Why the Sudden Doubts about the Verdict?

Bill Clinton set the precedent that being a sleazeball doesn't matter.

I disagreed then and I still do.

He got a blow job from and intern and lied about it, but that didn't matter. And that is only the tip of the iceberg. Most democrats would probably vote for him to be president again if they could.

They might. That has no bearing on Trump's sleaziness.
Agreed. If the Jury finds him Not Guilty then that is that. But will you accept whatever verdict the Jury returns?
I don’t accept the trial in the first place.

Putting a political opponent on trial for a ginned up felony with no reliable evidence and no particular crime is not something anyone should respect.
Not to worry, the jury has been force fed hate trump propaganda for the past 8 years and they are very liberal New Yorkers.

That jury will convict.

The issue will become throwing out the case on prosecutorial misconduct and questionable Judicial conduct by the Judge.
What reality do you live in? Prosecution for falsification of business records is pursued on a regular basis. :)

Again, if this were anyone else, you wouldn't say boo. Your arguments here are all political in nature.
So, as it has been since 2015, the central questions remain...

What is it about this man that makes you believe he should be above the law? What is it about this man that deserves your unswerving love and devotion? What is it that you think he is going to return you to?
What is it about this man that makes you think it's fair to abuse his constitutional rights, subject him to improper search and seizures, punish him in the most extreme manner imaginable, short of putting a bullet in the back of his head?

What is it about you that makes you think like such an :asshole:
Big fan of the shut downs are you?
PK? Trump left the decisions on shut downs up to individual State Governors. I happen to live in Florida. Our Governor took major heat from the main stream media for opening up as soon as possible but he had the stones to do the right thing rather than the easy thing. When I went back to Massachusetts to visit family almost a year later they were STILL locked down! The difference was night and day.

Ask people what they prefer...politicians that do the hard thing...or politicians that do the easy thing!
PK? Trump left the decisions on shut downs up to individual State Governors. I happen to live in Florida. Our Governor took major heat from the main stream media for opening up as soon as possible but he had the stones to do the right thing rather than the easy thing. When I went back to Massachusetts to visit family almost a year later they were STILL locked down! The difference was night and day.

Ask people what they prefer...politicians that do the hard thing...or politicians that do the easy thing!

Trump was standing over Faucis shoulder as he spouted his nonsense.
I don’t accept the trial in the first place.

Putting a political opponent on trial for a ginned up felony with no reliable evidence and no particular crime is not something anyone should respect.
Right now people who work in the DA's office are embarrassed and ashamed of how low Alvin Bragg has sunk their once highly regarded institution.

Rubbish like this is what drives out businesses and makes people want to move to a 'safer' city where they know they can get a fair shake and the DA doesn't coddle Hood Rats and criminals.

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