God Is Great! Ben Carson accepts position as HUD secretary

Yeah, put the black guy in the Cabinet post invented by LBJ as part of his Great Society plan to help black people. Perfect!
And if the selection were a white guy, you'd scream RACISM!!!!!
You lefties are incorrigible.
None of you are happy unless you're complaining about something.
In fact the liberal minds works like this. "If I'm not miserable, something must be wrong".
Why put a DOCTOR in charge of the Department of Health and Human Services? Or why make a DOCTOR the Surgeon General? That makes too much sense. He's black, so he needs to go straight to HUD!

Reminds me of that old racist joke. Q: What do you call a n*gger with a doctorate? A: A n*gger!

Much better to place a token Latino who never worked a day in their lives and only had 3 years of political experience.
Carson should have been appointed Surgeon General. A field in which he actually has experience.

He doesn't know fuck-all about housing and urban development.
Latest: President Trump asks if Crooked Nancy Pelosi is "racist or just dumb" after her statement calling Ben Carson "unqualified"
Carson has ZERO qualifications for this job.

Secretary Carson is smart. Secretary Carson is black. Secretary Carson has lived in a home. Secretary Carson likes people. Secretary Carson is the most qualified secretary of anything in the history of the world.
Carson has ZERO qualifications for this job.

Secretary Carson is smart. Secretary Carson is black. Secretary Carson has lived in a home. Secretary Carson likes people. Secretary Carson is the most qualified secretary of anything in the history of the world.

Other than being black I'm thus equally qualified for the job.

Ok, in fairness, I hate people. But I hate everyone with unprecedented equanimity.
If you think Carson is qualified to be Housing secretary because he's been a surgeon,

would you be comfortable letting Julian Castro perform brain surgery on you?

Because he's the current housing secretary.
liberals like crooked nycarbineer make fun of an honest black man who was raised in the projects & became a surgeon.Hypocrites.
Yep, lets throw the poor onto the street! Carson will of course scream about how great god is...Fucking hypocrite.
He can help them out of the cycle of dependency. But that works against the Democrats self interest.

This is a great choice.

Trump has really won me over. I'm seeing great accomplishments from this man.
Ben Carson is an idiot savant.

Sure, he can do brain surgery, but I doubt he can wipe his own ass.

The horror show Trump cabinet continues. I'd call it a circus of imbeciles and clowns, but people are going to get hurt by the ineptness of these picks.
"Hillary's gonna win in a landslide!"

We've already established that you are completely inept in picking winners.

Maybe its time you realize just how worthless your opinion really is.
"CONGRATS DOCTOR BEN CARLSON ! MAGA ! DO US PROUD AGAIN ! GET RID OF ISLAMIC SECTION 8 FOLK ! AMERICANS FIRST NOT ILLEGALS !" - unhinged Trump supporter on twitter, he's one of the many 'deplorables'!

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