think it will happen to them until it does. They lack empathy.
Are you speaking for all Christians? I don't think so, if we truly loved our neighbors they wouldn't need or want walls.

I think so.

Some people can' t accept any love because of pride.
Some people have misconceptions about the intentions of others.
I have a coworker who would rather go hungry than accept any help from the church.

Do you include the westboro baptist church in your circle of love?

The Bible warns us against "false" teachers.....that is exactly what the Westboro people are. They are not considered followers of Christ, and they have no love in them.
Ever wonder why if 'God is love' his earthly representatives are also the biggest pricks? Every religion's clergy are the most intolerant, our way or the highway, join us or die/go to hell, obey us and don't ask questions or die/go to hell, etc. Where's the love part? It's like how the US constantly beats its chest saying how free we are despite all kinds of evidence to the contrary.

Since God is love, He is also against all kinds of things that hurt people so if you were "love" then shouldn't you be against the same things that hurt people or separate you from God?

Of course Christians are against these same things....the problem is, we're human, we're not LIKE God. He doesn't expect us to not make mistakes. You have to admit, some people are just not very lovable! :)
Are you speaking for all Christians? I don't think so, if we truly loved our neighbors they wouldn't need or want walls.

I think so.

Some people can' t accept any love because of pride.
Some people have misconceptions about the intentions of others.
I have a coworker who would rather go hungry than accept any help from the church.

Do you include the westboro baptist church in your circle of love?


I avoid commenting on groups or people I don't know.

I think so.

Some people can' t accept any love because of pride.
Some people have misconceptions about the intentions of others.
I have a coworker who would rather go hungry than accept any help from the church.

Do you include the westboro baptist church in your circle of love?


I avoid commenting on groups or people I don't know.


My bad, I thought you had been speaking for Christians.
Do you include the westboro baptist church in your circle of love?


I avoid commenting on groups or people I don't know.


My bad, I thought you had been speaking for Christians.


There are 2,000+ cults in the Watchman Cult Catalog. Where do I put Westboro Baptist Church? The answer is not everything needs to be answered. If you want to know the true from counterfeit, you don't study the counterfeit; you study the real stuff.

Jesus says many false prophets will appear and deceive many. Usually when I ask Christians or non Christians, they have no clue about who is a false Christian or who is a true Christian. If I ask people to name a false teacher, most people have no ability. Even fewer can tell me why someone is a false teacher.

What are some characteristics of true Christians?

They test all things:

1 Thessalonians 5:21 but test them all; hold on to what is good,

Another characteristic is that they follow Jesus' commandment to love one another:

John 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

John 13:35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

A characteristic is that they put away hate:

Ephesians 4:31 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:

Because it is characteristic of not knowing God to hate:

1 John 2:9 He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now.

Treat others better than ourselves:

Philippians 2:3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves,

Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together to meet:

Hebrews 10:25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Be kind to one another:

Ephesians 4:32 And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.

Treating others like you would treat Jesus:

Matthew 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

And there are more but the point is if you don't read your Bible, you won't know the difference between those who are missing the mark (sin) or those who are Christians.

My wife broke her leg and the church is coming by with meals, helping clean the house, helping organize our kitchen, doing things for us because it is hard right now for me. Those are some of the things I want to do in the church; I want to be a hospital to those who are hurting so if someone needs me to mow their lawn, I want to do it. If someone needs me to rake their leaves because they are injured, I want to do it.

Romans 12:17 Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.

Romans 12:18 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.

Romans 12:21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
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Are you speaking for all Christians? I don't think so, if we truly loved our neighbors they wouldn't need or want walls.

I think so.

Some people can' t accept any love because of pride.
Some people have misconceptions about the intentions of others.
I have a coworker who would rather go hungry than accept any help from the church.

Do you include the westboro baptist church in your circle of love?

Hauling out the Westboro Church as a measuring tool to compare all Christians by is akin to equating all the men in this country to Jeffrey Dalmer. It's an unfair comparison.
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Ever wonder why if 'God is love' his earthly representatives are also the biggest pricks? Every religion's clergy are the most intolerant, our way or the highway, join us or die/go to hell, obey us and don't ask questions or die/go to hell, etc. Where's the love part? It's like how the US constantly beats its chest saying how free we are despite all kinds of evidence to the contrary.

Ever wonder why you can't talk about religion truthfully? What do you find intolerant about the Dalai Lama? Billy Graham? Do you even think before you spout you bigotry and hatred?
In Mathew Jesus commands: 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF'. Did Jesus mean the family next door or all of mankind? The later I suspect but how many Christians follow that command? Too bad for us all.

We do, alang. Our neighbors have walls so there is only so much they will allow us to do for them and on top of that, the government taxes everything we have so it actually takes several families to help one person.

Are you speaking for all Christians? I don't think so, if we truly loved our neighbors they wouldn't need or want walls.

You wouldn't want a wall if your neighbors insisted on having sex in their backyard?
Ever wonder why if 'God is love' his earthly representatives are also the biggest pricks? Every religion's clergy are the most intolerant, our way or the highway, join us or die/go to hell, obey us and don't ask questions or die/go to hell, etc. Where's the love part? It's like how the US constantly beats its chest saying how free we are despite all kinds of evidence to the contrary.

Some more than others. I grew up Greek orthodox. I never once heard a priest talk about people going to hell. Never talked about gays or abortion either. I'm sure they don't approve but it wasn't their main focus or even their 10th or 20th concern.

But no matter how nicely they put a lie, it's still a lie. And I don't think they are liars. I think they believe the lie.

Anyways, the religious poeple you are referring to start off telling people about the love but if they get any push back they have to resort to the threats and fear because quite honestly they are asking you to have blind faith in the unbelievable.

I'm just amazed at how many people fall for it.

Feel free to offer evidence of all the times I responded to challenges to my belief system with fear and threats.

Wait, you can't, which just proves you are the one with the problem. I believe I pointed that out to you in another thread, and you didn't understand the point. Maybe you will now.

I avoid commenting on groups or people I don't know.


My bad, I thought you had been speaking for Christians.

If you want to know the true from counterfeit, you don't study the counterfeit; you study the real stuff.

Is this really what you meant to say?

The beauty of the Bible is that is like a Rorschach test, whatever you look to find in it, you will find.

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